Friday, June 01, 2007


So what does it all mean, Alfie? Jake Watch is going back to it's roots and by roots, we mean the drunken idea britpopbaby had for an ironic fansite after spending a night on the beach with Liquid Cocaine, not what actually made it on to Blogspot originally. Honestly, some of you may not like it, others will love it.

For futher discussions on what exactly the all new Jake Watch involves, join us in the Forum where I'll answer all questions. In the meantime, we introduce you to our 'new' team of writers (Louella and Anneka to be added soon).

Also: Design is not completely finished so bear with us!!


Anonymous said...

Jake G The King

The Chemistry Guru said...


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to meeting Jake's manager. He sounds interesting. Dedicated. Curmudgeonly, yet loveable. Like that guy in Charlie's Angels. Only a lot more degenerate. I mostly love the banner, except for Jake as Marilyn...I hold that picture to be sacred. Yes. I know it's Jake. But's Marilyn. And honestly? Of your whole crew, Madam Swiss seems like my kind of girl. Definitely. Soulmates. We were twinned in another life. Does she bear any physical resemblance to Shirley Steel Magnolia?? I like the coca butter idea. A lot!

The Chemistry Guru said...

Jake's "manager" is very intriguing.
In fact he looks like he's going to be my favorite...allowing Jake to do BBM because he gets to stick his winkle in ...yeah, 'nuff said.

Great job guys...I actually like Marilyn Jake... I hope it stays, you know how that he knows how to rock a dress.

cina said...

Loving it! Just loving it!
And Marilyn Jake almost made me spray coffee through my nose. Haha!!

Nothing Really Matters said...

How fab dahlings!

Anonymous said...

Loving it!

IloveRiverRIP said...

Is it just me or does Frankie look a lot like that good old Eastender Frank Butcher?

Love + Peace
Sam x

britpopbaby said...

Jake Monroe is the most fucking awesome thing ever so you better bow down and show it the respect it warrants.

cina said...

Suddenly the reason why Jake shaved his legs is SO obvious! ;) *bwahaha*

Nothing Really Matters said...

Where is my Pussy?

heddaparsons said...

Jake Monroe, I just choked on my bottle of water!!! I'm all for pasting Jake's face on Hollywood icons, how about James Cagney and Gregory Peck??

Liking the look so far!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely awesome banner!! Of course I had been playing Sgt. Pepper's today to celebrate its birthday 40 years ago, but you actually made me dig up the old album to look at the cover again!
(And the Jake 'à la Jimi Hendrix' cracks me up..!).
(From Penny Lane)

Becky Heineke said...

The problem with putting Jake's heads on celebrity bodies is that unless the picture is really famous, the end result doesn't look like much other than an odd picture of Jake. So we had to go with really recognizable shots, and even at that Jake Dean looks pretty much exactly like Jack Twist.

Penny Lane, it's June 1st!! How could I forget?! And the 40th anniversary is a big one. Er, I mean, yeah, that's totally why we picked this day to unveil.

Anonymous said...

Oh, God, how I love the photoshopping. Definitely, this was worth a blog visit. (Busy day at work, and I kept putting off my visit as an incentive to keep working: "Just get this editing job done & you can go look at the new design on Jake Watch.") Love the whole "retro" theme.

Anonymous said...

Oh.My.God. Whilst at work I was frantically trying to stifle my giggles, first at the new banner (Jake as Marilyn...ROFLMAO!!), then at the blog commentary, then reading the bios of the writers...

Brilliant, guys, just brilliant. Loving it, loving it, loving it!!!

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC new banner!!! LOVE all the Jake's. Beatles Jake..awesome...The King Jake...awesome...Hendrix Jake....awesome....James Dean Jake....awesome...and Marilyn Jake is fabulously awesome! ;p

Anonymous said...

The banner is a masterpiece, please keep it here forever!

Anonymous said...

Love the new banner. Love Elvis Jake...the King!! Love the new updated site.

Nice to meet all he new writers.
Bring us more Jake whereabouts.

coffeecat said...

the new banner and authors are fucking brilliant

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, so far me likey especially the banner although I would have chosen different colors, but alas this is not my blog! The sense of humor is still here and i like the new cast of characters, good work!!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO ... just ...


Anonymous said...

Fan f'n tastic!
Does this mean no more pictures of Jakey?

britpopbaby said...

C'mon joyce! How could we have a Jake blog with no Jake pics?

Anonymous said...


Just checking- didn't know just how radical y'all were gonna get on our asses!

Think it's great there is going to be lots more writing and humour. Just as long as there is still plenty of Jake. Preferably shaved, semi-(or completely)naked Jake. Jake in the shower, Jake in Jeans, reclining Jake, Jake in a tux, Jake Jake Jake....

Anonymous said...

I've been staring at Marilyn Jake all day. I'm fascinated with her..I mean, him. The expression on Jake's face? Priceless!

Anonymous said...

I got Jake Dean, but that is probably because I stalk James Dean (yes I know he died 52 years ago) way more than Jake and know almost all his major photos.

-Dumbo (can't sign in for some reason)

Anonymous said...

I don't post here very often but I'm an avid lurker, and I have to say the new JW is just like the old one, in that it should carry a warning to readers not to drink tea (or any other kind of beverage) whilst reading JW, as said tea will invariably end up being sprayed all over the computer! Seriously, LMAO here!!!! You had me at Jake Monroe, but I gotta say I LOVE Beatle Jake and Jakey Hendix!

The biogs are too funny, I've seriously got a pain in my side from laughing so much! That and a rather queasy feeling in my stomach after seeing the pic of Jake's mananger and having a truly horrifying flashback to that "classic" scene in EastEnders with the revolving bow tie (sorry to those from outside the UK who don't have a clue what I'm talking about, but believe me there are some things you're better off not knowing.)

Anonymous said...

I agree twistedlogic, the "new" JW is like the "old" one as far as I can see. This started out as a humor blog and it always was but not all of the posts were humorous at times. This is great: humor, Brit, PG, Jake, his socks, his movies and some new characters!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, that banner is hilarious. Great work! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Jake Monroe - keep that FOREVER!!!

Anonymous said...

Britpopbaby and Prophecy girl look, um different! Plastic surgery?? I noticed that they are being refered to as writers, not JW agents, is that part of the change?

Sam said...

Oooh, its looking awesome! I think this is exactly what JW needed. Dont worry about the ppl who dont like it, we dont need them anyway. I have a feeling in my waters that this is going to be VERY good!

cina said...

I'm right there witya Sam! ;)

Anonymous said...

Can I just say about the banner, as i can't get over its fabness, that I love how all of Jakes facial expressions just fit the bodies perfectly, they look completely natural as if it was his head on that body all along.

I think this needs to be made into a t-shirt

Anonymous said...

The new look is fantastic. However when I was looking at Jake Hendrix, I didn't notice the guitar under his arm. So it looked like he was either holding a very weird bong or a vibrator.

Anonymous said...

Jake Hendrix and the Sgt. PepperJakes are my most favorite of a absolutely fabulous collection of Jakes. And, if I may, I'd like to suggest JW develop a doll collection (for commercial sale) based on these figures. You would start with a naked Jake doll...What? would start with an anatomically correct, naked Jake doll.... WHAT!!!....Okay!...gotta go take my meds...

Anonymous said...

Hey, looking at the Jake/Sgt Pepper/beatle photoshop pic on the banner I just realized: Friday, June 1st was the 40 year anniversary of the release of the album, coincidence??

BTW: I love all the "new" JW!!!

Jess said...

I'm loving this already, you guys!! Most awesome. :D

The banner rocks!

Anonymous said...

i heart jake as james dean...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Groooovy!

Anonymous said...

I dig the new banner, it's Groovy man! Far out!

Anonymous said...

Jake in a dress simply DOES NOT get old. I'm in love with your bios.. haha.

Anonymous said...

back to the roots! Love that!

Agnes said...

Loving it :)

Anonymous said...

Wow man, I'm really digging the banner man, really groovy!!

Anonymous said...

I'm counting on Frankie Boulevard to get Jake some totally juicey movie roles, and I think he (Frankie) will appreciate the value of "the shower clause" in Jake's signing contract! The more I think about it, the gratefuller I am, PG, BPB! For Frankie, and Madam Swiss, especially.

Rick Rockhill said...

Great blog! I just did one of my "saturday seven" posts on the 7 sexiest men alive, and Jake made it to the list. Stop by and weigh in.

Weirdland said...

Hehe, girls, I love the Jake-Elvis!!

Anonymous said...


I loved Jake-Elvis too!

Anonymous said...

Great, great job girls!!

You all are ingenious!:D

Anonymous said...

Godammit!! Friggin, NW magazine! Get a life!

Is Reese Having Jake's Baby?

Love the new look JW! Don't ever change your sense of humour, it's crazy and that's the way we like it. ;)

Anonymous said...

9:18AM: Didn't Reese sue Star magazine last year after they claimed she was pregnant? Sigh. I kind of wish they would issue some kind of statement.

PS: I love the new look and the banner is really retro!

Anonymous said...

And in honor of your new banner the 40 year aniiversary of Sgt. Pepper!

britpopbaby said...

I don't mean to be a witch but we're trying very very hard to keep everything that doesn't relate to what's been posted in the forum.

So for future ref, any points you want to make that are off topic - please, please, please for the love of all things good, take it to the forum.

We're not a news site. We're not interested in anything else but humourous writing.

All OT discussions will be deleted and I know that's harsh and restrictive but it's just what we gotta do or we'll go absolutely crazy.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Brit, I will post all Jake gossipy crap on the forum from now on, we tend to get a bit silly here!

Anonymous said...

He-he...this is the funniest site..i love's just so completely silly and wonderful!

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