Sometimes, Jake, you confuse old britpopbaby. You've had at least two years experience of being stalked now, yet in this instance, you choose some nerdy looking Jimmy Fallon imposter to try and shield yourself from us. Quoi? Good to see Sarsy was there to whisk you off to a more secure location, hopefully involving walls and how sweet, you two are mirroring each other. Actually that's quite eerie. Eerie Indiana.
Pics from
IHJ - including a woman with Gnarls-Barkley-level crazy hair.
The grandpa-shorts strike again. *sigh*
And yes, the picture of Sarsy and Jakey is creepy to say the least. Maybe they're twins separated at birth. On second thought, I hope not: that would be a thousand times creepier.
I love the head transplant too simon.
The woman with the gnarls barley hair was totally distracting. I was laughing my head off, lol!
By now he must now that agents are everywhere but Jake you can't hide. Anyway not like this you have to do better than this
Sarsy and Jakey are obviously taking Walk Like A Star lessons. What the camera doesn't show is the instructor barking orders at them from the sidewalk: "And step! And arm! Touch chest! And step!...". You can see by the intense concentration on their faces that this instruction is not something they take lightly. Early indications are that they are apt pupils, possibly top-of-the-class material. Of course it benefits both of them to be friends with a classmate - they can practice together and pick each other up on their mistakes. Good work, boys - carry on!
Well, after Jake's read all the comments written here about his pot belly and man-boobs (or, rather, after he's been briefed on the comments by his CAA representative, who's summarizing a memo prepared by a summer intern, an Ivy Leaguer who likely got his/her position through blatant nepotism -- did you follow all the hierarchical levels included within this one parenthetical remark?) -- no wonder Jakey is hunched over the world's smallest salad. Now he's sorry he ate all that elaborate Italian cuisine the night before.
Still. What amazes me is that, even when Jake's wearing his sloppy oversized clothes, even when he's hidden behind sunglasses, even as his face slowly disappears beneath an unchecked onslaught of ever-increasing facial hair -- he's still Got It. Much, much more so than that spruced-up guy in the dressy pair of slacks who's half-concealing him. He's Got It, and that guy doesn't. Life is unfair, you know? The apportionment of charisma is really unfair.
hahaha that's too cute!!
hahahaha!!! I am proverbially pissing myself at that mirroring pic - just shows how in tune sarsy is with the gyllenhaals now, in fact careful mags, its almost incestuous
He is just bootiful as he is.The more hair,the better.
britpop, the new banner is FABulous, dahling!
LMAO, nice anon!
Jake's just gorgeous! You can run, but you can't hide, baby! Funny he doesn't know that by now.
AND OMG! Sarsy SHAVED! Oh...the humanity!
He was spending entirely too much time walking around with those water bottles. I'm glad someone sat him down and insisted he eat. I don't think he was hiding per se. I think he was looking for something and that foolish, foolish young man walked up and stood there never even realizing what he was doing! Or who he was doing it too. Does he not realize he was in the presence of the most beautiful, delicious morsel God ever made? (Which begs the question, is God a woman or is he gay? Bcz he'd have to be one or the other to make Gyllie!) And did he not realize that he was BLOCKING OUR VIEW? I think Jakey was willingly making a pledge to Saarsy. I think Peter was say, "OK, Jakey, hand to heart...Say it:I will not go to 60 Thompson Street hoping to run into any of my ex-girlfriends!" And Jakey, bless his heart,said, "I'll try!"
He dresses just like my husband (and that is not an endorsement of the look, believe me.) We've had rounds about those voluminous shorts, but guys really like 'em. Arguing about it just brings out the full-on male fashion whine: "But they're comfortable!" There's nothing you can do but grit your teeth and remind yourself that you didn't marry him for his fashion sense.
At least Jake seems to favor new t-shirts. My hubbie has some that he's been wearing since college and they aren't pretty.
Jake, being the most gorgeous man on the planet, wears even these baggy clothes beautifully. But even when he's in the most incredible italian designer suit imaginable, tailored to perfection, there's always something a little off. Tie askew, zipper tag sticking out a little, button coming undone. He's not a fashion guy at heart.
He's an LA brat and we are absurdly casual out here, so maybe that explains it. Still, how much do I love the Acadamy Awards tuxedo look? Oh, sweet Jesus...
Britpop, I like the new header---but why oh why aren't Atticus and Naomi Gyllenhaal listed in the cast?
The spooky thing about the pic of Jake and Sarsy is how much Sarsy looks like Heath! I thought it WAS Heath and Jake at first!
Wish it had been!
Yeah that is kinda spooky that they are mirroring each other!
Great new header Brit, no doubt been working hard!
Wonderful new header, gorgeous pictures....nice start to a Saturday, I'd say! ;)
Jake, if that salad did it for me, I'd be as beautiful (from the neck down of course) as you. But.....it just wont do!!!
It's so cute: Jake and his minimum salad. He is maintaining himself thin, making sacrifices to continue starring in Jake Watch although he's craving for a KFC bucket and banana icecream.
The spooky thing about the pic of Jake and Sarsy is how much Sarsy looks like Heath! I thought it WAS Heath and Jake at first!
Huh? Except for the hair color, Peter doesn't look like Heath at all!
The mirror walk seems to be something that jake experiences with close memebers of his family.
It reminds me of those pics of him and Maggie, walking in total sync.
Did he lose wieght?I'm glad to see that microscopic salad.The 'I dropped smth' tehnique of hiding is actually a way to measure himself..'If this guy can cover me,I'm ok.Damn,why isn't he larger..'
Britpop, I like the new header---but why oh why aren't Atticus and Naomi Gyllenhaal listed in the cast?
Because I ran out of room :(
LMAO at the guy in front of Jake! What the hell is he doing standing like that?! He looks guilty as hell, but for what I don't know. Deliberate hiding of the Jakester? LOL
The new banner is fab, btw!
If Jake is really trying to hide he looks a bit silly. How could he possibly think no one would notice him. If he's tired of the paps then he better stay inside. This will only make them want to pursue him more.....
He does look like he's cutting back on his food consumption lately and all that increased acivity with the personal trainer and what not. I hope he's getting ready for another movie. Too much leisure time - especially in New York - may lead him to temptations he'd be better off staying away from....
Even though I love the beard, a little less of it would be nice. I miss seeing more of his face. Just the stubble would be good enough for me. I hope this increasing growth of hair is not a disguise attempt. If that's the case he should know by now it's not working!!!
LOL, okay I feel bad laughing when he's seems to be trying so hard to hide but he just looks so cute/funny there. He looks like a little kid playing hide and seek but not very well.
Looks like Jake has dropped something and is trying to pick it up in the second picture. How sad that I've analyzed it so closely.
And the mirroring thing is kinda weird. But I like it. They are both looking fine. I can go either way on the Jake facial hair issue. But my preference is for light stubble.
wtbgirl, I am SO happy for you! And delighted to know Colin is committed to trying to stay sober.
He seems like a friendly, unpretentious kind of guy. Details, plz. plz. I always thought he was hot! Of course, he's no where in the same category as Jakey. But then, no one is in the same category as Jakey. There's Jake and then there's everyone else.
wtbgirl - that is so cool! :-)
Now let's hope it's Jake next time. ;-)
OMG! That's so cool wtbgirl! Did he say who he was supporting in the World Cup?
And Old Speckled Hen? I had no idea they sold that outside of old English pubs!
Wtbgirl, that's excellent and it is giving you wonderful practice for your eventual face-to-face meeting with Our Boy. You're to be commended for staying cool & chatting with him like he's just a regular guy. Which, maybe he is. (And to tell the truth, I'm kind of curious about the "Miami Vice" movie.)
Colin, you're great, but you're not Jake.
anonymous 11:37 am, here. I could just HUG you, wtbgirl!!! I am SO proud of you. I think Miami Vice will not show Colin in the best light, bcz he was still drinking heavily and partying wildly during that shoot. Michale Mann was difficult and the shoot was not a very good environment. I have every confidence in you! WHEN you meet Jakey, you will be just fine. Perhaps we can help make a list of interesting questions to ask him in a normal conversational way and you can just chat him up. Of course, you must surreptitiously call us to give us exact location. We will then deploy!
Second picture looks like he's listening to that guy's ass for a pulse.
Maybe the guy was passing gas and poor Jakey got out of the way as quickly as he could.
It warms my heart to know that Colin Farrell was supporting my beloved Aussies. Yes, I am still heart broken about the end of that game with Italy. *sniffs*
wtbgirl, what time were you at the spotted pig on saturday night?
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