Monday, November 27, 2006


Wassup fellow bitches! My name is Nanu Michang River Reed Princess the Third and I'm totally Boo's biggest fan! I loved him in Donnie Barko. Anyway you guys, I know we're like a community here and I can talk about whatever I want with you bitches without you judging me, 'cos, like, you get me. Woof! Sooooooo, I was cross-examing this picture, which is like my hobby, apart from being shampooed and pissing in Momma's rosebush, when I thought, WOAH! Boo and his good friend, Fort Worth are totally touching! Check it out you guys...
At first I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me and I totally freaked so I went over to my favourite celebrity dog entertainment site to just chill for a while and check up with all the gossip - you know, Tinkerbell, Little Fucker, all the faves - and just look at what I found Mad Dog Morocco jiving about...
So now, I'm like totally confused. Is Boo gay? 'Cos that would totally break my little Shih Tzu heart into a million pieces. Well gotta run, it's ribbon time and then we're going to the park so I can look down at mongrels...or up...whatever. Later bitches!!


cina said...


Did I say that I love you Brits?! :-D

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Thank you Brit! I was having a lousy day at work. I'm so glad I clicked on here before I replaced the toner, Ha! Ha!!Brilliant!!

DKBB said...

LOL! Thanks for the giggle. :)

Weirdland said...

Now, that is so dreadful, Jake's orientation doesn't take my sleep at night, but Boo GAY, that is really outrageous, it never would have crossed my mind!

Anonymous said...

I like to think of both Boo and Atticus as more the libertine type.
Any lamppost will do when the urge takes them!

Anonymous said...

never trust a puggle!
I say switch to the new genetic freaks in doogyland: the shit zu + the poodle = shit-poo.

salailama said...

this has GOT to be one of the funniest posts ever! the fighting was annoying, but if it brings out this kind of comedic brilliance i guess it was worth the pain...? to be honest, when i normally say LOL, i really mean i chuckled a bit, but this time i really laughed out loud. haha, i'm gonna go read it again...

Dumbo said...

Boo's not gay, he's just lazy. I'm mean look at the way he requires Jake to carry him around all the time.

cina said...

So true! I literally laugh out loud every time I look at the Photoshopped picture of J&A... sorry, Boo and Fort Worth. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

lol, that's a classic!

and a very nice fuck off to all the trolls

i always suspected that boo leaned that way. and i think he likes the big buff type like atticus...

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is HILARIOUS!!!

Btw, see my post in the last thread as I am going by Get real. :)

cina said...

Welcome out of anonymity, Get real! ;-)

Anonymous said...

my but the dogs are ugly! designer my ass

Anonymous said...

Yawn. You losers need help.

Anonymous said...

^thanks for the concern.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're welcome. Twat.

Anonymous said...

BPB that was totally brilliant!!!!
You should be writing for Punch!

Anonymous said...

They are back trolling again I see. This post is as funny as hell Brit, thanks for the laugh! This was a good day for me to de-lurk I see!!

JadziaDragonRider said...

What's Punch?

*goes to investigate*

Anonymous said...

Well, time will tell.

Anonymous said...

This is what this wonderful blog is all about. Satire at its best. I love it, BPB. Can I be your groupie?

Anonymous said...

Punch was a magazine with humourous/satirical content. It is no longer published. It has ceased to be.


salailama said...

omg, i just knoooooww boo is totally barker lee! i have a friend who’s nephew’s dog went to puppy etiquette school with boo before he dropped out, and is close with the family, and he said the reason boo’s in the closet is because poppa jake and brother atticus don’t approve of lamppost and think he’s using boo! and to the poster i am real/even less interested, stop calling us losers, just because you can’t accept that boo might be anything but strictly flamingo-chasing, you homophobic fangirl! hhe, ok i hope my irony translated on print half as well as britpops =p

Anonymous said...

Punch is no longer? It has ceased to be???? OMG. Where's TBL when you need her! When did this occur?
Next someone will tell me The Spectator is gone as well....
Maybe we can re-constitute Punch...update it Poke.

Anonymous said...

BPB, this is a riot. Your tone is pitch-perfect. I also love the way you use this blog to riff on the larger fame/publicity game.

Anonymous said...

I think Boo is hooking up with that bitch Bitsy Witherspoon. Gay or not Boo likes him some gravy train leftovers!

cina said...

^^ Hahaha!! Brokeback Buddy - too cute! :D

salailama said...

anon 6:03, i think you might have it wrong. i just heard a rumor boo is in talks to make a movie with bruiser, aka the gay pup from legally blonde, also a notorious man--er i mean, dog-slut! but what about lamp post? the plot thickens... tee hee.

Anonymous said...

As long as Boo is getting tail he doesn't care what ass its on!

Anonymous said...

As long as Boo is getting tail he doesn't care what ass its on!

LOL till I cried. This is all too much. Geat topic, soooo funny. Great mop up after yesterday's blood bath.

Anonymous said...

I think Mad Dog Morocco is an absolute stroke of brilliance. I hope we will hear more of his blunderings. He's perfectly capable of adding 2+2=6!

Anonymous said...

Morocco needs the animal psychic.

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon, just because he's a puggle his sexuality is immediately considered dubious... I've been waiting for someone to out Atticus for a long time!

Nothing Really Matters said...

News hot off the press! TBL is in a band, who would have thought!

Mys T's said...

She's not with the Kranski Sisters is she?

Nothing Really Matters said...

^^ LOL

I think she’s a little more bearded than that!

Anonymous said...

New pictures up of Jake and cast from Zodiac!

cina said...

^^Thanks for the heads up! Oh dear me, I love the pictures of him. Especially the one where he's all wet... *double thud*

Anonymous said...

Here we go again: wet Jake! Tada! Do you have some place for me on the floor, cina?

I can´t wait for that damn movie.

cina said...

Sure! Come and join me atk. Things look kinda fun from down here, I telly 'ya! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, it sure is kind of cozy down here. Now we can have a little obsess-over-wet-Jake-pics-party. :)

salailama said...

i really love the picture of jake's hands... hehe, those are lovely hands.

cina said...

@atk: Teeheee! Did you bring your PJ's? I have popcorn! :-D

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures of the man. Yes smurfette absolutely beautiful hands. I would know them any where. I love watching his movies from first to the latest to see how he is learning to use them. In each work he uses them better. He's a smart guy, more so than some out there give him credit for. He's way more than a "pretty" face. 'Swhy Im here.

Some what off topic but on the subject of hands. One of our most respected american actors Clark Gable had, in my opinion, really unattractive hands. Always turned me off really. Take a look sometime, and let me know if you agree. Jake's hands are a work of art. Like the rest of him.

Anonymous said...

Great pics of Jake and "Zodiac"! Can't wait to see that movie. Love the cast and director and despite some people not liking it, I love the feel and look of the trailer. And yes Jake has great hand. ;p

Btw, off topic but did Wtbgirl leave us for good. Haven't seen her here for a while. :(

Dumbo said...

Alright in case any one is interested I posted last week's online chat transcript with Maggie Gyllenhaal over on the forum under Maggie's file in the gyllenhaal folder.

cina said...

Oh thanks dumbo, I'll immediately go and have a look!

Anonymous said...

Kendra, YOU snatched away K-Fed from Britney? OMG!

Weirdland said...

^^ Well, amerita, someone will have to explain that to me, I'm no remotely fan of K-Fed or Twitney...

Wet For Went said...

I must have posted this IN MY MIND but I thought I have posted it in reality also (guess not). This is hilarious!

Wet For Went said...

Make that thought I HAD posted in reality...clearly, my mind is going...clearly

Anonymous said...

Well, Yahoo News Italy has the following title "behind Spear's divorce is the passion of Kevin for Kendra" ... ;-)

Well now he knows it was all in vain.

Anonymous said...

where ae the pics of his hands? i must be blind, can't see them and i would so like to. i have a kink for hands - can imagine for hours how soft and warm anf nice they'd feel :D

Weirdland said...

^^ Now I understand, amerita, I assure you this Kendra isn't me, I couldn't look at him withouth throwing my meal, thanks God there are also men like Jake out there!

Anonymous said...

Kaydee, "THE" hands are in the pics on the Zodiac site. Amazing closeup. I always notice a man's hands second only to his eyes.

cina said...

Hands sure are important. And Jake's are a very fine example of how a pair of hands should look. Indeed. He has very sensitive hands. They looke gentle yet manly. Just perfect. said...

This can't really work, I believe like this.