...I don't think this is advisable, Margaret! And Jake, I'm not really up on traditional American customs but I think you're supposed to teach your nephew/niece to skateboard when it's about six, not your sister when she is pregnant .
(pic from iheartjake)
WOW!! Jake! THAT'S IMMATURE! Take your sister from that board! Quickly! Is he going mad? Maggie?! You should know better!
Cute though, how close they seem to be. As sister and brother I mean.
Careful Jake, she could fall and damage something going at those breakneck speeds. Buy her a pogo stick instead.
Ahh, the cuteness!
She is pregnant not dying, I rode a bike throughout my pregnacy. Glad he shaved some what too.
I'm just concerned that she is on a slight decline, Jake might get distracted by a smoothie or something, let go and then she's off. He was 'teaching' her to skateboard. I don't want her slamming into anything or ending up on her arse. Sorry for caring!
I think Mr. G. is actually demonstrating great brotherly (and avuncular) care by letting his sister stand on his skate board within the shelter of his protective arm. ("Oh, Jakey, it's so cool. Damn, why do boys have all the fun?") I like seeing these two together, and considering the imaginitive power of the Internet rumor mill, I am so relieved there are no incest rumors going on out there.
It's not the skateboarding I mind, it's the footwear. Really, flip-flops on a SKATEBOARD?! Maggie, you should know better!
Yeah, and of course she's 'only' pregnant. But riding a bike pregnant is a little different than skateboarding!! It's obvious she's not good at it and the slightest stone on the pavement and whooooops she goes! It's not only the baby I'm worried about, but her head or other. Falling backwards from a slipping skateboard is pretty dangeroussssss!
o, yeah but this is Jakey, you can't survive
I think it's sweet.
I'm guessing Mags is probably somewhere in the second trimester, which I believe is a time in which many PG gals feel really good--morning sickness hopefully over, not huge and exhausted yet. And babies are VERY well buffered floating around in there. It is very unlikely that anything too serious would result from a fall off the world's slowest skateboard. Even if Jakey were distracted, she could easily keep her hold on him and end up escaping without so much as a scraped knee.
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