Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I Guess The Big Question Now Is...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Quote of the Week (Back From the Dead)
- hearthisvoice, a commenter on Oh No They Didn't!
It appears this is what we have to look forward to in Rendition. Thank you Jesus Christ Lord Almighty. I'm not even going to pretend that I don't get seriously turned on watching Jake make out with other people. Thank you, and Happy Monday.

Random picture of Jake looking sexy brought to you by IHJ.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Not Long Now
Ken: So, basically, at the sound of your theme song, you come down the stairs, center yourself, dish out the usual thanks; 'My campaign team, my family, everyone who voted for me, my long misplaced puggle Boo, yadda, yadda, yadda...', then if you wanna throw out some love to Jack Nicholson and Paul Giamatti, who will apparently be sat in the front row on the night of your election victory, I think that be a crowd-pleaser. Next, if you wanna get in some witty jibes about the losers and how much they suck, go for it; just don't mention Monica and sucking in the same sentence though 'cos thats just low. Then basically reinforce your election promise of curing the whole world, give some props to JK Rowling then exit stage left into the adoring arms of Meryl Streep and, if we can get them, the Dixie Chicks....right, any questions?
Jake: Do you honestly think I'll make those stairs in my dress?
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Hey! Natalie Portman!

In other news...a new batch of Jake in '08 tees just hit the store! If ever there was a sentence worthy of ending in an exclamation point, that was it.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I'm sure you're sad...
Jake entering a campaign meeting with britpopbaby and Prophecy Girl, er, or else hobnobbing at the Cannes Film Festival (it's difficult to say really):

Please do not repost. Thanks!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Twist Mustache Joins Legions of Gyllenhaal Presidential Supporters

A noticeably clean-shaven Jake Gyllenhaal is photographed below looking over his mustache supporter list as published by Jake Watch:

In other news, Jake Watch and the Jake in '08 campaign are going on a tiny hiatus so that britpopbaby and Prophecy Girl can devote every waking moment to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. And you know what happens to Muggles who post spoiler information on Jake Watch? Avada fuckin' Kedavra, bitches. Keep it in the forum!

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Spielberg Joins Jake Watch in Crusade Against Paramount
However, the situation may be slightly more complicated than Spielberg let on. From BusinessWeek's coverage of the story: "People close to Spielberg say he is vexed that Paramount has treated [Jake Watch] shabbily and grabbed credit for [Jake Watch] productions [including the live-action version of Underdog.* It's a little-kept industry secret that the original plot of The Day After Tomorrow Never Dies made reference to a Jake Watch picture (Underdog) being considered as a catalyst for a career in children's movies for Jake Gyllenhaal (photographed below during a costume fitting).

Paramount, of course, is denying the split, any wrongdoing, and any knowledge of the inescapably painful Underdog. But in light of the complicated backstory, it seems that Spielberg's anger over the Zodiac premiere may have been just the out he needed to break off the painful relationship.
(BusinessWeek is not responsible for material contained in the brackets as it may have been creatively interpreted by our editors; for instance, if you were going to use "facts," then Underdog is actually a Buena Vista Production, and not part of Paramount Pictures. But aren't all movie studios eventually connected somewhere along the line?)
* Actual quote from the old JW Forum by Jla (we miss you!) June 30, 2006: It's clearly apparent to us that making this movie would be career suicide! The super hero has to be completely ludicrous like a live-action version of Underdog, complete with Jake in a dog costume and cape.
** This is true.
And thank you AgentLola for finding this article!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Jake Gyllenhaal: A Multimedia Experience
The staff at Jake Watch is diplomatically trying to overlook the fact that the book, written by Bert Metter, hits presses mere months before Jake Watch: The Stalking, the Blogging, and How My Restraining Order Came to Be. It's assumed that similarities in the titles and release dates are purely coincidental. Jake Watch, however, is betting that Jake's wistful reminiscing of his days as a homeless person will be much less entertaining than the pages upon pages of court documents contained in the BPB/PG-penned tome. Look for both before Christmas.
In related news, a video has appeared confirming a story first reported here in June that Jake will no longer be acting, but devoting all his time to a career in singing. This early evidence suggests that Gyllenhaal is having some trouble adjusting to his new medium as the video shows him doing little more than dramatically reading lines to an instrumental backing before rushing off stage and refusing an encore. His warm-up act has a lot of potential, though.
Thanks to heddaparsons for being an awesome forum member. :)
Monday, July 16, 2007
Bygone Days
So today, let's take a look back, shall we, on the magnificence and the mystery of Boo Radley Gyllenhaal's Jake Watch history:
April 5, 2006: A mere three days into the wonder that would become Jake Watch, britpopbaby launches the "Free Boo" campaign, the first of her many unsuccessful forays into the world of public service.
April 7, 2006: Showing early signs of purebred fascination, britpopbaby devotes yet another post to the celebrity puggle, this time cruelly referring to him as a "fickle trend."
April 11, 2006: Boo Watch is launched. Life as we know it is never the same.
April 12, 2006: Virtual Boo. Jesus. I really didn't know brits did so many posts on that damned dog.
April 14, 2006: Boo Watch, Part 2. But is that even Boo? I really don't think so. I mean, seriously, I don't think Jake even had this many posts devoted to him at this point.
April 25, 2006: Boo Watch, Part 3. Peter Sarsgaard and Prophecy Girl finally agree on something.
May 15, 2006: Boo shows up in some pap pictures. I forgot that Jake used to have a shaggy beard, like, all the freaking time.
May 16, 2006: Boo Watch: The Case of the Missing Puggle. Confession: PG has no idea what a deerstalker is.
June 30, 2006: Obey the Puggle shirt discovered, proving that you really can buy anything online.
July 1, 2006: britpopbaby apparently compiled most of the above posts in one concise location. Dammit!
July 14, 2006: A customized Boo "Obey the Puggle" shirt arrives at JW headquarters to be mailed to Jake at a later date. God only knows what happened to it after that.
July 15, 2006: Boo's MySpace launches. And it is only by the sheerest of coincidences that it is logged into only on the exact days that the TDATND Film MySpace is checked.
August 5, 2006: Boo Watch: The Puggle Psyche. Kind of related to the MySpace post, but with a better picture.
August 7, 2006: Some of the last paparazzi pictures ever taken of Boo but, distracted by Jake's red shoes, no one notices him. Travesty.
September 21, 2006: Boo's autograph is sold off for charity. Perhaps the last conclusive evidence we have of his existence.
October 23, 2006: Where the hell is Boo? Apparently not under Peter's coat.
November 27, 2006: Is Boo gay? Probably not, but that Photoshop job is fucking creepy.
December - Boo gets several mentions but no posts to himself. Have we really moved on so quickly?
January 6, 2007: Boo Watch: Sibling Rivalry. britpopbaby still cares!
January 24, 2007: Boo Watch: Is Boo a Republican? Er, who can really concentrate with Jake wearing a "Democrats Make Better Lovers" shirt?
February - Well, uh, it was a short month. Although apparently Fake Jake didn't get the memo his dog was missing.
March - Nothing.
April 17, 2007: News of Puggles of the Caribbean unveiled...complete with movie poster!
April 23, 2007: Boo found? Casual mentions of Boo's disappearance have skyrocketed during the month.
May 2, 2007: Boo's disappearance linked to Jake's facial hair.
May 3, 2007: Jake Watch Craft Time! An amazing number of you actually mailed these postcards to Jake's management asking where Boo was. Would you believe our requests were ignored?
June and July - Er, apparently, we didn't care. Until today! Today we care.
So Jake Watch would just like to wish a Happy Anniversary to Boo's MySpace page and say that for a dog who appears to no longer be in the custody of Jake, he still gets more posts than Atticus.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Paramount continues to baffle us all...
Something you should worry about? HOW MUCH PARAMOUNT PICTURES SUCKS. It's probably old news to all of us by now that the DVD of Zodiac, which will hit American stores in a little over a week, has no extra features. At all. None. Not even a trailer. Hell, my copy of The Little Rascals ("That wasn't sand; that's kitty litter!") at least has a fucking trailer. Apparently Zodiac will come with trailers for OTHER DVD's, including (wait for it) the Special Edition of Zodiac. (Which comes out in 2008 and has the decency not to feature that picture of Jake on the cover where he looks like he's a few cards short of a full deck.) This the worst merchandising trick I've ever heard of, even worse than the Special Edition of Jarhead which was, like, released in secret and cost 1000 times the price of a normal DVD.
So this post is just a reminder to all of you that Paramount was once mean to me and I don't think Jake will be offended if you wait and only buy one version of the DVD. In fact, Jake Watch will be proud of you. Be an informed buyer, America. Paramount is not working for you! But Jake Watch is. Over and out.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Jake Gyllenhaal: From President to King of the World
When asked about his victory, Jake said, "This is almost as exciting as that time everyone voted that they wished I was gay. Thank God something came along to take the focus away from that Stewart/Colbert crap." By "crap," Jake was referring to the Great Stephen Colbert Smear-a-thon of Last Week in which he was harshly accused of not being an environmentalist just because it took him a billion years to buy a hybrid...which he appears to never drive. No matter, his recent(ly discovered) triumph in being named a lad of exceptional sexiness was enough to convince Leonardo DiCaprio that Jake Gyllenhaal is the best man for the Presidency. "Let's not forget," DiCaprio told Jake Watch, "that I played a doomed guy named 'Jack' in a tragic love story long before Heath Ledger decided to be a sheep herder, but as long as that's clear, then yeah. I'll use my record as an environmental activist to help him out of this mess. But only because he is the sexiest lad I know."
DiCaprio, who did not make the Sexy Lad List, has a new documentary coming out about environmental issues (11th Hour) and a website that makes Jake's Official Site look so unbelievably pathetic that Jake Watch is ashamed to the point of humiliation that the assault we launched on it was unsuccessful (for more on why Harrison Cheung doesn't have time to maintain Jake's site, click HERE). Regardless, the Jake in '08 campaign is pleased that Leo's environmental record can now be transferred to Jake via a series of confusing public service messages. Brilliant!
So it's settled. Jake is sexy, he has no problem getting the popular vote, and environmentalists like him. The Jake in '08 campaign could not possibly be going any better. When asked about his feelings regarding Leo's commitment to his campaign, Jake, lad that he is, looked like this:

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Recognition from the Highest Echelons - Finally
Obviously, canvassing must begin so I urge you all to head HERE to vote. You have to promise your soul to a wireless networking devil but I think it's worth it.
Enjoy this picture of some drunks while you contemplate how generally brilliant Jake is and how much he deserves your vote, in comparison to say, Hayden Panettiere.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Hot Brokeback - By The Power of Greyskull!
It helps if you've seen both films. If you haven't, well....fuck you.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Jake Watch Reverses 231 Years of American Independence
Just a quick note to keep you updated on your campaign for Presidential victory. Maybe if you'd give us your email, we wouldn't have to keep doing this in a public arena, but whatevs. Now, the two scandals from last week rocked the boat slightly. First off, Iowa is pissed and Idaho is confused. Secondly, the white witches are digging you BIG time whilst the Evangelicals are burning effigies - we didn't think this would present much of a problem but it turns out there are more Evangelics than white witches and they have like, their own TV network. So, to detract from your "envitable plummeting journey to the Underworld due to your commendation of witchcraft", we thought we might wheel out the big guns - that's right. POLICY. Apparently voters want to hear about what you plan to do when you get elected. Like 'be hot' isn't enough for these people.
So, we've been working on a few ideas, y'know, the usual - global warming, Iraq War, Paris Hilton - when we thought, wait! This is Jake Gyllenhaal's election mandate and what says 'Jake Gyllenhaal' more than STRAIGHT OUTTA LEFT FIELD. So, we present to you now, a proposed policy we concocted in preperation for the July 4th celebrations:
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears:
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for two people to dissolve the creative restrictions which have bound them to lesser websites and to assume the powers of the internet, the unified international achievements to which the Laws of Blogger entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of Jake Gyllenhaal fans requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to reverse the separation as set forth by our forefathers on
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that not all men are created equal, that some are endowed by their Creator with certain unattainable hotness, that among these greater men are Jake Gyllenhaal and Jake Gyllenhaal alone. — That to secure his station as object of our affection, websites are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the people who read them…[legal crap]...as to them shall seem most likely to effect their online enjoyment of Jake’s sexy body and stellar acting career.
We, therefore, the Representatives of Jake Gyllenhaal, assembled under the power of the Google web search, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world (i.e. Jake) for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good People of Jake Watch, solemnly publish and declare, that the united Colonies of America will reinstate Allegiance to the British Crown under the Rule and Guidance of britpopbaby (of the Crown) and Prophecy Girl (of the Colonies) so that heretofore the two nations, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal (except for Jake), shall join as one to share duties on the site known as Jake Watch.
That this blog, under Jake, shall have a new birth of freedom, and Jake Watch, as a unifier of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Sources: The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Gettysburg Address, Mark Antony's speech from Julius Caesar, and my ass.What? Not gonna fly? C'mon! British people are hot right now, look at Kirsten Dunst's boyfriend! Oh...sorry. And you LOVE British people, look:
Sunday, July 01, 2007
The Second Campaign Scandal Hits HQ Hard
Oh, I get it. This is LOW, Hillary, LOW.