Is the summer awards season upon us already? I've barely had time to return my Oscar dress to Vera Wang and now I have to go out and find something vibrantly coloured and slutty to wear to this? My life is just one crazy social whirlwind!
It is your duty as stalkers, er, fans to go and tick the box for one Monsieur Gyllenhaal as the more votes he gets, the better the chance he wins and then he'll have to cart his ass over there to collect that tacky as Anna Nicole Smith piece of award and voilĂ , we get us some live Jake action. He is nominated in Best Peformance (hee) and Best Kiss (hee, hee). Click here to vote now!
The site is a real pain in the ass because it's full of adverts and pointless animations but bear with it. If you could also vote for either Vince Vaughn or Ralph Fiennes when Jake is not an option, I'd be most grateful. I'd also be eternally grateful if you could refrain from voting for Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton in any catergory unless I missed the 'Which celebrity would you most like to see disembowelled live on the night?' page, then please, go right ahead.
I voted already a thousand times! Well, not quite, but close!
Ehm.. Britpop, it's 'monsieur' and 'voilĂ '.. but it's not really important. Just to me it is! So please correct!
Anyway, I will vote for Vaughn or Ralph and not for Jessica or Paris - at your request!! And even without it, I would/wouldn't.
I only voted in two categories. Guess which....
did you really have to post a picture of Tom Cruise without ANY WARNING?? I'm still trying to wipe down my breakfast from the monitor
I apologise for all my errors - I was in a rush this morning. And I wanted to boost my Cruise quota from er, nil. All the other kids are doing it!
Tom is blasphemy in the temple of the art of Jake.
I'll go look for another picture that more appropiately sums up this news.
Oh, you should have kept Tom Cruise up there. If solely as a cautionary tale, depicting what might happen to a handsome, charming young actor who's having some success in the business. Yes, Tom is headlining huge blockbusters in the "Mission Impossible" franchise. He's rich as hell. He's powerful. But ... look at the man's personal life. And look at the Internet blogs when they talk about him. (Jake, are you paying attention?)
I'm not going back through Google Image Search again! I had to witness picture of Paris Hilton kissing Carmen Electra!
Poor Britpopbaby, then that's all right.
Young, charming, handsome actors ... Look upon what has become of Cruise, and beware.
If I could post some form of live video feed link up of the Movie Awards I would try my upmost but I think that would make the whole of blogger cave in. We'll have to make do!
thanks for changing the picture, its much appreciated and I feel able to stomach this news item once again
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