Monday, January 15, 2007


There does appear to be a never-ending supply of these...

"It's not snow, it's soap. It sizzles! It's amazing!"

- Jake Gyllenhaal, your future local meteorologist source

Bonus points for using the words "sizzles" and "amazing" to describe soap.

Seriously, though guys, what is going on with security? First the HQ break-in and now the SNL after-party? I mean, did we even authorize this guy?
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Pic from my personal after-party, otherwise known as IHJ.


cina said...

Oh PG you take the bestest pictures! ;D

Anonymous said...

Yeah, very cool pic.

But now, PG, how was the party? I´m impatiently waiting for your report. Or are you still hungover from having too much Jake?

And once again Jake proves with this quote that he really is one of a kind. Adorable. Did you all see this:

"I did almost make out with a 55 year old woman, but that was erm, that was awkward!"

Ha! Can I marry him?

Becky Heineke said...

^^^ That was the runner-up quote! I almost put two in, but it was such a short article, I figured people would read it and run across that one anyway. :)

Oh, yeah, the party was fabulous. I'll be hungover for days. Did you know I'm Jake's date to the Golden Globes tonight, too? I'm totally making the rounds. :D

Anonymous said...

""I did almost make out with a 55 year old woman, but that was erm, that was awkward!"

C'mon, Jake! Try it sometime. You would be pleasantly (and erotically) surprised. ;)

Anonymous said...

Then I will definitely watch out for you. Lucky girl! ;) I´m planning to see it live and not sleep at all tonight, being in Germany and all. But the most important question is: What will you wear?

only1annabel said...

Lovin the abundance of Jake related news! Finally he comes out of hiding! I loved him on SNL...only seen the first few clips but me likey! Was that actually him singing cos I'm falling for him more and more...if he could play guitar/piano I'd be in heaven!!
Also watched Moonlight Mile last night, thanks for the heads up Brits and by the way I'm totally feeling the new JW banner!
I certainly am one happy customer!!

Anonymous said...

it sizzles...ahhh Jake you always come up with subtle yet brilliantly funny descriptions!

Becky Heineke said...

Ah, atk, I thought it was obvious. I let Jake borrow my dress for SNL. I'm a little worried about the inevitable comparisons, though. My arm muscles just aren't all that impressive...

veeveevee said...

Is that guard littering??? Jake is pretty environmental, if he turned around and saw that, I'm sure the bodyguard dude would be fired immediately. he dropping secret information for an Agent to come along and pick up?

And also "First Western Landscape"?? If I find it and hang out there, might I run into Jake?

veeveevee said...

^^PG - don't fret. There is NO ONE on earth who has arms that can compare! Nice dress, though! And'll certainly fill it out more in front! :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, of course I should have known, PG, it is obvious. Bad me. But don´t worry about the comparisons, I´m pretty sure you can fill out the dress in, erm, other places. ;)

Anonymous said...

I've been scouring the Web for stuff on the Golden Globes. Looks like it wasn't decided yet yesterday exactly what Jake would be presenting. But it probably won't be Supporting Actress (where Dreamgirl Jennifer Hudson is nominated) or Best Actress, Drama (where Maggie's nominated), since those are already slotted.

Anonymous said...

PG, just make sure you 'swath' yourself in a suitable wrap! I'm certain Jake stretched the damned dress with all that "drama", waving of arms, etc. At least he didn't split the seams! Oh. That's the guy in the raincoat. Luckily, he has his raincoat closed in this picture. He always makes Jake very you can see. The Paps call him "Flash" Gordon, but his actual name is Gordon Butkowski.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Did you know I'm Jake's date to the Golden Globes tonight, too? I'm totally making the rounds. :D

Bitch ;-) He said he was taking me!

teri said...

Love the new banner. My favorite, so far.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little worried about the inevitable comparisons, though. My arm muscles just aren't all that impressive...


Anonymous said...

The crappy E channel is doing the Red Carpet thingy for the GG. No sign of Jake or Maggie yet.

Jess said...

I have NO recollection whatsoever of us authorizing that guy. Clearly, something fishy is going on here.

Ooo, what's the latest from the GG? What's going on on the red carpet? Where's Jake?!?

Anonymous said...

Wireimage has pics of Maggie and Peter. They look amazing. No Jake yet, though.

Jess said...

^^ Oo, thanks! Will check them out! But no Jakey yet.. *pouts*

Anonymous said...

You're welcome!

Gettyimages has Maggie pics now, too.

Still no Jake.

Becky Heineke said...

I watched the whole red carpet special, er, I mean, I was there during the entire red carpet special and no Jake to be seen. Do we still not know what he's presenting?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
veeveevee said...

I've been pausing and rewiding to go over the crowd shots, and I haven't seen Jake, Maggie, or Peter yet.


I do believe I caught a glimpse of PG, though. (in disguise, of course!)

Anonymous said...

IHJ has pics up now of Jake at LAX from yesterday, the 14th, so he is back in L.A. Maybe he decided to skip the red carpet. Hope he does present tonight. No sign of him yet. :/

veeveevee said...

What'd they do them way in the back???

I mean really...I've seen the guy from "My Name is Earl" three times now.

Something is wrong in a world where that happens.

Becky Heineke said...

Oh! They just showed Maggie!

Jess said...

Aww, Maggie looks absolutely stunning!! Wow.

PG, I guess we still don't know! At least I don't. And no Jake on the red carpet at all, huh?! Dammit.

Becky Heineke said...

And the nominees for best screenplay are...

Mr. M said...

Looked like Jake didn't know where he was supposed to stand. Ha! Cute - guess he made it.

Anonymous said...

Well, Jakey just presented, along with Hilary Swank, a writer's award.

He looked a little tired to me, and was very subdued. Not at all like Saturday night! Poor baby, he's probably jet-lagged and maybe a little hungover.

Jess said...

I bet he was beautiful as always, though! *sigh*

Can't believe I'm up at this hour, and I didn't even get to see him. Aargh...

Anonymous said...

phoebe said: "I bet he was beautiful as always, though!"
Oh yeah, phoebe, he looked pretty fine in his tux, you bet!

BTW, what time is it where you are?
It's 9:29 p.m. here in on the east coast USA, and 6:29 in LA

Now I'm waiting to see Maggie, and if she wins! Go Maggie!

Agnes said...

Looked good as always ;D

Agnes said...

Time in Sweden 03:33 am

Jess said...

Oh yeah, phoebe, he looked pretty fine in his tux, you bet!

BTW, what time is it where you are?
It's 9:29 p.m. here in on the east coast USA, and 6:29 in LA

*sigh* I can just picture him in that tux.. Oh my.

Oh, it's 3.37 am here right now. And yes, I'm still up. :D

Jess said...

Agnes, I definitely need to get me some new channels! You're so lucky!

Anonymous said...

Gettyimages has pics of Jake in the press room!

Agnes said...

Agnes, I definitely need to get me some new channels! You're so lucky!

Yes I am but I hope you can "live" it with my recap ;)

Anonymous said...

Here is the picture of Jake, he looks really great!!

Jess said...

Yes I am but I hope you can "live" it with my recap ;)

Sweetie, I can! You are a star!!

Weirdland said...

You can see some of the Golden Globes pictures, including Jake's and Maggie's in my blog.

Anonymous said...

Wireimage has pictures of Jake, Hilary, and Peter Morgan in the pressroom. 5 in total.

Anonymous said...

They need to go ahead with the Best Actress award quick, cuz I'm fading fast!

Holding out to see Maggie, and maybe Jake again...

Anonymous said...

Okay, BIG surprise...
Helen Mirren just won Best Actress for "The Queen".

Maggie looked gorgeous, didn't see Jake. :(

And that's it for me, folks.


Agnes said...

Time for bed!! Good Night or should I say Good morning ;)

Anonymous said...

post GG awards..... Jake did seem pretty low wattage (for him), but wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't coming down from the high of SNL, as well as being jet lagged. But he's a true pro, and will always live up to his important show biz obligations.
Really LOVE the new banner. Can we keep it for a while?

Anonymous said...

Kendra! You have some great pictures! Maggie looks beautiful, as ever, but I wish she hadn't wore black. She looks so good in colors. I was amazed at how Drew Barrymore, who I adore, and who usually looks kind of half a beat off when it comes to dressing up, looked absolutely exquisite tonight. I mean Drew looked beautiful. I see Mia Maestro was there. Her dress was a disaster! Meryl Streep made a very important point. The same one that Maggie made and that Theresa from Heath Ledger's site makes. If these tiny gems never get to a theatre near you, you won't see them.

veeveevee said...

I feel a bit disappointed...after getting to spend so many minutes with Jake on Saturday, the few measly seconds tonight just weren't nearly enough. Although, seeing him in a tux did help!

Anonymous said...

did anyone see the post GG show on E!... interview with Maggie? They asked her about Jake's performance on SNL. She said that she had not seen "Dreamgirls" yet (busy with a 3 month old baby), but..... she said "my brother was BORN to be on SNL.... he slayed, he killed".

I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

I saw the E! interview. And Maggie was very clear! LOL! She was emphatic!!! Her brother killed on SNL. He's a natural for it. I looked at the pics on IHJ just now and there's one particular pic in the press room with HS and the winner where Jake is in profile and his skin has a waxy sheen to it and he's pale. Bet he might really have a flu bug. All that flying, etc. Hope he gets some rest. He seemed like he was not into it tonight.
Jeremy Piven clearly had a cold and was talking about how he had to leave the GG go right to the airport and fly to NYC for SNL tonight!

Anonymous said...

Boy, can that man rock a tux or what?! I was awake all night to watch it and almost fell asleep when I suddenly heard his name. He was beautiful... and he did that thing with his foot, this childlike position. Very cute, but way to short.

Anonymous said...

I mean this:

Anonymous said...

I was a bit disappointed - Jake looked really bored, kept the hands in his pockets the whole time and where was his wonderful smile?? And no red carpet....

But yes, I always love to see him in a tux....and for sure he was tired after that weekend...

Sam said...

his shoes are cute!

Sam said...

and has anyone noticed the dorky hats that he make looks really cool. Like the landscaping one... what the

Anonymous said...

anonymous blonde said:
"...did anyone see the post GG show on E!... interview with Maggie? They asked her about Jake's performance on SNL. She said that she had not seen "Dreamgirls" yet (busy with a 3 month old baby), but..... she said "my brother was BORN to be on SNL.... he slayed, he killed"."

DANG!! Missed that one! I had to go to bed...would have loved to have seen that interview.

Anonymous said...

1:32:PM I saw that interview too! I can definately see Jake doing sketch comedy, unfortunately SNL pretty much stinks nowadays so I wouldn't want him to get stuck on that show. He needs to do more comedy. After Proof, Jarhead, BBM, Zodiac and now Rendition I think his next project should be some type of romantic comedy or my wish: to do a play!

Anonymous said...

Hedda Parsons said:
"I can definately see Jake doing sketch comedy, unfortunately SNL pretty much stinks nowadays so I wouldn't want him to get stuck on that show. He needs to do more comedy...I think his next project should be some type of romantic comedy or my wish: to do a play!"

Yes, Hedda, I would LOVE to see him do a romantic comedy. He has proven that he has wonderful comedic skills and it's about time we saw that in another movie. I think he'd be great in a play, too, but the problem with that is there would be such a limited chance for people to see him. Of course I'm speaking in self-interest!