...and believe it or not, that's not the weirdest Jake/Heath-related story we have to report this week.
From the Jake Watch Press:
Ledger takes home top prize for World of Warcraft, a defeated Gyllenhaal crashes stage party
Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger participated in the World of Warcraft (WOW) competition at the 2007 World Cyber Games (funding was short so the 2006 backdrop had to be used for the 2007 games). Ledger went into the tournament with a Level 70 Dwarf Hunter and a pet Deviate Guardian Raptor. He is rumored to also hold a Level 68 Druid Tauren and a Level 50 Rogue Orc but, professional gamer that he is, he gave nothing away about his personal life. Gyllenhaal, in comparison, had nothing more than a Level 65 Mage Gnome. Worn out from his defeat and 56 hours of continuous play, a dazed Jake sat on stage during the awards ceremony. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Heath
beat Jake?! AND he was wearing better socks?! What the hell
, Gyllenhaal? That's it. I am so not letting you come over to play Halo 3 this weekend.
Brokeback story HERE. Unrelated TV news for you Brits HERE - thanks Dee!!
When I first heard about this I thoght it was a joke, apparently it's not!
Heat's socks are way cooler thatn Jake's, LOL!!
Heath's socks are so Cat in the Hat. It looks like a clown's wardrobe trunk exploded & he got the left-overs.
Poor Jake - he does look utterly defeated. I hope he can win at something some day. Maybe he can win at love?
Cute blog:
I wonder if there is anything sacred in the world of entertainment? I was personally shocked when I originally read that Proulx had approved the opera thing, because I frankly (and obviously, errantly) credited her with better sense and taste based on her work.
Sorry if that sounds nasty. I just really, really hope this terrible joke never sees the light of day. Perhaps we can contact some folks over at Dave Cullen and the other BBM fan sites and mount an anti-opera press campaign. I'd actually give time and money to keep it from happening. :(
Against all odds, now I'M going to be off-topic...didn't a lot of you want Jake to be on Jonathan Ross' show? Or did I just make that up? Anyway, he's up October 12.
Now back on topic...so I take it none of you play WOW... ;D
THat is so funny PG and Yeah Jake on Jonathon Ross it should be brilliant.
Sorry, just realized I got carried away on my anti-opera rant and forgot to say:
Good call on Jake as a mage player. No, no WoW for me, as I am a lamer and could never solo Diablo 2 on Hell level. :P Didn't help that I refused to play anything but an Amazon or a Mage.
Yes, we are connoisseurs of Jake's wardrobe weirdness, but even I must confess that The Ledger has him beat for, um, originality. At first glance, I thought Heath was wearing lederhosen in this picture. Maybe it was the proximity to the opera reference.
^^^ Brilliant YouTube find!!! ;D I'm not a WOW player, either and, to be honest, it took me two separate phone calls to my brother last night just to get that much. I probably still got it wrong. He started talking about warlocks enslaving demons and I felt like I didn't have enough brain power to understand this world. A youth spent in the world of Super Mario 64 did not prepare me for this!
As for Heath's wardrobe...I have deep affection for his nonconformist streak. I think in another life, I could have run a Heath blog. ;)
Oh, and Cherita, not to ignore your displeasure, either. It seems to be pretty universal and from the Playbill article, it looks like even people in the industry are a bit baffled by this one. It's so early in the game, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't actually happen. But, we'll see...
Glad you got it all straightened out PG ! ;)
No fucking way.. BBM turned into an opera?! What a compleeeeete DISASTER!!! God, I don't know if I should laugh or cry!!
OT: Jake got sideswiped by NY Times critic Manohla Dargis, in her review of "Lust, Caution," the new Ang Lee. She compared him unfavorably with Tony Leung, as follows:
"A poet of hurt, Mr. Leung suggests worlds of pain with his melancholic eyes — few actors convey desire as beautifully or with such reserve. (Unlike Jake Gyllenhaal, another performer whose dreamy gaze pulls you in as if into deep waters, you never catch Mr. Leung working his eyes, widening them for easy emotional effect.)"
Jake is having a bad day.
Nice Anon, I saw that comment this morning and completely dismissed it. I hope that wherever he is, Jake is having a great day.
The fact that she says his dreamy gaze pulls you in as if into deep waters makes it sound mostly complimentary, and I've personally never gotten the impression Jake took an easy out in any of his movies. Maybe she really doesn't believe that the eye-widening thing is actually an unconscious and completely uncalculated part of Jake's emotional response. :) He can't help it that he's so readable.
Brokeback the Opera?
No f*cking way. Someone must be off their meds or something, coming up with this idea. But I had a good laugh though, so I'll give them that! LOL
Someone must be off their meds or something
LMAO!! My thoughts exactly, dear. :)
Is it just me or somebody always try to turn popular movies into a musical (or in this case opera) of some sort? I am so sick of this trend.
I just can't get past Heath's socks! LOL!!!
And BBM the Opera, um, no, just no.
It seems Heath is taking his role of the Joker a little too seriously...
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