But let's pretend it was a real trailer, shall we? A run-down:
EDIT! It should be noted that within a half an hour of this being posted, the honest-to-God real trailer showed up. You can watch it HERE. Most of Jake's scenes in the trailer are the same as shown in the Entertainment Tonight "first look." Now back to my suddenly-worthless recap of the not-trailer:
0:00 - Reese looks distressed. Snap judgment: her husband in this movie is kinda hot.
0:14 - Jake shows up. He's sitting in a car. By now, we all know that's something he's good at.
0:15 - Jake walks down a hall looking important.
0:16 - Jake talks to someone in a dimly lit room.
0:17 - Jake dejectedly puts his head in his hands as if to say, "Damn, this would have been so much better if this was an actual trailer."
0:18 - Someone's shirt is being cut off, but it's not Jake's. A harbinger of how the rest of this "first look" is going to go for us.
0:25 - Jake walks importantly into a room while a shirtless man (Reese's husband, I believe) gets all weepy on us. Jake seems too manly to care.
0:31 - Sarsy shows up (DUDE, we've missed you!) to explain the title of the movie to Reese.
0:41 - The voice of Jake! I try to pay attention but I'm distracted by his massively overgrown hair and dimly lit profile.
0:45 - Holy shit! Jake goes all Tony Swofford on our asses, which is to say he grabs the shirtless man by the neck in a decidedly non-sexual manner and says, "Explain the phone calls," in an intense voice. Non-sexual for Reese's husband, perhaps, but a different story for those of us at home.
0:50 - Jake almost gets blown up in his car. I try to worry but the scene ends too quickly for me to emote.
0:52 - Jake walks down a dark hall with Reese's hubby. Voice-over guy tells us that the movie will open October 19. So either ET or IMDb is lying. Dammit! Are there never any easy answers?!
1:00 - Reese screams. Probably because this was way too short and has far too little Jake.
I should add that the segue into the Rendition "first look" involved talking about Matt Damon and Joaquin Phoenix originally being considered for the roles of Jack and Ennis (what?! no!). I shudder to think what my life would have been like if this casting disaster taken place.
I'm sure this will show up on YouTube in no time...when it does, you'd do well to ignore my time stamps as they were only rough approximations based on my crappy VCR timer.

We have the official trailer!!
Thank you! And ARGH! If I'd known that, I wouldn't have had to recap the dumb ET thing. But I've linked it on the main page now. :)
Your recap is better than the official trailer! Give yourself a hand PG!
0:45 - Holy shit! Jake goes all Tony Swofford on our asses, which is to say he grabs the shirtless man by the neck in a decidedly non-sexual manner and says, "Explain the phone calls," in an intense voice. Non-sexual for Reese's husband, perhaps, but a different story for those of us at home.
Lord, Jesus. How did you know?! Have you been reading my thoughts? This is brilliant and completely encapsulates what a certain part of my anatomy felt upon hearing, "Explain the phone calls." DAMN! Those four little words spoken with such authority made me cross my legs.
OMG, not only is Jake really assertive and tough...he is REALLY mean. A CIA baddie to his core. I don't know why he turns me on when he gets like this, but he does. He really, really, really does. I cannot sit with my legs crossed...I have to get up and walk around...it's like Restless Leg Syndrome....only it's not my legs and its...moreso....
And I think your recap is superior to anything else we wil see. Perspective is everything!
Not enough Jake in that trailer if you ask me. BUT IT'S A FRIGGIN TAILER!!! =)
Now really PG! Do you really know what a harbinger is? Does anybody??
Your recap was more interesting PG!
Wow, Jake is really intense in the trailer, I seriously can't wait until this comes out in October.
Recap was awesome! The trailor loots great, i think im really going to like it! I hope Jake is in it alot, and reese's performance looks amazing -dare i say it. I do still think its kinda funny that these pics of them come out 2 days before the tralier but hey, it could be total coincidence! I cant wait to see it it looks really really good, great cast and i hope this time it gets some sort of oscar nod!
Can anyone spell O.S.C.A.R.?
Thanks for the trailer! This movie looks awesome!
Out of curiousity, don't you think Peter Sarsgaard would make an excellent narrator? I like his voice, ooh I know! Both him and Jake could tell us a story. Any story will do! How about a narration of your day?
"This is the story of [insert your name here]. Who woke up this morning to the alarm clock set at 6.30am. The first thought [insert your name here] had was..."
Um, coffee? Go for a run? Wonder where you are? Look at JW for a new post??? Dang! Writer's block! Little help?
Now really PG! Do you really know what a harbinger is? Does anybody??
Er, did I not use it correctly? A harbinger is a sign of things to come, no?
And brownanddesperate, I knew I wouldn't be the only one to find that scene incredibly sexy! Thinking back on the various conversations held here about the "shut the fuck up and repeat after me" scene in Jarhead, I think most of us are a little fucked up in that way. ;D Bring on psycho Jake!
I think you hit the nail on the head. Let's review the evidence. Constant rumours. Stories of lover's tiff's (the Jake - Jen spat), an alleged break up. Paparazzi crawling all over the place trying to get a picture. Not a sniff of any evidence whatsoever then - bam! Two days before the trailer out comes a pic of them together with the added information she is driving him to her place.
Set up? I think so. Repeat after me 'it is all a publicity stunt, it is all a publicity stunt'.
And no I am not in denial. Never have been. Never will be.
Anyway. Jake looks hot. Sarsy looks hot. Meryl Streep and Alan Arkin are great. PG'S recap should be the official trailer.
I too am perturbed by how sexy Violent! Jake is. Hope the movie ends with him and Reese's husband (the movie one not Ryan Philippe- altho' there is that intriguing pic of them working out together and little Jake looking very perky) finding true love and jetting off to the sunset. Not that I want her to suffer. Nooooo.
I would really hate to think that Jake and Reese would particpate in such a PR stunt for this type of movie with such a serious subject matter and a movie in which both took a pay cut to appear in. It's not like this is a romantic comedy. I don't think Gavin Hood would be too thrilled either IMO.
PS: The trailer is kick ass and so is your re-cap PG!
You are definitely not alone, Prophecy Girl. Is it masochistic of me to want a man to order me around like that? This is where it gets sticky both literally and figuratively. OVERSHARE! I digress...
I don't think Gavin Hood would be too thrilled either IMO.
You know, you might be right on this, but it would not surprise me if GH cared less either way. So long as "Rendition" makes it to theatres and audiences are alerted to the issue at hand, I see Gavin sitting happy. He is still relatively unkown, despite Tsotsi winning the best Foreign Film Oscar in 06' and from what I gleaned from his Oscar acceptance speech, he seems all about his subject and reaching as many people as possible. If Jake and Reese are not the real deal and just a PR stunt, I could see Hood enduring the machine (as Dan Dunne would say; shameless plug here: go see Half Nelson if you have not already; it's seamless) for the sake of a story that needs to be told; it is something representative of a larger issue so timely and pertient to today's political climate.
Then again, I could be way off and it might just piss him quite-right off!
In this dramatic commentary on GitMo, is there actually a scene with The Great Meryl Streep and Jake?! (Couldn't tell whom Meryl addressed in one scene.)
I would really, really, like Jake to be naked or half-naked just once, but, failing that, something like an artfully played scene between Meryl & Jake would appeal to another part of my intellect.
(Please, please tell me that "Rendition" is going to do better in the theatres than "A Mighty Heart." Please. I don't want two critically acclaimed box office mehs in a row for our Jake.)
True, he may not care either way.
But I just hope that the relationship is legit for the reasons I stated: I think it's beneath both Jake and Reese to engage in this. It could be that their people are looking to exploit their relationship (if they are really dating) by tipping off the paps now (kind of sleazy too).
I read the comment from a L.A. photographer on JJ that described how they got one set of pics and they said that when Reese spotted them Jake ducked his head down! So who knows, and then there are the alleged sightings of them on MV that were posed on soem gossip blogs.
Alan Arkin! And, I didn't realise how happy it would make me to see Peter Sarsgaard again.
I would really hate to think that Jake and Reese would particpate in such a PR stunt for this type of movie with such a serious subject matter and a movie in which both took a pay cut to appear in. It's not like this is a romantic comedy. I don't think Gavin Hood would be too thrilled either IMO.
I always have to come here to get a taste of reality.......
Rendition looks great.... agree that there may not be enough of Jake in the movie [again...grrrrr]
Would disagree that Jake/Reece car shots are a publicity stunt. That's way too obvious and in my opinion poorly timed for the cynics of the world that don't want to believe in the twosome. Let's just wait and see what happens and hope that their friendship/relationship doesn't detract from the important message/public awareness of the movie.
Love you guys at Jake Watch - keep me smiling.
Okay, saw the official trailer....
*must go see this movie*
And bring an extra pair for HOLY SH*T
I don't think this has been done for PR. I think it's real. Showmances are usually handled diffeent. These two have put an EFFORT into keeping things quiet. I think they "stopped seeing each other" bcz of the media speculating about Reese's pregnant. So for about two or three weeks they separated, then reunited on MV.
I look at it this way: If all of the dating rumors are true....
lol! marly...george is a safe bet. he's avowed himself to bacherlorhood .
I agree that its unlike resse and jake to engage in such a cheap stunt. they've managed to avoid it all this time why now?
All I can conjure like some of you is that their PR are trying to exploit what may well be a genuine relationship.
oh well, there's always vodka to cheer me up.
PS: JakeWatch rocks!!!
Thank you, blamesvedka!
I know, I find George to be quite the sexy devil as well. I figure well established older man with a penchant for the younger ladies and hot too.
Yep, I'll take care of YOU George. Oh yes I will.
Pshh! You guys give up WAY too easily... :D
Girl, I'm not giving up... I'm just saying
Britpopbabe and Prophecy Girl you have lifted my despair. Gracias!
As for Jake letting us down? NO!
NEVER! He needs us as much as we need him.
Does Jake have some hard-as-steel thing in his contract that says he always has to get top billing on movies? It's funny, he's top billing on this, he was top billing on Zodiac, Moonlight Mile, it just seems like with the exception of Brokeback Mountain, no matter how well-known his co-stars are, he always gets listed before them in previews. I wonder what that's about...
Ive been thinking about this tralier heaps, im so excited! And going back to what someone said on a previous post, i doubt that Jake has a serious steamy hot sex scene in this... it just doesnt seem like it will fit from what ive seen of the trailer.
I totally get what u guys are saying about the couple being a stunt thing, and i agree with you as well. I hope its not a stunt either, i agree with u and wouldnt have thought either of them would be like that. I just thought it was a funny coincidence, and im surprised we havnt seen more since those two days. I mean if they are serious u think they would now be like "ok we got caught, fuck it lets go public" JIMO *shrug* ALso the ppl who said they spotted them in MV, those reports (as far as i know) only happened AFTER the pics were released... another coincidence! We will soon see
P.s. Can u smell the green eyed monster on me? i swear it just wont go away!
s4m985, you have a boyfriend yourself, why won't let Jake to havehis wom girlfriend. That's just not fair:)
Remember when Tom Cruise was supposed to promote War of the Worlds and focus on Spielberg? Instead he went nuts on Oprah.The entire TomKat thing overshadowed the movie...and not just bcz of Oprah. The paps had a field day with them. Spielberg was pissed!Then there's Brad&Angie and Mr&Mrs. Smith. Point is, I'd think Jake and Reese would bend over backwards NOT to call attention to their relationship right now.This is a very serious subject. Jake would never conduct himself in a way that would disrespect the film, or Gavin Hood, or his co-stars.(He was very discreet when promoting Zodiac.) All these people, Reese, Meryl, Peter, Alan Arkin are very serious people. It would not surprise me if they were VERY low key because the movie. For sure, I bet they won't permit any discussion of personal stuff.
On a more important note: I have deliberately restrained myself from commenting on Jake having hot sex in RENDITION.
My thinking is there probably is such a scene if only to establish the character. This young guy, having hot sex in Morocco and being cruelly interrupted by his work. What I find disturbing is reports that while Jake is shirtless in the scene, and, one would hope, bottomless as well...it is the girl who is in the shower and emerges with only a towel and not Jake. I think this would be sufficient reason to make sure, in the future, that the language in Jake's contracts is spelled out. And really. He's in Morocco people! It's hot there. People sweat. How then can they only show ONE shower scene. I think I might have to just go on location with Jake from now on, to make sure they get it right. And I hope it does end up on the cutting room floor. Altho, it would make a hell of a deleted scene for the DVD.
"And I hope it does end up on the cutting room floor."
Oops! I meant DOES NOT end up on the cutting room floor.
Anon. 6:14, I have seen Jake's previous contracts and while there is no "hard as steel" requirement that he get top billing, his agent has insisted the names be listed alphabetically...and that no one else be cast whose last name begins with anything before "G."
Jake would never be such a diva as to insist on top billing if he didn't deserve it. He wasn't even mentioned in the Jiminy Glick film, even tho his role was critical and certainly Oscar worthy.
9:05: Why would the person who saw the screening make up the love scene in Rendition? The reason why it probably wasn't in the trailer is because it had noting to do with the plot, it was probably just quick scene to set up the character of Doug. We will soon see.
Jake was in Morocco for quite a while as film shoots go. (At least three or four weeks.) Bet there's lots of on location stuff with him. They're saying on IMDB his actual screen time is about 40 minutes.And since we have no knowledge of final cut,it could end up more Jake. They may even have two endings.
Okay, I just registered at IHJ AND SWEET JESUS MC CREEDY!!
Thanks for the screencaps.Damn!!! That man has some killer eyes.
I could take meeting him, or even seeing him in person. I would totally melt. Shit.
I mean I could NOT take meeting him...not at all...looking at these caps I am sure of it.
Anonymous 9.14 said...
s4m985, you have a boyfriend yourself, why won't let Jake to havehis wom girlfriend. That's just not fair:)
oh he can have a girlfriend! Really and honestly if he was with anyone i am SO glad its Reese, her and Charlize would have been my picks anyway! But really, i think everyone here couldnt honestly say they have a slight bit of jealousy that its not them in the car with him? You wouldnt be HUMAN if not!
I love tough Jake! He's so butch!
PG, another brilliant commentary! I have to say I was with you 110%, and especially on the forceful!Jake bit. Guh. I see no reason to suspect that we will not be treated to The Shower Scene based on this, and I for one am looking forward to it more than ever. I have watched this trailer about a million times, and will no doubt watch it a zillion more before 10/19 (or 10/12, whichever is correct).
I mean if they are serious u think they would now be like "ok we got caught, fuck it lets go public"
Sam, I tend to agree with you. To the anon who said the cynics of the world...don't want to believe in the twosome, I say that not jumping to a conclusion does not make one a cynic. It makes one a rational person. My personal theory on the car pics, independent of the nature of their relationship, is that it has something to do with a different mutual project, possibly charity related and possibly Avon-related.
Re. the Jake & Reese hookup being a PR stunt, I totally disagree. With movies that take such an approach, there is always a romantic connection between the on screen characters (eg The Breakup - Vince & Jennifer; Mr & Mrs Smith - Brad & Angie; even Walk the Like - Reese & Joaquin). There's no such connection here. And also, such a trivial "romantic" PR stunt would totally go against the seriouness of the movie. Don't forget, we're talking about terrorism and torture. Hardly the stuff of romance!
I certainly hope it isn't a PR stunt as well due to the film subject.
On another note, Perez Hilton, yeah I know claims that Jake and Reese were spotted Saturday at the screening of the new Bourne movie kissing. And this followed a report from the NY Post saying that Reese and Ryan were spotted a few times last week dining and running sparking reconciliation rumors for the soon to be divorced couple. Ryan's reps denied it. It's like watching an episode of the Young and the Restless.
OK. I saw a new RENDITION trailer this weekend.It starts with a dream sequence.Reese is asleep and she is dreaming of Jake in Morocco...in the shower....There he is, dripping wet, clad only in a towel. Emerging from the shower, he sees her. She slams him against the bathroom door and lifting his leg, she runs her hand under the towel. There's a reason for this. She is 12 months pregnant and her belly is in the way.Locked in a passionate kiss, they slide down the door to the floor. She is sitting on him now, and suddenly she cries out, "Ouch! You poked me! " She looks down. There she sees vibrating and humming, and pulsating and poking....his cell phone. They both reach for it. "No!" She cries, "Let me!" "No!" He cries, "Don't touch it!" They both reach between his legs, her hands crushing his.She is squirming around, he grasps his cell phone, it surges out of his hand, slick and slippery and wet.Her hand plunges after it. At last.She answers the call. Listens for a moment and hands it to him wrinkling her nose. "Here.It's Meryl." She belches, then slowly pulls herself up.
now that's what i call a trailer!
thanks showerlady
theshowerlady bows shyly...then scoots away!
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