not buying Zodiac and everything today. So here are some 100% never-before-seen
EXCLUSIVE pictures of Jake to help cheer you up! A huge, HUGE thank you to Tatiana for these (click to enlarge).
Jake entering a campaign meeting with britpopbaby and Prophecy Girl, er, or else hobnobbing at the Cannes Film Festival (it's difficult to say really):

There's much more information in the
Zodiac thread in the
forum, including Tatiana's first-hand account, information on where to find more of her pictures, and video of what those two got up to after the festival. OK, only two of those three things are true.
Please do not repost. Thanks!
I am campaigning like mad for Jake in 'o8. any additional pictures or material will be most appreciated.
How come PG and BPG are on vacation the lazy sluts while I am not?
Does anybody have a theory about the bodyguard situation? Is Jake the only one at Cannes that had a bodyguard? His bodyguard is the only one I noticed, I know Jake is special, does this mean that the PTB are also fully cognizant of what a wonderfully special treasure Jacob Bejamin Gyllenhaal truly is? Or did other stars have bodyguards too? I think Jake was the only one of the Zodiac crowd to have a bodyguard...
Pia, who are you calling slut, slut? What sort of material are you looking for? Like for MySpace, Blogger, LJ...I need ideas on what people are looking for! And I'm totally not on hiatus because I did a post even though it required about three sentences of writing. Snap!
And hello? We always provide Jake's bodyguard which is why he is way better protected than anyone else ever. I thought this was common knowledge. :)
With Jake MIA these pics are great, thanks for posting them!
PG/Brit: Is Jake in '08 going to be a major theme for JW in the coming months, if so I will be one happy camper! I see that the Jake in '08 MySpace has benn linked and I'm sure a number of readers registered to vote (I hope!).
I'm just as much a Jake junkie as a political junkie!
Thanks and congrats again to Tatiana for these wonderful exclusive pics. Do you ever get to travel further for your assignments? Like, oh, Toronto? Venice? It sure would be great to have an insider for those festivals and Rendition!
Pia, there's a couple of new variations of the voting booth poster over in the forum, courtesy of Prophecy Girl. I can't imagine how much more material you're looking for, unless you mean apparel, which I'm sure is coming any day now....
Yes, merchandise is weighing heavily on me! (Although you do know that there are two different buttons already available which are kind of awesome, just in case you're desperate.) :D
And yes, Jake in '08 is here to stay. There are just so many opportunities...how could we not run with it?!
Any chance for a JG campaign sit-down with Mr 360, Anderson Cooper?
On the campaign bus?
On a hot summer day?
With the air conditioning conveniently not working?
Yeah, get on that could ya? ;)
Are you going to incorporate the Jungle Jake theme with the Jake in 08 campaign? I know it has been successfully done in the past PG, so I am sure you are up to the challenge. Someone once told me that it only took them ten minutes to create a new-from-scratch T-shirt with Jake and some fierce creature on it! That person would do well to market that fine creation, I know I would buy at least two of them, maybe more! I see people walking around with Jungle Jake T-shirts all the time. Some of them are counterfeits from Malaysia though, cause I know JW has not yet done a Jake Riding a Giraffe, Kangaroo Jake, Penguin Jake, oh there was a whole slew of them!
In other news, I just found this new Fake Jake, who not only dares to call himself "official" but also totally stole Jake in '08's contact table. Bastard!!
2.18, our top goal is to get Jake + running mate in a televised debate with Stewart/Colbert. I'm pretty sure it would be the most-watched event in television history. But seeing as how that might take some effort, I'll see what we can do about Anderson Cooper in the meantime.
And welliwont, you must know some talented people if such creations are being thrown together in 10 minutes. :) I'm pretty sure that only happened once (my sources tell me that Jungle Jake took a couple hours) and the fast picture (Grassland Jake) was TINY. It would wind up being the size of postcard or smaller on a tee if you wanted it to have any resolution. Sorry. :(
Top notch agent she is, our Tatiana! Those pictures aren't nearly as bad as she modestly said they were. Good job, agent!! =D
Well done Agent Tatiana,really gorgeous pics!! :)
Hey BPB,nice to have you back, I have been missing you...
Where have you been? Sure on a mission to protect Jake during his Presidential Campaign
Hey I see Mark Ruffalo lurking in the back, is he part of the Jake in '08 campaign??
Great pictures and good work Tatiana!
:-p what is a contact table?
It's the only thing on that page that is the same as something on the Jake in '08 page...
Hey PG/Brit, what happened to the links??
PS:Love, thanks for posting!
Thanks Tatiana! The pictures are fine, how I envy you! I sure hope you are around for the Venice/Toronto film festivals coming up!
The Edwards campaign is picking up steam!
Owh Jake! Nice pics!
Great pictures, thanks!!
Today the Venice FF will be announcing there line up. I assume that Rendition will be on the list. Wouldn't it be great if Tatiana got a press pass for that or the Toronto FF??
Rendition is not on the list for this years Venice FF. Well at least we know he will be at Toronto's FF and the NY FF in October.
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