Monday, August 21, 2006


I'm sure you've gone over this question many times: What did I get out of Brokeback Mountain? I mean I got a free box of popcorn, a Slush Puppy and two hours in a cramped Welsh cinema. But have any of us really stopped to think what Jake got out of Brokeback Moutain? Hmmm?

"A dog. This was a real opportunity to get close to animals: horses, dogs, sheep. For a city boy, it was great. My dog has changed my life. And since then, my sister has two cats and my parents have three cats and I got a second dog."
Jake Gyllenhaal, Honky Cat.


Anonymous said...

And we get to see him be a gorgeous daddy to his 'boys'!! And wow...we also saw him throw a sheep over his shoulders and wade through that stream all strong and hunky and cowboyish (sheepboyish??) in BBM!!

Ninni said...

Atticus is his first dog? Wow, gotta say I wouldn't have picked a German shepherd as my first dog, but clearly Jakey ain't afraid of no big ass dogs.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite pics is the one of Jake and the sheep dog resting together, probably during a break in filming BBM. The doig is looking at him like he adores him. Animals know. You can tell alot about a man from the way an animal treats him. Just from this one shot I can see that Jake is a great guy.

cina said...

It makes me so happy to see pictures of Jake and his dogs. Both Atticus and Boo look so healthy and content. It warms my heart that Jake seems to take such good care of his dogs. As a huge animal lover, that is a big deal for me.

cina said...

That someone was me, TBL.
LOL! ;-)

cina said...

It must have been the shocking experience I put you through last night that gave you this messed up dream. I'm really sorry my dear!

Did the drink and wet towel help in any way?

Anonymous said...

I thought he already had one dog when he did BBM - Atticus, which he got with KD, and he got Boo after KD dumped him, which was, of course, during BBM, so he got Boo out of BBM, and he was his second dog. The quote makes it sound like he was his first.

cina said...

Jake and Kirsten got Atticus in 2004 (probably after filming BBM) and Boo came in to the picture in 2005, I think the first pictures of Jake with Boo is from June 2004 or somewhere around there. I think Atticus was a little older when they got him, not a puppy. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong though, as I'm not 100% sure! :-)

cina said...

I meant of course that the first pics of Jake with Boo is from June 2005, not 2004....

Anonymous said...

this is a lil off topic, but speaking of quotes, i saw this on and almost spit out my coffee. it's a hilarious site where new yorkers send in the crazy conversations they overhear. (sorry it's a lil mean, i didn't write it!)

Looks Like Kirsten Dunst and Jake Gyllenhaal Are Back on Again
Girl: Am I ugly?
Boy: Animal-human hybrids should be slaughtered.
Girl: What?
Boy: Nothing, sweetie.
Girl: Oh. For a second I thought you were being mean or something.

--Roxy cafe, John St

Anonymous said...

There are pictures of Jake with Atticus as far back as 2003 so I think he was probably referring to decidingh to get his second dog....cos as we all know, Everything Is About Boo!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Someone 'hot4jake' posted 2 pics she took of Jake on Sat. at his dad's poetry reading on MV. They are over at IHJ Media section - eye candy thread - post your fave pics - pg 161 - sorry for not posting the link but am in a hurry.
Jake looks terrific.

cina said...

Muffin, what pics from 2003 are you referring to? I have gone through every pap-pic in the IHJ gallery from 2003 and there's no pic with Atticus there at least. It's important for me to know, due to the Jake Watch movie... ;-)

Becky Heineke said...

Aw, this gives me a warm fuzzy. Also, I'm not sure about the timeline. Sorry, that wasn't a very good contribution to the conversation. :(

Becky Heineke said...

Penny Lane, wow, thanks for pointing that out! He does look dreamy as usual. *big sigh*

Anonymous said...

Cina - Jake and KD can't have got Atticus after filming BBM in 2004 cos she dumped him when he was filming BBM!

mrs_dalloway said...

Yeah,Brokeback,the complete movie.Jake and Heath had hit the jackpot with this one. A perfect supply for everything..feelings, ideas, themes, dogs, Michelle..:D

Anonymous said...

Ooops....sorry Cina. Some pics I had saved were incorrectly labelled as 2003. The first Atticus sighting I can find is from March maybe he got his dog to prepare for handling dogs when he started filming BBM in the Summer?

cina said...

Yes, I think that's the case muffin! Sounds reasonable what anon 6:40 said too, since they broke up around BBM. So I guess he got Atticus in March 2004 and then Boo in May/June 2005.
Thanks muffin and anon 6:40 for clearing things up for me. Much appreciated! :-)

Anonymous said...

Quote from interview with Jake in the Calgary Sun of November 13, 2005

'We rehearsed our scenes in these really remote mountain locations when there was still snow on the ground. I had just got my dog before we did the movie. He was running and jumping through the snow, just loving it.'

Jake talking about BBM and Atticus.

britpopbaby said...

I think Boo came around Oct/Nov 2005. The pap pics are up at IHJ.

Anonymous said...

Penny Lane said...
Someone 'hot4jake' posted 2 pics she took of Jake on Sat. at his dad's poetry reading on MV. They are over at IHJ Media section - eye candy thread - post your fave pics - pg 161 - sorry for not posting the link but am in a hurry.
Jake looks terrific.

Thanks for the heads up, Penny Lane!

Here is the direct link:

But of course you have3 to sign in. I know 'hot4jake' went to MV event but I don't know if these pics are from there as she didn't label them. Anyway, they are super close up and he seems to have a shorter haircut but his eyes are so freaking beautiful..omg!!

Anonymous said...

Jeez what did he do to his hair?I wonder if that Lance movie is not just a rumour as he looks thin and doesn't have much hair left.Maybe it's in preparation for filming to start.If it's not,I really don't like it.Sorry Jake.Your hair is too beautiful to cut down to nothing.*Sobs*

Anonymous said...

I just had a look.It's really drastic isn't it.A crew cut and a tattoo.He really went all out for a change didn't he.I want my old Jakey back.His eyes are stunning though.

Anonymous said...

It's mo where close to being a crewcut - there's still plenty there to grab onto!

As TBL said, hair as for that blasted tat....

Anonymous said...

It's not like jarhead but it's more then a trim.I think the U.S.Crew cut is different to the,if you know what i mean?
(The meaning of it)It's very short.Maybe it is for a film role?

No pics of the tat yet?

Anonymous said...

Oooh is he in New York.We might get a peek at the tattoo soon then.Knowing our luck he will have long sleeves

Anonymous said...

I love that quote. Dogs are the best thing ever.

cina said...

I think he looks great! Hair or not, tattoo or not - it's still Jake.

britpopbaby said...

Okay, from my source of officialness I confirm that jake was definately at Pop's reading and afterwards they all went and partied with a President of years past. How cool? I hate the rich and famous some days.

Anonymous said...

Brit, would that be Clinton?? I know they are also on MV in the summers. If!

britpopbaby said...

I believe it was. Damn! Am I not cryptic enough? I've got a long way to go before I catch that Edward Medina!

cina said...

Bah. Sounds boring. *yawn*
LOL! ;-)

Anonymous said...

wtbgirl said...
The Gyllenhaals partying with Bubba - classic!

Actually from reports they have hung out with the Clinton's on MV before and Jake is friends with Chelsea!

Anonymous said...

I think they were celebrating Clinton's 60th birthday, then! How cool.
And China, before you feel too alone there, I must say that Jake with a tattoo ... sounds really HOT to me too! Unless of course it says something lame, which I don't believe for a minute...

Becky Heineke said...

Oh, they were hanging out with the Clintons?! Hello?!?! Alright, Gyllenhaals, you can stop now. I think it's physically impossible for me to be any more envious of you.

Anonymous said...

PG, What if Big Al was there too?

cina said...

I think there were even rumors that Jake and Chelsea were dating a couple of years back. That was not true though.

Thanks amerita! (I guess you mean me, although you call me China, lol!) I don't understand why people are so anti-tattoo..ish. Thanks for being on my team! ;-) lol

britpopbaby said...

Don't worry, PG. No one has officially partied until they've downed two bottles of Rose of an emptys stomach and then partied with britpop and Anneka. The floor is your friend.

Becky Heineke said...

^^^ Sounds like a lot of fun. Count me in next time we're together, which will be the first time so drinking may be a necessity.

Plainjane, I hadn't even thought but he probably was there! OK, so I'm officially going to cry in corner and rock back and forth.

Anonymous said...

britpop, any details from your source on the clinton party/get-together? does this mean jake stayed in the vineyard and hasn't gone on to ny as chris intended? not sure why i need to know these things, but i do!

i guess i want to know when he's expected in ny so i can prepare myself for how long i'd have to wait for new pap pics...

Anonymous said...

So does this "^^^" mean you are replying to the above comment?

I learn so much from JW. Thank you all for the education.

Just keep looking at Jake's new 'do and the eyes. That should help you get through feeling left out of the Clinton/Gyllenhaal(/Gore maybe) Fest.

But I do feel your pain. Sigh.

Anonymous said...


Great question. I would like to be prepared as well.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Why don't i live in LA! Something is so wrong!

Anonymous said...

Cina, yes I meant you, sorry for mispelling but I do have an image in my mind of an oriental girl when I read your posts (it does not help that in my language cina means china). And yeah it is all great with clean-cut sweet romantic Jake but a bit of more edgy a la Swaff shut-the-f**k-up image does not hurt either! And somehow the tattoo to me builds up a bit in that direction without taking away the sweet sensitive qualities.

cina said...

LOL amerita! If you only knew how far from an oriental girl I look! I am a blond, blue-eyed swedish girl, not the slightest hint of oriental in me I'm afraid. LOL!! Funny how we picture people we've never met, huh? And how it most of the time is completely different from how the person really looks. Where are you from?

Nothing Really Matters said...

I bet Chelsea is my long lost friend like you PG she came to Oxford to get a Master's degree!

I must have meet her! My invertation must have gotten lost in the post!

Anonymous said...

12:07PM : Smurfette, I think the person that overheard that conversation between Jake and Chris said that someone asked about Tennis tomorrow (Sunday) and Chris said that they were going to NY on Sunday. Clinton's B'day was Saturday, after the reading so if true, I see no reason that they wouldn't fly out to NY on Sunday unless they partied too much on Saturday!

cina said...

So does this "^^^" mean you are replying to the above comment?

Correct, plainjane! :-)

Anonymous said...

that makes sense, hedda, thanks!

amerita, what I loved most about swoff's character was he was so complex-- his experience in the marines was so interesting because he was both the shut-the-f- up tough guy, and the sensitive, introspective writer guy who was trying to grow up and figure out his identity in a crazy environment. that's why jake, not, some meathead actor, was the perfect man to play swoff

Anonymous said...

Just people still use the term 'oriental'?

Weirdland said...

^^I use more "eastern" than oriental, but yep. Oh, and Bill Clinton was sexy a decade ago, but not Chelsea.

cina said...

Just people still use the term 'oriental'?

Apparently...? Is there something wrong with that term..? In that case, what other term should I use? Asian? I certainly didn't mean anything racist in any way if that's what you're implying.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I was honestly just wondering. I didn't think it was a term used anymore here in the States. So I was just curious about its use outside my little box. :)

Anonymous said...

Agree Smurfette, and Jake did it beautifully didn't he? I think had the movie been more succesfull, he could have gotten another oscar nomination for it.
Cina, LOL, need to adjust my visual idea of you! I am Italian, though I live in the US.

Becky Heineke said...

"Asian" is the more politically correct term, and "oriental" is sometimes considered derogatory, sometimes not. I think in light of the discussion, no one would think anyone here used the term in an offensive way. :)

I bet Chelsea is my long lost friend like you PG she came to Oxford to get a Master's degree!

That's so true! Another long-lost friend! If only that invitation had gotten to you...'cause I know you totally would have taken me with you to that party!

cina said...

Oh okey. I was just a little... stunned by the question. You made me a little nervous there, that I (and amerita) had used a term that was considered racist or so. I certainly wouldn't want that! :-)
To me "oriental" sounds beautiful.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, I really was not implying anything. I just didn't know so I wanted to ask. If it came out wrong, with a negative, accusatory tone, again, I apologize :)

Anonymous said...

actually, anon, i'm glad u brought that up, even tho i'm sure no one meant anything by it. the term 'oriental' really isn’t used that much in the u.s. anymore. asian is probably better. its origins are just a little bit sketchy, since calling a region oriental implies that you’re always coming from a western point of view. and the term is a little tainted by orientalism, which has some pretty negative connotations since it was the philosophy/thinking that led to american and european imperialism in the east, which was viewed as an exotic/mysterious/heathenistic place to conquer. sorry, it’s been a while since my course in the topic, so some of my description may be off.

anyway, it’s not a big deal, but in general, calling asians oriental tends to date you a bit—i may be wrong, from my experience only the older generation still uses it.

sorry, i'm done. i just noticed PG did a much more concise job addressing this. back on topic now =)

cina said...

Perhaps the fact that I'm not american explains why I was so surprised. What's delicate in the States might not necessarliy be delicate in - for example - Sweden, where I'm from. :-)

Anyway, back on topic like you said, smurfette! And anon - no worries! :-)

Anonymous said...

Okay, thank you all for the info.

Um...back to topic...Jake is hot, no?

Nothing Really Matters said...

That's so true! Another long-lost friend! If only that invitation had gotten to you...'cause I know you totally would have taken me with you to that party!

Tat is so true!

Anonymous said...

yes, jake is hot, but i guess this post in on the dogs, no? so i have a question: i know parents aren't supposed to have favorites, but we all know 99% of the time they do. do u think jake prefers atticus or boo? what about all you fans? boo gets all the attn, but i've always been partial to atticus. he just seems so loyal...i guess with a name like atticus finch, how can you not be, right?

cina said...

Thanks Simon! *hugs*

I think Jake loves both his dogs just as much, but perhaps in different ways. Atticus was his first, that's always special. Boo is the cute little one, the baby.
That's my guess.

Anonymous said...

Oops my bad, topic is indeed on dogs. But I felt the need to state the obvious b/c I can't get over those new super close up pictures of him.

britpopbaby said...

britpop, any details from your source on the clinton party/get-together?

Apparently Jake got wasted and fell into an ornamental pond, destroying three decorative ceramic frogs.

Ok, not really. Nope, soz no more info other than phone reception is v bad in MV. And the Film Blog has been redesigned:

Anonymous said...

Oh man! Ok, delete all entries 'oriental' and replace with 'asian'. NO intention to offend anyone, AT ALL. Blame it to my Italian descent, though I lived in the US for many years and honestly did not know oriental could be taken with negative connotation. Now I know.

I like both dogs, Atticus and Boo, but personally I prefer Atticus. Boo gets the attention because he is small. Cannot quite see Jake going around carrying Atticus, looking like Jack holding a sheep on Brokeback.

Anonymous said...

Cannot quite see Jake going around carrying Atticus, looking like Jack holding a sheep on Brokeback.

that does it for me-- that sounds so hot! i prefer atticus, hands down.

tbl, i think jake did have a kitten a while back. he got it for kirsten for her bday or something, and it might've ended up with jake's mom after they broke up? can anyone back me on this? i can't remember the details.

cina said...

My pussy is asking me why doesn't he have a cat?
What should I tell her?

Seriously TBL, you're hysterical!!

Anonymous said...

Why would she not keep the kitty present he gave her?

Anonymous said...

anon, i might be wrong. i think i read somewhere jake's mom was cat-sitting said kitten for them, and i've also read that kirsten has something like 5+ pets, including multiple cats... so she might've just kept the kitten as well.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww indeed!

Anonymous said...

Guys, I hate to post this but you have got to see these morphs of Jake and Natalie at WFT. It's surreal.

Anonymous said...

rowing, tattooing, poetry reading, partying with ex-president, tennis, strolling/shopping in West village of NYC, uh-huh, just a typical weekend, I guess...

Anonymous said...

Thanks 8:02, those are prety amazing.

Anonymous said...


LOL! I agree.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen these before..and judging by the way he keeps his arms,I'd have to agree with Ally..please tattooed people,speak.

(they asked me for my blogger password and I can't remember it! The Bearded Lady, how do you manage to remember your passwords? you're like..85 years older than me!)

cina said...

Thanks for linking to those pics! He looks figgin gorgeous! I don't know what to think about the tattoo thing. I honestly don't remember how sore I was after getting mine, or if I even was sore at all. It was too many years ago! I just wish we could get some picture proof so we can drop this debate! lol God, I will laugh SO HARD (at myself mostly!) if it turns out he doesn't have a tatto! LOLOL! All this buzz and drama for... nothing! LOL

mrs_dalloway said...

Oh, TBL,I would NEVER want to take over your're doing such a fabulous job with it,dear!
I have to say I didn't think I was that smart but apparantly I was..I have my blogger and myspace passwords and usernames written in a notebook..who would have thought?
So I don't have to quit drinking after all!

Anonymous said...

Do you know, sometimes Jake sounds autistic!

Has anyone read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time? This quote reminds me somewhat of that.

Or am I just nutty?

Actually, don't answer that...

britpopbaby said...

I have read that book - you mean in the way he explains things?

Anonymous said...

i agree-- jake's quotes are great because sometimes it's almost stream-of-conscious the way he takes an ETERNITY to make a point because he skips around thoughts and talks in circles. but i love it because it shows a complex, intelligent person underneath, unlike his contemporaries, who tend to talk in rehearsed soundbites, or just sound simple or stupid. it's rare to find someone who tends to be a bit longwinded, but always manages to be articulate.