Monday, November 06, 2006


Hmmm, we've sort of been slacking on the Quote of the Week front. It's also been a while since I've posted anything. But this post handily solves both problems. I really hope we haven't already done this one, but I figure even if we did, if I don't remember us disussing it, no one else will either (I hope).

"I had told Sam before we started, I was like 'I'll throw up in the sand for you. I'm going to do anything I can for you, but I never thought I would chip off my tooth for you because that's permanent.' Vomit's vomit but your tooth's gone."
- Jake Gyllenhaal, man's man

Is it wrong that I find that first sentence insanely sexy? Yeah...I'll go back into hiding now.


Weirdland said...

You're not alone, Pg, I find that quote of him disgustingly sexy ;)

Anonymous said...

This Jake quote appears to have been sponsored by the American Dental Association.

The Gyllenpappa wishes that he could write such a memorable couplet as that:

I'll throw up in the sand for you.
I'll do anything I can for you.

Brit's right: What a love poem.

(Still planning to vote tomorrow, just as Jake told me to do.)

Anonymous said...

Oh PG, I´m with you on that. Very sexy indeed. You just have to think of that whole scene where he chipped his tooth. He might have scared the shit out of the poor actor, but hell, that was one firework of testosterone. Very fuckable.

Did I really write that?

Anonymous said...

Oh, yay, I come back to JW just as we are getting to "shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up and repeat after me!" again. Woo-hoo! What timing I have.

(can't enter a name for some reason)

Anonymous said...

(sigh) I just can't get over how profound he is...and yet...poetic as well...

Becky Heineke said...

He might have scared the shit out of the poor actor, but hell, that was one firework of testosterone. Very fuckable.

I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, that was arguably more poetic than the actual quote.

And good for you, nice anonymous! For the record, I early voted. Voting is so sexy, I just couldn't wait. ;)

veeveevee said...

"Vomit's vomit but your tooth's gone." So profound and yet so funny that I snorted out loud.

What makes me all melty in the nether regions is the, "I'm going to do anything I can for you..."


Anonymous said...

Sorry,there's nothing sexy about vomit. No matter which way you slice it.

Very funny simon. Thanks to you I am getting quite a visual of sliced vomit right now. Eeeew!

Anonymous said...

"I had told Sam before we started, I was like 'I'll throw up in the sand for you. I'm going to do anything I can for you, but I never thought I would chip off my tooth for you because that's permanent.' Vomit's vomit but your tooth's gone."

i think that the first sentece is insane period. the last one is crazy as well. but whatever rocks your boat.

does it actually mean that he had to vomit in jarhead? because i know that it is blasphemous not to know smth that important from jake's film, but the only thing i remember from it is the santa hat.

i adore quote of the week, don't stop doing it, please. jake's sexy when he's clueless and he's cluless whenever he opens his mouth.

well ok he's sexy when he keeps his mouth shut as well. sigh.

Anonymous said...

Still planning to vote tomorrow, just as Jake told me to do

that's just amazing that an actor can make people go vote. seriously i find it a huge compliment to the actor if people vote because he said so. of course if it isn't a joke. please go vote. i would if i were american.

of course nobody can resist it when he says smth in that lovely voice of his...

i will shut up now

Anonymous said...

Yes, he did vomit in Jarhead with the Santa cap on (his head)! The scene where he was forced to drink a lot of water and he sat with Jamie Foxx puking and drooling...

cina said...

Jake is sexy throwing up in the sand. Not many people can pull that off. In fact - he's even sexy sitting on the toilet with a... bad stomach. I guess it's just his ultra-masculine appearance that does it. Jake in Jarhead makes me utter guttural noises from the pit of my stomach. Dayem!

veeveevee said...

That's it. Gotta watch Jarhead. Again. For the umteenth time, and I can think of Jake's quote whilst I watch him vomit in the sand. At least I get the sexy Santa Hat Dance first!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Kaydee, Indeed, I was joking. Sort of. I'm a conscientious voter, even without Hollywood actors admonishing me to do what I intended to do, anwyay. I'm just glad that Jake approves of the practice & puts in time campaigning to get out the vote, so that, one day, maybe the tallies for "American Idol" won't put the U.S. electorate to shame.

Oh, the Internet, how it drains printed words of any intonation, humorous or not. I think Maggie warned Jake that irony doesn't come through in print, didn't she? (That's a fine quote for the week, actually.)

Anonymous said...

I think Maggie warned Jake that irony doesn't come through in print, didn't she?

sorry *shamed*

I'm a conscientious voter


Anonymous said...

Kaydee, don't be shamed. Because Maggie's right -- it's hard to tell sometimes how something written down in print ought to be taken.

JadziaDragonRider said...

Kendra and PG probably have strange fetishes lol. Ummm yah I had never seen that quote except for the "vomit's vomit" that Brit put in her "interview". When did he say this? What article? I must not have read it. Look at me pumping y'all feverishly for year old interviews of Jake. I'm such a sad, sad lady.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps someday we will be gifted with a book of original quotes, poetry (I know), and a Philosophy of Life According to Jake.An opportunity to sort of wander around in his brain...I think only Jake has the capacity to come up with something to rival my favorite poem, by John Lennon..."Deaf Ted, Danuta and Me"

Bobbie said...

That really is a lovely quote. Very lyrical. I think it could be the song to launch Jake's inevitable singing career. World tour...sold out arenas. Maybe a duet with Jenny Lewis? Courtney Love? Britney? No?

salailama said...

actually, if i remember correctly, I think jake throws up 3 times in jarhead. one is when he gags up the water jamie foxx makes him chug after the famous santa hat scene, the second is probably my favorite scene from the movie—it’s during the dream sequence when he wakes up in the middle of the night, stares at himself in the mirror (while in his underwear), and then leans over and starts throwing up sand (so poetic, “the desert invades you”), and the third time is when the group is somewhere out in a field after it had been air-bombed, and jake walks over to another part by himself and finds a circle of burned carcasses—he sits amidst them for a bit, then leans over and throws up a bit of his ready-to-eat meal from before.

sorry about the long-winded description-- just that i happen to love those parts of the movie.

Anonymous said...

Now I am going to have to watch Jarhead again. I only got to watch it once before my son-in-law took it home to watch it, and didn't bring it back till now. I am not fond of war movies but I will persevere to see Jake in the santa hat again.

BTW I just got a copy of the Homicide Life on the Street episode that Jake was in as a boy. I had not seen it before. It is very good. Jake was such a beautiful boy. I know, I guess I should say handsome but he was better than that so the word fits.

Regarding the vomit quote: I think that on this site we can only find every word he says to be sexy, we have no choice, we are under his spell. The clueless thing he does is wonderful don't you think? Only a man as perfectly handsome as Jake could get away with it so often.

JadziaDragonRider said...

I don't get clueless from his little ramblings. I get slightly to the left of center or whimsically blabbery. One of my fave parts of the extas on Jarhead is when he gets all fussy and petulant about the heat and he's like he doesn't even know what day it is and the last two weeks were one long blurr. Awww somebody needs his ba-ba. :o)

Anonymous said...

^^^ Way to go, Smurfette...properly categorizing the vomit. ;)

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:25 p.m: Slightly off topic, I know, but it's funny someone should mention a poem from 'In His Own Write'. Some of Britpopbaby's best pieces (e.g. His Very True Life Story) remind me of Lennon's wit in I.H.O.W. and A Spaniard in The Works.

Anonymous said...

OT: is reporting that Zodiac's new release date is March 2007!! Isn't this the third time that this film has been delayed? I'm not having a good feeling about this for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Re Zodiac release date - this is about the same time of the year that Panic Room was released and it did over 90mil in the US, so perhaps this is the reason why it's scheduled then. Also, it's usually 12-18 months from production end when a movie is released (especially for Fincher films).

Becky Heineke said...

Penny Lane, I thought the SAME THING and that's exactly what I told brits the first time I read Jake's "Biography." Ah, great minds... ;)

Re the release date...very not cool. :(