Sunday, December 31, 2006


Is it really 2007 tomorrow? Where did the year go? Oh yeah, looking at pictures of Jake, watching Brokeback Mountain, pausing Jarhead, complaining about the delayed release of Zodiac, being threatened with three seperate lawsuits, wondering where Boo went, warming to Kirsten Dunst, loving everything about Maggie, having fun with Photoshop, realising how hot babydaddy Sarsy is, and, finally, pondering who Jake loves more: Socks or smoothies? Girls or boys? New York or LA? Biking or Lance?

I feel like we've rounded off the year about three times now but since it is the actually end of year how about a:

As voted for by the devoted fans, valued members of the local church community, scorned lovers, Puggle Owners of Great Britain and all inmates at Missouri State Penn.

*votes may have been tampered with.

Feel free to add your own. If you need us, I'll be scaling the Millenium Eye in a bid to save London from a terrible attack by an evil Russian magnate with one eye and a pussy who has replaced all the fireworks with TNT. ProphecyGirl will be taking the newly restored Jake Watch helicopter to New York, airlifting national treasure Dick Clark out of Times Square as the Chinese mafia have placed inside the ball a hoarde of man-eating rats. Anneka and Lt Dan will be in Wales, knocking back Malibu and chewing on leeks until the clock strikes twelve when they'll have a drunken pash 'neath the rotting Christmas tree. Terence will be on guard in Edinburgh, just making sure everything goes to plan. Where will you be?

Happy New Year my lovelies!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year. I will be in Edinburgh too. Hope everyone has a happy healthy and prosperous 2007. Love to all especially Britpop, PG, Cina,Simon, ATD, Roco,Penny and Kate.

cina said...

Happy new year Brits, PG and all the Jake Watchers!

Those "highlights" of Jake Watch are really good examples of what this blog is all about. Irony and tongue-in-cheek humour - I love it! I'm not going anywhere next year, I'll keep coming here for my daily dose of Jake and laughter. It's become an addicion!

Have a lovely new years eve everyone! Peace,

Devoted agent Cina xxx

cina said...

Joyce - so glad to see you here! Happy New Year to you too, dear! *hugs* :)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Jake Watch agents!!!

all that new year's atmosphere got me thinking about when i come here in let's say 20 years time to admire the socks of a 46 year old, bald jake with a spare tyre around his waist and lovely wrinkles around his eyes. and i would have to explain to my granddaughter what was so sexy about him and why i'm laughing histerically at some socks...

for me 2006 will forever be the year of Brokeback Mountain and Jake Watch.

sorry, in a nostalgic mood today.

anyway, hope that you will still be here in 20 years' time, Britpopbaby, ProphecyGirl and Anneka, and all the agents.

as for votes (voting is sexy!:P) i also like the interview with the moose or smth... and of course your great questionnaire

keep going and once again, i wish you a very happy new year

Anonymous said...

malibu with leeks? how tasteful...:P

and i think the christmas experience taught us that leaving jake unguarded for even a single day is not a good idea. i hope there are some agents having an eye on him even during the festivities

cina said...

You're absolutely right kaydee. And New Years celebrations also come with - GASP! - fireworks!!
We cannot allow ourselves to relax agents. Especially not tonight! We must stay alert!

britpopbaby said...

ALSO, almost forgot about this! We finally got an explanation from Cantara about why Stephen Gyllenhaal decided to give PG, Ally, and Danielle of the Sarsgaard Soiree the completely unnessecary and rude talking to at the Zinc Bar back in Oct.

I'm posting it in the Forum.

The Chemistry Guru said...

Happy new year everyone! And what a beautiful one ahead, looking foward to more, more, moreeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

I'm headed to the London Eye at Waterloo, hope I don't get too drunk.

Anonymous said...

as for posts of the year what about the result of the jakewatch survey with all those lovely graphs.
Happy new year everyone.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year everyone from me in Oxford, England.

Particular love to the very special Dani, Brits, PG, Cina, ATD, Roco, Joyce, Simon, and Penny.... oh yes, and Jake!

Cheers everyone and here's to 2007!

Agnes said...

Happy new year to you all!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wish you all a wonderful 2007 with lots of love and very little worries! There are several people who, through what they post here, make me feel like I have come to know them this past year (miss you Joyce!) and without mentioning names I wish every one of you all the very best!
Special thanks to Britpopbaby and Prophecy Girl for all the hard work they put into this blog and for all the laughs they give us..!

Anonymous said...

The happiest of New Year's to all. I'm so glad for this post, BPB & PG! It gives me the chance to reflect not only on what brought me to JW (Jake, of course!) but what kept me here! And I must say, that while the Jack Nasty Guide to American Democracy is totally one of the most brilliant and amusing pieces I've read anywhere, I found, once again, that I was seized by fits of uncontrollable laughter I mean laugh-out-loud-with-tears-streaming-down-cheeks laughter while re-reading the priceless interview with Jake.
I'm confident you will be inspired to new heights in 2007 bcz Jake, just being Jake will provide the necessary motivation. How cuold he not? Love to all! Oh. Anneka's movie reviews are totally brilliant. I look forward to more.

Anonymous said...

Socks or smoothies?

Or perhaps wind chimes? :o)

Girls or boys?

I say both, like everyone else.

New York or LA?

I say LA, but then I'm biased in favour of the West Coast.

Biking or Lance?

I hope it's biking, for his sake...

The Jack Nasty Guide to US Democracy

This one gets my vote (I love all these polls, can we have more of them in the New Year?!), though I only just now caught the 'Golden Fiend' post - Lol!

Where will you be?

One of the cool things about Sydney is that we're the second major city to experience the New Year (the first being Wellington, NZ), so Happy New Year from the 1st of January!!!

Time to drop now~

All the best for the year ahead to everyone ~ :o)

Anonymous said...

Before I go, here's a random snippet of information courtesy of BBC News:

If left alone, 70% of birthmarks will naturally fade away.

So that explains it...

Anonymous said...

BTW, fellow JW'ers, if you haven't yet had the opportunity...plz pop into Gilded Moose to review the celebrity holiday greetings whilst they're on vacation. Matthew McConaughey's ode to the Winter Solstice is particularly affecting.
The Gilded Moose really "captures" Matty's voice and his own distinct style in a way that almost rivals the Jake/BPB convo. Almost the funniest shit I ever read!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to everyone at JW! And thanks Brit and PG for putting s much time and energy into this blog, looking forward to 2007!

And to everyone who plans on going out tonight to celebrate: have fun but please be careful out there !!

Anonymous said...

From New York: Happy New Year to Brits and ProphecyGirl, and all the other regulars (and irregulars) at Jake Watch.

jn-girl said...

Happy New Year 2007 to you all Jake Watch Agents!

Anonymous said...

My favorite post is the interview with Jake. If someone granted me a Jake Watch New Years wish and I could pick one post and Jake would read it, this would be the one.

BPB, PG, Anneka, our darling Jake, and all the others here at JW, a very Happy and healthy New Year to you and your loved ones.

2007 Dona Nobis Pachem 2007

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year

My favorite post is "The Jack Nasty Guide to US Democracy"

Greetings from the North of Mexico

cina said...

It's now 0:26 here in Stockholm, Sweden and we've just witnessed the most spectacular fireworks over the entire city!


Anonymous said...

God, I love this place! How cool is this that we are one community and stretched all over the entire globe! Love to you all, while I pluck my brows and try to do this transformation thing to get ready for a NYE party. I leave in two hours...never enuf time...never enuf.

cina said...

I'm waiting simon.... ;)

cina said...

LOLOL! Thank you simon! Monty Python were f*cking brilliant! :D

Sam said...

Happy New Year everyone, its 10am here in Aus... doesnt feel much different from 2006 but yay a new year, always brings new things :) See you all here, everyday this year too!

Anonymous said...

wouldn't that take the mystery out of life? *giggle giggle snort* monty python were indeed brilliant and they had very long and lean legs

and happy new year everybody, 1:33 PM here in central europe!

Anonymous said...

1:33 AM i meant lol. drunk

veeveevee said...

Happy New Year to each and every agent, and to Jake as well!

Looking forward to an even more wonderful and humorous 2007!

Anonymous said...

ok i tried to be adventurous and signed in for a beta account and why does it tell me my brand new password is incorect?! what do you put in there?!

Anonymous said...

ok here goes. while i'm still drunk and bold!

Anonymous said...

why doesn't it show my pic?

Mr. M said...

Happy New Year everyone! Oh, and happy belated Chrismahanakawanza!

I can feel it, 2007 is going to be your/our year! It will be the year that all of our dreams come true. It will be the year I finally meet Johnny Depp, marry him, move to Europe and die. (Hopefully with some time in between the whole marriage / death thing but you know how it is!)

Disclaimer: I know I said this at the beginning of 2006 but that was just a practice year for the glory that is 2007. Also please disregard anything I said at the beginning of 2005 - I was being foolish and most likely drunk. The kind of drunk you become after consuming several thousand jack 'n cokes, several hundred Jello shots and doing three keg stands while attempting to keep my breasts from flying from the inside my top.


Weirdland said...


cina said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
cina said...

So, where are everyone today? Curing their hangovers...? ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm Here - in a new form :D

Welcome in the New Year Cina.

Anonymous said...

why the hell doesn't it show my pic?!

Anonymous said...

because your invisible.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, bitches!!!
I hate you all 'cause you're able to watch Jake hosting SNL. I here in Kazakhstan have only BBC and CNN, which, I guess, won't broadcast SNL. I won't see him! I hate you, hate you, hate you!
Love you, anyway...

cina said...

Alinagyllenhaal, don't worry! I am 100% certain you will be able to catch Jake on SNL thanks to IHJ. They will have it up on their site as soon as it has aired in the States. You will be able to see it - I PROMISE! :)

Mr. M said...

I hate you all 'cause you're able to watch Jake hosting SNL.

No worries, you know that will be online five seconds after it airs broken down by segment with commercials removed in three different formats accompanied by thumbnails of each segment on ;-)

I will be at home watching it in High-Definition on my giant screen TV. I'm also recording it on my Blu-Ray HD recorder because I still haven't paid for that either and I need to find some use for that damn thing. I'm also currently concocting a plan to send my boyfriend away for the duration of the show since he lacks the ability to shut-up during Heroes and I have no doubt he won't be able to during this.

BTW - the BBC rocks. I'm really into Torchwood for some reason and I hate sci-fi.

Happy Hangover Day!

Anonymous said...

girl friday, you must matter what occurs, edit the SNL thing and upload it on YouTube!!!!

Anonymous said...

Friday Girl, no need to rub it in for those of us less into new technologies :P

but the idea that IHJ and You Tube will upload it cheers me up immensly.

Anonymous said...


along with Jake and Heath, have
kept me going through the year.

It's been a real pleasure sharing
my fascination for the exceptionally
handsome and talented Mr. Gyllenhaal.

Lady Davenport ... right back at ya Babe!

Love to all,

Anonymous said... long as it is not tagged as SNL, NBc have a nasty habit of removing all their stuff from youtube

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to everyone at Jake Watch!

2006 will go down in my personal history as the year I fell in love with a movie and an exceptionally talented, exceptionally hot young man named Jake Gyllenhaal. It is also the year I discovered this fabulous funny site that I can't get enough of!

Wishing everyone, including sweet wonderful Jake, a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Living now for January 13th and SNL!!

NC Woman

Anonymous said...

Happy New Jake and Austin. We love you.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to all Jakewatchers and of course to Jake.

Anonymous said...

Day 1 2007.
12 days 3 hours 53 minutes to JAKE SNL

Anonymous said...

I'm really excited about SNL, but I'm curious about Rendition, too. I can't believe they finished. I know Reese shot some scenes and Peter shot some scenes, but I thought Jake would be part of shooting in Morocco and I also wondered about South Africa. He plays an agent who has a crisis when he observes Egyptian police interrogate and torture a man, so I assumed he be on the shoots abroad. But if he's doing SNL and the awards season stuff starts, I'm just confused about this. Do they interrupt shooting schedules for weeks and weeks at a time when they make a film? And if Zodiac is due out in March, will he be promoting it? I just need more stuff to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

12:58PM: I doubt that he and Reese are done yet. I think the US filming ended around Dec. 10th or 11th when they filmed a few scenes in DC (Jake wasn't included). Then I read that the crew took off to film in Morocco, as far as we know Jake was in the US as of last week, don't know about the rest of the cast. They may be just filming stuff in Morocco that only includes extras and not the main stars. I would assume at some point they will be needed for Morocco and S. Africa, but there does seem to be a long break in between. The SNL gig will reqiure that Jake be in NY a few days early at least, he may finish filming Rendition after that. And as far as awards shows are concerned I doubt that he will be around for any of that since he isn't up for anything this year.

Anonymous said...

I agree, 1:48 AM, I think filming will resume sometime in January. Peter was with the family during the fire, so he was off for the holidays too. And I saw pics of Reese shopping in LA at around the same time. Plus, Reese is scheduled to present at the Golden Globes, January 15th. Jake is doing SNL on the 13th and I hope he then flies back to LA to be at the GG's for M, along with Peter. I would think that "Redition" will resume after that most likely with the cast in Morocco and South Africa. Since Jake isn't up for any awards I would think he would be filming during most of awards season with promotion for "Zodiac" around the Oscars in late February. I think they could do all the foreign filming before then.

Jess said...

Christ, I'm SOOO late to all this, but...

..HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Love to you all!

phoebe xxx

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be unusual for Jake to be asked to be a presenter at the Awards shows. GG, Oscars and BAFTA,(which he won)especially if he has a movie coming out. People with films to proote are usually asked to participate for those things.

Dwain said...

Quite helpful data, lots of thanks for this article.
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