Boo is cute as hell. Jake thinks so. Maggie thinks so. Peter Sarsgaard thinks...oh wait, no. He's giving Boo the look you'd give a scabby pigeon if it came too close to you. The contempt, Sarsgaard. The contempt!
Boo writes: "Jake, my owner, told me about Boo Watch and I'll admit at first I thought what fucked up kinda mofo would write such pointless shit about some celebrity's hybrid designer dog but now I've come to see it as a valuable source full of insightful observations and witty commentary. I log on daily to confirm what I'm supposed to be doing, y'know, to check where Jake is carrying me today. Usually it's all harmless fun but now I see this! I always thought Peter Sarsgard really liked me; he is always telling me what an adorable little puggle I am and asking me if I'd like another biscuit. Thanks for shining a light on the truth for me Boo Watch, associated with Jake Watch, copyright 2006, all rights reserved. Now I know what I'm really dealing with. I have already pissed in this punk's shoes and wait 'til he finds what I did in his bed.
All my love, Boo Radley, Puggle and Cutie-Pie Extraordinaire."
The beard and mustache are both now gone. Yeah!!
Who's sitting next to Jake with their hand behind him?
Beard and mustache gone, but Peter still has it! And I thought he is in London filming "Small Tragedy"?
Yeah, who's behind Jake?
I think it's his mother, Naomi, sitting beside him. I've seen other pics from that occasion and she's with him there. I believe that is actually when he got Boo from the petstore!
This photo was taken in the beginning of November last year, so it's not recent. He's cute with the dog, though. ;)
Yeah sorry, it's from last year. Sorry for the confusion!
Me:"Have you seen my list btw?"
Jakewatch crew:"What does it look like?"
Me:"It's a napkin with Sarsgaard written on it!"
I've heard that!! I'm racking my brains now! It sounds like it should be Will and Grace or Friends?
I remember! It was Phoebe's hate list with Ross's name on it! Yay!
That is the cutest pic of Boo I've seen in a while. Before this (beach pics, work out pics, etc) he's been looking a little our of proportion, but there he's totally cute. Pete's probably just jealous.
Where's Attie-Poo??
Wow.. when I saw that picture of Peter I thought he was channelling William Shatner.
This is a little off topic britpopbaby but that girl over at the Toothy tile blog has totally plagiarised your IMDb post, the one about Jake being black. I posted two comments about it and she deleted them both. It just proves how pathetic she is!
Uhh... Atticus... Duh!
Thanks for the heads up, anonymous. That is um, interesting to say the least.
A trifle off-topic: Didn't Peter Sarsgaard used to be Kevin Spacey's bitch back in the '90s?
The Toothy tile blogger has admitted that 'Jake Watch' is her inspiration. Watch out Britpop; there isn't much mileage in all that 'Jake's sexual ambiguity' spinning that she does...
I think you should remove the toothy tile link from your blog britpopbaby!
The toothy blobber. I find her nauseatingly arrogant. She is always soooo right dontcha know. Urg.
No! Keep the Toothy link cause I know this one by heart and am too lazy to remember hers. If you take it light and don't get all bent out of shape, it's fun. *shrugs*. What's this about plaigerizing? (sp)
I wonder what Peter is up to now. Haven't seen him in any recent Jakey pics. I guess he wanted to give Jake and Maggie space to bond. I was kinda bummed about not seeing Heath and Jake but they just spent so much time together on the movie and then promoting it that they probably need to be the hell away from one another.
I enjoy the light, breezy humor and the cleverness of both sites. Maybe I'm not reading as much into it as I should, but I never noticed anything about either site that helps this rancour toward the Toothy site make sense to me.
Seriously, where the hey is this venom from? I saw nothing resembling plagiarism on the Toothy site--while it is true that stealing ideas and restating them as your own can be plagiarism without being copied word-for-word, this doesn't apply to ideas like, "I noticed that this site (that lots of people know about) has this really funny thing on it, and this is what I think about it." To be plagiarism, it would have to be more like Britpopbaby writing on Jake Watch about this same funny site/thing on site or whatever, and drawing some sort of unique conclusion from it, and giving some examples to support it, etc., and then someone else taking THESE ideas and pretending they came up with them, just switching a few words around.
IOW, just finding a post on a blog or whatever and telling people to go look at it and saying, isn't this ridiculous? or, Isn't this awesome? isn't plagiarism simply because someone else did the same thing before you.
But maybe I am missing the "idea wholesale lifted from Jake Watch" posting you all are incensed about? Please explain? Maybe you (Britpopbaby) could do an actual entry explaining the whole thing (not just a comment here) explaining what is actually going on, before some sort of war erupts here without people even knowing exactly what they are angry about down the line?
It will really bum me out if the lighthearted fun tone of this site is lost because of something like this.
Alright, it's not plagiarism in the legal sense of the term but taking "IMBd thread of the moment" renaming it "IMDd Studies" and then pointing out the exact same thread is a little rude - DanyelleDillion has no blogger etiqette. And I'm sorry to drag you into this britpop and take up comment space because your blog is so above this. Danyelle's on the otherhand is nothing but arguing and bitching. It just annoys me.
confoozed: post what is argument and bitching on That Other Site. No, I ain't associated with either: I am an old woman that is faintly ashamed to frequent EITHER site, but I have seen nothing regarding "bitching" anywhere so clue me in. 'Cept for the vitriol on this post in particular under this post in particular, of course...
I think britpobaby should take the highroad on this one like Danyelle has done. I think it's silly to keep harping on something so insignificant.
I have to admit that I find the posts alarmingly similar but the internet is a violatile place where you have little to no control over what you post so I cn't get worked up about it although I was slightly miffed. Jake Watch is being quoted all over the place now but thankfully most are sourced back. I've always supported Danyelle's blog but I have no interest in the Toothy Tile rumours. Thanks to anonymous for supporting me but I'm going to let it drop now. I won't write a seperate post on it because I don't want to take up any more space. Jake Watch shall remain light hearted as lurker mentioned and as someone over at Waiting for Toothy posted, "a fangirl cess pool". Cess pool and PROUD!
I hope we can keep this blog "Toothy Tile rumour"-free. I've had it up to *here* with that.
Don't worry Britpopbaby, you and Jake Wtahc are the ones we love.
Very much, miss twist. I've been practising on the next door neighbours, they're getting suspicious. And long live the cess pool!
The main person stirring trouble is a New York based troll who hates Danyelle's site. This person is very manipulative. I feel sorry that many people have been forced into fights and fall outs by this person who patrols both blogs and all Jake sites obsessively.
Seems other people aren't allowed opinions. There is only so much info. about Jake out there before people inevitably cross paths with the same or similar ideas. This plagarizing idea has come straight from this manipulative individual.
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