This, ladies, gentlemen and canines is how it is supposed to be done! Three cheers for these resourceful ladies. The one on the left is so focused she even forgot to smile for the camera. Brilliant. I want to see less
mosing behind Jake under the pretence of exercising, less
infiltrating Oscar ceremonies posing as award statues, less
shameless attempts of grabbing attention using pathetic props and more blurry shots obscured by crutches in badly lit restaurants! Bravo.
where and when is this picture from britpopbaby?
That very clever trying to take picture for gorgeous women, but really taking a photo of Jake! A little tip who ever took the photo, use more zoom next time!
these women are my new heroes
Hahaha, I hardly noticed Jake there in the background at first! I too would like to know when and where this picture was taken.
Oh me god! I totally didn't notice our boy in the background: I just thought brit had gone of her marbles again.
Well done ladies, well done!
That so must be the waiter taking the photo! Hey ladies do mind if I take a pic? Lady on left WTF. Lady on right ha, ha, ha you’re so funny sure.
This is so professional. :)
I have to be off-topic a little bit now..alarming discovery:
Jake whispered something to that lady in red!!Evawhat'shername- when he got up on the stage for the best kiss award! What did he say to her? We have to get a specialist here!
hahaha classic, how the hell did you find this pic?!
Brit, you are fast becoming my new hero!
I just found it on Google images. Dunno when but captions says it was in New York.
(uncontrollable sobbing)I don't have UK MTV. Do you have to be rich to get such channels??
OMG, that is brilliant!!! Way to go ladies, lol!
Btw, some possible Jake casting news!!
When he was in St. Paul last month, Altman was in the midst of trying to nail down Jake Gyllenhaal and Woody Harrelson for his next film, a comedy-drama called "Hands on a Hard Body."
' ... And it continues to occur. He’s in talks to make a feature version of the 1997 documentary “Hands on a Hard Body,” about a contest where people try to win a pickup truck by standing with their hands on it continuously for days at a time. Last one still standing, and touching, wins. Billy Bob Thornton is one of the people he hopes to cast in the ensemble, and he plans to start shooting in September.
No mention of Gyllenhaal or Harrelson in this story, but it talks about Billy Bob Thornton as a possibility!
Sounds really excellent to me!!
Miss Twist you sent me an e-mail?? I’m touched.
How can so many people sell signed photos on eBay of Jake can’t be real fans. If he signed a millions things for me I would keep them all! Well maybe give one to Britpop
I am the one who posted the possible Jake/Robert Altman casting news, but I don't know how to code a link. I know the code for italics and bold, but I don't know the code for links. Can anyone help? Thanks!
the restaurant looks like artisanal or balthazar. definitely not pastis as pastis does not have railings.
^^ Well, anon, I tried to post the code for links but blogger read it as a link, even tho I put spaces in so it wouldn't! Sorry!
Thanks for the help, miffed67. Can you just tell me what is supposed to go between the <> brackets. Thanks again!
okay I think I got the code! Here are the links to the possible Jake/Robert Altman stuff.
I think it sounds like a great project with a brilliant director and a great cast!
Shit! The code I used didn't work again for the links....grrr.
miffed67, again would you mind just posting what should go in the tags. Thanks.
I almost didn't see Jakey in the back there! For a second I thought I was on the wrong blog.
Very good tactics, these women are stalking masterminds. I should ask them to teach me a thing or two.
I thought he was talking to Freedrich or how ever you spell his name in NY... looked from the pics jake may have had a script in his hands Altman is 81 wow ..
I have NOT been keeping up with my Jake Watch duties today!! That picture is awesome. Those women are awesome for making it happen. Oh, I wish it was me!
I thought he was talking to Freedrich or how ever you spell his name in NY... looked from the pics jake may have had a script in his hands Altman is 81 wow ..
Yes, it did seem like he had a script from Freundlich. He is probably reading lots of scripts and could take on different projects depending on when they were filming, etc. I am sure he is in demand. This sounds like a great project with a great cast and a brilliant director. I hope he goes for it!
He's been picking quality...except possibly of TDAT ...which was more big disaster flick...But I hope he considers carefully and not end up in a flop.. time will tell. I'll be loyal whatever he does...what was the last hit Altman had?...I remember him from the 70's...and his were more midlife type comedies...not a hip cutting edge Indie comedy. but I hope im wrong...and am willing to be corrected
RE: posting links. You don't have to make clickable links for us. Just type the URLs like anything else, and we will copy and paste them ourselves.
Ok thanks queenscroft...I won't be as worried...lol I guess I'm thinking of the Carol Burnett Alan Alda films...
I just had hoped he would do a hip comedy. Not more mainstream fare.... best way to solve this..Jake become a director/producer...lol
The mystery of the Professional Stalkers has been solved.
These pics were taken by one of the DAUGHTER'S of these two women during a weekend birthday celebration in Manhattan for one of the girls' 17th birthday.
They're up on Webshots.
Is there any date? and I don't think the people in the pic realize who is in it.
Well, I loved "Gosford Park," and I'm reading good things about "A Prairie Home Companion," so maybe Altman is back. Given the large ensemble casts he uses, Jake may not have an enormous part. But it might be a wonderful one. He's certainly picking some fine directors, isn't he?
queenscroft said...
Yeah that sure was a while ago, plus the plot to this movie sounds like one of those dumb commercial rock radio competitions. But it could be funny.
Knowing the track record of Altman, Billy Bob, Jake, Woody, etc. and the fact that this is based on a documentary, seems like it could be great and quirky.
Well, I loved "Gosford Park," and I'm reading good things about "A Prairie Home Companion," so maybe Altman is back. Given the large ensemble casts he uses, Jake may not have an enormous part. But it might be a wonderful one. He's certainly picking some fine directors, isn't he?
I loved "GP" too! and yes "APHC" is getting great reviews. Altman is still a great. I saw him speak in Dec. and he was very good. Don't know how big or small Jake's part would be but Altman certainly wants him and yes Jake has picked great parts and great directors. This sounds really good!
I just had hoped he would do a hip comedy. Not more mainstream fare.... best way to solve this..Jake become a director/producer...lol
Altman is not mainstream fare at all. He is a legend and a great body of indie films http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000265/.
This is totally off topic but I saw someone mention on another site about Jake in Homicide: Life on the Street when he was a kid and I just downloaded it a couple of minutes ago to see for myself. Jake was so cute in it despite the fact that it was only a couple of minutes worth. I know grown actors who do a bad job breaking down and crying and little Jake did it perfectly.
Little Jake was really great in Homicide: Life on the Street!
Btw, Stephen directed that episode.
So did anyone hear if he's looking at a Freundlich role or is it all speculation/rumor
Haven't heard anything else about it, so I guess it is still speculation/rumor.
No the best techique is to ask him to take your picture for you...Pretending you don't reconize him. Then hand him the camera backwards!
anon, I'll try again!
First: <
then the code: a href =
then a " and the URL of the link and another "
then < again and /a>
If you want to name the link (like you can put a 'click here' and that's all that will show, instead of the whole URL, leave off the < and just put a > then the name of the link and then the < /a> at the end. I hope this makes sense, LOL! I know it looks elementary, but I'm trying to fool the webpage into thinking it's text and not a link!
Oh, I forgot, no spaces in that code, either.
DAMN! I'm sleepy! There IS one space, in the "a href" part, you leave that just as is.
Simon agent 002,could you tell me what remaks they cut as i only saw edited version.Thanks.
It's such a weird car Jake is in.The occupants heads are touching the roof?Wonder where it was taken and when.If we could only trace those two women they could give us the lowdown.lol
Anon 11.07,i don't think it's a car,it looks like they are in a bar of some sort.Is that crutches on the side?Perhaps the women are waitresses?
BPB, there are new pictures on IHJ! With ankle socks!!!:)
Regarding the picture of the two ladies with Jake. It also seems to me that perhaps they hadn't noticed Jake at the time the photo was taken. In any case they still got closer to him than I did on my failed stalking mission to Jake territory today. My friend an I drove the streets of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills. We went slowly past URTH CAFE, THE COFFEE BEAN and of course SPRINKLES without any siting of Jake. And as of June 8th he was spotted still in town. Oh, well we still got a couple of delicious cup cakes at Sprinkles. And we can claim we stood in the same sacred spot Jake has. Better luck next time. And there will be a next time!
I wanted to add that among all the new pictures on IHJ there is one of Jake and Spike Lee. Looks like Jake could get lucky one day and add Spike Lee to his list of great directors he has worked with. He definitely has a plan and so far it's paying off. I hope Spike will keep Jake in mind for something great.
Ps. Did you notice that Jake is drinking through a straw?
Yes I did! A totally random observation, but I just thought he looked so funny. lol
I'm sorry, I have to ask something very stupid, but I'm not good at these things..How do I insert the HTML tags? For italic writing,for ex..
Regarding the picture of the two ladies with Jake. It also seems to me that perhaps they hadn't noticed Jake at the time the photo was taken. In any case they still got closer to him than I did on my failed stalking mission to Jake territory today. My friend an I drove the streets of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills. We went slowly past URTH CAFE, THE COFFEE BEAN and of course SPRINKLES without any siting of Jake. And as of June 8th he was spotted still in town. Oh, well we still got a couple of delicious cup cakes at Sprinkles. And we can claim we stood in the same sacred spot Jake has. Better luck next time. And there will be a next time!
Creepy. Talk about invasion of privacy. Cyber stalking is okay when it's playful but real stalking is sick. Get help.
For italic writing put < > with an "i" inbetween right before the text you want to be in italic, and right after the text you put < / > with an "i" after the /. (There are not supposed to be any spaces in the tags, I just have to use spaces now when showing you how to do it.) If you want to write in bald, put a "b" instead of an "i" between the < >.
I hope this makes at least some sense, because God I suck at explaining things like this!!
testing testing what cina said lol
Oh, you're the best in town,cina! Thanks!
This is absolute genius. The standard has been set.
@Mrs_dalloway: You're welcome, I'm glad it worked! :-)
What's so creepy about driving down a street looking at public places filled with people to see if you see your favorite celebrity? It's not like we were looking for his house to invade his privacy. When you're in the Hollywood area it's only natural to want to see any star - even one that's not your particular favorite. And even if I had seen him there's nothing I could have done. I was in a car. I don't think hoping to get a glimpse of him is any creepier than people posting about what they would like to DO with him or to him if they had the chance. I would never accost him or anyone even if I came face to face with him. I would be nothing but respecfull. Even though I am currently a victim of this insanity that it Jake addiction I wouldn't want anyone in the real world to know - let alone him.
Lucky ladies :D
So Kerry and Jeannie are out together on a mission to spot Jake Gyllenhaal -- only they don't tell their husbands, Matt & Bob, who say they are getting too old for that kind of stuff -- and they follow him discreetly into this place where they each can barely afford a glass of wine. Would you believe the prices? Oh, but it was a classy place, and it was worth it, because they persuaded their very handsome waiter, Josh, to photograph them, very casually, with the handsome Jake G. appearing in the background. So now, aside from having this great picture to use as a screen saver & to pin on the wall of their cubicles at the office, they get themselves plastered all over the Internet. What fun! Wish I was them! Imagine how, once they left the restaurant, they screamed in the parking lot & jumped up & down & hugged each other gleefully. Mission accomplished!
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