This is the moment I've been waiting for - the stalking network works and it works good! I received news from a source today that Mr Stephen Gyllenhaal is publishing a book of poetry called
Claptrap: Notes from Hollywood and is doing a reading at an New York bookstore called 'Housing Works' on June 28th. News is, Jake and Maggie might be there! Anyone in the vicinity can go along and click their fingers.
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Apparently the book contains a load of poems about Jake and Maggie. Sweet! I knew my English degree would come in useful for deciphering some literature eventually.
Kudos to you, britpopbaby, on this exclusive! I might just have to check this book out once it's published. I'm a glutton for anything written about, by, around, or through our Jake. ;)
I don't think that alleged English degree is working! Someone with an English degree would know the difference from its and it's and to use the possessive form in the header sentence. It should read Jake Watch Gets Its First Ofiicial Scoop.
Papa Gyllenhaal getting the limelight for once. Good for him!
I don't think that alleged English degree is working! Someone with an English degree would know the difference from its and it's and to use the possessive form in the header sentence. It should read Jake Watch Gets Its First Ofiicial Scoop.
WTF! Back off mardarse.
From a poet who reads this blog:
Housing Works is down in Soho.
It's a great place:
That should be, Back off, Mardarse. Some English degree!
Damn it! You're right.
Glad I could help. Now, please, do tell where you acquired your "English" degree.
England. I can accept that I'm terrible at grammar and spelling and I always have been. People call me up on it all the time but in a polite and respectful manner which I appreciate greatly but believe it or not, it isn't the be all and end all. I wasn't offended at you pointing out my errors, I was just wondering why you called me a liar?
Because I couldnt believe you could possess an English degree and not know the difference between its and it's.
I still don't.
I wasn't taught about it properly at a primary level and it never sunk in. Happy? It's not uncommon for us writers, we're more concerned with the art than the techincal, darling, that is what proof readers are for. Now either comment on the actual post or go back to your Mrs Beeson's Book of Grammar and leave me and my mortal faults alone.
Awesome! Totally going to this.
I'll be there with bells on!!Thanks for the heads up Brit.
Oh, great post. Still don't buy the English degree, darling.
Oh, great post. Still don't buy the English degree, darling.
You don't have to, sweetheart. No one is asking you to buy anything. I'd usually let this slide but after this weekend I'm sick of people being rude to me. You obviously have a degree in being pedantic.
I apologise to everyone else for this - I'm just not in the mood to rise above it. ;)
I hope you feel better, britpopbaby. I just wanted to help. Calling you a liar was unnecessary. I, too, apologise.
Oh please leave britpopbaby alone! :) hee, hee!
BTW, did you know that i considered to buy a ticket for a flight to NY just to get to see Jaky on this glorious day of the 28th of June? I really did. i live in Berlin, Germany. But then I saw that it would cost more than 1300 € just for the flights to NY and back and I thought, okay... um. But hey.. if i happen to get that money i still might do it!!
Am I the only one who thinks this could be a really bad idea?
I love Jake and the rest of the Gyllenhaals, but I don't know how I feel about this.
I mean if just one or two poems are about his kids and the other poems are good...but I have to say this has the markings of a possibly cringe-inducing mistake.
1300 euros! What happened to all those cheap Atlantic flights we were promised?
And hephaistionlo, I understand what you mean but apparently they're a really good read. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I'm really curious how a poem about Jake sounds... I would really like to hear that!
If, judging by the poem on his site entitled "Confession" is anything to go by, I tremble with fear at what a poem about Jake might be like.
wah, you answered! :)
yeah.. it was already the cheapest flight. *snif*
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