Oh what do we have here? Resisting any obvious 'The Bitches Just Love Jake' gags, it seems the four-legged members of the animal kingdom also can't shirk the Gyllenhaal allure. But this fact does not excuse that Golden Retriever and his BLATANT STALKING! You should be ashamed of yourself muttley; pandering to Jake's weaknesses like that. Wandering over to him with your pathetic, "Will you please throw my ball?" rountine. That's the human equivalent of, "Will you please sign my breasts?". You disgust me! And whats with the Hannibal Lecter facial attire? How dangerous are you, exactly?
If i was atticus I'd forget the ball and get down to some serious jake-leg humping...cos dogs are allowed to do shit like that..
thats not Atticus, is it?
oh -- 'That's the human equivalent of, "Will you please sign my breasts?". ' -- hahahaha thats funny
What is she wearing, Blu Blockers? Yeesh.
Gonna go on record here and admit: cynic that I am, JG is sweetfaced. He has a sweet, sweet face of the sort that cannot be faked. You cannot be secretly sour and spoiled but put on that kind of sweet face for the public. That is genuine sweetness. On that face.
He is a sweet boy, silver spoon and celebrity and handed-on-platte and genetically advantaged and all, he can't look that sweet without being that genuinely sweet.
Atticus is a German Shepherd. That's just some random, evil dog.
And yes, he is sweet. Sweet like 20 bags of cotton candy.
The little bastard is even in disguise!! Shame on you doggie!
JG looks hott in that pic...
You know, I dont reckon it's the dog thats the stalker.............i reckon the owner is! whoever they are, they're obviously just using that poor dog to get to Jake.
I got it all worked out now!
Please tell me that's an old picture and that he's not back with that piece of trash!!!!
The guy is absolutely fair, and there is no suspicion.
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