Oh dear, some peeps may find this upsetting and not just because that pap is all up in Jake's face. And I'm not happy about this reoccuring skateboard. Maybe Jake has recently suffered some tramua and has reverted back to childhood? It wasn't anything to do with me and night vision goggles, that's for damn sure.
~jumps in the air like a poster reborn~
Looking better jake, at least people might stop giving you money in the street now
Oh, I'm so thankful. He was beginning to look Hasidic. Which is fine -- I don't wish to malign anyone's spiritual beliefs or cultural background. But is not in keeping with my own personal fantasies of Jake's face & the uses to which it optimally ought to be put.
Oh it's wonderful to see his beautiful face and sexy jawline again!! Looks like he's still sporting than pornstache though - Jack Nasty-style! lol
He looks fabulous with his beard like that, it's just PERFECT imo.
I'm gonna miss "Dill," but I bet it'll be back someday.
Thank Christ for that. Now I can look pictures of Jake without getting disturbing images of Bigfoot And The Hendersons.
God, he is hot. Thanks for sharing this pic...great way to start Friday morning.
And I have to say, I love the skateboard!! :)
the pornstache and Jack fuckin' Twist is BACK!
Jake hasn't been looking too happy in recent pictures....do you guys see it, or is it just me?
Does anyone else find this new facial hair stranger than the Dill? It's part go-tee, part pornstache, part scruff...not the look I imagined for when he finally shaved the beard... oh well, he's still sexy...
He does look like he might have got bored half way through shaving it off.
I love the new look. It's surprising. He's unpredictable. I like that.
I was getting used to the big beardy Jake,but i love this better.Can see more of his beautiful face now.What a stunning looking man he is.
At first, I wrote it off as paranoia. But now I know for sure...He's fucking with us! A moustache??!!!
It is entirely possible that he is, if not fucking with us, at least having some fun with the whole fascination-with-celebrity thang. He has said he finds it strange/funny that ppl are interested in seeing him get coffee. I have a feeling he is the sort that might wake up one day thinking it would be hilarious if he shaved everything but the pornstache and just went out and did his normal stuff without saying anything about it, seeing how long it would take some friend or family member to say, dude, WTF?
Worst case scenario: Zodiac is set in the 1970's, and he is going to do the Zodiac promotional rounds with an authentically 70's pornstache. That would suck. I mean, yeah, it's funny now, but who wants to think of all the Leno/Conan and Letterman appearances marred by some heinous walrus-thing on his lip!!!?!??!
...is that his face?
oh hail the lord!
I wish he was fucking with us.Well me at least!Big audible sigh.
Sooooooo happy to see more Jake-face. I am pleased. The beard was out of control.
What's wrong with the moustache?? I'm loving it, and I even love his pornstache in BBM! And since his beard has been named Dill, I think we should name his moustache too. I suggest we name it Manuel (with a spanish pronuncation).
I feel like I should put a stop to this naming of body parts but Manuel is just such a great name!
DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries and weeps for hours*
My best friend grew his back (wooh) and now Jake kills Dill!!! *cries more*
Atleast he's still kinda there... there's still hope... maybe it was just a little prune...
Anyone up for a petition??
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