Four actors in various stages of distress + looking in four different directions = a very serious and multi-faceted storyline told from several points of view.
Snap, New Line! I can see right through your carefully planned, story-mirroring poster-designing process that emphasizes Academy Award friendly actors and actresses (click to enlarge).

As far as movie posters go, I think it's very...monochromatic.
Hmmmm ... I don't think Alan Arkin really fits in to that movie ... sure he won an Oscar for "Little Miss Sunshine" but he's the only star listed without DOUBLE VOWELS in his name ... hmmmm ... ;)
~Dee (perfectscore_goldstar)
jake looks positively ill on the poster
the (non-existent)buzz around this movie is worrying. isn't it like opening next week in tonronto??
i mean I'm Not There is opening even later and look at all the buzz it is getting
I know. It's like Zodiac all over again. No publicity and a really non-flattering picture of Jake prominently displayed on promotional material...
I know...Jake is ALWAYS beautiful (I think that's one of the immutable laws of the universe!) and yet they, too, have managed to find a pic like that.
Talk about photoshop in reverse! (Hmmm...maybe they feel they have to do that in order to have Jake not outshine the others??)
WTF? You get someone that beautiful in your movie and you can't seem to get a decent photo of them on the movie poster. How do you expect to sell the movie to people. It's still not as bad as the Zodiac DVD cover though.
My number one problem with it is that Jake's notoriously beautiful, perfect lips Or maybe green. It's not a complete disaster (like the Zodiac DVD cover) but it doesn't impress me, either. As you said, PG, it came across to me as a "Look at all the Oscar noms and winners!" ploy, and considering the general lack of promotion so far, I fear that's the only marketing tactic they plan to use. Sad.
Monochrome! My favorite color!
I personally think Rodrigo Prieto, DP on BBM, should be in charge of every photograph, still or action, of Jake for the rest of his professional acting career. :-) Nobody does/did him justice like Rodrigo.
I like it! :)'s not 'smashing' but I sort of like it...And Jake is not that bad on it IMO.
There's just one big defect : they forgot to put Peter on that poster!;)
But I agree about the lack of publicity...:(
Is it too small and 'sad-face' to be a blockbuster? Is it too big and star-packed to be an intelligent small picture? Who (apart from Jake fans and people who think that Rendition is Wrong) is its target audience?
It looks a good film, but everything coming from the studio implies a crisis of confidence.
Agree about Rodrigo Prieto, he knew how to photograph Jake. This makes him look like a slightly chubby bloke who could be nice looking if he lost a few pounds and got a decent night's sleep. Although it's still better then the Zodiac DVD cover.
My my, does he look beefy or what.
i just dont like that they cut off his head. Its going to be interesting.
From the advertising, anyway, this movie really feels like this year's "Babel." (I'm sure there are going to be stylistic & storyline differences, of course.) I wonder if more critical acclaim than box office follows. But I think that Jake really needs to appear in a hit. Soon, please.
Well bmg as I am in the double category of 'Jake fan' and 'person who thinks rendition is wrong' this movie is perfectly aimed at me(plus it has Le Sexx, Meryl Streep, Alan Arkin - think he got in on alliteration- and some other female).
Thanks Jake!
When I first saw this poster I said to myself, he looks great! Well better than that horrible cover of Zodiac, but now looking at it again posted on JW, Jake looks a bit ill.
The poster does have a Babel feel to it but I'm also concerned about the lack of buzz for this film so far.
Anyone expecting a wide release and lots of promos a la Spiderman will be disappointed. This film is not going to marketed like a blockbuster.The film will find it's audience. And I think it will also find some award nominations.
They deliberately styled Jake to look different in this film. More mature. Even his hairstyle is designed to change the appearance of his face and he has been made to look heavier. But he isn't; he is the same delectable size he was when he did all those talk shows for Zodiac in between filming in Morocco. I like the poster. He is sexy without looking all glammed up. He looks "serious" as in "I will seriously put you thru a wall!" LOL!
"This film is not going to marketed like a blockbuster."
May be correct but like Teresa from HLC always says: "You need butts in the seats" and that means promotion.
I don´t see promotion anywhere....if we don´t get raving reviews after Toronto, the film will die a sudden death at the box office.
The trailer was excellent, the poster is boring.
10:10pm wrote: "This makes him look like a slightly chubby bloke who could be nice looking if he lost a few pounds and got a decent night's sleep." huh????
Beefy???? I think I'm on the wrong planet! >o(
I know everyone is entitled to their comments but it's comments like that that cause 120lb "celebrities" to run off into the hills to get all fat sucked out of them and become annorexic. Jake looks like a man - a real man - not a skinny boy anymore. Let him grow up! In fact, he looks like a grown up Swoff - with hair.
I agree that this will be probably a Babel or A Mighty Heart type film that will be viewed mainly on dvd but I hope that all Jake's young fans bring their parents and/or friends with them to watch an important political issue that is happening all around the world. And, if you think about it, the next time you board a plane, will you become a rendition because you innocently and accidently clicked onto a website that the CIA deem to support terrorism or had lunch with a distant cousin of Saddam or Osama? It's scary when you think about it.
On a lighter note: Alan Arkin kind of indirectly fits into the double vowels if you just use his initials :o)
Dang! I just saw a poster for a movie, "No Country for Old Men" and
it has a huge picture of Xavier Bardem on it and damn if he doesn't remind me of Jake's headshot in Rendition poster. In fact, the shading and coloration of the posters is the same. Maybe it's Xavier Gyllenhaal? (Sounds better that Jake Bardem.)
Whoa, 5.56. No one was calling Jake fat. :) I think the point was that we know for a fact what sort of physical shape Jake was in while filming Rendition because he did a lot of Zodiac promotion during filming. In all his TV appearances and photo shoots, no one ever remarked that he was "beefy." Therefore the picture on the poster is not really representative of how Jake really looked while filming. In the poster, it looks like he's put on a little weight...but we know he didn't. :)
Jake looks lost! I don't think he looks fat! Who said that? Just juat a crap photo!
I think he looks haggard, very manly, and stressed out, as he would be if he were a CIA agent in charge of observing someone being tortured. And lest we forget. Clearly someone sliced up his face. He has a cut on his lower cheek near his chin.So maybe there was some swelling.....
Apparently, Kate Winslet's ex, Jim Threapleton, is also making a film on a similar subject, entitled 'Extraordinary Rendition, with Gollum off LOTR in it.
That said, I quite like the Jake poster photo. He looks strong. Like bull.
Jake looks lost!
NRM sweetie, you're too funny! =)
Hi, 5:56 here. With respect PG, they may not have commented there when Jake was promoting but:
"Anonymous said...
My my, does he look beefy or what.
12:37 PM BST"
I accept that I may have overreacted to those comments but it's crazy that a guy like Jake can be considered 'Beefy' from a poster??? Now if the person meant Beefcake as in Yum, Yum, then I can understand that. And so what if he put on some extra few pounds even though we know he hasn't, there'd just be more of him to love.
Anyway, I don't want to bring down the fun factor of JakeWatch so my one question is "where are his 3 beautiful moles?" that's what's making him look so different.
Ooh, they showed the trailer before '1408'!
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