While Elly May was back home roastin' up some roadkill, Jed Clampett braved them citified folks to get some moonshine. They's plannin' on gettin' in that cement pond after dinner. Life for them Clampett's just ain't been the same since they hit it big with that crude. Oil, that is. Black gold. Texas tea. It's all swimming pools and movie stars...
Picture from the fine people at US.
Picture from the fine people at US.
i'm not sure if anyone's getting the underlying joke in the post.
nice one brits. lol.
Yes Jake, we know we know!! YOU'RE A STAR!
LOL! I love it when he labels himself like that...makes it way easier for us stalkers to spot him.
And dang I'm jealous, he's got a cement pond!?! All I've got is a piddly little birdbath....but I can go finger-wadin' in it, I reckon.
I get the joke. I was just taken back by the naked feet.
Has he been paddling? Or clam digging? Or diving for tourist pennies to cover the cost of his mineral water addiction?
looks like he just got back from wadding in the cement pool with Elly, LOL!!!
PS: That star on his shirt looks a lot like the old Soviet Red Star
I took the red star to mean he's got a part time job at Pret a Manger - well he must do something during his filming breaks :)
Elly Mae=Reese, Jed=Jake. See even I got it!
What others find "childish", others find funny as hell! Thanks for the laught Brit. BTW, Jak looks a little busted in this picture, I know he is on vavation and is chilling and all but still.
PS: Unfortunately I see the paps are on MV. Must be because of Elly May
I think Jake looks totally sexy, not busted. I love the scruffy face and hair. Yum.
Brits, you are funny.
Elly Mae=Reese, Jed=Jake. See even I got it!
I apologize in advance for being so obtuse, but I do not get the joke. Can someone please explain? Thanks!
The post wasn't a direct commentary on what Jake was actually doing on vacation. It was quite literally saying that Jake looks like something out of the Beverly Hillbillies. The irony is that the show glamorizes movie stars and yet here is an actual movie star looking like a hillbilly. We didn't include where he actually was (OK, we all know he's in MV) because we don't feel it necessary to broadcast his whereabouts at all times and Elly May was Jed's daughter so the Reese association is just sort of creepy. ;)
There's no underlying message about what's going on in MV; it's just that Jake looks ridiculous in this picture. :)
*shrug* I don't think Jake looks ridiculous. Just looks like a guy on vacation.
Jesus H Christ. I know PG just explained the Beverley HillBilly reference but plain and simple...
When PG and I first saw this picture we commented on how Jake looked like a hillbilly with his trouser legs rolled up and that they looked like they were tied up with rope at the waist. We then said we should probably do a post with some yocal references. So we did.
And he does look ridiculous with his trouser legs rolled up - anyone would.
And his feet are just normal and average.
Oh my god, I need to go and have a glass of water and a lie down.
6:04, was that necessary? Am I really not allowed to say that Jake looks ridiculous? I realize people don't like it when he's criticized in ANY capacity, but I thought maybe my opinion on his appearance was fair game when, let's see...he's got both pant legs rolled up, to different heights, one sleeve pushed back to his elbow, the other at his wrist, and he's got some grimace on his face like he has no idea what the hell's going on. What else needs to happen before I'm allowed to call him ridiculous? Please let me know, because lately I've taken to crossing a lot of lines that I didn't know existed.
No lines crossed PG, and yes he looks like a Hillbilly! A Hillbilly with a Red Soviet Star on his shirt to boot (Thanks Prada girl!) Maybe he half-assed rolled his pants up because he was on the beach or something.
OK, I realize that in my anger, I overlooked the fact that brits addressed the "ridiculous" issue in a much more calm manner than I, but please understand my frustration. Everthing's a controversy or a fight anymore! Everything!
A Communist Pret-working hill-billy? Truly terrible coffee distributed equally among trailer folk?
Another picture of Comrade Jake in MV:
The same set of Jake at MV pics on IHJ updated:
Thanks, britpopbaby and prophecygirl! I feel silly for not getting the reference to begin with. Thanks for the clarification; it makes the post that much funnier to me.
Oh and I share your frustration, babes. Jake fandom has reached fanatical porportions. Anyone who dares speak against him is game for the gallows, I'm afraid :(
8:05, 8:07, 6:04, it's all good! I'm over it. :) But please understand why I got upset. We were asked to explain the post. When I did, the very first comment was along the lines of, "I disagree with you," (i.e. I said, "We did this because we thought Jake looked ridiculous," and 6:04 responded, "Jake doesn't look ridiculous").
I was just answering someone else's question! Whether or not YOU think Jake looks ridiculous has nothing to do with why I wrote the post (and yes, I wrote it, even though brits' name is on it). I just feel like everyone is so on edge all the time to make sure no one says a bad word against Jake that everyone is looking way too deep into things. Like my answer, and like the content of the post to begin with...
We're going to criticize him. We admire him, but gently poking fun at him is the pretty much the premise of this blog and will probably continue being the sole motivator in writing posts. :) I approached my response in the wrong way because I should have just said this begin with instead of trying to justify why I thought Jake looked "ridiculous."
It's not worth talking about so let's not anymore. :D
I think my head is going to explode.
Oh and I share your frustration, babes. Jake fandom has reached fanatical porportions. Anyone who dares speak against him is game for the gallows, I'm afraid :(
Damn straight! What happened and how did we miss it? I sometimes feel like this blog has been taken over by the servile.
Thank you for your response, PG. And I do understand. I was not trying to put Jake on a pedestal or anything. He isn't perfect and I prefer to think of him with flaws, like all of us have. Am surprised that my explanation has been deleted though. :/ Anyway, subject dropped.
Me likes this pic :-)
Look at his loooong toes, yummy!! He looks scrumptious, as usual.
Jethro Gyllenhaal
^^^ Thanks 6:04. For everyone else, there are two people here with the power to delete posts, and both of us have decided this discussion is over.
Oops! Sorry welliwont. :) That was meant for 6:04.
He's on the main page!
I think the underlying joke of the post is in the photo credit
Sarah, he'll be on there through tomorrow right?? We've mentioned it in tomorrow's post... :)
Jake does look a bit ragged around the edges but I do love the star on his T-shirt. Yes Jake we know you are a star!!
The shirt is a replication of the California state flag.
PG, I just checked Wikipedia nad yes his page is still up on the main page!
^^^ Sweet! New post is up. :)
If the star were located just a little bit lower, Jake would somewhat resemble a Star-Bellied Sneetch.
(It's a Seuss creature:
If the star were located just a little bit lower, Jake would somewhat resemble a Star-Bellied Sneetch
OMG ! I remember reading that book ! And how odd is it that they are making (another) movie of HORTON HEARS A WHO ... OMG ...
*pours Brits a glass of gin and gives PG a neck massage*
~Dee (perfectscore_goldstar)
Brit, PG, take a deep breath. In, out, in, out and say Goossssebah.... We love your caustic humour and we get it, it just takes a bit longer for the young'uns to catch up.
I wait with baited breath for the next inspired post. Seriously though, when I need my Jake fix, this is the starting point.
He looks like a guy who didn't expect to be photographed. I imagine he hopes he can escape the paps on MV. But he can't. I don't think he much cares how he looks. He knows people pay attention to him however he looks.
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