THIS?! History repeats itself. Jake Watch has uncovered yet another exclusive, 100% real photograph of Jake during his
actual daily activities.
Altered Version:
Actual Photo:
Yeah, I have a feeling we're going to end up with a whole series of these.
More "altered" pics at IHJ.
and it kinda explains why he's running I have no idea how the paps think we would believe that he was behaving like that in the middle of NY or LA or whatever :D
I take that back - in the altered version, he might be running from the girl behind him. i know her from somewhere :P
Should this not be a case of back away from my man??
Heh, I remember these series of pictures back in October, there was a video of this as well. The stalkarazzi was following Jake and the girl behind him, Greta Caruso all day it seemed and I think Jake snapped at them at one point. He was running for a cab/flagging it down while she waited on the sidewalk. When he finally got a cab, they both scurried into it and it sped away! Actually Jake running from the elephant sounds more interesting!
Should this not be a case of back away from my man??
good question-- also, is that a female elephant, or a male elephant? the plot thickens...
hehe, this was great, PG. the paparazzi lie indeed!
OT, but heads up for those interested: my tvguide is telling me jake's episode of homicide: life on the street is playing at 11am ET on CW's WGN station. i'm not sure what channel this is, since it's not the regular CW station. anyway, if anyone is interested, here's an opportunity to catch the entire episode of jake playing robin williams' 11 year old son. ihj has jake's parts online though.
Wow! I just knew we weren't being told the full story of Jake's African adventure. Escapades with exotic elephants! No wonder altered lady-friend looks pissed.
heddaparsons is absolutely correct! But she left out the part where when Jake eventually gets out of the cab there are some pictures of him...and Jake Jr. I think his adrenalin was just SO pumped and now we know it was really caused by that enormous elephant!!!! Paps are scum.
I cannot watch Jake playing Robin Williams son. He was very good at it, but I cannot reconcile the weeping child with the 26 yr. old man I lust after. I know I am a Dirty Old Woman (DOW) but when I see Jake as an adorable child, I feel guilty. Then it passes.
Haha, I love it! Look at that blatant appreciation she's showing with that oh-so-obvious tilt of the sunglasses! absolutely sickened...SICKENNNNNED.
Brilliant safari alternative......infact I like to think of the lady AS the elephant! Afterall, the likeness is uncanny.
I have a feeling we're going to end up with a whole series of these
I have a feeling about that too :D
LMFAO!! Brilliant. You can so tell the NY one is altered, it's totally obvious!
good question-- also, is that a female elephant, or a male elephant? the plot thickens...
LOL!!! Smurfette, you crack me up!
Should this not be a case of back away from my man??
Don't worry guys! Agent Cina steps in! *clears throat*
Shoo! Shoo! Bad elephant! >:(
"Shoo! Shoo! Bad elephant! >:("
If this does turn into a series this is obviously my personal fav :^)
OH Dumbo, not you! *hugs* LOL
Shoo! Shoo! Bad elephant! >:(
Agent, are you clapping your hands or waving a broom or a dishrag at the poor elephant? :D
Agent Cina should teach assertiveness training to all agents when confronted by elephants! LOL!!!
Yes. Let's all join hands in clapping, waving brooms, dishrags and whatever else is necessary in shooing this jumbo away from Jake.
I mean, who does s/he think s/he is? perambulating around like that!!
Agent, are you clapping your hands or waving a broom or a dishrag at the poor elephant? :D
Ever heard of Jumping Jack Flash? With a white hanky in my hand... Just to be on the safe side.
I don't think we should blame the poor creatures. I mean, I can't tell I wouldn't try to run him down and lick him all over if he came near.
And those are only animals. They are so excused...
OK, I just resized those because I didn't realize they were so incredibly big you couldn't see the whole thing at once. You think I'd pay more attention to these things...but clearly you'd be wrong. :D
Jake Pics Are Never Too Big.
Does the girl in the altered pic ogle his bum? Not that I would blame her, but LOL
Shoo! Shoo! Bad elephant!
LOL sweetie!
I have to agree with anon 3:30 about the Homicide thing. Even watching October Sky makes me feel a little, um, weird.
Oh, by the way, hi all! I just discovered this blog a couple of days ago, and I can't begin to express how relieved I am that I am not alone in my insanity. You're all as bad as me, and it's great! This place is exactly what I've been looking for.
Chut up!!!
Me and my dirty mind ... recalling what this particular sequence of Jake pictures is famous for, and looking at the elephant's trunk, and thinking, "Is there an implied comparison here? I mean, in size or ...?"
not that I don't take our "back away from my man" motto seriously...... but I must confess that seeing Greta lowering her shades just to get a really good look at Jake's fine ass....... uhm, kind of makes me like her. She's clearly a girl with her priorities in order.
Even while looking dorky running through the streets of a large city, there's just something so darn alluring about him, how does he do it??
Hahaha the girl behind him in the "altered" photo is totally either scoping him out or thinking "wtf? is that THE GYLLENHAAL?" I think if I were ever lucky enough to have him run down the sidewalk beside me, I'd faint out of pure shock.
welcome call me cherita! LOVE your choice of alter ego =)
omg! LOLOLOL! this is not as good as PG's photoshopping, but pretty hilarious on the order of WTF!? hehe, i think jake looks kinda cute...
She is so staring at his ass LOL.
LOL, that's a good one
I don't think the elephant intends to lick Jake all over, kaydee. I think he was to give Jake a BIG HUG...with his trunk. Just pick him up and squeeeeeeze him...and while I commend the elephant's enthusiasm, this cannot be permitted.
omg! LOLOLOL! this is not as good as PG's photoshopping, but pretty hilarious on the order of WTF!? hehe, i think jake looks kinda cute...
OMFG!! ROTFLMAO!! Jake looks like Eddie Van Halen!!! bwahaha!
Very helpful info, thank you for your article.
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