Monday, April 24, 2006


You coulda fooled me! I thought it was Richard Simmons but no, it's master of disguise Jake Gyllenhaal! I should have known better, what with the take-out coffee and mandatory carrier bag but I just had no idea! It's almost as good as this.


Anonymous said...

Omg, poor thing. That's the second picture I've seen of him from NY now where he's hiding his face. I'm starting to feel really bad for him.

Anonymous said...

No, THIRD actually. I had forgotten about the "hiding face with shirt"-pic. Oh man...

Anonymous said...

I kinda have to agree with much as I enjoy seeing pictures of Jake, I am beginning to feel bad for him. Poor guy can't catch a break with the paps.

Anonymous said...

Jake, it's time to go home. The paps are relentless. And anyways, we miss Boo & Atti!

teri said...

I just realized after looking at his pictures recently:

Jake is the new Princess Diana.

That boy can't do anything with being chased by camera-weilding paparazzi. Makes me feel bad for him :(

Anonymous said...

No sock watch with this picture? I could have sworn you could just make out the top of some low rise white socks.....

Anonymous said...

Poor fella.I really feel for him.It's not fair.He must be really peed off to do that.We love you Jakey.x

Anonymous said...

I live in the true hinterlands of the US, and we do have the occasional "star" pass through (usually when doing "touch and goes" at the local airport and needing a spot to eat), but we behave respectfully and we don't have paparazzi (doubt any of the paps could even find our little outback on a map!). There is something to be said for the hinterlands, I guess. ;)

Anonymous said...

i feel bad for him but honestly he should not hang out in such a small radius if he doesnt want to get photographed. i live in the west village and i have seen him three times already in the last 10 days.

Anonymous said...

silly boy, he's only got himself to blame what with being so famous and everything. Note to Jake: Stop being so bloody famous and followable.

Anonymous said...

Where do you see him in the West Village? I always keep missing him! It's almost painful.

Anonymous said...

Where do you keep seeing Jakey in the West Village? I always keep missing him! It's almost painful.

Anonymous said...

God, how I wish I hadn't been priced out of my little apartment on Horatio Street. I should have reneged on my student loans; I should have sold my platelets to make rent. Just so I'd be able run into Jake calmly, on my way to the Food Emporium or something, and nod at him calmly in passing, perhaps murmuring, "Hey man, your movie should have won!"

Anonymous said...

aww poor Jakey! Do you need a hug?

p.s. I miss Atticus and Boo too :(

Anonymous said...

He said it doesn't bother him and I beleive that most the time it doesn't. Maybe he had boogars or something and was hiding his face to get at 'em good. No, seriously though, I bet all of us on this thread can come up with three crappier things we have to deal with in our daily lives worse than paparazzi. Everyone has a cross to bear. I wouldn't say I feel sorry for him, as he's said repeatedly, This is just a part of the deal. When he wants privacy he can dine inside restaraunts instead of on the patio. He can talk to his friends in their living rooms instead of on stoops. I'm not trying to be callous I just get too much enjoyment from seeing Jake live his life in real time to feel bad about it.

Anonymous said...

i dont want to disclose where i saw him thrice in the west village as i dont want to encourage stalking behaviour. let's just say he eats at the same restaurants over and over.

as for the paparazzi, the last time we saw him, we were sitting two tables down from him and his friends. we did not see a single camera around. we wrapped up lunch before jake and therefore we left before he did. As we were walking down the street, we did see a photographer with a big lens hiding in the alcove of a west village walk up shooting jake.

that said, i think in some cases he doesn't even know that he is being photographed. we certainly didn't and we were 6 feet from him.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, am I jealous of you or what?! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone that looks at sites devoted to other celebs have a feel for if the number/frequency of Jake pics unusual, especially given that he isn't quite a household name? And who is buying these pics? I see very few of them in magazines or even on sites that actually pay to post them, so how are the paps making money from this?

Anonymous said...

lastly, i have to say that all three times i saw jake, i (along with my friends) thought that he had a somewhat arrogant attitude.

third time around, we were sitting so close to them that we even thought of striking up a casual conversation, maybe to congratulate him on a great 2005 etc. but honestly, we were scared to be told off because he gave out that sort of vibe. i hate to say this but i dont think he is as nice in day-to-day life as he is in tv interviews etc.

i've always been a huge fan but now given these close encounters, i am losing interest. still a great actor but not as nice in real life.

britpopbaby said...

That's sad to hear, anonymous. I get the impression that he can be really moody sometimes because of everything that went on when making Jarhead. It seems like when he's a bad mood he's really in a bad mood. But I kinda like that - I wouldn't want a nice boy all the time, a bit of tension can be good ;)

Anonymous said...

I think one would have to be rather naive to believe that the private Jake is exactly the funny, easygoing, lovable guy he comes across as on TV shows and in interviews. That's his professional side, which I'm sure he also shows privately, but who can be like that 24/7? I know I couldn't.
Anonymous: Just out of curiosity, what about him made you feel he had an arrogant attitude? Was he not nice to the restaurant staff? Did he look pissed? I'm just wondering. :-)

Anonymous said...

To the Anon who saw Jake 3 times, sorry you seemed to get an arrogent vibe from him. Did he do something specific to make you feel that way? Jake is human and humans have bad days and can be somewhat arrogent. Not that that is an excuse, but just because Jake seems like a nice guy, and I do believe he is, does not make him perfect. I do hope that if you did approach him he would have been respectful. I have heard mostly nice fan encounters with him.

Also,it is funny when Jake doesn't smile in pap pictures that folks say he is sad, etc. Who smiles all the time in their real life? No one. Why should Jake have to, when he just trying to go about his business.

As an NYCer I do know the area Jake is in very well. Lots of celebs live there, go to the same restaurants, and are left alone. And I do believe people do leave Jake alone. I believe the paps, however, seem to be nasty and hounding him because they want to find some scandal. I find that really sad and frustrating.

SquallCloud, why should Jake have to hide and not go out (when the weather has been as beautiful as it has been in NYC lately) and live his life? Just because he is a celeb and doesn't have a problem with press or being in the public eye, does not mean that the paps should relentlessly hound him in his private life. I do hope he stays in NYC and doesn't feel negative about the city. The people here aren't the ones who are bothering him, it's the scumbag paps.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you can tell if someone is arrogant by the look or vibe they are giving off. I think all of us may give off a vibe at times that doesn't reflect our true personality. One of my best friends thought I was a major b*tch when she met me (and this was without having a conversation with me). She couldn't get over how friendly I was once we actually spoke to one another. We still joke about it years later. I like to think that Jake would have been gracious if you had said something to him ... or maybe he tries to look unapproachable when he really doesn't want to be disturbed. You can't blame him for that.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long ago Jake commented that he wasn't bothered by papparazzi. Was he under continual surveillance at the time, as he is now? I wouldn't be surprised to hear that his feelings on this subject have changed a little. And probably some days, one just wouldn't be in the mood for it. Which would account for me "touch me not" vibe that he gives off. That seems like a wise form of self-protection.

Anonymous said...

He didnt do anything particularly negative but we felt he was debonair to the extent that it seemed arrogant.

You guys may be right, maybe he was having a bad day or maybe he was reserved because he was with friends and did not want to be bothered.

Believe me, i am the first to say that he is a genuinely nice and gracious guy. but after observing him, i am gonna have to agree with cina and say that he has a reserved personal side and a more outgoing professional/marketing side.

Anonymous said...

The paps aren't in New York just because of Jake. The Tribeca Film Festival opened up during the weekend and they know it's going to be flooded with celebrities. Also, three movies are being filmed in the city, with Halle Berry, George Clooney, Hugh Grant, Drew Barrymore among other important and famous actors.