After the veritable media frenzy of yesterday, I feel a bit like an addict in rehab. This lack of news is quite a let-down. I'm guessing Jake is off enjoying Nice where apparently the weather is NOT 150 degrees with 300% humidity, as it here in the fine city of Memphis. Well, I'm sure he deserves a break, and in the meantime shall we go back a bit? To simpler times? Just while we ride out the eye of the cycling storm...
Exciting Moments In Gyllenhaal Hair!

(Not to be confused with the
Hair Survey of yore.) Yikes, Jake! What's going on here? This must have been back when
Macaulay Culkin was setting the fashion standards for adolescent boys. I would like to thank the usually completely incompetent
US Weekly for providing us with this lovely picture of middle school Jake.
And what about this?

These screencaps from the 1998 movie
Homegrown (you may notice some familiar names in the credits) recently showed up on
IHJ. And who is that blonde boy on the right? Let's take a closer look...

Why it's Jake! OMG, remember when, like,
everyone had dyed-blonde hair in the late '90's? Well, we know Jake always will! Thank God he started getting starring roles in movies, where professional hair-stylists could give him extra-sexy movie-star hair.

Oh, snap!
These are clearly some hair-raising times!
Jake: Mirror, mirror on the wall, err I mean in my hand. Who’s the fairest of them all??
Mirror: Not you with that hair style, the chick behind is hot!
Sorry, I changed the picture (AGAIN!). I get it! But probably no one else will. :(
PG you are just trying to make me look crazy are you not?
^^^ Yes. Hee.
I love the blonde, and he was such a cutie as a kid, lol!
As for "no news is good news"... if he was going home from clubs with other or same girls again, we'd sure hear about it, wouldn't we? I'll go with what I don't know can't hurt me on this one ;)
And what a little nerd in the first pic, hysterical!! :) I just hope he will never go for the blond look again...
I'm just LMAO here!! Hilarious post PG!!!
I just hope he will never go for the blond look again...
I second that!
Aww I adore that Bubble Boy-picture!! He makes the cutest faces that man...
Blond Jake? No thank you, not if it can be avoided.
That first pic is delightful! Nerd he may be, but I can sure see the charm lurking. Even then...He Knew!
BTW:What time is it in France?????????
That first pic is seriously adorable!
^^ I think that's correct. It's midnight here in Sweden now and I think France is one hour behind us, just like Britain.
I wonder what Jake is doing right now... having a late dinner at some nice restaurant by the sea in Nice perhaps...?
NOW I know why I have such an UBER crush on him..
He looks identical to my childhood sweetheart in that Mac Culkin styled photo.
I have a huge crush on Jimmy from "Bubble Boy" and I think disheveled hair is very sexy.
No I don't think so.. I checked some internet site googling "what time timezone"...and it says it's the same time in France as it is in Sweden. That is 00:14 right now
Oh really? Thanks for clearing that up for me. How weird then that Britain is one hour behind...! *confused*
Is everyone in Sweden getting ready to welcome Brigitte Bardot?...she is threatening to leave France and move there.
She's more than welcome! Anyone who cares for animals is welcome here in my book! But I doubt that is going to happen... I hope France changes its mind instead, for the sake of the minks.
I'm was confused since the time zones go from north to south right, like the longitudes. And Britain is right north of France - therefore I thought it would be logical for France - just like Spain - to be one hour behind us in time.
But apparently, things are more complex than that, and I'm not arguing. I was just... confused.
Aah young Jake photos...there doesn't seem to be many around, I'm waiting for the cute baby photos that I hope will eventually surface!
On another note I'm so upset to hear where Jake is right now as my brother has also chosen this week to go to France! I've had visions of him coming back and saying "Guess who I met?" and showing me a pic of him and Jakey! I'd kill him! But after doing some research I've discovered my brother is not very close to Nice so phew panic over!! Still he's closer to me than in France than when in America as I'm in the U.K, maybe Jake will swing by on his way home...
Sorry that last bit makes no sense! He's closer in France than when in America as I'm in the U.K. Yeah thats better!
wow! that's great news katie, what an honor! A Jake Watch excluseve from Gyllenpappa! :-)
I can't wait for 1 August...!
I meant exclusive, of course...
Bubbleboy hair is muy caliente! He looks like a skater kid in the middle school pic and that dyed blonde hair - DONT DO IT AGAIN JAKE!!! thank goodness you have that cute grin and sweet eyes baby! Ahhh ... nice toi see pre-Armstrong days. That whole BFF thing is getting WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too saturated in the news and internet.
I dunno, I really like the blond.
I think we've gotten so used to jake being tall dark and handsome that we can't possibly see him as fair-haired.
But the blond look suits him fine.
That adorable pic from Bubble Boy, with the quite..ehrm..weird hair-do, makes me want to see Bubble Boy soo bad! I can't believe I still haven't seen it. I guess I have to order it online, since I can't track it down anywhere around here..
Yes,i also like the blonde look.I like anything on Jake
The Bubble Boy haircut does it for me. I think it's the combination between the weird hair and his mole!Really!There's something about this man..everything goes with everything!
In the first pic his hair is very much like that Furlong boy who was in T2 and who recently killed himself with booze and drugs or drugs and guns... can't rightly remember. That was a popular white boy style back in the day if the boys in the mall were any indication. The black boys all had gumbies, high tops, and hook parts. The 80s and early 90s were a perplexing time for hair fashion.
Oh you're so right, squallcloud! Edward Furlong! I've always thought that there was something "familiar" with him in that picture, and you made it so clear. He does look like Edward Furlong!
Squallcloud, Edward Furlong isn't dead. Maybe you're thinking of Jonathan Brandis who killed himself.
OH! yah I was thinking of Jonathan Brandis! Thanks for setting me strait. I need to ease off my official JakeWatch Agent Advance Training. I'm getting all bibbily brained. Anywho, yes Brandis was a pre-teen crush of mine. He was in the Never Ending Story .. then he grew up and dated and abused Tatiana Ali and then shot himself. Very sad. Furlong got into some trouble too if I remember didnt' he? But yes Jakey is rocking Furlong/mall hair big time!
Anywho I like the BB hair because it was around the L&A time and he had BB hair but it was done in more of a gothic punk style and he was soooo delish. I loved him in L&A the best thing in that entire movie hands down. I loved how the filmmaker said all the grown ladies were all giggly over Jakey.
I had such a crush on Edward Furlong when I was about 12 or 13 years old! Oh dear, I remember swapping posters with my friend just to get my hands on more Furlong ones! Aww, good times. :-D
@ phoebe >
Oh I SO completely understand you!! I haven't seen it either!! And one day I found it in a video store... I almost yelled..UNTIL I realized it was only on VHS (I have a DVD player..).. so I kind of yelled again....arrrrgh!!!!
So you're saying that you actually found it!? I thought that was downright impossible!! Too bad about the VHS though. Totally understand the agony!
Anon 2:44 said: Squallcloud, Edward Furlong isn't dead. Maybe you're thinking of Jonathan Brandis who killed himself.
Oh God, I can't believe I didn't pay attention to that in Squallcloud's post! Of course Furlong isn't dead! But, yeah... Jonathan Brandis killed himself.
Dani said: Has anyone seen Jake shirtless with the weird Jimmy hair on the set of Bubble Boy? His chest, arms and abs are incredible. And the whole combination is hotter than hot!
Dani.... I agree! I've seen some clip when he's running away from the camera and then turns back again, in just sweatpants, and OH MY GOD!! What a body he had already back in those days!!
I've seen some clip when he's running away from the camera and then turns back again, in just sweatpants, and OH MY GOD!! What a body he had already back in those days!!
Where can I see this clip?
It is not on the BB dvd!!!
He was in the Never Ending Story .. then he grew up and dated and abused Tatiana Ali and then shot himself. Very sad
That's sad, i heard he is the guy that Jenny Lewis was refering to in A Man/Me/Then Jim.
And is that the Tatyana from Fresh Prince? I love that show!
Wow, I never knew they dated. I wonder how she felt? Poor thing.
@kokodee: Go to - fanzone - videos/media - TV specials. There, you pick the one called "E! 101 sexiest celebrity bodies". That's where I've seen that clip. Hope that helps! :-)
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