And he still looks good! How does he do it? Jake Watch would like to thank Hilary Swank for acting as a temporary agent (and doing a damned fine job at it) at last night's Golden Globe Awards. For your viewing pleasure: Pics from me! OK, from IHJ.
he's a beautiful boy; I am converting everyone at to the beauty that is Jake Gyllenhaal - mainly thank to the October picture in the calendar hanging on my office wall.
frick frack phoooooey....wehn will I ever learn how to type?!!
That was me ^^
Meant to say..... I am converting everyone at work to the beauty that is Jake Gyllenhaal - mainly thanks to the October picture in the calendar hanging on my office wall. Most folks have no idea who he is but all agree that he is indeed a gorgeous guy.
Jake looked so elegant and sexy. Love him in a tux as much as the scruffy look. Yes, he looked a bit tired (who can blame him), but even tired from SNL and traveling he looked gorgeous. I can understand why he would keep a lower profile, it was Maggie's night. Just glad to see he was there and pictures. Interesting to see that both Jake and Maggie do that serious, pouty, smoldering sexy look in many photos. She did the same in People Mag. pics at some event recently.
And if you did not catch her, she had the most wonderful, glowing things to say about Jake's SNL gig (and he was amazing). Said he was born to do SNL, that he kiiled it and slayed it, amazing, etc. So sweet. She was also glowing about her nomination.
Anyway, just wanted to say how much Brits and PG rock!! The last few posts have been on fire!! Love this blog and the folks here. And the new banner is fantastic.
C'mere, Jake...let me straighten that bow tie for you. Oh, your jacked is in the way, could you take that off? Thanks. Oops! I seem to have untied your bow tie.
Oh dang, now your shirt is all wrinkled. Let's take that off and get it ironed so you look nice for the awards. And those pants...we really should iron those pants, too...
Tired or not, subdued or not, he's frickin' gorgeous, and as penny lane said, classy.
I think what get real said, that he may have kept a low profile to let Maggie shine, makes sense too. It would be typical of him to be considerate of his sister.
He looks delicious as always, but all joking aside, maybe he really isn't feeling well. If he realy was spending time haulng things out of a fire, he may have some respiratory problems or even a bronchial condition.
What a sight he is when he dresses formally. He sure cleans up beautifully. Look at that handsome profile in the first picture. With just that bit of hair slightly out of place.
How many kabillions of posts have there been at the four best Jake-loving web sites that I know of, all ooooing and ahhhing over that gorgeous gift to humanity that is Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal?
Just how many ways can we find to express how beautiful and perfect he is???
Oh my days how I love awards season! Damn he looks good in a tux...I also have a Jake Calendar and he is doing come to bed eyes in very pic! January has him in a suit so I'm certainly in heaven! Bring on the BAFTA's and Oscars, Jakey better be there!
He looks very smart!
Jake could pass as a 40's gangster, being close to Hillary Swank in a "Black Dahlia"'s style.
Handsome and classy.
I just wish there would have been more of him.. I only saw him for about 2 brief seconds while he was presenting. sigh
veeery nice. the eyes, the mouth, the tux - love it.
he's a beautiful boy; I am converting everyone at to the beauty that is Jake Gyllenhaal - mainly thank to the October picture in the calendar hanging on my office wall.
frick frack phoooooey....wehn will I ever learn how to type?!!
That was me ^^
Meant to say..... I am converting everyone at work to the beauty that is Jake Gyllenhaal - mainly thanks to the October picture in the calendar hanging on my office wall. Most folks have no idea who he is but all agree that he is indeed a gorgeous guy.
Would you look at that dreamy, seductive gaze!? He looks dashing! (although I have to say I'm not a big fan of bow ties...)
Jake looked so elegant and sexy. Love him in a tux as much as the scruffy look. Yes, he looked a bit tired (who can blame him), but even tired from SNL and traveling he looked gorgeous. I can understand why he would keep a lower profile, it was Maggie's night. Just glad to see he was there and pictures. Interesting to see that both Jake and Maggie do that serious, pouty, smoldering sexy look in many photos. She did the same in People Mag. pics at some event recently.
And if you did not catch her, she had the most wonderful, glowing things to say about Jake's SNL gig (and he was amazing). Said he was born to do SNL, that he kiiled it and slayed it, amazing, etc. So sweet. She was also glowing about her nomination.
Anyway, just wanted to say how much Brits and PG rock!! The last few posts have been on fire!! Love this blog and the folks here. And the new banner is fantastic.
^^ should be "killed."
C'mere, Jake...let me straighten that bow tie for you. Oh, your jacked is in the way, could you take that off? Thanks. Oops! I seem to have untied your bow tie.
Oh dang, now your shirt is all wrinkled. Let's take that off and get it ironed so you look nice for the awards. And those pants...we really should iron those pants, too...
i volunteer to iron his boxers and socks
you think he does those bedroom eyes unconciously or on purpose, just to make me salivate and squirm in my seat?
Tired or not, subdued or not, he's frickin' gorgeous, and as penny lane said, classy.
I think what get real said, that he may have kept a low profile to let Maggie shine, makes sense too. It would be typical of him to be considerate of his sister.
Jake needs a nap. My bed is available...
He looks delicious as always, but all joking aside, maybe he really isn't feeling well. If he realy was spending time haulng things out of a fire, he may have some respiratory problems or even a bronchial condition.
aw hes just perfect isnt her. Personally i prefer the tux over the dress...
Look at him. *sigh* He's gorgeous and so beautiful!
*sigh again*
What a sight he is when he dresses formally. He sure cleans up beautifully. Look at that handsome profile in the first picture. With just that bit of hair slightly out of place.
Oooo pretty and suave!
How many kabillions of posts have there been at the four best Jake-loving web sites that I know of, all ooooing and ahhhing over that gorgeous gift to humanity that is Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal?
Just how many ways can we find to express how beautiful and perfect he is???
He truly is beautiful, isnĀ“t he? *sigh*
I love that man in a tux, sigh. Yeah he looks a little tired, probably jet lagged but still, sigh.
Oh my days how I love awards season! Damn he looks good in a tux...I also have a Jake Calendar and he is doing come to bed eyes in very pic! January has him in a suit so I'm certainly in heaven! Bring on the BAFTA's and Oscars, Jakey better be there!
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