Victory over the polling numbers was short-lived, however, as the first smear campaign of the season reared its ugly head from the Stewart/Colbert camp, a campaign whose MySpace page pretty much sucks because it doesn't even have a banner at the top (although they do have a depressingly higher number of friends than Jake in '08). Stephen Colbert released the following statement last night, "I see Jake Gyllenhaal has been wasting jet fuel again. Lazy bum. Like he couldn't bicycle to Idaho? Jake Gyllenhaal's carbon footprint is so big, they had to baptize it at Sea World. It's so big, it's got its own zip code! When God said, 'Let there be light,' he asked Jake Gyllenhaal's carbon footprint to move its fat ass out of the way!"
Camp Gyllenhaal has confirmed that Jake's ecological impact is roughly 3.5 times that of the average American but points out he's The Gyllenhaal and it takes a lot of airplane rides to accomplish as much as he has at such a young age. Gyllenhaal himself said, "Even if I drive my car somewhere so I can ride my bike, at least I'm in better shape than most people in this country!" The Stewart/Colbert Team has declined our repeated requests for their BMI ratios. Jake Watch is predicting that this is going to be an exciting race.
Picture from the Jake in '08 photo archive.