Wednesday, November 29, 2006


JAKE: Dude? Are you like, not wearing socks? What's is UP with that?
AUSTIN: Oh, man. Here we go with the socks again. Just don't look...pretend nothings happening...
MAN IN GREY CARDIGAN: Hopefully coughing loudly will show how uncomfortable this whole situation is making me.
SOCKLESS MAN: Relaaaaaax, brother. There is nothing like the feel of synthetic fibres against ones naked toes whilst chillin' courtside at the Lakers...
JAKE: Again, I have to ask, what is UP with that?


1 – 200 of 290   Newer›   Newest»
jn-girl said...

there is another one sockless leg in the right corner

cina said...

Jake's expression in that pic is fucking priceless! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

I thought of sock watch when I saw this picture but then I realized it was the old dude! Jake doesn't look pleased.

salailama said...

SOCKLESS MAN: yeah, like i'm gonna take footwear advice from someone who's wearing grey woolen clogs in LA!

JAKE: you know, that's a perfect example. i strongly believe there's a right type of sock to go with EVERYTHING, including grey, wool-looking clogs! i'm telling you, the ladies love it-- just check out Jake Watch if you don't believe me.

Anonymous said...

perhaps the sockless guy was trying to cop a feel.

i would...

Anonymous said...

SOCKLESS MAN: Hey, you boyfriend stalks around in fireman boots and you're complaining about me not wearing socks.

JAKE: but he's goodlooking, so he gets a pass. You don't.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Has Jake loss a leg??

Nothing Really Matters said...

That should be lost!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I see another sockless foot in this shot. Brit, you need to investigate immediately!

Anonymous said...

Has Jake loss a leg??

no, just his it behind the sockless man's knee! he's clearly making efforts to hide as much of his body from us drooling fans :)

Nothing Really Matters said...

He’s clearly giving that guy an evil!

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Anonymous said...

oh jakey don't make such a face.

you look so much better smiling.

showing your teeth and dimples and with your mouth curling at the corners... ;)


Becky Heineke said...

^^^ For reals. I've never seen such a thing.

Re the Sock Drama, bwahaha! Glad to see Jake's taking this sock thing seriously. He's exhibiting the perfect amount of disgust.

Anonymous said...

OH Jake now we know what you were thinking about. Yes what Is up with the sockless man? I know you'll get to the bottom of this

Anonymous said...

I love sock watch. It's so funny. But the funniest thing is that since Sock Watch became a popular feature here on JW there has been little or no socks seen on Jake the actual man. One might think that Jake got the word that we were "watching." Or maybe he has no socks? Or are his pants so long on purpose, to hide his socks? WHAT IS IT? WHERE ARE THEY?

Jake has a really paranoid look on his face there in that picture. He looks like someone shouted something at him that he did not like at all, or maybe, with that man coghing, someone f***ed nearby just guessing:)

Weirdland said...

we can only imagine how smelly this guy's feet "under pressure" were stucked in those trainers, poor Jake, he is too classy for that!

Dumbo said...

I love the new look to the forum Brit.

Anonymous said...

"Poor Jake" in the midst of such unspeakable horrors and odors !! No wonder he's made such a face.

Anonymous said...

I would SO hate Jakey to look at me like that! I would dissolve in a puddle of shame! Does that man have no sense of propriety???? "At long last sir, have you NO decency????"

Dumbo said...

Sockless: "Oh look at Mr. Tough guy wearing socks"

Jake: "You shut your mouth when you're talking to me"

Anonymous said...

Dam he looks pissed

Anonymous said...

Jake: 'Are you eyeballing me son? Are you in LOVE with me?"

Sockless:"You were so cool in Jarhead man!"

Anonymous said...


I so don´t want to be near this guy if he decides to take off his shoes.

Maybe Jake has the same thought and that is why he is looking so disgusted. :)

Anonymous said...

OT: Meryl Streep joins the cast of Rendition I can't wait for these movie!

cina said...

^^ HOLY FUCK!! That's the best news I've heard in like forever!! This movie only sounds better and better and better!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Holy Fuck is right! What an incredible cast! And that should be "this" movie, too excited!!

JadziaDragonRider said...

Maybe somebody farted and didn't say excuse me or acknowledge it in any way. He looks really disgusted and appalled... and also like he's about to smack a bitch. Are we still doing Paparazi bingo. This is definately "pissed"

*Squall's shameless attempt to bring back one of her fave features*

JadziaDragonRider said...

Meryl fucking Streep?! Daaaamn. Their coming loaded for bear aren't they?

Is Jake gonna be in an Oscar contender like every year now?

JadziaDragonRider said...

BTW add this post to my favorites ... that "favorites" list is getting mighty damn long.

Sam said...

i have had a really crappy day, but that post is the only thing that has literally made me laugh OUT LOUD all day!!
it just looks so... real. and the like 'whats UP with that' i can totally picture it. thankyou for brightening my day :) (or whats left of it)

Anonymous said...

Been looking at this pic again.
Aside from the scowl Jake looks great. I love the longer hair, black T shirt, with jeans and clogs look. The watch? Good choice, makes his arms look sexy by drawing attention to them. Unnecessary, I know, but...
Check out his hands here beautiful as always.

Anonymous said...

ROFL! great post bpb! I don't think Jake has quite grasped the concept of Sock Watch, bless him. Jake honey, it's YOUR socks we're interested in, not some random bloke who happens to be sitting next to you.

Anonymous said...

He really does look upset, tho. And someone mentioned that in one of the pics from this set, it even looked like he had tears in his eyes. I'm guessing paps are doing more than snapping a few pics. And I think he's frustrated and angry.

salailama said...

thanks for that wonderful bit of news, hedda. whoa, meryl streep-- let's hope that between meryl, reese, and the director (who won for tsotsi), the set's overflowing oscar luck will rub off on jake and peter =)...

Jess said...

LMFAO!!! Hilaaaaarious post!!

AUSTIN: Oh, man. Here we go with the socks again. Just don't look...pretend nothings happening...
MAN IN GREY CARDIGAN: Hopefully coughing loudly will show how uncomfortable this whole situation is making me.

Toooo funny!!

And OMG, Meryl Streep in Rendition?! YAY!!

Anonymous said...

Some fans still think that Jake is doing the Armstrong film even though his people have denied it!
A Jake and Lance spotting last week in LA:

Anonymous said...

Lance being a retired celeb athlete,is much more involved with his foundation and raising $$ and awareness for cancer research. Having high profile celeb friends like Matty and Jake in particular, who's willing to lend himself to fundraising activities such as the Ride for the Roses in Texas, is an important to Lance's work. Plus they have become good friends.
And single Lance probably likes being around "babe magnets" like Jake. People, especially gossip blogs are pretty narrow and short sighted if they think it's all about a movie. I think Lance probably does want to do a movie and maybe hanging around H'wood types he's learning about how the process works...which isn't easy in the best circumstances.

Anonymous said...

4:20PM: Agreed. It's much more than the movie (now on ice) they have a geniuine friendship it seems. Some people tend to be cynical about such things like actual friendships, especially in HW so when they see or hear about them and they know that there is no Armstrong movie on the near horizon, they become confused. Oh well...

PS: Great news about Streep joing the Rendition cast!

Anonymous said...

YAY, Meryl Streep in "Rendition", AMAZING news!!! What a brilliant cast full of Oscar winners and nominees (like Jake!!). Can't wait to see this film!

Anonymous said...

I'd really hate to think that Jake was being heckled by someone. I hope he's just perturbed at how the game was playing out that evening.

Anonymous said...

Shades of Lewis Carroll and John Lennon!!!! Damn! I'm impressed, Simon Agent 002.

I will say this. Sitting courtside at a B'ball game, one is in a position to be so assaulted by pungent odours as to assume that smelly feet and smelly shoes are simply a part of the exquisite blend; a sensory overload. It can leave a sensitive soul breathless.

Anonymous said...

Nice Anon, I hope Jake wasn't being heckled either. :( Hopefully it was about the game.

Btw, it was me at 5:54 PM. Just so freaking excited about Meryl Streep joining the "rendition" cast that I forgot to use my alias, lol.

salailama said...

haha, simon, that is awesome. we sure are passionate about socks over here at JW

fyi, for those who missed it and are interested, maggie's chat transcript is up over at

Anonymous said...

Wonder if this news about casting for "Rendition" means that there will be a photo from the set of Jake gazing up intently at Meryl. I do really like ir when he turns that very focused, attentive gaze upon an older woman.

(In Vermont one snowy January, a few years back, Nice Anonymous showed Meryl Streep's husband how a particularly cantankerous toaster worked. He seemed like a very nice man. FYI, he wanted his toast lighter, not too dark. In other words, he was not a blackened-toast kind of guy.)

salailama said...

nice-- that's such a cute story, makes you 2 degrees of separation from jake now haha.

it'll be funny if we see set pics of jake "flirting" (i.e. being himself) with meryl and that sets off the inevitable usweekly spin about jake and older women.

cina said...

I bet Meryl will fall head over heels "in love" with Jake, just like Susan Sarandon, Catherine Keener etc etc... How could she NOT?! LOL

Anonymous said...

nice anon! Where did this toaster demonstration take place????
I'm over-the-moon happy for Jake getting the chance to work with Meryl Streep!!!Especially knowing the plot centers around his CIA analyst who's world is sent spinning after he witnesses the interrogation. Bet this makes the rounds of film festivals like Toronto, Venice and Cannes! And Jake will look like Jake!(sigh!)
Wouldn't it be something if Jake AND Heath both get nominated for Oscars? Heath's Joker and Jake's CIA guy!

salailama said...

speaking of "older" women, isn't reese technically in that category as well? i think she's 29? anyway, older (catherine keener, jen aniston), younger (emmy rossum, jena malone), male (heath, hehe, peter?), or female, i think it’s just a testament to jake’s universal appeal that he has such chemistry with all his costars (and whoever he comes into contact with, for that matter) that the speculations won’t leave him alone.

britpopbaby said...

Aah, yes, I remember those particularly hot pics of him and Susan Sarandon - the boy def has universal appeal.

Anonymous said...

Great news about Meryl Streep joining the cast of Rendition. Jake is getting to work with the heavy hitters. Wonderful for his career.

Anonymous said...

Jake's so very focused when he's gazing at someone, as though he's got nothing on his mind but whoever he's listening to & looking at. (In reality, I'm sure he's trying to remember whether he returned a text message from his agent or whether the valets will retrieve his car promptly when he returns to the parking lot.) I admire this intensity & the sense he gives of being present in the moment. It's a gift that some actors have -- their faces are more reactive & more expressive than an average person's.

Anonymous 9:07, Nice Anonymous demonstrated the tricky toaster to the gentleman in question in snowy Johnson, Vermont -- where, later that very evening, inside a little white church, he narrated an interesting slide show of his sculptures.

Maybe Jake and Meryl will talk about socks when they finally meet? Perhaps Meryl will commiserate with Jake on the bother of keeping the white cotton ones looking really, really white, and recommend a particular detergent to him. To onlookers, it will appear that she's sharing wisdom about acting. But, thanks to BritPopBaby, we'll know the truth. ;-)

Baie St Paul said...

He is wearing socks, it's the guy next to him!

Anonymous said...

Do people realize how nasty that is? Your feet are sweating inside your sneakers and your toes are squishing around.

Aside from creating a massive pool of bacteria and fungus, your toes are squishing.

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