In other news, I would like to congratulate our very own Xenia for braving the freezing weather and witnessing the spectacle that is Jake Gyllenhaal on the red carpet in Rome over the weekend. Good job, Xenia! You can read her exclusive-for-Jake-Watch account in the forum.
And lastly, if you don't know why I'm diverting your attention, you can check that out in the forum as well. Just remember, we did cover this with a disaster plan earlier in the year. We're always prepared. Like the Girl Scouts! Except we're older...and less organized...and some of us are boys.
Picture from Instituto de Hermeneutica Juridica.
Wow, great Tactic, but im sorry IT DIDNT WORK - LOL
Yeah, it didn't work for me, either. :) Back to the cave...
Can i sit in the opposite corner of your cave? all of the caves here seem to be taken and i really need a dark place right about now!!
No but really, i am happy about this.... really i am.... *rolls eyes*
^^^ Ha! Yes, we can share a cave! I'm actually going on a bit of a Heath binge right now. It's amazingly therapeutic. I should add "The Four Feathers" to the survival kit. ;)
I might have to have a Mark Whalburg binge, at least i knew he was taken when i fell in love with him!!
I am enjoying Ryan Gosling at the moment thanks to my friend Genny. We keep having the same Jake/Ryan debate. I always win! Jake has a way better body. :)
Arsenal won by 7-0 last night and that did take my mind off it, but this morning, I have the strongest desire to wear a balck arm band and a lace mantilla, channelling Naomi Campbell circa Versace's funeral.
Currently torn between 'Awww, bless, they're lovely together' and 'oh well, older women comment was true, there's hope for me yet'. As I'm in a sappy mood, I'll stick with 'Aww, bless' and have an Andy Roddick binge to cheer myself up.
Thanks for the shout out PG! My pleasure...:)
Looks like Jake has been cheating on me all these months huh? :/
Was he walking hand in hand with Reese just where he said I was the only one the night before?
Wow Gyllenhaal, that's mean...;)
All I can say, Agents, is THANK GOD (i.e. britpopbaby & prophecy girl) for the Survival Kit. Right now I'd like to maroon* myself on a tropical island and get drunk on fermented coconut juice.
*NOT Maroon 5 with whom I will always associate Jake. And by the way, JAKE, it's “my sister and ME. My parents are so proud of my sister and ME. Not my sister and I. *sheesh* Jake’s misuse of grammar is another let down.
What do you find attractive in a woman? Well, probably just an innate quality of being comfortable. That is sort of the biggest thing. Beauty is not always bad. For me, I think it's the comfortable factor. How does she feel about herself? Is she happy? That is so powerful and sexy to me. …..Uh, yeah, sure Jake Mr. I-over-analyze-everything Gyllenhaal, inner comfortableness attracts you.
Xenia, my pleasure! I'm glad you got to see him (even if he cheated on you...bastard). :)
And oh, coffeecat. You know, I was a Maroon 5 person WAY before Jake but now I will NEVER be able to listen to them without thinking of him. It's awkward. Sort of the way the misuse of grammar is awkward.
coffeecat, i caught the my sister and i blunder too, but i also noticed that he used it correctly just a few questions prior: My mum and dad are pretty amazing chefs and they spent most of my childhood cooking really extravagant things for my sister and me.
as usual, jake is a complex and confusing creature, never one thing... =)
While drive i-95 @ 5am this morning, half asleep, I hear the DJ say " Jake Gyllenhaal is a weird cat, check out the website for more details". That statement caused two reactions, I woke up completely alert with a tingling sensation, and secondly I gained about 7 extra MPH to my current speed.
WWW.WNOK.com Keyword TRASH ... keep scrolling down until you see the picture of Jake.
Ambra Hollywood <---My comp is a huge gaylord and will not allow me to sign in.
^^^ Thats from last weeks interview in The Daily Mail.
Yeah, that's old news. ;) But I did crack up over, "I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF HIS MOUTH!" Welcome to the club. :D
I don't know how you could possibly think a couple of amateurs who start a random blog will get an interview with an A list star. You don't kind of notice in the interviews you post links to (or quotes from) that the poeple are actually working for TV, a magazine, etc?
I enjoy your blog, but come on...
^^^ Wrong post. No wonder you thought you were deleted. And not true; we've posted LOTS of "exclusives" from sites less organized than ours. The "fan site" aspect works against us, not our level of professionalism.
And for the record, I'm not sure where anyone got the idea that B-list stars (I really don't think Jake is A-list) are so incredibly important and magnificent that they shouldn't interact with their audience. What is it about Jake that makes everyone think he's too good to talk to us?
WHERE DID JAKE GET HIS GRAY SUIT THAT HE WEARS AT THE 2nd Rome Film Festival - "Rendition" OCT. 21????
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