Monday, September 25, 2006


I need your opinions on something and be 100% honest:

Can you rate your interest in Stephen Gyllenhaal from 1-5 (general interest not pervy thoughts). It's for a show-and-tell I'm doing at school, thanks!

Scale of Sarcasam added to aid some pupils:

5. Poppa G rocks my socks! Poetry, films, politics - bring it on.
4. He begat The Gyllenhaal, it's all good in my book.
3. I like his ass. What? Is that not appropiate?.
2. Sometimes Jake does not fufill my needs and I turn to Pops in desperation.
1. Who?

Not satisfied with the choices above? Try these instead:
a. I just use Jake to get closer to Poppa G.
b. britpopbaby, sometimes you confuse me more than I'd like to be confused.
c. What? You want my bank details too, woman?


Anonymous said...

if 1 means 'i don't give a shit' and 5 means 'i can't sleep at night thinking of him' i choose 1.

i would so like to have such projects at school, any details, please?

Anonymous said...


The Chemistry Guru said...

You're still in school??? Taketh thee ages to graduate me dear?

Hehe, no pervy thoughts, eh?
Shit! that's hard.
Ok seriously,I enjoyed some of the poems in claptrap and emm.. yeah that's it. I also think he's sexy..that's a 3 for me.

cina said...

3,5 for me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I heard him reading one of his poems....boring

Anonymous said...

oops, I just made the comment above --- about being boring --- I forgot to give him a number --- 1

salailama said...

i was gonna say 4, but that picture is awesome and just tipped the scale to 4.5 =).

i was just gonna ask why JW chose not to post the recent pic of jake and pops from the nyc white t-shirt series below (where he's holding his grey sweater), but this pic made up for my poppa craving thx =)!

in general, i'm somewhat interested in pops, his poetry, work has insight into films, hollywood, tv-- all of which interest me. insofar as his work/interviews, etc reveal insight into jake or maggie, or even peter, then my interest in him spikes exponentially. it's the honest truth. i know this isn't the question, but helps me explain myself-- in terms of interest in the entire gyllenhaal klan: in order of who most interests me, i'd say jake, peter, maggie, stephen, then naomi

Anonymous said...

is his father, 5

only1annabel said...

I'd say about 3. I'm intrigued about your project...hoping there will be more details!

Anonymous said...

he's not jake, but is directly related by blood. and he's a poet. i'd say for me, 3.5

Anonymous said...


britpopbaby said...

You want a comical scale? Bejesus!

Anonymous said...

Brits, comical scale would be nice, details about that school project of yours would be even nicer. what do i have to do to have projects about the gyllenhaals to do at school instead of linguistic mumbo-jumbo or *shudder* structural interpretation of literature ?

Alice Walkington said...


Anonymous said...

It's a 2,5 for me.

Anonymous said...

I meant 2.5 sorry.

britpopbaby said...

Okay, comical scale is not accurate or even that comical.

It's not really for a school project kaydee, I was joking. PG and I just want to gauge the general Poppa love.

Anonymous said...

4. "He begat The Gyllenhaal, it's all good in my book"

i still would be 1 but the reason above made me stop and think a while, so... it's 4 now.

kinda relieved it's not a school project, was turning green from jealousy, and it is so not my colour

ATD said...

Hmm, the more I get to know the more intrigued I become. Then again, the more I get to know the less I understand. So putting my ignorance aside I would have to say a 3.5 with an upward trend.

Anonymous said...

4, for sure!! He's Jake's dad, and he's literary - both are winners in my book!

britpopbaby said...


TBL, UK Hello mag are more interested in the likes of Posh & Becks, Wayne Rooney & Colleen, Jordan & Peter Andre.

I don't see them throwing 4 grand my way for this.

Anonymous said...


Sorry to drag the average down, but a class on elder hotness does sound sort of fun. I'd certainly study for my A levels in that course.

britpopbaby said...

i was just gonna ask why JW chose not to post the recent pic of jake and pops from the nyc white t-shirt series below

what pics were those smurfette? don't think I've seen them.

The Chemistry Guru said...

Aah! Just checking out the update and my original choice at 3 still stands.
I mean, who in their right mind dosen't want a piece of the gyllenass?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'd place my interest at level three. The taut outlines of the Gyllenbutt, covered in denim, are a precious legacy. (Well, that & self-expression, creativity & the serious interest in social causes.)

Naomi is the neglected, unappreciated Gyllenhaal.

Anonymous said...

Links to new pics with a gorgeous JG and his dad!

Weirdland said...

I'd say 4 in your scale, not appropriate for rocking my socks because he's happily married.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Katie. What could Jake be looking at? -

Weirdland said...

Thanks for the link, Katie. I've updated these Daddy pictures in Jake Weird

Anonymous said...

is it a JW agent or an unauthorised female? if the latter, look how sneaky she is...

Anonymous said...

I choose 4. I need to add that I am writing this while wearing my new JAKE
WATCH T. SHIRT. and I love it, love it, love it !!!!!! Thanks so much britpopbaby

Agnes said...

I really don't know so I guess I give you a 3.5

salailama said...

sorry britpop, missed your question. glad katie helped out. i had glanced at them quickly before posting here, so i was mistaken about the grey sweater, but the rest of the outfit is the same. anyway, truly great pics of the father-son =).

Anonymous said...

Gotta go with #4. He begot The Sex. With more than a little help from the Glorious Naomi, who I don't think gets nearly enuf credit. Funny, but after studying pics from the poetry reading on Martha's Vineyard, I think Jake favors Naomi and Maggie favors Papa.

Anonymous said...

I'm Cuckoo for Cocoa Pops!

We all know where Jake got his fineness - from his Highness!

Anonymous said...

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 A 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Anonymous said...

Dear sweet god - we're 16 hours 46 mins (Sep-26-06 10:00:00 PDT) from Jake being hitched with a possible weirdo all in the name of civil liberties!!


Why isn't this all over the news?

Bobbie said...

5! I have crush on Poppa G. Actually I think I have a crush on the entire family.
Thanks for the link to the pictures, Katie. Those are great.

DKBB said...

4...totally, 4....

Anonymous said...

Gyllenpapa is The Original Sex! It's obvious where Jake gets it from!

Moon said...

4.5 for me...

And i agree that Poppa G is the Original Sex!!

Mys T's said...

4.5 - I wouldn't say he 'rocks' but I am interested in some of his works, which I haven't explored fully, and don't particularly seek out, but I did analyse one poem 'At 25' and also read his blog when a link was provided here not so long ago. I agree with his world view. So, yeah, Stephen's cool.

Anonymous said...

1 and a

Anonymous said...

I have to go for 4.5, too. I´m not that familiar with his work, just read some of his poems, never watched one of his movies unfortunately, but what I gathered from the Q & A is that he seems to be very smart, creative, intelligent, and humble.

Anonymous said...

i was going to bed the other night when i vaguely spotted some "gyllenhaal" as director in hbo's late night movie. so i stayped up to watch it and later i learn that the title of the movie is losing isaiah. it's a good one tough not as good as i hope.. i've also seen the cf "rock the vote" he did with jake and peter.. so basically i see him as one who has ideals and believes in a better world and use his directing as a tool to realize it. in other word, he's quite cool. having said that, still he lacks this deadly charms jake has over me..

i give him a 2. not by bp's sarcasm standard though.

Anonymous said...

I love papa G , he rockx my world!

and he looks awesome in jeans!

Anna said...

5 -- without hesitation. I like ALL of Poppa G - looks, poetry, politics, children! :D

JadziaDragonRider said...

Why are y'all so funny? Your funniness is unsettling actually. You can effortlessly make me caw laughter into empty rooms. (at work when I should be grading papers). Okay hmmm I'd say that I'm a 3. I mean I give props for him creating Jake and he seems nice and funny and politically fine. He has a nice little ass as you say but meh. I'd rather look at Jakes any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

2, cos he's sexy, but his son it' the true gold, baby!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wait, shit. He may be old, but actually....i DO like his ass!!

Honestly, not really his poetry that much, though

Anonymous said...

that last comment was me, sorry