Sunday, August 20, 2006


Apparently Jake mingled with mortals at Pops latest reading in MV last night and NO agents were there. What's happened to us? We used to be at the top of the stalking game and now what? Nobody took the helicopter? The keys were left in the ignition. The boat? It's hardly securely anchored now is it? Eugene wasn't busy, he could have gone!!

I realise I'm in no position to lecture but I had my reasons for not being there - it was quiz night down the Dog & Duck. Anneka's 21st was last night and obviously she got lashed up on Blue Nun and Malibu and passed out in a Biffa skip so she couldn't go and prophecygirl has the lurgy and rightly didn't want to infect any passing Gyllenhaal but what about everyone else? Hm?

Well, I'll forgive you this time but if the Gyllenhaal manages to escape our grasp so easily again I might have to do some internal restructing involving sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads.

Now, back to business - there has been talk of tattoos and tennis...very exciting...but no word on the socks.

UPDATE: First pics of the tattoo in.

I apologise - I managed to over ride my own conscience.

ALSO: MINI-NEWS REPORT (although I should really stop doing these after the shit storm it caused last time)
I have found out the problem with Blogger and why the page isn't always updating. Apparently Blogger have been encouraging people to start new blogs to test some new Beta software thing (I have no idea what this means either) and now it's caused this problem. There's too many people, ask prophecygirl - it's not just a blogging problem but a global one.

Also, sometimes when I view Jake Watch an advert for something pops up and says 'Click here' to view this website for free or some shit. Just close it. It's got nothing to do with me and I'm royally pissed off that it's there and I'm going to hunt down the bastards who did put it there.

Also, the 'About the Blog' section under 'BLOG' in the sidebar has been updated ready for the 'change'. It's all true, honestly.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eugene wasn't busy, he could have gone!!

Lol!! Just who is 'eugene' if i may ask?

Anonymous said...

According to the reports over at DC forum, Jake will be heading back to NY today as per his pal Chris (They were overheard).

britpopbaby said...

Eugene is the Jake Watch Miltary Force Donkey. He's very useful normally.

cina said...

A sexy tattoo on his gorgeously veined forearm?! OMG. I'm dead. *fans herself*

PLEASE let it be true!!!

Anonymous said...

I was there. I'm not an official JW Agent, but I certainly lurk here all the time.

cina said...

Felicia, I read your report on Eyelashes! :-) Which arm is his tattoo on?

Anonymous said...

His tattoo is on his right inner forearm. Old English block style. Lots of letters - maybe 7 or 8 or 9? Hard to get an accurate reading.

cina said...

Oh I can understand that, it would require some blatant staring I'd guess... LOL! Thanks for the information! Can't wait to see some pics of it!

Agnes said...

Tatoo :p *faint*

Anonymous said...

not sure how I feel about Jake with a tat. No a big fan of them - sure they can look hot and sexy when they are new but they get a bit grimy looking after a few years.

britpopbaby said...

Okay, I'll relax if there were some honorary agents there. Even Cantara didn't go! Or did she?

Anonymous said...

Jake with a tatoo ... Wow!
Wonder if Heath influenced his thinking about that in any way! lol! :-)

Anonymous said...

what is the link to the dc forum

Anonymous said...

His tattoo is on his right inner forearm.

Ha, my tattoo is on my inner right forearm too. ;) As long as it's something he can cover up for filming then I think it's fine if he feels it means something for him.

Anonymous said...

sure they can look hot and sexy when they are new but they get a bit grimy looking after a few years.

Well that depends on what kind of changes your body part goes through that you get it on. Most likely it won't be until he's well into his late 50s or 60s before he's have to worry about wrinkling on his inner forearm (and even then it depends on his workout routine, my grandfather is 76 and he still has muscular defined arms from wrist to shoulder). The places where you really have to watch out for when it comes to tattoos is your neck, your stomach (esp. for women who might get pregnant), and your calves/ankles since those change shape easier due to differences in how you walk. I'd say the bicep has more of a chance at getting the tattoo wrecked than his inner forearm does too because the forearm tends to be less changing than the bicep does when working out.

Becky Heineke said...

He was there?!?!? He better be at the next one (hint, hint Jake as a certain official JW agent will be there ready to closely inspect and report back on your newly acquired tattoo). Speaking of tattoos whoa, where did that come from?! Just when you think the hotness level couldn't get any higher...

Anonymous said...

As long as it doesn't turn out to be Livestrong (too hero worshippy considering everything else "Livestrong" that he's been adorning himself with) and not a friend/lover's name (never a good idea).

Nothing Really Matters said...

Agent Pussy was on another mission! Tracking down Miffed!

Anonymous said...

I fucking hate tattoos.Jake what the hell were you thinking?It's your body but why oh why adorn it with something you will have to live with forever.Very upset and disappointed.Sob,sob.

Mr. M said...

Tattoo? It really depends on what it is and where it is and from the description it sounds like a pretty bold move. It does sound ghastly at this point. Of course it's his body and he can do with it what he wants, but I will, as usual, talk shit until the cows come home about it because everybody has the right to my opinion. ;-)

Did I tell you about my ex-boyfriend who went out and got inked? He had always said he wanted one, went out and got one and it was the most horrific thing I've ever seen in my whole entire life. Yes, my whole entire life! My girlfriends and I nick named it "Peter" so we could talk about it without him knowing. It was on the dead center of his chest, although a little more towards his belly.

I dumped him two weeks later. I just can't imagine him showing anyone else that thing during sex or other times of shirtlessness.

Anonymous said...

sure they can look hot and sexy when they are new but they get a bit grimy looking after a few years.

I'd also add that it depends on the tattoo artist. The tattoos that get worn out looking or faded after a few years are the ones that are the ones that are done using ink that isn't all that top notch. You don't have to get an expensive one to make sure that the ink will be good but there is definitely a difference in the ink that different tattoo artists use. Provided Jake went to one that uses good quality ink then his tattoo should remain fresh and clean looking for many, many years.

Anonymous said...

I don't even wanna see it.Yuk!
Sorry Jake,it's your business.Just my personal opinion.Those lovely arms or arm in this case ruined!

That means make-up on them everytime he does a film now and once people start down the road of tattoos,more usually follow.Oh god.

Seeing you in a sexy white t-shirt will never be the same again.More sobs.

Anonymous said...

Could the tat have been...



cina said...

Speaking of tattoos whoa, where did that come from?! Just when you think the hotness level couldn't get any higher...

PG, I agree wholeheartedly!! *fans herself*

cina said...

plainjane - LOLOL!! :-D

only1annabel said...

Alas I was in London watching an old pal of Jake's dance his socks off in "Guys and Dolls" yeah I was hanging with Patrick Swayze! I tried to mug him for his phone in the hopes it would have Jake's number on speed dial but he's a sprightly thing and slipped from my grasp!!

As for this tatoo news I'm quite suprised that Jake would get one as he doesn't seem the type but hey its always the quiet ones! I'm undecided as to wether I like them or not, on a toned bicep it could be quite hot! Once I see pictures of Jake's though I'm sure I'll love it!

Anonymous said...

There still exists technology to remove tattoos, right? Just in case our Jake changes his mind??? One can hope!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Um Brits, um wrong arm :)

cina said...

LOLOL Brits! You wish, huh? ;-D

Anonymous said...

Oh now you're getting it!

I was hoping someone would photoshop that Old English script onto his arm.

Can we try it on the right arm now?

Weirdland said...

I hope Jake has done a discreet tatoo, not very bold or gothic, and that he stops here and doesn't go to a piercing next!

Anonymous said...

Please let him stick to just one tat....but alas tatting seems to become an addiction for some folks.....

cina said...

I must confess that the bare thought of a tattoo on Jake's inner forearm is a huge turn-on for me! I want a picture ASAP!! *sigh*

britpopbaby said...

I just used the first inside arm revealing pic I could find!

Anyway, it's like totally about the art...

Anonymous said...

for this tatoo news I'm quite suprised that Jake would get one as he doesn't seem the type but hey its always the quiet ones!

I don't think there is a specific "type" of person that gets tattoos.

Anonymous said...

once people start down the road of tattoos,more usually follow

That's more of a stereotype than anything. There are tons of people who get a tattoo and stop at one. It depends on each person. Obsessive compulsive people may be more tempted to get more than one out of pure compulsion. Others may get more than one because they like to mark special events or feelings on their bodies. But there are many more than that who just get one tattoo and are perfectly happy with stopping there.

Who wants to see an old man with a tattoo?

Depends on how in shape that old man is. There are men in their 80's with better and more toned bodies than men in their 30's.

Becky Heineke said...

Uh, "britpop?" Yeah, hate to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure it says "prophecy." Come on!

britpopbaby said...

Actually, I think it reads, 'Just Do It'.

Anonymous said...

where's the story with the tattoo? i want to read what felicia had to say.

cina said...

Go here! :-)

(I hope the link works)

cina said...

Somewhere out there is a tattoo artist with a incredible story to tell.

TBL, you're so right. I wonder if he/she'd ever share it...

Anonymous said...

Ah yes Jakes tongue. I have most of his movies and one of my passtimes/obsessions is trying to figure out in which of his on film kisses he slipped in the most T. Just watched Day After Tomorrow and I see a bit of T backlit by the fire. Nice.

Not any T to be seen in BBM though. Maybe with Anne Hathawy? I'll have to take another closer look. "Damn" I guess I'll have to watch it again.

Anonymous said...

I am going to reserve comment on the tatoo issue for after I see it "In the Jakeflesh."

Anonymous said...

"Actually, I think it reads, 'Just Do It'."

LOL! I'll reserve judgment till I see it too, but from what people have said, it doesn't sound too good.

The Real Me said...

What's this?! I go away for 4 days.. and the Sex has a new sexy addition?

What on earth, all the guys I know who have old english writing on the inside of their forearm have written something like their mothers or childrens name there... erm Jake, I thought we were trying to keep our love child a secret!


Anonymous said...

What are the MV awards? And he what??? he got a tatoo no no no tatoos are never nice never... well not on jake i'd love to see what his parents thought...and maggie i'd say he had a laugh...eter probally jealous was hoping to get one done after his kids birth... and boo and attitus are probally pisssed that he did'nt get them tattooed on his back inconsiderate!!

Anonymous said...

What's all this about tennis BritPop? With all the excitement over The Tat I missed the reference to the tennis.... Is Jake a Murray fan??

mrs_dalloway said...

A tattoo!!!!! I'm working my butt off to get some official education (that's why agent MrsDalloway wasn't at the reading) and Jake goes and gets painted.That's just..awesome!!:)) I so so so hope it's classy and subtile..and that it won't ruin any of his's a risc he's taken (if it's permanent).

britpopbaby said...

What's all this about tennis BritPop?

Someone overheard Jake being asked if he wanted to play tennis. I have no official confirmation on whether the question was actually asked and what Jake said. Although I hope Jake replied, 'Bitch, please, tennis?'

The Real Me said...

Someone has said at IHJ that the tattoo is actually japanese symbols, they had their photo taken with Jake, he's had a hair cut!

Anonymous said...

Is MV for Martha's Vineyard?
Because if t is I'm gonna smash my dam stupid big ASS of a head. I'm a lousy Cape Cod Highline Cruise away - WTF??????? I'm smashing my head as I speak - I failed you all - I was 1 hr away from the Sex. I failed- I'm no good - I will self destruct in ..4..3..2.
* BOOM*!

Anonymous said...

[i]and PAINFUL, 'cuz getting one on the inside of the forearm must HURT.[/i]

My tattoo is on my inner forearm and it really didn't hurt as bad as I thought. The outline hurt more than the filling in did. I think it helped that I was imagining it hurting so bad because then when it actually happened, it didn't hurt as bad as I had expected.

Britpopbaby, I believe it was reported that after he was asked about tennis is when Chris said that he couldn't since they'd be going back to NY then.

Anonymous said...

that is the worst photoshop of a tattoo i have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

if you look on just jared, youll see the resl tat, and it reads "TORSO". Torso is a gay magazine, and so ithink it was photoshopped as a joke...

dont hate the jack nasty!!!

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