By the by, looking very good here Pops. You know, Jake, if you don't stay on your toes I might threathen to change the namesake of this blog again.
This pic was taken by Robin for IHJ. See the rest HERE. No tattoo pics though. Dude, if me, prophecygirl and anneka had been there we would have pinned The Gyllenhaal to the ground and sat on him to get a pic of that forearm, I don't care how 'inappropriate' it would have been. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of Jake Gyllenhaal.
Looks like a quite bohemian place really. Rather cozy if I might say so myself. And I have to say I'm a little disappointed (read: VERY disappointed) that no-one, no-one has managed to catch the alledged tattoo on camera! We need PROOF goddammit!! ;-)
I love these photos you see the Gyllenhaal inner circle at its best mom dad bro and sis just supporting one another. I owuld of given anyhting to be there. If the jake stalkers were their you guys should of had a video recorder in your handbags and taped the whole thing. I would of loved to seen Stephen reading the poems about his family while they were there. And Maggie crying (hormones) and Jake being embarrased aawww and a love poem to Noami but i dont get why the hell were they in a weird furniture store. It looks as though they were shopping and then Stephen just got some kinda insporation to start reading out loud?? ..p.s jake is hot hot hot bu pops is gonna start giving him a run for the money!
I am surprised still no one knows what his alleged tattoo looks like so far... Jake needs to go surfing again, or play ball with sleeveless shirt.. please?
I'm still very confused about the tattoo. Someone on IHJ said it looked like Arabic symbols which I guess you might mistake for Olde English block.
I love how in one of the pictures, Maggie has her arm around Jake. They seem to be really close. :-)
Not only did I miss the greatest reading of the century, but it was also kept in Carly Simon's shop!Talk about atmosphere!!
still can't remember my blogger password..:(
By the by, looking very good here Pops. You know, Jake, if you don't stay on your toes I might threathen to change the namesake of this blog again.
Hotness runs in the family, that's for sure...
I hope some people came there to listen to his wonderful poetry, and not just in the hopes of seeing Jake. ;-) I *so* wish I could have been there, but I guess I'll have to wait for him to read his poetry in the land of his ancestors... ;-)
^^ Sadly, I don't think that will ever happen. :-(
I read it was oriental symbols with each meaning a word or something like that?No evidence,so who bloody knows?Come on Jake.Get em off.Go and do some more near naked cycling.Now we know you really are going to play Lance there should be loads.
hm, i like the idea of pinning jake down. Can i come too? ha. Personally i like the idea of a tattoo, im sure that whatever it is means alot to Jake, which is cool. My only concern is that it wont work well with roles he takes on. Bring on proof of this tat, Jakes probly read this and wont show his arms for months now, just for a laugh!
Cos it was you Brits, I am sure that Poppa G would have helped with the hog-tieing of Jake.
woah, how hot is stephen?
I'm glad we're still talking about the tattoo thing since I missed the last discussion. Just my 2 cents...I think tattoos are hot, I even have some. But I'm nowhere near as perfect as Jakey, and even with all my imperfection I still got tattooed in an inconspicuous location. I'm not going to say I wish he wouldn't have a tattoo...but I kinda wish it'd be in a less obvious place. I mean, he's just so beauteous as it is.
Of course, then we'd have to pin him down AND strip him to see it. An effort I'd be willing to volunteer for, btw. ;)
After some serious analysis and inspections of the MV acoounts and pictures, and no little amount of reflection and discussion, I have come to the conclusion that JAKE IS WINDING US UP!!
He had that thing painted on his arm and, while he waits for it to wash off in the shower (ooh hot flush moment), is right now laughing his gorgeous, beautiful head (with its new sexy hairdo) off.... We all know that Jake has a sense of humour and can, on occasions, be NAUGHTY!
Jake is adorable in those pics! I just want to eat.him.up!! The close-ups are almost too much.. *fans herself*
I love how in one of the pictures, Maggie has her arm around Jake. They seem to be really close. :-)
I noticed that too, cina. So sweet!
I kinda dig that store where Gyllenpapsen had the reading!
Robin is such a lucky girl!
Jake is Nunber One, but geez he has competition from his own father---Papa G is so frickin' hot!
Papa G is looking fantastic for sure, but I still love Jake! Jake and those blue eyes in the pics, OMG!! And I LOVE the pic of Maggie with her arm around Jake....aww so sweet!! Love that family!
Britpopbaby I LOVE this site so much and appreciate what you and prophecy girl and anneka do.
I was anxious to see if you'd tell us about any tattoo photos. with all the FANS clicking away not ONE shot of the tattoo was taken! I find that hard to believe. If I had been there I would have made SURE I got a shot of it, of course I would have pretended to be taking a photo of something BEHIND Jake just in case he looked over and was not pleased with me playing razzi.
I'd bet I'd uncover govt secrets faster than seeing this tattoo.
I LOL at your comments. I loved your tongue translations. WOW where would I be without em. NOW next time Jake flashes that tongue I will be able to interpret his meaning.
Linda S
What the h*ll is going on in Sweden?...is it the food?, water?, Ikea?, ABBA?
Scientists should to be studying this.
I thought Italy was the country that had it going on??
I'm taking the Italian gloves off!...no casually resting on our Roman laurels
TBL, I'm afraid you're gonna have to help me out here... I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Please explain and I'll try to help you!
LOL! Of course we have over weight people, but it's not the same situation as in the US for example. At least not yet....
For some reason I honestly don't understand, Swedish people in general, and the women in particular, have a reputation around the world of being "so beautiful". You can't imagine how many times I've read or heard interviews with foreign artists and actors etc saying "OMG the women are sooo beautiful" bla bla bla. To be honest I don't think we're more beautiful than the rest of the world??? I'm honestly clueless about this.
Why are you suddenly wondering about this? Have you fallen in love with a blond, blue-eyed Swedish person...? ;-)
God I love you brits. The needs of the many indeed! Also, the store is clearly a representation of IDIC Infinate diversity in Infinite Combinations. I read the recount of someone on iheartjake and paul from eyelashes filled with happiness for them and then when I was done I was filled with seething jealousy. Ah well
Hmm... well I'm sure I can come up with someone... Peter Stormare isn't all that beautiful, if you know who he is? He's Abruzzi on Prison Break for example. I wouldn't say he's ugly, but he's not exactly stunning. See! That's one! :-D
And lol! Paul's comment about his stuffed up nose made me laugh too!
Yeah, I'm more jealous than happy for anyone. It's usually the case when The Sex or Le Sex is involved.
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