Saturday, November 04, 2006


Whilst Jake is absently frockling I thought we should take this precious time to assess every aspect of our fandom.

Now I don't like to make too many declarations about my beliefs and whatnot because I change my mind more than Lindsay Lohan changes her BMI. Do I believe in aliens? Monday through Wednesday, yes. Thursday through Sunday, no. How do I feel about Ben Affleck? 7am to 1pm, I'm glad he's turned his life around after the whole Bennifer thing. 1.01pm to 6.59am, dude can still not act. See?

But I stand before you now, casting all doubts aside, firm as Vin Diesel's ass, to make this statement: I prefer Wolverine Jake over Shaven Jake.

There. I said it and I'm never going back. But what about the rest of you? Please take a stand now and then we can divide into Beardies vs Smoothies and then fight to death. No nunchunks or brass knuckles.


cina said...

*sigh* Decisions, decisions....

Can I say Monday through Wednesday Wolverine Jake and Thursday to Sunday Shaven Jake?


Damn you're tough Brits.

I CAN'T CHOOSE!!! I love him either way. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I like Jake with Darker hair and shaved or just a 5:00 shadow. But you know I gotta sit on the fence on this one, shit they are all good. It's Jake after all!!!

Anonymous said...

I prefer him shaved smooth, or with just a slight peppering of stubble, so that I can enjoy an unobstructured view of the cleanly chiseled features on his handsome face. He doesn't need to hide anything in his beard (like a weak chin) or to make himself look tougher or older.

That said, one of the endearing things about Jake in general is his hairiness. So I do get where you're coming from, if you're in the pro-facial-hair camp.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Brit...Wolverine Jake rules

Anonymous said...

I like him clean shaven. Those moles are great, particularly the one near his upper lip.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... tough. I think "wolverine Jake" has a slight edge. Although when he's in Jack Twist costume, I prefer a clean shaven Jack.

Anonymous said...

To ogle, hairy.
To tongue-bathe, cleanshaven.

Anonymous said...

Wolverine Jake, hands down!!

Anonymous said...

God this is difficult. I mean. It's JAKE! So on one hand, I'll take him anyway I can get him. But on the other hand, while I think clean shaven Jake is too delicious I like him hairy. I think hairy Jake is sexy beyond description...until he get's too hairy. I think I'm caught in between. I...I... can't say. This is too difficult. My entire weekend is now destroyed! My checking account is SERIOUSLY out of balance. We have a very important election coming up on Tuesday. I should be worrying about the fact that my daughter just broke up with her boyfriend and my brother has the flu. All these things are mere distractions until I resolve this essential question. Arrghhh!

Anonymous said...

hehehhe Too much fun!

Easy decision for me...albeit, rather selfish on my part, because yes, the man is simply gorgeous either way.

But I definitly prefer the 'Wolverine' look. ;) Again for selfish reasons. ;)

I noticed at some point this summer, when he was at his hairiest, that he no longer looked like a boy. Overnight, he looked like a grown-ass man. Made me feel a little less like a dirty old lady for looking at pictures of him. hehehe ( I wonder if I'm the oldest one on this site. ) ;)

cina said...

^^ Damaris, I'm 34 and I agree with you on the wolverine look making him look like a MAN - and I love love love that! But on the other hand I also love to see his gorgeous features, his jawline, his moles, the smooth skin etc when he's clean shaven. So for me, it really is either way. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

^ Cina, Yeah, that gorgeous jaw line of his is practically edible...hehehe...but makes me feel like I'm looking at a child. ;)

(I'll be 43 in February) (I'm thinking I am the old lady here) ;)

cina said...

Age is nothing but a number. I'm still 21 inside, and I don't think I'll ever feel older than that. :-)

cina said...

"The Jack Twist effect" - love that! And it has hit me hard...

Anonymous said...

i prefer him shaven. nice clean smooth hmmm. i'm drooling.

yep. definitely a beard is a huge no no.

you see, i't soo nice to be able to see clearly the shape of his jaw and his lips.

and i think that the stubble would leave a nasty rash on my oh so delicate skin ;))) now there's smth nice to think about...

Anonymous said...

dru said...
To ogle, hairy.
To tongue-bathe, cleanshaven.

that made me snort my tea through my nose all over the screen.

my thoughts exactly, dru.

Anonymous said...

OT: A Jake sighting in L.A. on Friday getting a check up:

Getting ready for the Rendition filming I bet.

Anonymous said...

He looks beautiful, rough or polished. He's one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

I always liked the SMOOTH look, but hey if I see that gorgeous hunk coming at me beard or not I wouldn't ignore him, it's kinda hard to ignore that gorgeous 6' frame and blue eyes that you can drown in :D

cina said...

OT: A Jake sighting in L.A. on Friday getting a check up:

"And you are very pregnant in person" - LMFAO!!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

One thing I've noticed about him just lately is that yes, hairy definitely signals grown up man, but clean-shaven, lately also looks like grown up man. One thing tho. I think the length of his hair affects me interms of how old he looks. I've decided that beard or no beard, I like the hair on his head not to be too short...unless it IS short and he looks really dreamy.... I know.
I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

Read the perezhilton blurb even tho I cannot stand perez. Two things. Jake was cheerful, sweet and friendly to his fans. (Obviously no paps pestering him!)
And I read the comments section too. In the interest of keeping this thread ON topic, I would just reference the comment that said, "Now, that's a Bush I could support!" Indeed.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm always amazed at that gorgeous face of his when he does shave... the lips, jawline, neck. His jawline should be one of the seven wonders of the world IMO. He's got a refined masculinity when clean-shaven. Then again, with facial hair he's got an earthy masculinity, which I love as well. So either way, he's drop dead gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that when Jakey goes out amongst the ordinary folk he can feel the love.I think he appreciates it when he sees that people have affection for a good way! I honestly believe that Jake "meets no strangers." He's a social, friendly, emotionally accessible person and as long as people respect boundaries, it's all good! (sigh.) I love having him in the world.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Dani said: "He's so fine any way you slice it!!!"

Amen to that! Can't really argue with such words of wisdom. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'd take him any way I could get him but I prefer clean shaven.

DKBB said...

This is easy for me...a hairy man is always my preference! Just ask the Mr....he's had a beard since I met him 27 years ago, and he's just about one gene shy of a gorilla. ;)

Edith said...

I prefer him HAIRY :D

Anonymous said...

I'm a Wolverine fan too - love him a wee bit shaggy. What I love best is that I could start out with a clean-shaven Jake at the beginning of the week, and by Friday night have myself a Wolf (oh how I wish!!!)

OT, had the best dream about him the other night - boy was I crabby when the alarm went off...

cina said...

^^ Oh I'm so jealous!! I want to have dreams about him too, but that effin' never happens. :-(

Anonymous said...

What about Don Johnson Jake with the 5 o'clock shawdow - I.E. The 2006 OSCARS!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that when Jakey goes out amongst the ordinary folk he can feel the love.I think he appreciates it when he sees that people have affection for a good way! I honestly believe that Jake "meets no strangers." He's a social, friendly, emotionally accessible person and as long as people respect boundaries, it's all good! (sigh.) I love having him in the world.

My sentiments exactly.

And more On Topic , every time he presents himself..... smooth, hairy, in cargos, jeans, or kaki, sheathed in a hoodie, in spandex, showing his briefs or a bit of skin. Which ever way he chooses to share himself with us is absolutely fine with me.

Anneka's Alias said...

JC on a bike this is conflicting! I'm gonna have to go with the whole half 'n' half thing that a few people have gone for. Of course, this is just on looks. If it was on getting touchy-feely, and those chances are mighty high, I'd have to say 'Shaven Jake' because I have sensitive skin.

BTW Britpop, your Lindsey 'BMI' Lohan/Ben 'Wooden' Affleck thing had me amused for quite an ample while. Where do you come up with all your hilarious ideas? And why haven't you e-mailed me?

Anonymous said...

I prefer stubble on Jake.

DKBB said...

Joyce, you and I tie for "grand dame" so far...I turned 49 yesterday. :)

The Real Me said...

can we have a shadow team? you know the 5 o clock kind, even maybe the ten o clock kind... but in definately not the wolverine type.

Anonymous said...

Being from the old school I prefer a man to be clean shaven by 9AM on weekdays, love the 5 o'clock shadow open tie look by 5 PM, a bit rumpled by bedtime is great. On weekends casual, no shaving, crumpled, wrinkled and relaxed.
Guess I like the changes.

With Jake too, I would probably lean toward the clean shaven because he has such a beautiful face and complexion. But there are times when that scruffy touseled hair, "I just got out of bed after sleeping in these clothes" look gets to me. Sorry I can't pick just one. Must Have All.

Sorry girls. I have you all beat on the age thing. I don't feel or act a day over 40, but I will be 62, Jan 25 2007.

Anonymous said...

I love his face kissably clean-shaven, but he radiates a primal sexuality when he's got facial hair - between that and his chest hair and that beautiful love trail YIKES!! I love me a male animal! Some of these waxed chests don't look natural. Jake's is just right, not too much not too little.

Anonymous said...

Wolverine Jake, for sure.

Anonymous said...

Jack Twist Jake towel pic.

what does it mean, joyce?

I love me a Jack Twist cupid bow pout.

oh yeah, oh yeah

i'm so sorry that the hairy jake team is winning. Brits indeed chose a clean shaven pic that doesn't do justice to all his clean shaven charms.

cina said...

I LOVE the fact that we are of all ages here! And like I said before - age is just a number. :-)

Anonymous said...

that is what i mean dream about when i think clean shaven jake

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the fact that we are of all ages here! And like I said before - age is just a number. :-)

and we seem to be a little more mature than thouse teens on other sites. perhaps that explains the incredibly high quality (giggle) of our drooling over jake. (snerk)

all that discussion about age made me feel young and it's been quite some time that i felt like that. usually my grandma says "you're almost 26 and still no permanent boyfriend. you're an old maid."

so yeah, i've been feeling old and been compensating by ogling pics of a half naked jake. (self deprecating laugh)

sorry i'm a bit snarky today, but it's fucking snowing around here!

Anonymous said...

Kaydee, he's impossibly gorgeous in that pic - that's how I like him best too. Happy medium - a little bit of facial hair. And those eyebrows - please stylists do not change them and tamper with perfection.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of Jake's older fans too, late 40's, and happily, my appreciation of beautiful men has not lessened over time! LOL Jake is one of the most beautiful.

Anonymous said...

What about the Americans for the Arts Awards pics? He's stunning in those - for example, #65 in that IHJ series is what my dreams are made of.

Sam said...

i like it all except for when the beard it really long. I love jake clean shaven cause u get to see his beautiful chin, but i also think it defines him as a person when he has the beard, and makes him look a bit more grown up. Im going to say stubble because i think thats my favourite. Enough so u can see it from afar, but still see his beautiful face. But at the same time, when hes my husband (ok wishful thinking I KNOW!!!) i want him clean shaven, prickly faces are not cool. :)

Becky Heineke said...

Clean shaven or a little stubble. That is the Jake I love best. Also, dude, you totally picked a pissed picture for clean Jake, but he's working his iPod, so I'll let it slide. I find iPods very sexy. I don't know why.

Anonymous said...

Squeeee! I can't wait for RENDITION! Bet we start out with clean shaven Jake and get a LOT of stubbily Jake!!! I think I'm a tween person. So indecisive!

Anonymous said...

Picture this: Your standing there with your back to the wall...bracketted by these two strong, muscular arms, his hands firmly planted on either side of your head. He's standing very close...looking down on you with those laser-beamed, navy blue eyes...(it's kinda dark, but not quite)...would you really care whether he's clean shaven or "wolverine?" See, I have this fantasy....

Weirdland said...

I'm in the no beard department, on Jake's face I can tolerate/I don't mind, but I usually don't like hairy faces in men.

Anonymous said...

Don't be too jealous, Cina - the alarm went off just as the dream was getting REALLY good...I've been trying and trying to track my mind into resuming the dream where we left off but my blasted subconscious will not cooperate.

While I still prefer a just-before-full-Wolverine Jake, I think he was clean-shaven in the dream...

Anonymous said...

On the question of Wolverine Jake or Smooth Jake, I say, "YES PLEASE!"


Anonymous said...

I like him both ways.

I also realized I think he's much better looking in his "Jake" photos than he is as any of his adult characters! Maybe because he's getting better as he gets older? (Of course, he was a very cute kid!)

Oh, and I'm 64. Do I get a prize for that? May I choose it?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:14, if I keep thinking about that scenario, I'll burst into flames - his arms always drive me insane in any of his love scenes. And in the scene you describe, I'd want him to be clean shaven so I could kiss every inch of that gorgeous jaw and neck, for starters . . . ;-)

Anonymous said...

^^^Okay, now I'm startin' to feel like a youngin' hehehe ;)

veeveevee said...

I love hearing everyone's age - I had been thinking I was pretty old for drooling over Jake - now we all can see that he obviously has an appeal that attracts everyone!!

Anonymous said...

Funny little blurb about Jake on right now. Probably getting a physical for insurance purposes for "Rendition".

Dumbo said...

I prefer shaved, and I happen to like this pic. Put him in a dark suit, keep the sun glasses and he's got a hot secret service look. Although a little wolverine every now and then is exciting.

Isabel said...


no douts about that!!!! =DDDD

JadziaDragonRider said...

Hmmmm this is hard because Wolverine Jake is smextacular but mole-y Jake is mantastic! Hmmmm

Wolverine for the win.

JadziaDragonRider said...

Re: The perez hilton link: I had no idea that Neil Patrick Harris just came out. Good for him! I wish more celebs would come out but that aint gonna happen so pooh!

Also the Jake story was very adorable.

Moon said...

Definitely Wolverine Jake!

Wet For Went said...

Smooth...I like my Jake nice and smooth...that's right, hard and smooth...wait...scratch that last one.

cina said...

Don't be too jealous, Cina - the alarm went off just as the dream was getting REALLY good...

Oh aint' that just a BITCH!!

Anonymous said...

Beard or no beard, I like the direction he is going. :)

But seriously, he is simply beautiful when he is clean shaven and downright sexy with a beard. Boy, tough decisions indeed.

Okay, I go for the clean shaven look. If I want it hairy I just move down to his chest. Well, yeah....

Anonymous said...

I agree with nice anon that Jake's hairiness is one of his most attractive features. I thought that was so cute that day in February when he attended the luncheon for the Oscar nominees and then those couple of pictures of him in Santa Monica late that evening after the special showing of BBM where fans were invited and Jake, Heath etc. answered questions - it is endearing to watch how much his beard had grown over the day..! I prefer him the way he looked when he was doing all the promotion for BBM, with a stubble/light beard.
(As for 'old' ladies here - I will be having my 55th birthday a couple of days before Jake has his 26th.I think he is one of the most attractive men ever to come along in HW and it warms my 'old' heart just to look at his pictures - he is indeed pure Eye Candy!).

britpopbaby said...

Brits indeed chose a clean shaven pic that doesn't do justice to all his clean shaven charms.

Well that's because I'm biased and wanted to sway the vote in my favour.

I see what's happened here - I can lead the Wolverine's into battle and PG can take the smoothies. No offence but we're gonna kick your asses.

Anonymous said...

Clean shaven boyish Jakey is so damn hot. But ...hey...I would take him either way

Anonymous said...

I can lead the Wolverine's into battle and PG can take the smoothies. No offence but we're gonna kick your asses.

ha, you wish. you just don't know my secret weapon. the screechy scream...

enough said. you bnetter think about it before you engage in a fight with me. smoothies rule!!!

Anonymous said...

You know what? I am eighteen and he stil seems too green to me clean shaven. Of course this shaggy beard makes him...rhh the right man. And, besides - I can imagine it tickles me .. you know.. there...

only1annabel said...

I'd take him anyway you like! But if I HAD to choose I think it would be Wolverine Jake as thinking about it I do like to have a little stroke of my male friends beardy makes me happy!

Anonymous said...

Clean-shaven. And that include the rest of his body hairs.

And I'll volunteer to shave all of them off.

Anonymous said...

Clean shaven, definitely. Beautiful mole and mouth fully visible.

salailama said...

very late in the conversation but wanted to put in my vote--i love me some smoothiessss... but yeah, shadow is hot to =)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOVE the pic kaydee posted of Jake!
That's how I like him best. I like the clean shaven Jake because it shows off his incredibly sexy, pouty lips better than having them surrounded by fur (remember in "The Good Girl" where Jennifer Aniston's character says, "I noticed you have pouty lips like a woman. . .")

BTW, glad there are other "old ladies" here besides me. . .I am 54
and looking at clean shaven Jake, where he almost looks like jail-bait sometimes, makes me feel like a dirty old woman too--and I like it!!

Anonymous said...

I agree. The lips are more visible and accessible when he's clean shaven. Yes!!

Anonymous said...

^^ Queen, you have inspired's high time I embraced my 'dirty old ladiness.' ;) hehehe

...bowing to the Queen... ;)

Anonymous said...

more Donnie ...less Wolverine!

Anonymous said...

Wolverine Jake, no doubt. Animalistic is way sexier.

Anonymous said...

I like clean shaven Jake better. Get a glance of that baby face!!! Keep him young looking..he can have a beard when he gets old!

Anonymous said...

Mwhahahahaahhaahaha!!! I always said so... now you all see the light!