I think we all knew, deep down inside, that one day, international stardom and fabulousness would pretty much be just mine for the taking. Well, that day has arrived. Please take a moment of your time to skim through: Blog Spotlight - An Interview with britpopbaby. Read it and weep.
So this got me to thinkin' - it's all well and good spilling your heart out to to a random journo, bpb, but what about the fans? The people who put you where you are today? Oh, the life of an internet blogger is glamourous, no doubt, and it's easy to carried away with the glitzy lifestyle - the Babycham receptions, the Clarks shoes, free subscription to the Cantaraville mailshot - but now and again you just have to stop and ask, who am I really?
Well if you've got some burning question you've ever wanted to ask me or ProphecyGirl, now is your freakin chance. You probably haven't but just in case you have, y'know, we're in a sharing mood but please be aware I will not answer any questions about my underwear...okay maybe one..or two.
Sorry? Jake who?
i do have two questions
are we ever going to see your socks?
aren't you afraid someone will set up a BritpopbabyWatch and stalk you?
Teeeheeee! I'm speechless actually!
Exactly - Jake who?? It's all about our Britpopbaby! :D
It's all about our Britpopbaby! :D
of course it is. actually, i'm not all that crazy about JG. i come here for britpopbaby. she's the one who is red hot esp with the whip that sets my imagination on fire :P
My question is have you got my Oasis CD? Because if you haven't, I've lost it.
actually, i'm not all that crazy about JG. i come here for britpopbaby. she's the one who is red hot esp with the whip that sets my imagination on fire :P
Well, sadly I must admit that I'm madly in love with Jake, but I also have a crush on BPB, so it's just the ulitmate combo coming here! ;-)
(And PG, I have a crush on you too!)
congrats, you have made it BPB!
How cool Brit, congratulations!! I love your blog, keep up the great work!!
Your subscription to Cantaraville is free? Damn you, bitch!
how do you manage to blog anything after 8 hours of work and still be witty and amusing?
when i come back in the evening i'm usually less articulate than my cat
p.s. if i were such a celeb like u r, i wouldn't want to have anything to do with jake until he gets at least one oscar
Hey BPB,
A while ago you mentioned that you'd been reading 70s postmodern novels - any recommendations?
What are some of your other interests that we don't know about?
What's your favourite JW post?
Screw it, if you're going to answer one or two questions about them, I'll be the perv that asks :) So what color are they?
Dave Cullen Scandal brewing:
If true, shame on you Dave for keeping silent.
Congrats, Britpop (and you too, PG, for being the famous co-blogger)!
I come here for the wit and fun, and the family of commenters. The delicious pictures of Jake are the superb icing on the cake!
Totally OT, but I just saw these (3-years-old/4-years-old?) pictures of Jake at ONTD:
Don't know what's going on with his hair, but it seems he was adorable from the very beginning (like we didn't know!)
Good answers, girl. So you're now from 9 to 5!! It must be hard indeed to combine both worlds, Brits, and you're right in the interview about harsh past polemics, but you know you rock and I know I rule. Blogging is the new frontier ;)
My question is...
What REALLY happened between you lot and Stephen Gyllenhaal? Is there more to the story (because I have a feeling there is)?
Oh, Britz, I have so many... but as always, my questions lead to other questions, like 'why?'. Which leaves me so
damn unsatisfied and confused if I can't get the 'why's' to the 'who, what, when, where and how's', you know?
ok my questions are...
Can we see a picture of the REAL bpb not the cartoon- id love to put a face to the name!
Do u have Jake posters or things alike in your bedroom/bathroom/kitchen anywhere?!?
And yeh like Kaydee said- can we see your socks
^^ There are pictures in the forum!
oh really! oh i didnt know...
> Yeah, forget Adorkable, now everyone wants to do BPB.
Count me in. ;o)
@agent sam: The pics are in General Discussion - Mug Shots. :-)
should we let him watch?
Of course we should, we are in Jake Watch, aren't we?
Congratulations BPB. Great in depth interview, I am impressed. But then I always felt, from my first reading, that you had something special going for you. Talent, and a great sense of humor.
Keep on, "Rockin" on. We love you.
So em, it's you, me and BPB...a three-way! Woo-heee!!!
I bet Adorkable would like to watch, should we let him watch?
can i join you? i'm very imaginative...
i think we could let him join us. we'd teach him a few things :)
would it be a "five-some"?
Remember your friends when you head for Hollywood dahline!
awesomeness. i have no words (almost, hehe). this blog, and bpb, never cease to amaze and astound me. "jake who" is right, bpb (and all y'all) are the reason i come!
OT - Stephen's new pilot "Manchild" looks like it'll be quite funny. Keven Smith and JAMES PUREFOY(!!!!!!!) are in it.
Oh that's nice sarah920. Make catty comments about BPB on Waitingfortoothy and then come over with recycled news off Cantara's blog.
11;43: Yeah, and Sarah and others have been talking s**t about Brit and Jakewatch over on of all places Perez hilton.com, in the comments section in Jakes latest entry from the other day. Made some nasty comments about Jake (Yeah, fans, right) and his parents as well. They also seem obsessed with Cantara Christopher. They are spreading their nastiness, rumors and anon. gossip all over the place including IHJ, IMDB, Perez, DL, etc. Apparently the blog isn't enough and not enough "fans" are into their theories. They also think that attending a basketball game means dating. Funny, the coffee pictures that surfaced a few months ago didn't inspire this curent nuttiness, thet looked more date-ike than these pics, which look like two bored friends watching a game.
PS: Sarah, we already Know about Stephens next project for Showtime. I thought you people didn't like him???
I have noticed these tendencies too, and all I can say is that it's just plain sad.
Angry Jake Fan
2:37PM: Me again. Sorry for the typos, it's early and I didn't have enough coffee. Yeah they are lined up this weekend, visiting gossip blogs and dropping anon bits of gossip and sightings to buffer yet another set of Basketball pictures, which I may add are a collective yawn. May explain their spinning. I'm sick of it and I know where it's coming from, it's the same group of people. They also e-mail Casablanca with BS as well.
They have no respect for the man, nor his friends and family IMO, but what I noticed this time around the nasty digs at Brit and JW.
James Purefoy - I adore him, he was great in "A Knight's Tale" as Prince of Wales
OT: Maggie won best actress for Sherrybaby at the Stockholm Film Festival!
^^ WOW!! REALLY?! Now I'm SO proud of being a Stockholmer! :-D
Oh we do have good taste, us swedes! ;-)
I know I shouldn't but I thought that this was interesting in light of the crap that has been going on the last few days.
So he attended the Lakers game with a few other famous pals? They don't name them but the old guy is Richard(?) Roth, a producer/director, used to work for Disney and the guy next to him is Chris Tucker. Is it possible he arrived with the whole group including Nichols? The only evidence I remember of Jake knowing Tucker were a few pre-Oscar parties pictures earlier this year. No biggie, I jus t thought it was amusing the fuss some in his fandom get over a few pics, if they were so convinced, they wouldn't be in such an overdrive spreading their "joy" all over the place.
Just wanted to share the jury's motivation for Maggie for those interested:
Vulnerable. True. Uncompromising. Her stunning performance hits the spectator hard and will set new standards for actors worldwide.
Some motivation, I'd say!
People are badmouthing me on Perez? Wow! I better find me an agent!
Actually I saw what she wrote, this is what fucks me off about these people. They jump to the most ridiculous conclusions about the most innocent things that I actually know the truth behind (like the Austin post we had on here) and it completely discredits everything they have to say on any matter. Idiots.
That was a terrific interview BritPop... There were some formatting issues but you can hardly be blamed for that. lol *claps like seal*
Query for PG: tell us everything about you. I feel like I know some stuff about BPB. She's an agent that poses as a student like Sydney Bristow and she's now got a 9 - 5 as a cover for her life of intrigue but what are you all about? What makes you tick? How do you pay the bills?
Query to BPB: When/If your Jake Gyllenhaal interst wanes do you think you'll do another kind of blog? What kind?
*Goes through thread overstepping landmines*
Okay I didn't know anything about Stephen's new pilot and wouldn't care if not for James Purefoy. *drools* Wait does that mean he's off "Rome"? Mark Anthony is one of the best things about that show man! Damn I love him in Rome. But I guess if Verenus and Pullo are still together I'm still going to watch avidly.
oh, Simon I'm afraid that they could find that electric shock attractive ;)
*Gently tiptoes into fray*
Doesn't it kinda suck that so many people judge a segment of the fandom by the extremists. Yes there are Taliban/Xtian Coalition type fans on both sides of the The Great Sexuality Debate spouting off crazy theories about why Jake is either dating Austin or hell every dude he comes into contact with and then the other side where if you say the word Austin even if your referring to a city in Texas you get shouted down by a internet banshee who thinks your out to besmirch his good name.
Really most folks fall into the middle catagory. The folks who just like to squee at each other over various aspects of the delicious Jake, whether it be his sexuality or his socks. Let's not let the crazies control the conversation like American politics has been allowing for the past decade or so.
Anybody who 'knows' me has probably grasped where I am on the subject esp. if you've seen me in other venues but it's cool and I have fun with my friends who think I'm nuts for thinking it. One of them took the wind right outta my sails earlier today because I totally jumped to a conclusion by looking at a photograph wrong. We had a good laugh and moved on. Fandom is supposed to be fun.
*offers a posey to the thread and holds up the Peace sign*
Well, I still luv Jake and won't be forgetting about him, even if others do. :)
Wanted to say a huge congrats to Brit, for a fantastic article!
As for the bullshit said on Perez, etc. it is ridiculous and pathetic because most of it is so untrue. But, whatever.
That is great news about Maggie! She was excellent in "Sherrybaby." Both she and Jake are amazingly talented actors. I know folks were upset at the time but I was thrilled when Jake won that award in NYC. He truly deserved it.
Well, count me into your category as well, anon 5:24. Jake deserves every award he can get! And even though that happened right during the BabyGate drama, I was still so happy for him. Seems like there's nothing that can shake my foundation when it comes to Jake. LOL
Since a lot of the extreme, OMG, they are dating because they went to a basketball game comes from the DC Forum I wonder how they are responding to the $$$ scandal over there or are they too obsessed to notive that they have been ripped off. You post there, did you contribute $$$ to that site?
Also a note on the Perez site and the comments section: Most if not all posts regarding "sightings" and such are pure BS, especially if someone posts something on a post that has jumped to the second page (no surprise ).
How convient that they found the post on the second page to post a fake sighting when Perez posters just e-mail sightings to him and he makes a seperate post. Rarely does his readers click on his site and goes to a day old post on the 2nd pg. unless they were alerted to post a bogus sighting. Sorry for the rambling, but between that and the Brit bashing i'm really pissed.
I agree with you Squall, a small number of people can ruin it for everyone. Usually I leave it well alone because I can accept where other people stand on certain matters and it just doesn't interest/concern me, but when people get personal and put their conspiracy hats on it plain pisses me off.
bpb are the reason i come!
do i detect an unsubtle innuendo?
i have no idea what the latest drama is all about, i'm still recovering from the image af BPB, neport girl, em and me in a passionate embrace while jake's watching. sigh...
Jake loves Austin.....
Nice try.
Nobody cares about the fringe fandom and their conspiricies because they obviously don't have a life, but when they start bashing other people that run Jake sites, then it's disgusting.
6:49PM: Yeah, he visits Lance in Austin, Texas a lot I hear. Nice to know that you are finally excepting Jake and Lance's friendship, his parents just love Lance I hear. Now run along and post a phony sighting on the DL, D-Listed, Perez, Imdb and go obsess over pictures that are somethingthey are not. Poor Jake, unfortunately, the smallest group of his online fandom is the nuttiest, and the most hateful and obsessive.
Query to BPB: When/If your Jake Gyllenhaal interst wanes do you think you'll do another kind of blog? What kind?
you could write about chocolate. it's delicious, sweet and you can do a lot of naughty things with it. just like jake...
and instead of a sock watch you could do a wrappings watch.
i could be your first crazed fan and you have no idea how easy it would be for me to six degree myself to chocolate (there used to be such a title in the early days of JW, no?). also think of all the possibilities for 'whose idea was it' re: chocolate fashion etc.
well, it's just an idea, but you know, food is almost as good as jake, even better in fact because i can lick it and any licking of jake that i can have is via my computer screen...
you could also stalk Janey the San Diego zoo ape who even has a myspace account. i can see millions of possibilities here! it can't be all that different from watching jake - she's as cute as JG. and it'd feed my animalistic fantasies ;)
I just posted this comment at WFT:
There you go I was just enjoying ogling pics of J&A when someone had to spoil it by making unncessary snarky comments about Jake Watch. I'm firmly with Britpopbaby on this one - its her blog, she can do what she likes with it and its none of our business.
We are here to celebrate J&A not to slag other blogs off. That sort of crap happens on DL and has no place here. WFT suffers from enough trollage without generating any of its own.
I don't come here often but its always entertaining when I do, its a bit depressing that others can't appreciate Jake Watch for what it is.
hey, i almost forgot my last question: is anneka a real person or BPB's or PG's alter ego?
Thanks, trilobyte. I can't even believe we're having drama again. Fucking deja vu... Kaydee, THAT is a brilliant question. Good job. :)
WFT loves JW.
I can't even believe we're having drama again.
i lurrrve drama. i live for it. if there isn't enough of it i faint wane and die. or create some drama myself :)
The drama is from posters from you know where posting some nasty stuff about Brit on gossip boards. Why is a mystery. They seem too concerned about this blog which I find disturbing, that and the constant lurking over at Cantara Christophers site. Why are they so fascinated with that woman is beyond me. They are not happy campers.
haha, kaydee, if i intended a subtle innuendo, then it's also directed at you, since my full comment was "bpb (and all y'all) are the reason i come". i was channeling a little britney i think.
anyway, i just went over to perez to see what the drama was about, and reading the comments there just gave me a headache. i am definitely just gonna stick with JW from now on, where the comments are clearly posted by smart, funny people who actually make sense. btw, thanks trilobyte for being a voice of reason :).
Hey there Squall,
Since you mention your "other venues," I just wanted to tell you that I just read "Stolen Moments," and it's awesome. Yeah, you totally rock. ;)
And I hope I don't piss anyone off with this comment, for all the Daniel Craig lovers out there, but I so think that James Purefoy should have been the next James Bond! OMG!!! He would have been soooooo perfect.
New dude just doesn't do it for me. Oh well. Can't win 'em all. ;)
I don't think anyone can speak on the combined feelings of WFt I'm afraid, tom.
And just when I was coming round to the idea...oh well.
"The drama is from posters from you know where posting some nasty stuff about Brit on gossip boards."
*sigh* I make one comment here squeeing about James Purefoy, and one comment there about the change in focus of JW, and the troll again tries to create a war between us. Good grief.
For the record, most of the anonymous comments claiming WFT hates BPB are from a single person, the same person who is dogging us not only here, but on WFT and IHJ - I would presume she is the one making nasty comments on Perez, or whatever the hell's going on over there. We're counting on WFt, based on speech patterns and behaviour, and we're up to about 12 different aliases this person is using.
Frankly, I am tired of being pestered about this, and I'm sure you are too. Let's make a deal. Next time this stupid troll tries to stir shit up, one of you come to WFT and read the comments. Find whatever "nastyiness" the troll is referring to and post it here, so everyone can see what, really, a meaningless post it is. That way people won't launch into another tirade about how nasty and evil WFT is to anyone who doesn't agree with them. We get that we're a minority, we get people don't agree with us, and we're COOL with that. The troll just won't let go.
12:47AM: The person that posted that over on Perez used the same code words when the shit hit the fan the 1st time regarding this blog: Brit censoring and refusing to talk about his personal life remember? Some were actually offended and that person, who signed in as Michelle( I think) over on Perez was rabid and sounded exactly like the same people that were posting nasty stuff a few months ago on JW. Whatever "troll" you are trying to pin this on is from your own vipers nest, encouraged by posters like you who for some reason is concerned what someone decides to post on their own blog. Just stay away if you don't like it, please.
I hope somebody saved that Cullen thread on the DL because it was just deleted, Cullengate thickens!
1:00am: The only certifiable TB is Bjorkpluto on IMDb - and no-one can stop her from starting those endless threads...
wow,drama again!
Just stay in your favorate blog and other sites you visit. DON'T POLLUTE THE AIR WITH YOUR SILLINESS HERE...
and TB? sorry, but I call you tinhat.
I can assure you Britpop and PG that we over at WFT really do love your blog, as well as IHJ. We know that whatever you guys want to discuss is up to you. We aren't going out of our way to cause trouble for anyone. Apparently there is someone going around to a lot of the blogs and websites trying to stir up trouble and blaming WFT.
//wow,drama again!
Just stay in your favorate blog and other sites you visit. DON'T POLLUTE THE AIR WITH YOUR SILLINESS HERE...//
Honestly, if it wasn't for the 'drama' you get off of WFT, what would you have to bitch about?
3:03 AM,
^^^I totally agree with angry jake fan and some anons above.:)
Hi TexRob,
There is a thread now in DC (under Our Campaigns) for the discussion on the affair, although I see that there is some restrictions what you can say, for example, naming of individuals. The site says that this is for legal reasons, and this may be also the reason why the DL has deleted the article (if they did delete it). This issue may be best discussed at DC itself, also I don't know if there will be any legal complication for BPB, so it may not be right to discuss it here (although it may be up to BPB to decide).
I realise that it may be difficult to say some of the things you want to say at DC, so if you want to discuss it here, perhaps take a bit of care about naming name?
Lahd! Why can't we all just get along?
At least ... all of the really, really, really, good looking ones of us?
I've been busy lately prepping for a trial on Tuesday, keep on truckin' Brit!
oh guys im just on perez purley to see what shit has been said, and when i read about bpb cutting austin out of the picture i was nearly going ape shit in my chair! i knew that that was the only one available at the time and i couldnt wait to get on his site and tell the girl that she got it wrong... REALLY WRONG! i was stoked to see a few comments later that bpb set it straight! YOU GO GIRL!
man i wonder what jake would do if he knew all this was going. I read the comments on WFT and geez, if hes not gay he would b so disapointed with some of his 'fans' from there. Personally i dont care either way.. This site is the best, it rock bpb rocks, pg rocks everyone rocks- hence why i really only look at this and IHJ
oh guys im just on perez purley to see what shit has been said, and when i read about bpb cutting austin out of the picture i was nearly going ape shit in my chair! i knew that that was the only one available at the time and i couldnt wait to get on his site and tell the girl that she got it wrong... REALLY WRONG! i was stoked to see a few comments later that bpb set it straight! YOU GO GIRL!
man i wonder what jake would do if he knew all this was going. I read the comments on WFT and geez, if hes not gay he would b so disapointed with some of his 'fans' from there. Personally i dont care either way.. This site is the best, it rock bpb rocks, pg rocks everyone rocks- hence why i really only look at this and IHJ
Dear Sarah,
Whilst I'm flattered that you're so concerned about the artistic direction of JW you felt the need to try and start a discussion about it on another blog, I fail to be appeased by your attempt to shirk the blame on to 'troll'.
And yes, I am sick of being pestered but seens as you started it you only have yourself to blame if you now feel somewhat hassled.
You worry me, sarah920. You worry me a lot.
much love,
Honestly, if it wasn't for the 'drama' you get off of WFT, what would you have to bitch about?
Nothing! And we'd be happy! Honestly.
^^ Exactly.
Also, in addition to the comments here about the comments made about Jake's sexuality on other blogs, Perez etc, I just want to share this EXCELLENT post by someone over at Perez. This was so well said and I wish I was the one who said it, but I'm not that good unfortunately. Although I can honestly say that it reflects my feelings exactly. This is what he/she said:
First off, Britpopbaby nor anyone else cut Austin out of one of the pictures. Getty Images only put up one and that was the one of Jake. The rest came later.
Also, the obsessive way some of you are insisting that Perez out Jake is very scary. There is no concrete proof that he is gay. He may be gay and with Austin, or he may be gay and not with Austin and he may be bi and, guess what, he also may be straight and just secure in his sexuality. Yes, if he is gay or bi coming out would be great, but if he isn't what right do you have to insist with such obsessiveness that he is. It is still his right to say what he wants about his sexuality, not Perez or Ted Casablanca.
Kudos to the one who said this. You have my respect.
Good Morning.
When I left yesterday we were congratulating BPB on her successful interview and giggling about an imaginary threesome. I come back to find Blog War espionage going on.
veeveevee said yesterday...
I come here for the wit and fun, and the family of commenters. The delicious pictures of Jake are the superb icing on the cake!
My sentiments exactly.
I have seen some of those other blogs once or twice. I always came back here because this is more my kind of place.
So BPB try to ignore it. Step out, step up and give us your gift of intellegence and humor. It's the only real thing.
@ cina: I can only dito that. Every kind of fanaticism is scary. There´s enough of that in the real word.
And BPB: You rock! Don´t let them get you down.
"Whilst I'm flattered that you're so concerned about the artistic direction of JW you felt the need to try and start a discussion about it on another blog, I fail to be appeased by your attempt to shirk the blame on to 'troll'."
The fact that you are "unappeased" would somewhat suggest that you cannot take criticism. Yes, I criticised JW: I said, and I quote myself directly here, "Btw, is no-one getting slightly concerned that Jakewatch is starting to focus more on Britpopbaby than Jake?" That's it. Sure, I went further into it after the whole blew up, and you can find that for yourselves. I said nothing offensive, it was an offhand comment about "the artistic direction of the blog", which is accurate. Whether this is a good or a bad thing is a debatable matter. However, why this in your mind justifies being relentlessly harrassed on four message boards I don't know.
I do know that I'm very tired of being harrassed in such a manner and cannot be bothered to deal with this troll anymore while I have such offline pressures. I'll email if you want to say anything else, but otherwise I'm leaving fandom for a bit. Being a Jake fan should not be this stressful.
I'm leaving fandom for a bit. Being a Jake fan should not be this stressful.
Sarah, I can't NOT respond to your post. Come on. Btw, is no-one getting slightly concerned that Jakewatch is starting to focus more on Britpopbaby than Jake? In my defense here, 7 of the 10 blog entries that are currently showing up on the main page were written by me. That ratio doesn't always hold true, but I have yet to have anyone accuse me of self-promotion, so it would appear your real beef is with brits and not the actual blog.
It just so happened that brits' birthday fell around the same time her interview came out, and that interview has been in the works for MONTHS (the release date was pure coincidence). Obviously, neither occasion was going to be overlooked to make sure Jake stayed center stage. I can't think of any other recent examples of britpop-related posts, although if I'm having selective memory issues, let me know.
Also, "the artistic direction of the blog" hasn't changed all that much...what has changed is the increasing number of readers and a consistent lack of actual Jake news. When you don't always have much to work with, you have to get creative. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But brits started this blog, and while I like to mimic her style, there's never been a question that she has set the tone from the beginning.
Don't feel like you need to defend your positions here. We're happy to live in our little bubble and pretend no one out there disagrees with us. Of course we dislike criticism. Do you know anyone who doesn't? But it's especially annoying coming from someone who isn't an established member of our community here. If being a fan is getting stressful, then you should take a break, because it's not worth that. But forgive me for thinking that you're bringing on most of this unnecessary stress yourself.
What she said!
Excellent post, PG!
Well said PG. I don't understand the negativity that goes on, if you don't like a partiular blog/site then don't bother with it, simple.
I only visit this blog and IHJ for Jake related stuff, i have no interest in any other crap that's out there (I was tempted to go over to the Perez site to see what was going on, but i decided not to, I don't want to start posting over there).
I was involved in the LOTR fandom for a while and crap like this used to go on all the time but on a much larger scale, believe me. The fun Perez would have had regarding that and the Dom/Elijah stuff if he had his site up ( And others) boggles the mind.
I just hope this ends, these little explosions seem to come out of nowhere and has nothing to do with Brit and her blog (The whole Cantatra mess and the crap that was posted here when that happened).
ditto that-- PG you rock! and hey, for the record, i LOVE when this blog focuses on our fearless threesome (BPB, PG, Anneka). it's been said before, but most of us in this community come here for a combination of the jake "stalking", the humor, and the wonderful personalities behind the blog. to be honest, with the recent lack of jake news, i'm grateful for the latter two. if that's not your thing, like you say, there are tons of other jake blogs/sites out there. no need to mess with JW.
A trip down memory lane for me and a little history regarding the LOTR fandom and the wanking that and still goes on. I used to be a mod on this site. After awhile it just wasn't funny anymore:
So as you can see, these eruption are nothing compared to that. Sigh.
4 days and counting...
Great post above, PG!
Those of us who are regulars here are regular because we "get" this blog, we enjoy it, we laugh over it, we connect and get to know each other over it.
If you don't like it, lump it. Don't come over here and try to stir up trouble. There are other places you can go where you feel a better fit and we invite you to visit (and stay!) at those sites.
Then you'll be happier, and boy oh boy, so will we! ;-)
OK simon!
However, why this in your mind justifies being relentlessly harrassed on four message boards I don't know.
I suppose because your initial question on WFT did sind like a provocation, and your attempts to blame 'trolls', whatever the hell this word means, do look rather cheap.
ANYWAY, congrats BPB for becoming a C-lister in blog-dom hope to see you climb up to the very top!
What I don't get is if what gets written in the comments at WFT bother you all so much, why not take your own advice and NOT go there?
^^ Yeah that's really good news, isn't it Simon! I'm really happy and proud to be honest, haha! :-)
Too bad she couldn't be here for the festival to receive the award. That would have been cool!
What I don't get is if what gets written in the comments at WFT bother you all so much, why not take your own advice and NOT go there?
Because when you hear people are badmouthing you on another blog you're bound to go over and check it out if you're human and have a soul. Duh.
And yes, sarah920, please, please, please take a break. I usually do igonre this kind of stuff but this isn't the first time you've managed to piss me off. What you ever hoped to achieve, I'm not sure. You seem to have an unhealthly interest in Jake fandom on every level.
I read what you wrote on WFT.
kinda shows the focus is more on herself and HER reaction to Jake rather than on Jake, or the other fans of Jake.
ER, SHIT NO! Congratulations on spotting that. That's kinda what JW is all about. How many times - JW IS NOT A FAN SITE BUT A HUMOUR BLOG FOR MINE AND PG'S WRITING.
I'm not sure what this means...
However, why this in your mind justifies being relentlessly harrassed on four message boards I don't know.
...but I was talking about being hassled by you. Everywhere I go you seem to pop up spewing some nonsense. I see you even managed to email Cantara - seriously, if read back over how you describe your beliefs it sounds like some weird cult.
Please email me if you want to discuss it futher but don't think you can get away with shit-stirring - you fucked with me just once too much. No better than these "trolls".
PS - I'd just like to reiterate that this HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WFT. I've made my opinion clear before on this. Unfortunately everyone is so quick to play the victim. It just so happens this is where sarah920 decided to dispense with her insightful and helpful advice. God, where would I be without her? Oh, that's right calm and happy.
Sorry everyone else got dragged into this but I consider JW my work, not some Jake fansite that can be judged and criticised (usually inaccurately) by any random twat that wanders past. If these criticisms were coming from someone with an ounce of creativity, a peer or anyone legitmate I wouldn't mind one bit.
Here you can read about this New award for Maggie. And I'm feeling more and more surrealist vibes from this War of the blogs, it's due mainly to a lack of empathy between different collectives, it's how ones feel superior to another, and I don't think gays are above straight or either way. The commenters in Perez Hilton seem a therapy group of people who suffer aggresivity excess and strong pornographic instincts, while WFT is more relaxed but too obsessed with gayness. IHJ and Jake Watch are on a more balanced game, where humour is a necessary balm.
"Sorry everyone else got dragged into this but I consider JW my work, not some Jake fansite that can be judged and criticised (usually inaccurately) by any random twat that wanders past"
You run a blog on a free site. You seem to have a bit of an over-inflated idea about yourself.
And if you didn't want "Jake Fans" coming by and considering this a Jake blog, I guess you would have named it something else. Your focus changed when you got worried that the Gyllenhaals would be offended by your site. It is pretty obvious to anyone who has read anything you've written since you started here.
Why would the Gyllenhaals be offended by JW?
I understand that i run a free blog that anyone can read and obviously anyone can criticise it but doesn't mean I have to like them criticising me. Why is that over-inflated? No-one appreciates pointless criticism.
AND I think it's clear to anyone who does visit JW that it leans more towards the ironic and surreal - if you just want news and pictures read Yahoo or something.
6:52:PM: Please go away. Why do you care? It isn't your blog.
Anonymous 6:52 and your point is? Let assume what you say about changing focus of this blog for the reasons you mention is true, so what? This is BPB's blog, she can decide to change focus for whatever reason, whenever she wants! You don't like it, you go somewhere else, noone ever asked you to agree with her. Do you understand the difference between a blog, a fansite, a Yahoo group?
It seems to be very difficult for some people to understand what Jake Watch is all about. My guess is that they lack a sense of humour.
And why are people who are not regulars here so INCREDIBLY concerned with Jake Watch's doings?? I just. Don't. Get it.
I have been lurking here for a while and I feel the need to put in my 2 cents:
I thought the Gyllenhaals didn't read this blog from what i hear? And yet the jealously rages, and yes I believe it's jealousy. I really think that "others" thought/think that Brit has some kind of pipeline to them through Cantara (Despite babygate). What silly nonsense, but like a bunch of jealous teenage girls that didn't get asked to the prom by the most popular boy in HS, you spew, pout and stir up trouble not only here and your own blog, but elsewhere as well. And for what purpose??And the continuing obsession with Ms. Christopher is down right creepy. There is something seriously wrong with you people, I mean it. This is her blog, there has been very little real Jake news and it will probably continue as he is filming and it will take him overseas. The tone of the blog is just right for me, it's not fannish, it's funny and I love Brit's and PG's posts, no matter the subject. There are a number of other sites you can visit if this blog doesn't suit you.
^^ what he/she said.
Changing the subject, but wonderful new pics of Jake, Maggie, Peter, Atticus and baby Ramona (who you can see is adorable!!) here http://popsugar.com/71874.
Btw, Cina, thanks so much for your bringing up my words on Perez here, I am the poster Get Real at Perez and usually post here anon. :) Love this site, Brit, PG and Jake G!! All together it makes a great combo and the folks here seem to get it, unlike other places.
Thanks for the pics, although they make me a tad bit uncomfortable because it looks like they got a close up of Ramona.
I love how it looks like Jake is trying to shield Maggie, Peter and Ramona from the paps with Atticus in some of the pics. But the real question is :Where's Boo???
get real/anon, get ye an alias here! it's always nice to be able to identify people here :).
The tone of the blog is just right for me, it's not fannish, it's funny and I love Brit's and PG's posts, no matter the subject. There are a number of other sites you can visit if this blog doesn't suit you.
^^skaken, well said and TOTALLY agree!
Thanks for the common sense my lovelies! Sometimes the red cloud descends when people (who don't know me and never will) come up with this ridiculous notions and my judgement becomes clouded.
I should ignore them but ugh! it winds me up! I know for sure they wouldn't say such things with a computer screen to hide behind.
Anon/Get real: You're most welcome. What you said was so wise I just couldn't NOT share it here. And like smurfette said - get youself an alias! :-)
^^^ So true! And shaken, you are so right about the misconceived perception of a link to the Gyllenhaal's. I really can't stress how much this is not the case.
Oops, that ^^^ was for britpop. You're too fast, Cina! :)
LOL! Sorry PG! ;-)
i am going to wait it out. i am going to be patient and understanding and i am not going to be angry about the poor souls who create all the craziness here.
i wonder though why those things happen periodically.
smth to do with the moon phases?
re: Maggie's award. today i read smth about one of the gyllenhaals in the local newspaper for the first time ever! saying "Maggie Gyllenhaal wins over Sweden". she's getting famous even here. wooo-heee!
Thanks for the welcome guys! Guess I will just use the obvious alias of Get Real that I used at Perez. :)
" should ignore them but ugh! it winds me up! I know for sure they wouldn't say such things with a computer screen to hide behind. "
You just called someone a twat (although you phrased it as if it wasn't directed toward her), miss also hides behind her computer screen, just because she doesn't think you're as funny as YOU seem to.
Okay that one at 9.58 was just funny.
As to the other one...
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Believe me I'd call her that to her face if I ever met her.
The traffick is fine here, check the meter little girl. JW will be here long after you stop obsessing over his sex life. And the same doz loons posting 20 time each per day per post is not impressive over on that freeperlike blog is just patehtic and calculating.
^and yet your here? why?
11:12 & 11:15: The same sick little girl. We are nothing to Jake and you know? Boy are you insane. 2000 hits isn't bad for a shit blog you creepy freak. Shouldn't you be doing your homework or something.
And stalking? This is from the same disturbing individuals that google blogs searching where Jake is when he is MIA, obsess over articles that pairs him with a girl, pretend that the latest pics reveal intimacy when in reality it doesn't, creating elaborate fan fic describing situations that don't exists, visiting a blog 24/7 obsessed with his sex life and encourage to post several times droning on about nothing but pictures and BS blog entries and the ramblings of a columnist that is in rehab yet again, and e-mailing his interns with garbage knowing they will post it.
Face it you are jealous because Brit and this blog continues to get recognition and you still believe that Jake lurks on this blog. You are sick and obviously don't have a life. Now go back to your shit blog and post 25 times on how they spent the holidays together and ,OMG his elbow is on his knee. Pathetic.
Brit doesn't delete posts, unlike the Stalin-like freeper blog you love so dearly. Continue to show your true ass, you are obviously jealous and bitter, maybe Jake does post here? Hmmmmmmm
And maybe Jake does post here.
Oh. My. God. Um, let me just say TRUST ME, he doesn't. Anyway, let's move on. New post, people. New post.
First off, Brit it makes me sad that your sad/pissed. You are such a genuine, funny, sweet young woman and that DC Scandal troll and the Shit Stirring Troll should be banished to a land without internet access. HATE! :o(
Second of all THANK YOU damaris for the big ups on "Stolen Moments" I had to scroll through my memory banks because I wrote that a while ago but yah that was fun to write, almost entirely PWP lol.
^ Squall!! :D
You are so welcome. I liked it so much, that last night I stayed up until almost 3:00 a.m., reading everything of yours I could find. ;) You got some steamy stuff going on girl. ;) Loved it! All of it. :D
And thank you for agreeing with me about James Purefoy! OMG I've loved that man since "A Knight's Tale." But you're the only one to agree with me about his "Bond-ness." The new guy, Daniel Craig, seems to be getting lots of props, so more power to him. :)
Take care Squall. :)
OMG! The animals have escaped the zoo!!!Or else someone forgot to take their meds. What has set you people off today??
Shouldn't you be googling blogs for Jake sightings, examining pictures, writing tacky fan fic and confusing it real life, or your new favorite pastime: posting fake sighings on the DL and other places and forwarding it to gossip blogs, what fun!!!
BTW: I'm 5'7 and weigh 130lbs, hardly fat. Please seek help dear, you are coming of the spool.
^ GEEZ!!!
I was really hoping that Squall and I had successfully changed the topic...
Getting rid of some people is like trying to scrape shit off a shoe...
*Sidesteps Insane-O Hour*
JP was delish in A Knight's Tale but they didn't show him enough. I always get tingles when he SPOILERS FOR AKT
Knights William after freeing him from teh stocks. So moving. That movie is totally underrated. There was such humor and pathos.
^ I agree!! The movie didn't get nearly the recognition it deserved. You mention one of my favorite scenes...when William is 'Knighted.' I also love Paul Bettany as 'Geoffrey Chaucer.' He was amazing. Could be the English major in me appreciating certain aspects of the movie...but overall, it was just so funny and yet so moving at the same time. :)
Dude, you need a diet coke or something.
And yep, Squall, the 'trolls' don't usually bother us and yes, they can be annoying (but sometimes funny like that one above) but a troll didn't set me off in this mood.
Anyway, I've slept since then, I'm over it. And I'd like to defend Daniel Craig as the new James Bond and I'll also get round to answering your questions ;)
Well I like Jake and Austin, y'all can say what you want.
when William is "Knighted" - that is my fav scene too!
"He's quick, he's funny, he makes me lots of money, Lichtenstein! Lichtenstein!
He's blond, he's pissed, he'll see you in the lists, Lichtenstein! He's blond, he's tanned, he comes from Gelderland!"
Jesus. You know, some people honestly scare me. Where the hell does all the hatred come from?! No wonder we have wars in this world when people can't even get along on a fucking satire blog on the internet. This is supposed to be FUN, people! This is just pathetic. Just pathetic.
Holy shit!Whe I first read this post,I didn't have time to comment and ask a question and I said I'll do it later. Now I look and there are 153 comments?..good thing they're not all questions,cause it wouldn't be anything left for me.
So..my questions are..
What would you prefer-writing in this blog or writing for a serious newspaper?(suposing you get money in both cases)
If you were face to face with Jake at a meeting arranged by Cantara :))) what would you ask him and what would you wear?
^^^ JNG, that was great!! I loved that part too. ;)
What is with people who derive some sort gossipy pleasure at other peoples troubles or sorrows, or at someones expense?
It's a sick.
The thing I find fascinating in a very perverse way is that this person always resorts to vile language to articulate their hostility. It reminds me of the four year old who is thinking of all the "bad words" they can say. Very infantile and anti-social.
I think whoever it is, has mistaken this blog for online group therapy.
Unfortunately, the internet, with its anonymity, removes all social restraint and permits people to act out in ways they never would in real life...at least many of them wouldn't. I think the poster would be consigned to an asylum were they to behave that way in real life. Then again, maybe they are the type who sets cats on fire and kicks tiny puppies. Bet they don't get many babysitting jobs.
Bet they're sullen and tempermental in RL and they don't have many school friends and their parents are rather passive. They probably don't bathe regularly and have many piercings. In any event, all attempts to infect this blog with venomous ramblings have failed miserably and will not in anyway affect the fun, intelligent and joyful craziness that is a staple. In fact,I liken the troll's behavior to a pup caught pissing on the floor. You aren't housebroken and deserve a sharp rap on the nose. It's really best to totally ignore you and not respond at all. But I couldn't resist. Maybe you'll be provoked to do something so heinous you'll get your internet privileges rescinded. LOL!
News hot off the press! TBL is in a band, who would have thought!
^LOOOOL!!!!And look what kind of comments they get..May I perhaps, one day, lick your beard?
That's one thing that has NEVER crossed my mind.
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