Everyone in the entire world is having a New York Jake encounter, including some random people who call themselves "fans," aka people who look out their apartment window and see things like Jake Gyllenhaal walking by. Fans?! Talk to me after you've spent an entire Saturday putting Jake's head on a woman's body, OK?

You know what I see when I look out my apartment window? NOT Jake Gyllenhaal!
As if that wasn't enough, then my Facebook buddy Nicole wound up in a freaking pap picture with him (in the shorts, directly behind him).

You know what I see when I look at pap pictures of Jake? NOT ME! Nicole has also met (no lie) David Boreanaz; ergo, I sort of hate her. You know what she hasn't done? Nominated Jake for President. Where's the love, Gyllenhaal? Where is the love?
Fan encounter #1 HERE. Fan encounter #2 at IHJ.
The interesting thing about Nicole's account is how she didn't spot any paps throughout the entire time, and yet they manage to get some pretty high resolution pics as though they are right in front of him.
At least he's not being chased down the street by stalkerazzi, that's a good thing.
Yeah I noticed that too in Nicole's account. In NY because it's so crowded, the stalkarazzi are usually practically in your face and yet she didn't see any I wonder where they were hiding or maybe it was just one person and they were hiding in a car or something.
The picture of the fan taking a picture of him was odd. Did she hear those two girls squeeling and run to the window? And in the second picture it looks like she maybe took the picture for those two girls and Jake. Does she know them? Do they know she forwarded them to PITNB? Was Jake on his way to an appointment or is he staying in the area? So many questions....
Poor Prophecy Girl! I don't blame you for being bitter, darlin'!!
"Poor Prophecy Girl! I don't blame you for being bitter, darlin'!!"
Ditto ncwoman!!:/
I finally went and read the encounter (or most of it, anyway) and I have to agree with the comments left on the prior post. It made me extremely uncomfortable. I'm not saying she did anything malicious, but it was so creepy I couldn't finish reading. No way could I bring myself to look at her pictures. Why should they be more objectionable to me than the paparazzi photos of the same damn scene? I don't know.
I saw The Weather Man last night on cable, and this reminded me of it. At least no one is throwing things at him. I'd hate to see him resort to carrying around a bow.
The encounter creeped me out a lot. She admits trying to hear what he's talking about. She follows him for blocks then waits outside a restaurant he's in??? Then follows him some more???
Did anyone ever see this older movie, The King of Comedy with Robert DeNiro and Jerry Lewis??? And Sandra Bernhard??? If you haven't, plz rent it.Trust me. It is a "must see!"
Anyway, I agree she crossed a line. The reason NYC and LA are usually so attractive to celebs is bcz most of the time, people pretty much leave them alone or treat them normally.
How many times have you been on a plane, or stood in a checkout line and someone strikes up a convo with you at the wrong time...when you want to be left alone?? Or you walk into a store and someone is immediately in your face with the latest free sample of perfume or something?
Now. Multiply that times ten thousand. And imagine it happening to you everywhere you go allll the time.
Who ever said it, you're right. Jake is really nice about this crap. Especially when some of the same people chase after him everytime he's in town.
Think about it.His publicists get a chance to see photos we never see. How many times does the same person pop up? Is it something to worry about?
Jake and his people think about security more than we will ever know. (That's why he was probably instructed NOT to roll down his window for fans in Cannes.) To some of these people you could say: "Jake has noticed you...and not in a good way!"
Prophecy Girl I feel for you. I live in New York city and never once did I get so lucky.
I also have the biggest fear of when I do for two reasons. I probably will be so nervous and scared that I can't even walk up to him or I'll make the biggest @ss of my self and act like a over excited nut case.
Another fear if I get so lucky and get the honor of taking a picture with him, could I possibly let go of him? I mean once I have my arms around him could I let go?
I'd love the change to find out.
I don't feel comfortable judging Nicole because if I were to honestly look at how I would react in the same situation, I don't know if I could say I would have just let him walk by and done nothing. I'm not saying I would have followed her actions, but I'm also not saying I wouldn't have snapped a picture from behind. Turns out, I'm good at that. ;)
I'm just not a fan of any system in which the sole proponent of success is LUCK. It's unAmerican. :D
Another fear if I get so lucky and get the honor of taking a picture with him, could I possibly let go of him?
Pics again? A chance to exchange few sentences that make some sense sounds soooo much better. Why everyone wants to be another Japanese tourist?!?
I'm not saying I would have followed her actions, but I'm also not saying I wouldn't have snapped a picture from behind.
I think that's a very important distinction. Taking a little picture for yourself, as a reminder of your good fortune, is something I could understand. Repeatedly demanding something of him, when he clearly is not receptive, is unpleasant behavior in my opinion.
I'm so obsessed with him it scares me, but my fantasy life ends where his wellbeing and privacy begin.
And Anon 6:21, I'm with you. I'd treasure a natural, randomly-occurring interaction with Jake over another photo of his backside. ;) Not that I don't like seeing his boxers, but, yeah.
Oh darling, it's these sort of fans that make you wanna vomit!
Sweetie all I can say about your friend is! Jake has his back to her!
There's only one thing to do, Prophecy Girl, and that is photoshop yourself into a photo with Jake. The pictures of him body-melding himself to Jennifer Aniston should be good for that.
As for your buddy Nicole, it COULD have been you. If it had been, I know you would have taken a really great photo of the back of Jake's head.
I'm rooting for you...
PG, think about it for a min. Would you really have wanted to be in your friend's shoes for that encounter? She didn't have that great of an interaction with him. He turned her down, did not give her one nanosecond of his time. That was not anything to be happy about. Think of the high then the freakin' letdown! If I were you I wouldn't waste my wishes on an encounter such as that.
When you have your encounter we want it to be a dream come true for you, not a back-of-his-head moment again!!
So stop feeling bad, NOW! :-)
after spending much time glueing jake to those feminine bods, i think you TOTALY deserve an ancounter with the guy. i mean, its the least he could do for you since you give him such great legs.
my wish for you is that you could meet him at some gathering and really have a nice,even if brief visit! I love that Ally from IHJ got to go to MTV for TRL for his Zodiac appearance. That was sweet.
Personally, I wouldn't want an encounter like Nicole's and it is unfortunate that she didn't get a pic. But honestly I don't blame Jake at all. It sounded like he was focused on his phone call and meeting at the time. I think he was polite to her but has a right to say that he prefers not to have my photo taken. Sure I would want one but I would allow him his personal time. He is human after all. And I think it was wonderful that he DID take pics for those other fans. I wish PG a great encounter like that.
^^ Oy. He prefers not to have his photo taken.
That settles it!!! I am definitely moving to NYC to the West Village or SoHo or where ever, so I can look out a window and see Jake Gyllenhaal walking by. I will open my window and sugggest we have coffee. When he comes up, I'll tell him I have just inherited like $90 Million (after taxes!) and want to finance a film project. Oh. And I'll tell him my father is the head guy of the Actors Studio and my mother is at Julliard, and my brother is in London running the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts.
And I have two uncles who own four Broadway theatres and that they have together produced 65 hit plays and have won 88 Tony awards....and three BAFTAs....What?...I DID NOT!!!...'K...gotta go...time for my meds...
OT: First review of RENDITION just in! Positive, Possible oscar contender...e.t.c.
Rendition is a very solid film with strong performances and direction, a taut script, and great cinematography and locations. Some scenes can be hard to watch, but the various intertwining storylines pay off and are well edited, and the movie runs on a steady pace. Definetly a possible Oscar contender. The audience seemed to like the movie quite a lot when they gave it a good round of applause at the end. This version of the movie was pretty much in the final stages in terms of editing, etc., and certainly there will be some fine tuning going on.
Would you really have wanted to be in your friend's shoes for that encounter?
Well, OK, I wouldn't want that encounter (and I don't really "know" Nicole aside from we happen to be "friends" on Facebook). It's just that both accounts were very "every day." Like, "oh, I was just living my life as usual and ran into Jake." My "every day" is not running into Jake, but reporting on other people running into Jake. Occasionally I get bitter! ;D Thanks to all of you for being so nice about it. I really thought you were going to rake me through the coals for being a crybaby. :D
^^^ I meant "over the coals." Or maybe I just coined a new saying!! :)
Sweetie, being raked thru the coals is a LOT more painful than over the coals, but I would never do either one to you. I truly understand your frustration, PG. I think in one instance, Nicole's Central Park encounter and then the other day, were the result of some deliberate wandering around hoping to "find" Jake. I think the instance of someone looking out her window was an effin' miracle. There are risks involved when a person does stuff. He'll either respond as hoped for or he won't. I just know your luck will change for the better. It's a feeling i have. And it will happen soon. That is all the tea leaves are saying tonight. As for how you'd act? I think if it were planned, and he walked in a room and you had a chance to observe him with others for a few minutes first, you'd seize your moment and handle it with grace, charm, style, and a wonderful sense of humor. He'd love your quirkyness. He'd be fascinated. You'd start with cocktails....
^^^showerlady, how did you get inside my head and write down exactly what I was gonna say?? Not fair!
.....and then you will move on to dinner. Jake will be even more captivated by your quirkyness, and tit-for-tat you will be smitten by his dorkyness. and then you will spill ketchup on your Jungle Jake T-shirt..... The rest is destiny! :-p
i understand your bitterness and feel your pain prophecy girl.
You guys are absolutely wonderful for my ego. :D
When I meet him, I'm stamping on his foot.
Since I have posted Nicole's pics on the forum I just wanted to pu my own two cents on that matter and explain that there was no harm intended.
Honestly I found her encounter non so creepier than others of wich I've read on IHJ. I think that there's something "weird" on beeing a fan anyway. But this could be me...:/
About her pics I think that they have nothing special but the fact that they're taken from someone that could have been me (although Id'be less intrusive beeing slightly older an I live far away from NYC)but sadly is NOT me.
I was just identifying myself with that experience...
And I'm not worried about Jake because he defended himself eminently and with the necessary politeness refusing to take a picture when he didn't want to...
BTW if I'll ever come to see him walking on the street, I'd be so terrified to run in the opposite direction...how coward of me!!!:D
Sorry for the typos and grammar mistakes but I'm at work and in an awful hurry!!;D
for shame bpb!! and then you wonder why there are posts like this on your very own blog?!!
SIX DAYS AGO...Anonymous said...
^^^Amen showerlady! what I would really like to see happen would be that both PG and Stephanie get to meet The Precious, and that he take them out for din-dins. That's all I'm gonna say about that!
You would seriously stomp on Jakey's foot? That's just mean bpb, I hope he stomps on your feet!! *runs quickly from the blog before bpb can rip off her disguise*
^^ Pretty much what everyone else said... but also a
O.T. Just saw this on DC
The link doesn't work.
Sorry try this one.
Hot Dam!!!! For a second there I was gonna cut-and-paste the whole article -- what fn good news is that!! Jakey in a play!!! I am over the moon!! But then I thought, uh oh, if I inadvertantly burst bpb's balloon, she is gonna come after me with her army boots on, so I guess I better forget that idea! so sorry... you'll have to go read it for yourself! Yay Jakey!!
And I guess now it becomes very clear why he must have been way to deep in thought to entertain his adoring fan.
I hope one day that both PG and Brit get to meet jake one day like Ally over at IHJ. This blog kicks ass and is as funny as hell and you two work really hard to make it funny. This blog and IHJ is the only Jake sites I visit.
I read Nicole's encounter with Jake and I have to say I was a bit creeped out, I think she over steped bounds there, I didn't bother to click on her photos.
I have seen Jake a few times here in NY but one time he was with his parents and the other time he was his friend Chris and I didn't think it would be cool to interupt for a picture. If he was alone that would have been a different story,and if he would say no then Icertainly wouldn't follow him around, period.
PS: Jake do that play, PLEASEEE!!! Then I can hang out at the stage door begging you to sign my playbill!
I don't think Nicole, herself, is creepy at all. She just went too far. She didn't see herself the way she may have appeared to other people. I think she just got "caught up." Anyone might get carried away and get "caught up" and later be all, "OMG! I can't believe I did that!" Lack of judgement is a disease we all suffer from occasionally. When I read her story, it was funny, and in it's way, kind of sweet, and at the same time it was creepy. It combined a kind of innocent enthusiasm with a "Whoa!" moment...or three. (When I was 14,it was baseball players. Four of my friends and I would to go the games and hang around for autographs...and a couple of times, we chased...yes...chased someone...who ran from us...trying to get a picture or an autograph. It was great fun. We re-inforced each other. But then, cold reality reared it's head and we felt very embarrassed.) As I said, we were 14. We outgrew it. Some people don't.
OMG! Jake on B'way??????
Jake on Broadway...OMG!!!! That would be FANTASTIC!! *Fingers crossed*
Thank you anon 11:05! That link worked. :)
OMG!OMG!OMG! I'm moving to NYC.
Brit, if you stomp on his foot, Jake is sure to remember you. And if you do it properly, he may lose his balance and have to grab hold of you.
OT: The annual Peopel Magazine hottest bachelor issue. Matt is #1 and on the cover, Jake is listed at #2.
OK. I really have to object. I mean. When is enuf, enuf??? #2??? Can I just say. I am SO frickin' tired of People Magazine. Jake should be #1. In everything. Period. Sexiest Man Who Ever Lived. Hottest Bachelor Ever. Most Beautiful Human Body Being Ever Created. Etc. Another thing I'm seriously pissed about is they use pictures that don't show him at his most hottest. There's nothing wrong with the pic they're using.They just coulda done a LOT better. If you are calling him "hot" then dammit, show "hot." (Can you say "treasure trail?")How much would it cost to buy People??? I mean if we published the magazine, then JW could devote 90% of it to Jake and 10 % to everyone else.
Jake, please do this play. Oh, please, damn it, do this play. Look at that sweet cast: Denis O'Hare, Jessica Hecht and Alison Pill. (I just saw "Blackbird" a few weekends ago & it was intense & mesmerizing.) This would make me so very happy.
As for that "People" picture, Jake's grin is great, as always, & I'm strangely fond of that vein above his eyebrow -- but he's really all nose in that picture. Why do they do this to him? Why? He's much sexier when he's not even trying ... when he's standing around unposed, all sweaty with his cycling shirt partly unzipped. Or walking down a NY street, murmuring into his cellphone, with his head down, glancing p over his wire-rimmed aviators.
And the picture of Jake isn't new either!
There was a punchline to my comment:
So I could make an impression!
Boom Boom.
Thanks, ladies and gentlemen. I'll be here all week. Try the fish.
From Gawker.com:
Batali And Gyllenhaal Meet At Balthazar
A citizen journalist noted this duo in action: "Jake Gyllenhall and Mario Batali having breakfast together at Balthazar, one much cuter than the other! " Now what Batali is doing at a rival's restaurant, out in the open, is a mystery. And what he's doing with Jake Gyllenhaal, the Jean Paul Belmondo of our generation, is equally mind-fuzzying. Maybe he heard Jake's sister likes to pose topless or maybe we have a Jake + Mario restaurant in the offing. Brokeback Poutine anyone?
Or maybe the rumored resturaunt Jake and Chris plan on opening, just a thought. With the news of his possibly doing a play in NY it crossed my mind even though the resturaunt rumor was L.A. based.
"...the Jean Paul Belmondo of our generation..." Yeah. And then some... LMAO!!!!! That was SO cool!
I know Jake was born and raised in LA, but he just seems so NYC!!!!! He should be here. He should do the play. He should become a fixture on the streets of the West Village and hang with his friends at the restaurants and cool places and be just like Pacino and DeNiro and all those guys. And go to the Farmer's Market in Union Square and the Chelsea MArket...they have this place that sells the best gellatto! Oh, Jake do the damned play!
I think it's gonna happen. I think he's gonna do it. I bet the only problem is scheduling. Bcz if it's in the fall,Rendition will be at the festivals. I'm almost certain it will be in Venice and Toronto and possibly Vancouver. And I have a feeling Jake will be heavily involved in promoting it. And then if it opens in Oct/November it might generate Oscar buzz...I SO hope it does. So Jake might not be able to start the play until mid-October or early November. How cool. To have an Oscar caliber film opening at the same time you are opening on B'way. O.M.G. Please let this happen. Work out the damned schedule. Just work it out, people! OMG! He'll do Letterman, Leno, Conan, Jon Stewart, The View, Oprah, all the morning talk shows...what else???
I'm delighted he's considering this. I wish he'd decided to do The Full Monty, tho. he would have had a chance to...sing.
Calm down, no need to double all the consonants... it is gelato, ok?
It is cool Jake being compared to JP Belmondo. Jake is way better looking though.
Anon 7:28 here. Sorry. When I get excited I do tend to double my consonants. TYVM.
I bet the only problem is scheduling.
Venice and Toronto - August and September.
Hey, all the bloggers avitars are gone!
Anon 8:32 here. Yes, Venice and TIFF take in the end of August and first two weeks of September, but then there's Vancouver and also the promotion for Rendition. I think they are talking about Rendition opening in October sometime. If Jake is in rehearsals and previews things will get very dicey. So I do think they are trying to work out scheduling. If it's a mtter of promoting the film, he can do that while he's working as long as most of the promos are in NYC. But he will probably want to do Leno and Ellen since he didn't do them for Zodiac.
Well, the new post at Gawker compares Jake to Rock Hudson. Honestly, I am really tired of the jokes about Jake's sexuality. Whatever it is it shouldn't matter to how he his as an actor. :(
Sounds like Rendition was going to Venice and Toronto. I never heard about Vancouver?
9:57PM: The Gawker compared him to Jean-Paul Belmondo, the Hudson comment was by a reader in the comments section, read the cut and opaste at 6:30PM. The same immature readers that post at Perez, Dlisted, etc.
PS: I hope he does this play, it sounds terrific!
the Hudson comment was by a reader in the comments section
I'm not sure about that:
Gawker Video
I really wouldn't worry about the six people who post at Gawker. It's very inbred over there. They never talk to anyone outside their limited circle. They have their heads up each others' bums. Notta problem.
10:15PM: If you scroll down that page, the original post says that he is this generations Jean Paul Belmondo, it may be knocked to pg. 2 already. Then they updated it claiming they couldn't figure out why they were hanging out,odd since there have been severaal Mario/Jake sightings sent to Gawker. Anyway they claimed that a few readers told them that they have been fans for years and dug up that video, probably got it from IHJ from one of the readers. So you and NY Agent are correct. If you don't feel like looking for the original post, just read the it at 6:30PM.
PS: Interesting you didn't post about this earlier before the revised post.
I thought everyone knew Jake and his family were friends with Mario Batali? It's like GyllenLore. Surely everyone remembers, 'What's the fear with risotto...'
No? Just me. Am I in too deep again? And people doubt my passion.
What they'd love, bcz it generates revenue, is for people to go there and post and argue with them. But you have to register first.
Ive never doubted your passion BPB.
10:22PM: Brit, yes it's part of Gyllenlore!! Seriously, it's pretty common knowledge especially in NY that all of the Gyllenhaals are friends with Mario so I don't buy Gawkers ignorance, just an excuse to make two posts to generate the usually BS. Although their aside about Jake opening a resturaunt with Mario in the 1st post may be based on rumors regarding Jake and his friend the chef opening a resturaunt sooner than later.
PS: WHat are the odds of a fan looking out their window and finding Jake !!!!
NY Agent look again at Gawker there is the new posting with the video of Jake and fam on Mario's show and the post calls Jake the new Rock Hudson. *rolls eyes* And yes it is Gyllenlore that they all know Batali.
Anon at 11:00PM: Go back to the Gawker site and click on pg. 2 and you will see the original Jake/Mario post and the Belmondo reference, something you seem to want to ignore. If you don't want to do that, read the post on this thread at 6:30PM
I have read the 2nd Jake/Mario post at the Gawker, revised after they read the Hudson comment at the 1st post and decided that was funnier and used the excuse that they didn't know the connection when they most likely did.
If I can read the 2nd post and acknowledge it, then you can do the same with the 1st post. And if you are so concerned, then why don't you register there and post your heart out, otherwise calm down. All this over some silly blog.
who cares a whit about fn Gawker Stalker anyways? phttttt
Brit, I believe in the King James version the literal translation is:" Why is there SO MUCH fear in rissotto?" There's also the Douay- Rheims version: "Why do people fear rissotto?" I like yours. It is hip. modern, up to date.
Welliwont: Amen! Why are they pimping that slimey gossip site here, who gives a shit anyway.
We have to find a way to get PG and Brit to have a proper meeting with Jake, enough with these random fans peeping out their window and wandering the streets of NY!!
yeah, well, good for me, I did have a hand in getting PG to have a proper meeting with Jakey, during TIFF. I gave her the front spot so she could better talk to and interact with our Precious. Which is exactly what ended up happening. Then we all went to see Rendition, and that was the last I saw of her. hmmmmmmm. Am I bummed out over it? yep, I am.
thanks for your sharing! great helpful!!!Thank you
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