"Yeah, actually, in fact, the day before we started shooting, we decided we would all go into the backwoods of Tennessee and fool around. In fact, we went to a national park and went to the wrong area of the park and were asked to leave by one of the park rangers because we were screwing around."
- Jake, when he was knee-high to a grasshopper

So the truth is out. Model youth Jake Gyllenhaal was thrown out of the
backwoods of Tennessee for acting inappropriately. As a native of Tennessee, I can tell you that that is quite an accomplishment.
Picture and quote circa October Sky.
There are no words.
October Sky is one of my favorite movies, and I feel guilty for lusting after the very young Jakeness. That is all.
Cheeky Jake. (And that picture is one of my favorites of him).
Where do you find these quotes?! It's like they exist in some hidden-most corner of the Internet accessible by you and you alone.
Anyway, this is hilarious. Jake was probably a brilliant little piss ant and as aware then as he is now of how to turn a phrase to the perfect degree; and how to inject double entre in just the right spots to really get his fanbase's pulse a-thumpin'!
And hey, I got relatives all over TN. I could have interacted with or passed by a then largely unknown Jake Gyllenhaal and never even have known it...yay, my daydream for the next several hours!
I actually purposefully did not include a link to the source on this one because I don't want anyone spoiled for future weeks! (I have a feeling we'll be using this particular source a lot.) I'm not responsible for finding this treasure trove, though. ;) You guys are WAY better researchers than brits and I.
that picture makes me think that the rumors of a nose job are probably true. heehee.
regardless, j'adore beaucoup! nobody does suggestive like the gyllenhaal!
Without the quotes, would I be this in love with him? Doubtful. Proof that he is and always has been a little devil. I'm looking forward to more!
blamesvodka, what it looks like to me is that a young man grew into his nose. (Wow, that sounds so adorable for some reason.) It's not a small nose, even now, but that long face of his would certainly look ridiculous if it was. His nose looks different in different lighting and shot with different lenses. So if he did have work done on it, it looks like it's been done and undone about 3-4 times (sometimes within the same photo shoot). In other words, I don't think so. But anything is possible.
I've always felt like October Sky is the movie where you can really see the true beauty Jake would soon become.
I didn't lust after him, per se, but I can now state unequivocally that that is when I entered the period called "Watchful Waiting..."
Darling, I can't help but think you had somethng to do with this!
lol, i like that you've renamed me ever so slightly cherita...it does look a little more refined at the base now, but i guess that can also be explained by lightning/angles. Plus he did have some puppyfat back then.
Was it just me or did anyone else adore his accent in October Sky???
It's probably wrong to admit this, but every time I hear him say, "I wanna go into space," I crack up. Something in the way he says it...
And NRM, SURELY you are not suggesting that I, of all people, would know anything about goofing off in the backwoods of Tennessee?! I'm scandalized that you would even make such an accusation. ;)
Whoops! Sorry about that, blamesvedka! And I don't even drink! Perhaps I should start?
I love this movie. I often wondered if Laura Dern seduced him between takes.
Nice to see that celebrity obsessions are alive and well. I'm a standup comedienne and it gives me more of a reason to "make it" one day--so that some can create an overly-obsessive and borderline stalker weblog about me. Nice to come across your blog!
oh my, does this mean that he was in the smoky mountains? that's my favorite place to go on vacation.
I know I could get in trouble for saying this, but I have been thinking for a while now, that the only thing that could be improved on Jake is his hair colour. I think he looks smashing with really dark brown hair and eyebrows (the same as mine!) instead of his natural medium brown.
And I am in the camp of "yes he had his nose done". I'm not sure exactly when, but I'm positive that he's had work done. Just line up all the pics 2002-and-earlier, and a second line-up starting with TDAT, and then tell me you'll kill me for needin something I don't hardly never get!
Yeah, Jake was and still is a bit of a devil. I love how you come across all these Gyllenhaal quotes PG, good work!!
Did Laura Dern do any interviews about this movie? Did she mention Jake? If she didn't mention Jake that would be a "tell." If she did mention Jake, it would be good to know what exactly she said, the loo in her eyes, did they glaze over??? Did she look away and fidget??? Did she look directly at you with a hard, defiant glint in her eyes as she said, "Jake who?"
All those signs a clues would also be a "tell." Personally...I think she seduced him...
And NRM, SURELY you are not suggesting that I, of all people, would know anything about goofing off in the backwoods of Tennessee?! I'm scandalized that you would even make such an accusation. ;)
no, no dear I'd never do such a thing!
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