We finally get some pictures from the set of
Rendition and what's in the mix?

suicide bomber?! Even we can't make that funny! There are some things forbidden to cross the humor line, and it would appear suicide bombers are one such topic. I'm assuming the serious nature of the filming that day is the
only reason why
realmovienews.com got these exclusive pictures and not us. But, uh, we're totally getting exclusive pictures of our own someday! Yeah. Like, soon, or something. We're just, uh, you know, waiting on that guy. That guy who's going to get us those pictures...that are exclusive...
Yeah, we got nothing. Damned
TDATND. Now everyone in the movie industry hates us.
Um, other things that may be humorous? Ha! Look at that flipped tie!

OK, that's not funny either. I'm sure this next one will give someone a good giggle, but really, these pictures are just no good for sarcasm. Don't these people realize it's hard enough to come up with this stuff during the best of times, without throwing a suicide bomber in there?! Good God.

Pictures from realmovienews.com (in case the stamp didn't give it away...snort). For complete set, click
it would be one the the coolest things if jake watch one day got exclusive photos! that would be an awesome way for jake to acknowledge us fans, erm, agents...!
I didnt think the suicide bomber was funny either... but i laughed pretty damn hard at the other two pics! I noticed the tie when i looked at it the other day, but didnt notice the one of him looking like hes doing the chicken dance! hahaha thanks PG :)
Jake looks absolutely fucking gorgeous!!! Even doing the chicken dance... LOL
And about us one day getting exclusive photos - we had our share of that a couple of months ago didn't we...? For our six month anniversary, remember..?
But of course, we can never have too many! ;p
Cina, you're 100% right! It'd just be nice to one day have something come to us that was actually intended for us. It's just me. I'm never satisfied. :)
Yeah, I noticed the flipped tie too...*giggle*
Ah well, funny or not, ANY pics of Jake are much appreciated, but it would be awesome if Jake Watch could get some exclusive pics!
Ewwww! I cannot believe I didn't notice that guy with the suspicious vest on!!!! I fliped through the pictures very quickly, concentrating on The Glorious One.
My own reaction is troubling. It tells me Jake would not be helpful to Homeland Security measures bcz he'd be entirely too distracting. So. In case of a national emergency, the first thing we'll have to do is nab Jake and take him to a secure location away from the prying eyes of anyone dealing with national security issues. They need to stay focused...and so do we! I have a lovely finished basement that'll do just fine.
Does Jake's proximity to a suicide bomber in this movie mean Jake is gonna dies in this movie???? Jake already died in TWO movies.There needs to be a stipulation in his contract about dying in his movies.
I assume that, in the last picture, Jake is cooling off his overhead armpits, since the guy facing him appears to be wielding a fan. What's more troubling is the guy sauntering off with a gun in his hand. Was Jake that easy to disarm? Or is the guy from props just holding onto it for Jake for a couple minutes?
man, i've been a bad agent, didnt' notice the flipped tie or the chicken hands!
is cooling off his overhead armpits
hahaha, nice anon, what exactly are "overhead armpits"? i've no clue but it sounds hilarious =)
Theshowerlady, he actually died in three of them, pretended to die in one and came close to dying in a further two. Plus he's had to grieve for a dead person in another one.
I for one would be very glad when the art of dying stops being a fixture in Jake's films.
And about us one day getting exclusive photos - we had our share of that a couple of months ago didn't we...? For our six month anniversary, remember..?
Cina, I remember all right! *squeee*
Jake doing the chicken dance.. LMAO!! I'd pay good money to see that! Aww..
Cina, you're 100% right! It'd just be nice to one day have something come to us that was actually intended for us. It's just me. I'm never satisfied. :)
I know PG, I know. And I agree. I would definitely not complain, believe me!! And I honestly think we would deserve it. :)
OK. Jake did not die in Proof, Jarhead, Zodiac, Lovely and Amazing, TDAT, October Sky,City Slickers, Bubble Boy, Moonlight Mile. He died in Donnie Darko and BBM. I haven't seen Highway, bcz it is impossible to find. Which one am I missing where he died and which others am I missing where he pretended to die or came close? BCZ you are emphasizing my point even more and we really need the "no more dying" clause appended to his contract along with the shower clause. While were at it, I think we need a "shirtlessness" and a "general nudity while walking around the house" clause as well.
Which one am I missing where he died
You forgot the GoodGirl.
BCZ you are emphasizing my point even more and we really need the "no more dying" clause
Er,...that was the point.
theshowerlady, The Good Girl
He pretends to die in bubble boy.
Comes close to dying in Jarhead (pretends to shoot himself in the head) and Highway(alligator boy scene).
Methinks, I've seen to many Jake films. Lol!
Smurfette, I meant to write "overheated," rather than "overhead," but I left out a couple letters. [Blushes.]
Actually, I spell rather well in real life. (Particularly when I'm paid to, at an hourly rate.) But for some reason, NEVER when I am on the Internet. Particularly NEVER when writing blog posts that one isn't permitted to edit.
How could I have forgotten TGG! Sorry! And I have it right here and I just watched it a month ago. Well, I meant to include it.
oh haha, that makes more sense now, nice anonymous! i thought for sure i was just ill-informed and the term overhead armpits had some cheeky meaning =P.
i know what you mean about the internet disease though-- i'm usually pretty good with spelling and grammar in real life, but for some reason, all bets are off on the web!
Does Jake have a son???? On another site, they keep referring to "Jake Junior."
Does Jake have a son???? On another site, they keep referring to "Jake Junior."
But I am all for Jake having lots of sons. You know. Gyllengenes!
Uh...no. It's not Boo. You get two more guesses.
a not so discrete part of the anatomy.
i'll like to volunteer to babysit his 'son'
Uh...no. It's not Boo. You get two more guesses.
LMAO!!! Hmmm..... *ponders* ;)
Actually, Jake is a very discreet guy...but sometimes parts of him are not as discreet as the rest of him...ya know?
kokodee, I'd like to babysit Jake Jr., too! Only I'd want him to be wide awake so we can play!!! I'd rather he not be a sleepyhead.
Only I'd want him to be wide awake so we can play!!!
Oh definetely! He most be 'upstanding' and 'alert' too.
I take my babysitting duties very seriously.(wouldn't want to ruin the chance of some good education)
"..."shirtlessness" and "general nudity while walking around the house"..." LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder how many of Jake Jr.'s babysitters have been older than he is. Bet it's a significant number. As some one famous once said, "Keep hope alive!"
People talking about men with bombs strapped to their chest. People talking about neck tie being flipped over. I think someone even mentioned Jake's shoes on another thread, and his hair, and the fact that he's wearing a suit in a movie for a change...HOW COULD SO MANY PEOPLE MISS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT IMAGE IN THE PICTURES???HOW???
Especially since we were given a huge clue with the title of this thread: "Oh, for the love of Pete!"
This movie sounds like Jake is the major character in it. Could this be Jake's really breakout role?? Fingers crossed!
I agree, heddaparsons. And I think his work experience with Gavin Hood will be SO different from the Fincher experience, too. Im a political person, so I'd be looking forward to this with or without Jake. But this cast:Jake, Meryl, Reese, Peter, is totally awesome. And for JAke to be leading it really says a lot about the director's confidence in him. I wonder if Jake does any scenes with Meryl. Somehow I think not. I think Peter and probably Reese get scenes with her.
Pete = peter (not Peter)
As in directly below the flipped tie. It's like Jake WANTS us to notice.
bombers and guns = going commando
I don't want y'all to think I'm looking too closely or anything, BUT, in the picture (flipped tie) there is a suspicious bulge in Jakes groin area. Oh and Jake DID die in three movies, BBM, Good girl, and Donnie Darko. :)
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