To some random person I don't know in Hong Kong! Dammit, I guess that means I won't be wriggling my way in as the "guest" in this situation. Hey, winning bidder, I'm only OK with you going as long as you keep your hands to yourself and promise a Jake Watch Exclusive Report detailing your entire day. Details such as sock height and components of the cheap-ass lunch that Jake
won't be buying you are essential.
Was anyone else compulsively following the bidding there towards the end? No? Just me? There was a $2000 jump in price at the last second. I was going to be heartbroken if he didn't hit the $5,000 mark. It's Jake Fucking Gyllenhaal!
This picture has nothing to do with anything.
Well, that's one lucky bastard.
And probably rich too.
Yes I was watching the bidding tonight (its 3am in Oz). Awesome. I knew the bids would blow at the last minute. too cool. (time for sleepy-byes now).
Congratulations to the 'winner'.
Damn it! I was just about to go down to the bank to get a loan.
So, if ACLU don't include travel then this poor fan has to book a flight too.
Probably as rich as Jake!
i was thinking, seriously, someone who is ready to pay for smth like that must be... shall we say... ever so slightly obsessed with the gyllenhaal. and what is the place for people obsessed with him? Huh? that's right, the Jake Watch. THE WINNER is AMONG US!!! perhaps if we ask nicely he/she will review the meeting for us or take Brits as a guest...
Does this mean he will be making martial arts movies soon???
There's got to be one of those advertisements that end with the word "Priceless" in this whole thing, somehow.
Did Jake bring more or less than the pickup truck he drove in "Brokeback Mountain"?
They are now offering Jake's signed poster of Donnie Darkie. Might bid on that, wouldn't mind paying a hundred quids for that.
Oh, Simon, Dustin Hoffman listing was there, but on the second page because it ended about 30 minutes later than Jake's. All gone now of course.
I'll be honest I thought he'd gone for more...maybe my assumtion that he is seen as a god in the eyes of all mortals was wrong! Ahh well! Bet if it had been a slave auction he'd have gone for more the saucy devil!
So, if ACLU don't include travel then this poor fan has to book a flight too.
Evidently not.That poor fan as you put it has pulled out!Idiot.Why bid and push the price up for others if they had no intention of going.
you may win and spend your lifetime saving on it. if your grandchildren ask you in 50 years why you are not rich you might say that at least you spent a nice day with Jake Gyllenhaal.
then again, it could be a memory of a lifetime...
I was so disappointed when the bidding went above my paltry $3500 limit – Damn the travel / accommodation not being included. I just hope Jake’s next project doesn’t film here in the UK or I’ll be really pissed off.
Soon cheered up through, - I got Naomi’s autographed script!
Atd congratulations...but about the winning bid.
S/He seems to be have got carried away..
Q: errrr... dear sir, i know my question is going to arouse big problem.. but.. dear seller.. i have a big problem.. i'm the highest bidder at this moment but honestly when i was bidding i wasn't really counting well.. (and i must confess to you.. i thought someone will definitely outbid me in no time..) anyway, i really hope if there's someone else who wish to win the bid.. i'm willing to let them.. the thing is, i'm here in asia and the ticket and hotel will double the cost.. which is.. sigh.. not small money.. anyway, what's your suggestion for me .. or can you let the other bidders know about the situation and continue bidding? i understand my regret might cause you problem and i apologize for that. but i'd appreciate your help if you can. anna
Simon.. You’re such a good detective, or am I just a bed secret agent?….No you’re a good detective!
Just had to have a go, didn’t really stand a chance but what the hell.
Kokodee.. That was an earlier bidder (annatseng) way down at the $4,250 mark, she sent the same email out to all the previous bidders, I think she got a little carried away! Can’t say as I blame her!
Oh thanks. I was getting worried there for a sec!
TBL - Having lived in a few countries, I've worked out this is roughly how things go - irrespective of the exchange rate, the buying power of the money is $1 = £1 = 1 whatever the local currency is, except in cases where exchange rate is more than 10 unit of local currency for 1 pound. So for US$1 you can get roughly the same amount of stuff in the US as UK£1 in the UK. Therefore Americans coming to the UK would find UK horribly expensive, while Brits going to the States would find things cheap.
I probably would have bought more things from the States, if it weren't for the VAT.
anyone know how much the other aclu items went for? like dustin's, etc.? curious as to how jake compares.
Dustin went for $4050 with only 2 bids (starting bid $4000), and no one bid for the lyricists. So Jake probably got the highest bid of the lot.
It's already over $100 for Jake's autographed Donnie Darko poster with six more days to go. It's probably go at a few hundreds. Damn, I so wanted that.
simon agent002,
what? the 6601 guy pulled out? for real? i was really glad to see that it went that high.. (that's why i stepped in after all) but i guess people easily got carried away when they bid on stuffs like a date with jake.. i know best, as one of the crazy bidders..
on a second thought, and after cooling from the hectic night, i now think if they keep pulling out, i will be really glad to be the winner after all..
what's money's worth after all, if not to be spent on the good and the beautiful?
ps. i'm totally aware that i can calmly say this most likely because i'm safe on the shore now..
still, if i got a second chance..
jake lotto? i think that's a brillant idea.. but would the winner agree with it? he/she might rather take his/her friend along than sharing the opportunity with some crazy fan like himself/herself..
i got the same email..from ebay.. it was a trick, my opinion. fuck.
Takk fyrir ahugaverdar upplysingar
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