Okay, so for the past two days we've been a little preoccupied behaving like this:

In the mean time, Jake has been behaving like this:

We let our guard down for like, 48 hours, and an unauthorised female is ALL UP IN HIS FACE (sort of). Do we need to get you a frickin cage, Gyllenhaal? It's like we cannot have a day off.
Jake pic from IHJ. Fluffy, destroyer of worlds from britpopbaby's personal collection of 'mad dogs'.
Awww, I love Fluffy.
And the unknown female, though she's unauthorized, is very pretty.
I hope we've got an agent on the scene assessing the area CSI style...we must find out who she is! Unless she's actually a JW agent on a covert mission?? You tricking us BPB?
As for Fluffy...how cute!
Seriously... that dog!
It's even cuter than Jake.
And that unknown female is most likely, I'd say, Greta Caruso like someone mentioned in the previous post. The daughter of David Caruso, 22 year old Yale student. In my book she's semi-authorised.
i kinda like your Fluffy look, Brits. a tiny bit pissed off, but with lots of piss and vinegar (is that the expression?). cute.
when I am pissed, I usually look more like that
I think Fluffly perfectly sums up my reaction to the whole affair. If Stephen were ever to ask me how his actions made me feel, I would just send him that picture...and maybe a note that it's not actually me. I'm not furry.
i would send him smth slimy and creepy. a cockroach or a frog...
Aaaaaannnd we're back! :)
but it is no fun anymore... there is bad bad video online and Jake ist so pissed of about paps and tv teams. we all sould asking ourselves what we are doing her, me too of course...
perhaps it is good to see how angry Jake really ist about the paps every time and everywhere he or maggie are going... should we stop to watch ist i dont know i like him so much i don´t want stop it but i should, we should.. sorry for english...
^^^ We NEVER post pap videos here. And we're in no way advocating or supporting the paparazzi by posting (and mocking) pictures that we don't ask for or pay for. I really don't know what to do to make our participation in Jake fandom any less sinister.
I really don't know what to do to make our participation in Jake fandom any less sinister.
pretend that the video does not exist. maybe it will all go away if i'm not going to watch it
what? am i not allowed some magic thinking? i don't watch jake pics, pap videos etc. i only come to this not at all sinister site to have some fun. i don't need jake for that, i probably just need britpop and prophecy girl...
On the other thread, I posted that I think NYC ought enforce the laws against stalking, harrassment and loitering. There is no excuse for them hanging around Maggie/Peter's home 24/7. I think that is adding to Jake's stress level. I know very well what it's like to be a new mom with a two week old baby!!
NYC ought to have pap-free zones. I understand them being around hotels, restaurants, and nightclubs. But with all the films being shot in NYC they need to do a much better job of allowing people to go about their personal lives in their own neighborhoods without being subjected to this. It is criminal. Maybe we could start a petition drive to the city to make them take action. It's not a free speech issue. It's a privacy issue.
Oh you don´t understand me ,dd i respect our funny and brave work here on your blog, really. promised. 100% but the paps works a little bit indirekt in our (fans) direction
we are all only indirects clients, while we are watching the output every single day, i am addicted. i promised to myselve never watch a pap video again i want to enjoy your blog i a decent way. perhapt a decent and respectable use of pictures are the solution.. i dont know i am confused since i watch the video i am feeling guilty.. and cougth red-handed....
Kind of random, but... did we ever solve the mystery of the disappearing tattoo? I haven't seen any pictures of him wearing a short-sleeved shirt lately.
I guess there isn't any difference between a pap video and a pap pic but they sure are more creepy. Meh, it's a circular arguement but I always maintain that being a superstar Hollywood actor is a choice and yeah, you have to deal with the shit but so does every single person who ever lived no matter what their profession.
We all have our crap.
PS: Happy Diwali everyone! Yeah, I'm multicultural.
Wipe that smile off your face young lady! I'll use my heel again. It's already been out once this week!
Fluffy is a cutie :D
I never watch pap videos but can't deny to watch pap pics once a while.
Well she looks awfully cozy...the whore. Yes I'm hating. So what. *dies inside*
Please!! I personally am very VERY happy if Jakey is happy, and I soooo want him to have a girlfriend, (or boyfriend), c'mon you guys, ya don't want him to be all lonely now, do ya??
Well, I am miiiighty b*tchy today and this doesn't help me. Can we just have a pretty Jake with no girl? Normally I'd say, no, I don't want him to be lonely. But today he can just be that way. Forget her.
Fluffy is going to stay on my desktop for a VERY long time!!
Video?And we're the ones who get nasty words from the Gyllenhaals..(not Jake ;)They should deal with the paps,better..
Come now. I get that the pouting is mostly tongue in cheek, but no-one calls the men Jake is chummy with in pics whores for being close to him. To hear this term applied to a woman in the same situation is a little off-putting.
Ok, speaking not from a position of denial but from a position of one who's happily married to a wonderful man and who knows she will never even meet Jake, none of the pictures I've seen of Jake with Greta Caruso screams 'relationship' to me. Very good friends, yes, dating, no. Their body language seems close, just not boyfriend/girlfriend close. In both sets of pics, the coffee pics and these recent ones, they both are seen on their cell phones/Blackberries, which doesn't necessarily rule dating out, but just gives me a good friend/assistant vibe. Plus, in the only other pic I've seen of her, she was carrying a large box of Jake's, which doesn't seem like something he'd have his girlfriend do. But feel free to ignore me because I'm probably way off the mark.
Forgot to add that if she is his girlfriend, good on him for being attracted to someone who's not the typical Hollywood starlet. I think she's pretty.
Well Jake has has strong protective
paternal qualities unlike his Swedenborgian asshole father who remains confused and driven by strange Scando darkness as he himself admits - and I bet the new baby sets off some stuff in Jake - he wants four kids. well, let's give him his babies, and let him have his boyfriends, too. whatever! he's a sweet man. no denying that.
if he's looking for a mate, more power to him.
he's not looking for a mate, he;s too busy doing every man in town to do that!
Whoever she is, I think she's pretty, but I think we might need some more info before we authorize her. Fluffy though, is totally authorized to do whatever she wants :)
Honestly Britpopbaby I don't know what we have to do with that man. I know we have to watch him like a HAWK! Maybe you can let fluffy hang out with him. If he gave that girl the same look I bet she's take off running.
Honestly Britpopbaby I don't know what we have to do with that man. I know we have to watch him like a HAWK! Maybe you can let fluffy hang out with him. If he gave that girl the same look I bet she's take off running.
"well, let's give him his babies",
Yeah, I'm up for that!!Where's the queue?
Great to see things appear to be back to normal, never have I been so glad to see an unauthorised female post!
And Fluffy is just sooo cute...
You're right Jenn. That was not fair. I'd like to declare here and now then that Austin, Lance, Matt McC, Chris Heath and whoever else are all whores too. And of course I'm only kidding. I wish the Jakester all the happiness in the world.
I'd like to inject some humor and reality at the same time...for everyone who's old enough to remember this. ;) When Julia Roberts first married Lyle Lovett (spelling?), about 50,000 comedians popped up overnight, saying, "damn, I actually HAD A SHOT." hehehe Who's to say who has a shot and who doesn't. ;) Young Mr. G. certainly seems to be open to friends of all walks of life. :D That should be enough in itself for consideration for anyone who thinks they 'don't have a shot.' ;)
(And yes, I now the Julia/Lyle marriage didn't last ) hehehe
Are you saying you've seen another picture of Jake with Fluffy? ;) Or with the new unauthorized female? ;)
Well, I'm kind of a people-watcher, but I make no claims to expertise in reading anyone's body language. Particularly people who are being followed by papparazzi, and who know even their most casual gestures are going to receive heavy scrutiny. Honestly, I don't know what to think about Greta Caruso. So my guess is as good as anyone's here, no better, no worse. So, here goes:
To me, she doesn't give off the vibe of an assistant. Hair's not up, doesn't look like she's on duty. I think the relationship is more of a social one. (The BlackBerry interlude is weird, but maybe you'd both resort to that if you thought someone could record your conversation or even lip-read?) Seems like a relatively new acquaintance, maybe? But I did think if you were Jake G. and you did want to hang out with a new friend -- boy or girl, at whatever level of intimacy -- it must be excruciatingly embarrassing, during that early awkward phase, when you are still getting to know each other. And for the other person, who's not used to all the attention, it must feel incredibly weird. Talk about someone bringing baggage into a relationship! Yeesh! Of course, he's incredible in so many ways, so that's the tradeoff. Still ... No wonder they date other celebrities. Who else would understand? And also, who else could better afford to pay for all the defensive tactics & the dodges aimed at attaining a little privacy?
I don't care how much money he makes or how he mentally prepared for it -- how can you prepare for this? That kind of life's not natural. Yeah, based on the film clip, I do pity him.
Which in no way reduces my sympathy for ProphecyGirl & Allie. The Gyllenpappa needs to go look up "displacement" in the dictionary. That was uncalled for.
Help me out here...if Jake is so hounded by the paps all the time and gets his photos and vids circulated all over the net, why isn't he all over the tabloids, like People, etc...all those printed rags you see at the grocery check out counter...like all you see there is Jen Aniston, etc., etc. It's like they never heard of Jake. Not that I'm complaining b/c in my book it'd be a bad day if that were to happen, but I just don't get it. Do all those other celebs get even MORE attention from the paps than Jake and I just don't know about it 'cause I don't follow them like I do Jake?
Just watched the video and have two things to add...
Number one, I got even more of an assistant vibe from the girl from the video. Maybe a good friend who's posing as his assistant.
Number two, he honestly didn't look all that pissed off to me. Mildly annoyed, maybe, but not really pissed off.
For every zillion pictures the paps take of Jake walking, and walking, and walking and shopping and walking, coffee, mom, Maggie, walking,friends, etc. there's one pic that MIGHT make People mag's website. And maybe a few other mags. You're right. There is no Jake saturation in the usual rags...and that's a good thing. There's this theory, and it's usually correct, that if a celeb keeps wearing the same type of drab clothing, and doing uninteresting things...like just walking...finally the paps let it go, bcz they can't make money over the same old crap. I mean how many pics does People need for it's files of Jake walking in cargo shorts and a t-shirt? But for some reason I cannot begin to puzzle out, there seems to be this clique of paps who will NOT leave him alone. My guess is either they want a "gotcha" shot of him in a compromising situation with someone, or they want to provoke him, get him really pissed, so he does something different, like lose his temper and kick some pap ass, and then they have a money shot. And, if he really kicks ass, they can sue...and they get more money, or so the thinking goes. Paps are vermin. They SUCK. If this happened in Brooklyn, something tells me the neighborhood residents would kick ass bcz they definitely do not like their lives disrupted. Manhattanites need to start making life hell for these guys. If I was Maggie's neighbor, or lived in her building, I would.
Perhaps we could send Fluffy to Jake?
That fierce look might cause the paps to back off... ;-)
Is this the same unauthorised female who was so artfully taken down a few weeks ago? If so, she is really brave to be all up in the Gyllenhaal's face again!
Btw, officially delurking for the first time, even though I've been a faithful reader since pretty much the beginning.
Thanks for the post brit, I LOVE Fluffy. As for Jake, well after the last couple of days my obsession has died down a bit.
But I'm sure it will come back, because just looking at this pick I still had the old feelings. You know the get your cute, but too close ass away from him little Miss Mystery Girl.
Hi Jake Watch Agents and hi little Fluffy,
I love your website, it makes my greys days so much better.
i wanna write a litte about you on my new Jake Webblog (german spoken) called"Jake rocks my World"
I never have seen a cuter litte dog in my entire live, I promise. Do you grant me a permit to post the picture of Fluffy, if I tell the source and of course the link, that´s the reason.. German people needs JW Agents..we are growing up last time..
Because I need a laugh,and as election day approches, here you are...
I have a question.maybe it sounds dumb,but I need to ask it.How do the paps get paid for videos?I mean,the pictures are sold to magazines; but the videos come up only on the internet,right?who buys them?
Perhaps gossip shows like E!Online and the likes buy these videos to make blurbs about them?? I'm just guessing here though. *shrugs*
Sorry, not E!Online... E!... whatever it's called. Entertainment Now or what the heck. Ah well. You know what I mean. LOL
Picture agencies buy EVERYTHING and then sell them onto magazines - videos would be sold to those E! channels and other such places. Splash News seems to have a little security issue as you can't view any of their pap pics without paying but you can see the vids.
Thanks to both of you.I never understood why they bother so much to follow them everywhere.And why,after taking the pictures,they're still filming..It means there are good money involved and that those picture agencies actually make a profit out of this,otherwise they wouldn't bother either. Which leads to..many people actually pay for those magazines.Disgusting.
I hope I made some sense..
think she's cute.... making a cute couple with JG. I saw other pics in justjare and thought JG seems happy.
she's hot.
maybe only because she reminds me of myself
Can´t see the vid. From the pictures alone I would suppose they are friends, at best. Not worth a second thought. Think she looks lovely and very self-centered. If someone wanted to give the impression they were lovers: not convincing.
BPB: Love Fluffy. It´s facial expression reminds me of me in certain situations. You wouldn´t know what breed it is?
Aw, looks like we are back! Great work guys. Biggest smile ive had in days. Im not sure if we should authorize her, but she looks cute. I doubt they r together tho, more assistant like i would believe. But you never know. Saw the video- disturbing- Jake was looking very protective, and he opened the door for her. Aw so cute. Anyway, again. Good work!
p.s gotta love fluffy!
You're not the only one joyce! For some insanely strange reason I'm kinda - kinda - ok with her! I guess for the simple reason that she looks normal.
There are some new pics of them from yesterday at IHJ. Seems to be something going on to me. Not that they're doing antyhing in the pics, but they've just been hanging out a lot lately it seems. It's definitely more that "work" if you ask me.
Smiling Jake
we cannot let our guard down, or jake takes advantage of it...
I'm jealous. I want Fluffy!
Could we change this to Fluffy Watch?
Also, I really, really like it when Jake wears this color in his shirt or his sweater. (What clothing catalogue language would you use to describe it? Maroon? Claret? Merlot?) I think it's very nice-looking, with his skin & his hair.
But maybe it's just me, fondly remembering my old college boyfriend's much-borrowed sweater. Every other year, I seem to a buy myself a sweater this color, as a sort of nostalgia trip.
1:49: I agree. And why would he need to have an assistant hanginging around him all of a sudden? Is he doing interviews/promos for Zodiac? Isn't a bit too early for that? Rendition doesn't start filming until the 3rd weekin Nov. according to Variety and unless she is audtioning for his PA, it doesn't make sense. He sure doesn't need one to shop for him or do errands, and with the exception of the awards gala on Monday and the cameo appearence at an event the following night where he ran in to Kristen, I can't see any reason for him an assistant travel aroound with him. Anyway she is cute as a button and zi just found ou that my BF went to High School with her Mom, Rachael Ticiton! He remembers her and her brother way back when her mom was still married to Davis Caruso. He freaked when I showed him the pics of Great and Jake, he hasn't seen her in years!
3:49PM here: Sorry for all the typos, not enough coffee this morning!
thanks hedda ^^ That helped me realise why I have a splitting headache. I haven't had any coffe today!
Well, I'm off to make some.
Just had to share this...
Last night, my husband, daughter and I carved our Halloween pumpkins. Husband carved a bat on his, my teenager carved ghosts on hers. Me? I carved the words "I heart Jake G."
He has been annoyed by the paps in the whole 2006 year, it's horrible!
The paps photos is just too much to stand it. I feel really bad for him.
He has no privacy(even a little privacy) at all!
I think Jake has a lot of female friends who are just that - friends. Many of whom he is papped with. Including this latest one.
It's only my impression of course, but I reckon he would keep any real girlfriend out of the paps gaze, cos if he's seen more than a few times with the same girl whose not a famous actress, and they act in any way 'couple-y' they'd never be left alone for all the speculation it would get, 24 hours a day.
Just my opinion, though! :-)
I like her. She's got an impudent smile, pretty hair and a humorous, down-to-earth manner about her. Looks like she's up to some mischief.
Further speculating on my part, because I can't resist dreaming up fictions: Maybe this Greta is really Maggie's friend, and thus just an acquaintance of Jake's? (Maybe Greta is auditioning for placement as a nanny, if anything?) And perhaps, just because Jake's nice that way & was raised to be gentlemanly, they go out for coffee or lunch, and he hails a cab & holds the door open for her? Not to say that she's not thrilled to be walking around Manhattan with Jake. But she does have to keep a straight face through the whole thing, as best she can.
(Take this speculation with a grain of salt, and be aware that once I used to love those governess-in-love-with-the-wealthy, handsome master stories.)
Last night, my husband, daughter and I carved our Halloween pumpkins. Husband carved a bat on his, my teenager carved ghosts on hers. Me? I carved the words "I heart Jake G."
LOL! Not Frank the rabbit?
I have eaten a lot of proverbial shit in my jobs. Paparazzi is the shit that stars have to eat. It's bad and I feel somewhat sorry for them but they can sooth themselves by rolling naked in their pile of money and snorting coke off the butts of high priced hookers. ... That's what I like to do to take the edge off.
Like PG said, we dont' pay for this shit so we aren't the problem directly. I can deal with being an indirect problem.
Also, I love Fluffy more than I've ever loved any other quadraped.
@dani: Her name is Greta.
I hate this blgger shits - I couldnt view nothing but thurs crap for 3 days AXCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK!
BTW the way - I think this chick in the photo is VERY hot and not even wearing makeup - I want him to be with someone - is this inside agent? Maybe someone to care for a our sexy man? She could have ways to ward off teh paps! BUHAHAHAHAHAHA
She needs to sport a Jake Watch T shirt - any woman seeing Jake should get one! Because she will be onthe frontlines of watching our man and keeping him sexiness safe!
I positively ADORE Jake . . . . . BUT. . .I am getting a little sick of all the celebs whining about their lack of privacy! As squallcloud said, I have taken my fair share of shit at work. So, lack of privacy is a major problem of being a celeb? Big f**king deal! What about policemen and firefighters who lay their lives on the line every time they go to work??? They don't make near the $$$$ celebs make! I don't care how disgusted Jake or any of the rest of them are about their lack of privacy--nearly everyone who works faces some kind of job connected stress, most people don't get paid what celebs do, and celebs don't put their lives on the line for people! Celebs all need to stop whining and be thankful for what they have!!!
Greta is Jake's sisters personal assistant. Her mother and their mother are friends
1:48AM: Then shouldn't she be hanging out with Maggie? Or is Jake dating his sisters PA? Not that it's any of my business, she is cute.
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