You will ONLY see this picture on Jake Watch. I'm not even joking. Try looking for it. You won't find it. A Jake Watch gold star to the agent with the best guess as to when and where this was taken and how we were able to snatch it.
Hmm. That doesn't look like California to me.
So I would say it's not California.
Was this taken in Austin during Jake's recent trip there? Did a local blogger take this pic?
I've got it! It all adds up! JW "hiatus"/ Jake in France/ Britpopbaby found a cheap flight to Cannes, staked out the bushes early Friday morning, and voila! This is the end result of her efforts! She can wear her stalking badge proudly!
britpop has been a bit too active here of late to have been lurking roadside in France. If that is France. Whatever happened to Tatiana, anyway? Where's our inside scoop?
I think this picture was taken in California. Prolly back in late March or early April after Jake returned home from Morocco. I think it was taken by one of our very own agents hiding in a bush...or under a rock. Or it was taken in November/ California. Too hilly to be NYC or Jersey.
he's riding on the oposite side of the road... anyone else notice that? so it makes me think that he's not riding in the states... he's prolly in France.
In one of the recent newspaper(? can't quite remember...) interviews for the UK Zodiac release Jake said he might swing by London on his way back from Cannes to see Maggie who's filming the next Batman film there. It also mentioned that he was looking for a play to perform in but he wanted to take the risk of a new play, not just a revival.
Taken in the UK. I assume he left France after the Zodiac screening so it was probably taken on Friday? He mentioned in an interview already posted that he was stopping by to visit Maggie. The question is which JW agent took it?? Britpopbaby where are you??
PS:PG, is this new banner just a place holder for the new banner? As quteas this one is, I already miss Jake and the stuffed alligator!
I agree with Chris..that Jake is not riding his usual bicycle nor is he wearing his usual garb...but the gloves actually look like they might be the livestrong brand. I can only guess that this photo was taken somewhere other than SoCal...he looks matter where it was taken.
Agent Katie took the photo with a Vivitar from the bushes where she was lurking, er discreetly waiting, for Jake to pass by on his rented cycle with his rented helmet on a road just outside of Kensington Park.
Or else Colonel Mustard did it in the Parlour with Miss Scarlet - I mean with the rope.
It isn't a current picture bcz of the lack of leaves on some of the trees. Also, based on what he's wearing, it is chilly out. I also think it was taken in the USA either just before or just after Morocco.As to WHO took it....gotta be a JW agent on location!Perhaps while Jake was filming TDATND!!!!!
PG, you are such a tease! I love these mind games...
Chris above is definitely on to something...his gear does not match. Also, your cool detachment about this exclusivity is very suspicious...Hmmm.
The only things I can come up with is that this is in high altitude, it’s cold and it’s early in the morning. That’s all. Any chance we get any more hints? *puppy eyes*
The non-Livestrong gear indictates to me that it wasn't taken in the US and he decided he wanted to ride so he bought the gear from some local bike gear store, probably rented thr bike too.
I agree that it may be the UK, if recent then it was taken after he left Cannes and stopped by in the UK to visit his sister, or maybe back in February wehn he was ther for the Baftas.
PS:PG, is this new banner just a place holder for the new banner? As quteas this one is, I already miss Jake and the stuffed alligator!
Actually, it's a very old banner, and no it's not the final design. I can't believe you would prefer the alligator to my brilliantly conceived Jake-as-a-football-player head transplant! ;) Ah, one of my best...but not to worry, we'll be changing it soon enough.
Sorreee. The bike helmet has been worn before. I also think the bike has yellow Livestrong trimming. It's hilly. Fir trees. Bare branches. Maybe in December, in Marin County where he went with his family when they were in that fire???
I thought somewhere in L.A. at first, Runyan Canyon, Mullhuland (sp?), Hollywood Hills, or maybe upstae NY or maybe TX but it looks like he is riding on the left side of the road.
If the images hasn't been flipped, and Jake is riding on the correct side of the road, then Jake must be be riding on one of Commonwealth countries (UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc. except Canada), Japan and a few countries. Would Jake ride on the wrong side of the road?
Hmm well there's a wintery looking tree in the background and he's wearing long sleeved spandex so i'm thinking it's from a few months ago... wow all my guesses have been said. france? uk? gah i dont know.
and as for the people who said jersey, that was ACTUALLY the first thing that popped into my head because there are PLENTY of roads that look like that (i live there). god, if jake was in jersey i think id have a heart attack. haha
Jake was channeling his inner Daniel Craig-as-James Bond in Cannes and so he arrived by boat, impeccably attired in a black suit, and in sunglasses. Expensive PRADA sunglasses. I am leaning towards California, specifically Marin County outside San Francisco and I think it was in November/December. I could also be LA in late March early April. It's cold outside. He's dressed warm. And yes, he sometimes drives on the wrong side of the road. Now I want to say it might have also been in the Alps when he went there with Lance and did the cycling to the top of that mountain or whatever. But I'm sure that was late summer and the trees in the picture are bare. Or it could be New Jersey. Why TF not! I am just convinced it was cold weather. That much I will not speculate about. Otherwise he would be in shorts and that lovely pinkish top he likes to unzip to show off his chest hair...all need of a shower!
here is my new guess: taken in the States, last winter. He would have to be crazy to drive on the other side of that road no matter what.
OT: is there any chance that the PTB can cycle through all the JW banners one by one in the near future? There was one I really liked but damned if I can describe it to you.... Hmmmm?
As for Who took it and HOW you got it...well. That's the easy part. A Pap took it and JW agents immediately jumped the pap, beat him to a bloody pulp and confiscated his camera. The reason there have been no charges filed and no publicity is sleeps with the least I'd like to believe that.
Look this has been a pleasant distraction. Really. But tho I hate to say this out loud. I'm really afraid we are entering a period of Jakelessness. (Sob!)
I would think he would be wearing something a bit warmer cycling in SF/Marin County in Nov./Dec. It was freaking cold then, I think it was even colder than the East! Doesn't explain the cycling on the wrong side of the rode!
I am with ones who think it was the at the Manka Lodge last christmas with family and friend and Jake became a "hero".....
"I'm really afraid we are entering a period of Jakelessness"
Don´t want to start a discussion here but a blogger in Paris claims a Jake and Reese sighting yesterday...
Well if that Jake/Reese sighting is correct, then he was still in Paris as of yesterday which means if this picture was taken in the UK, it isn't recent. I think it was taken a few months ago, maybe in SF but around March or so.
Think outside the box, eh? Ok... how's this, Jake has innocently come across Jake Watch HQ... being a curious cat...he entered the building to have a look 'round(what the hell was he thinking!?!)
This is him madly peddling away from the craziness?? That must be it right? :)
PG: Said that they were all good guesses including the California guess, need to think out of the box. CA?MV/TX/NJ/NY/UK? Are we hot or cold???
Oh, this is great, you guys! KEEP GUESSING! I'll give you this: it was taken in the United States. I wonder how long we can drag this out before you all revolt. Mwhahaha!!!
Maybe Jake was in Paris with blonde PA, but not Reese. There are pictures of Reese in LA...with her kids on 5/19. This person is "mistaken."(Lying. Fantasizing.) But I really think Jake went straight to London to see Maggie. And I think we'll see pictures of him there in a day or two. Now if we actually see pictures of Jake in Paris and Reese has fallen off the radar totally, I will rethink all of this. Or not.How far is Paris from Cannes???Four hour trainride?
Paris is probably relatively free of paparazzi right now with Leo, Kid Rock, Tommy Lee and Pam Anderson, not to mention Jessica "What's She Doing Here!" Simpson, and Jude Law hanging out and partying. And Brad, Angelina, Clooney, and the Ocean's 13 crowd due in. If I were a pap I'd be in Cannes and if I were a celeb, I'd be anywhere but Cannes and feeling very free!
oh man, i made a special trip home to use the internet, sure that the answer would have been given! *sulks* I love games tho, as much as i want to know.. this is fun. Being that its in america, i have no idea, and no guesses up my sleave. I've only been there once and i was 12. We did visit Death Valley, its not death valley! I can rule that out ;)
Agent Coffeecat here. I think the real clue is not where Jake is but HOW JakeWatch obtained an exclusive photo.
In the entire history of JW, has there ever been an exclusive photo of Jake on the JW site?! I've only been with JW a short while so I don't know the answer.
It was taken during that Arctic Wisdom trip, when he went to the Arctic, with all the snow and ice and stuff. And they cleared out the roads just so Jake could go biking.
I agree with Agent CoffeeCat - it's not where this photo was taken but how it came to be in the possession of PG and Brits... And I think I've worked it out. We all know that the 'Hiatus' was really a trip down to Cannes to swan around mixing with A list 'close personal friends'. So there they were in some brasserie testing the ample array of pastis on offer when who should they bump into but the Lord Gyllenhaal himself. Jake is understandably overawed by their presence partly because they are the public face of the very shy him but mainly because their breath and large areas of their clothing reek of aniseed. So he uses his favourite old cliché and invites them back to his hotel to look at his cycling shots. (P.G. at this point heard 'cycling SHORTS' but Brits knew what was in store for them). Two hours in to a marathon photo gazing of Jake on a bike even the crème de la crème of agents begin to falter 'Look, no hands in this one' ... As the effects of the pastis began to wear off our leaders found themselves inexplicably drawn to sleep. 30 mins later they wake up and Jake is nowhere to be seen (he's in the shower) and stuck to Prophecy Girl's cheek with drool is a photo of Jake on a bike. Despite her best efforts Brits fails to prize the snap shot off cleanly and an indelible image of the behelmeted Jake is left on P.G's cheek. They beat a hasty retreat Becky using her long flowing hair to hide the anomaly on her face. Brits understandably is fully aware of what needs to be done here and slams poor Becky's face into the nearest scanner. And hey presto! Jakewatch history is made.
P.S. I think he's on some kind of outdoor vellodrome isn't he? It's not a U.K. road
*Ignores all comments and evidence to the contrary and sticks with original theory that he's cycling in Scotland and a picture of Jake in a kilt will soon become public*
Jake is understandably overawed by their presence partly because they are the public face of the very shy him but mainly because their breath and large areas of their clothing reek of aniseed. So he uses his favourite old cliché and invites them back to his hotel to look at his cycling shots.
The last time brit reeked of 'aniseed' in Jake's presence I believe it led to a rather endearing interview so I'm inclined to support this theory...except...They beat a hasty retreat Becky using her long flowing hair to hide the anomaly on her face....
Are you sure that', 'spittle' stuck to PG's face? I fear we may be looking at another type of bodily fluid altogether.
PG never mentions it's a Jake picture, only that it's an exclusive one...So my guess is that we are looking at an exclusive pic of PG's boyfriend, who of course was chosen by PG solely because of his very close resemblance to The Original G.
Ok, how many points do I get for thinking outside the box ;-)
I still like the theory of beating a paprazzi to a bloody pulp confiscating his camera and stealing the picture. Oh. And I think Jake was out cycling near PG's house in November. All these Reese rumors were simply to throw us off the fact Jake was "visiting" PG.
Gotta give Warners and Fincher, et al a lot of credit.Going to Cannes in the early opening days to generate some excitement for Z by having Jake there. Brad and Angie arrived last night and sucked all the available oxygen out of the south of France. I think A Mighty Heart is in competition with Z.
OMG! PG.Look, if you need a safe house bcz of the pap beating, you can totally come here. With warmer weather, we were thinking of letting the chickens and the goats and the hogs stay out in the front yard now anyway, so there's plenty of room!
I still say Marin County near that lodge that burned down. LAst Nevember/December. Maggie Gyllenhaal took the picture, but couldn't sell it. She was asking too much. Jake riding a bike is passe' now...unless he does it naked.
I'm not at all surprised someone hit the nail on the head, not only can we get violently absorbed in our agently duties, but...we are totally diligent about Jake's wanderings. If you ask me where I was last September, I might not be able to remember...but I damned well know where Jake was!!!!
OK, I've got it; I stayed up all night and it came to me in a hallucination! (try it, it works!)
The reason this picture is only on Jake Watch and nowhere else is bcz it is a product of PG's fertile brain. She photoshopped it and it was taken off of her comp hard drive. Yesterday.
Last question: how we were able to snatch it:
That part is a trick question; it was never snatched in the first place. It was born.
I think Maggie threw this picture in the trash when she couldn't sell it and some resourceful JW agent went rooting around in the trash and found it. Either that or... Ramona is an undercover JW agent and pilfered it from Momsy.
I am an evil, evil person. I never said the correct guess was for getting the correct location.
The gold star goes to...Pink Mist! You spelled it out for everyone and they shot you down! "PG never mentions it's a Jake picture, only that it's an exclusive one..." EXACTLY. My wording in the original post was very deliberate. I know, I know. We didn't play fair.
Hard as it may be to believe the man in the picture is not Jake Gyllenhaal. Amazingly enough, this is a picture from the 2001 Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy brochure. I got the picture from a friend who works at the PPC and unless Jake was secretly biking around Pittsburgh on his days off from Donnie Darko, it ain't him. The resemblance is freaky, though. Even when you zoom in, the guy's a dead ringer.
That was really mean of us, wasn't it? Sorry! We couldn't resist. And damn, it was fun reading your guesses! Mega points for audience participation and to everyone who had a story about us in Cannes, uh, yeah. We wish! :)
So you all probably want to kill us now and we accept that. Pink Mist, you can now officially laugh at everyone who didn't take you seriously (even though you might include yourself in that category) and we promise that if we ever again get an exclusive picture of Jake, we won't make you go through the guessing game. :D
People see what they want to see. I have a lot of avid cyclists in my neighborhood, including competitive cycling clubs. And I cannot tell you how many times I got a shiver of excitement bcz some ass was wearing Jake's colors, or had a shape similar (not the same!) as Jake. Or Jake's coloring. And don't get me started about the Livestrong stuff. When I saw my 82 yr. old uncle's yellow wristband I choked on my food!I've almost had a couple of car accidents. And I think I've been reported to the police for staring...I mean there's active staring and passive staring...ya know?
This guy has bigger thighs. Jake's thighs are slimmer and more muscular and toned. His thighs are stronger...Jake's thighs...much stronger...more powerful...yeah.
Are there any reports from the Batman set? Is Maggie in London ??? I feel funny about being punk'd! There isn't anyone who ever lived who looks like Jake. Jake is absolute perfection. Truly. How could I look at some random picture of some rqndom cyclist and just assume it's Jake??? HOW? I'm crushed. I'm really depressed. This whole experience makes me very sad and uncomfortable. As if I was tested and found wanting. Christina...hand me the axe!
Anonymous said... "I feel funny about being punk'd! There isn't anyone who ever lived who looks like Jake. Jake is absolute perfection. Truly. How could I look at some random picture of some random cyclist and just assume it's Jake??? HOW? I'm crushed. I'm really depressed. This whole experience makes me very sad and uncomfortable. As if I was tested and found wanting."
Anon 9:45 here. Long ago, my four and a half yr. old daughter & I used to play silly games. She had a wonderful sense of humor, was a truly brilliant child, had a sense of mischief and laughed easily. Except one day. We were playing and I "outsmarted" her. She looked at me with those huge saucer eyes filling with tears, her chin quivered, her mouth trembled, and when I scooped her up in my arms, she buried her head in my neck and said, "I don't like you to fool me!" and she wept. Today...(sob)..eighteen years later, I finally know how she feels!
Look. Whoever he's dating. All I DO know is that Jake has had a little bit of a swagger to his step for the past few months and he is sending off a very, very sexy someone who is getting LOTS of sex on a regular basis. I mean. Is he hot or what!And he looks really happy and devilish. So what or who ever he's doing, it certainly agrees with him.Bcz he looks genuinely, deeply pleased with life.And it ain't just Ramona, honey.
I agree with the showerlady..... Jake is giving off a very happy, very sexy vibe lately.
And unlike last summer, the beard is nowhere in sight. He is almost always clean shaven (or slight stubble) these days.... makes me think he is being considerate of someone's delicate skin.
Good to know there is one in S. Africa too! Looks like a cheese/wine/lunch place.
BTW, where are Jacob and Laura Jean these past few days? The paparazzi is usually stalking them 24/7. If he is in the UK he has managed to escape them so far or he may be still in France.
Laura Jean, indeed!!!! LMAO! Somewhere out there, a guy called Jake and his cute little sumthin', Laura Jean, are snuggling while the streets of Paris...or London...are very, very slowly beginning to yawn and stretch and come alive. Or not. One thing I noticed. It seemed like Jake had all his assistants with him. I think it's so cool that they came to Cannes with him. What a sweet boss.
I've noticed something about Jake over the last year. He doesn't like to be alone. Almost like he needs someone with him. He likes to see familiar faces around him no matter where he is. So it wouldn't surprise me to find out he is in London. Or that he's back in LA.
CLEVER CLEVER you guys!!! This totally drove me crazy. I knew it wasn't Southern California because looking at the at the vegetation and the trees if it was California, it's Northern California. Some of those trees look like they've lost their leaves and the 2 evergreens near the front are the kind that grow in cooler climates like the East Coast, but Pittsburgh not a city I would have chosen.
We all know that wasn't his bike, but that didn't make a difference to me because he could have borrowed one from a friend.
My goodness the resemblance to Jake sure is freaky. Unbelievable I wonder what he looks like without the helmet.
Congrats Pink Mist!!!
Now Britpopbaby and Prophecy Girl please please post some real Jake photos for us won'tcha to make up for this sneaky little evil game you guys played on all of us.
*sigh * Late for the party again (damn you Time Zones!) and missing my own award, this Agent needs a lot of training still...anyway, thank you all!
Like everybody else, I was positive I was looking at Jake but what puzzled me was PG’s casual attitude about getting this exclusivity. I thought that in such a case there would be fireworks and champagne, not ruthless teasing of Agents :D
Ahhh, that was deliciously evil, PG and great fun!! Keep those coming, they do wonders for everybody’s creativity!
Congrats Pink Mist, and damn you guys had us all going! (congrats on the number of replies- nothing like a game attracks the crowds!)
Now is it silly to say that for about 1 second the thought of it not being jake crossed my mind, i even tried to maximise the pic to see.. but funnily enough it didnt get bigger. grr I always do that dammit. Here i am looking at the trees and trying to see a sign on the building so i can do some detective work when truly the answer was in the person in question himself. Damn. But good work pink mist!
4:46: All actor's take assistant's with them for important stuff like Cannes and such, Jake is no different and he had quite the entourage with him in Paris. The tall older blonde and the brunette that have been with him since the beginning of the year for Bafta/Zodiac/Rendition, plus a few others. It has nothing to do with being a good boss, just standard practice. I'm sure CAA has seen to all his needs.
PS: Missing is the Reese look a like I see so if that blogger sighting is correct there is no way they coulld have mixed that tall older PA with Ms.Witherspoon.
PSS: That was a good one PG/Brit! And congratulations Pink Mist!
Sorry, but I worked in this field in another lifetime and it certainly does involve having a good boss. Bcz Warners paid for everything they dictate how many people can go and allocate multiple slots to various ppl acording to rank.The producers, obviously, Fincher, & Jake. WB assigns their own staff, for medai and travel arrangements, and the VIPs allocate their slots to whomever they want or need. Jake could have taken close friends, family members or whomever. He chose to take more than one assistant.It's a perk.Watch the Devil Wears Prada and you'll get the general idea.
OK. Can we plz play another game??? It's been five days and he's disappeared...I am having SERIOUS withdrawal symptoms. I need a distraction...a real Jake picture would be nice...
2:13PM: Yes we all know about perks. I'm sure that Chloe and Mark brought along more than one assistant as well, it wasn't just Jake that was afforded this. Jake usually has more than one assistant anyway, remember during the awards season last year? I think I counted at least 3 women: The Reese look a like and 2 bruntettes, not the current one. And I think an older blonde that was his PR person, so make that 4. Cannes is a big deal and it's his 1st time there. I'm surprised he didn't have 12 assistants!
I wonder if he is in London at the moment or he said that to throw people off. I thought it was odd that he would announce to the world where he was going. His sister is working and I find it odd that he would say that and get the UK paps ready to pounce. I assume the Batman set is closed though.
I think the possibility of Jake going to London to stop in on his sister is not to throw people off, but bcz he probably really means to do it. And frankly, 1600 paps could be in London right now, but the media attention is focussed on Cannes. All the print, internet and electronic media is looking at not only Brad and Angelina who tend to suck all the air out of the room, but also the convergence of Matt Damon and George Clooney and the rest of the pack for Ocean's 13. The stuff that's getting through is Britney and Lindsay, bcz they appeal to a different demographic. Paps can shoot all they want, but they aren't gonna get paid as much right now...unless they get a major scoop...Publicists are working hard to get other coverage.
You mean the man in the picture? Nobody knows! The picture file was labeled "biker," which doesn't give us much to go on. He was probably just some random person they happened to get a shot of (I say this because at the age of 4, my whole family wound up in the Tennessee Visitor's Guide unbeknownst to anyone until long after they were printed).
"I'm sure that Chloe and Mark brought along more than one assistant as well, it wasn't just Jake that was afforded this."
Uh, no. Actually. There's a budget, there's logistics, there's egos. And while we think of the actors as the most important, visible people, they aren't except for the one or two designated as extremely this case it is obviously Jake who has been selling this picture and doing all the heavy lifting with some modest assists from Mark and Robert and even less from Chloe. Fincher was tied up with another WB project, the Brad Pitt produced Benjamin Button. So it was all on Jake as lead person. Things are not equal. This is a Fincher/Jake project. They, along with "the suits" best treatment.Mark & Chloe would have to pay for additional staff on their own. And then there are the accomodations allocated as well. WB books a certain number of rooms for a certain period of time. Chloe usually travels with one assistant if the tab is picked up by a studio or her agent provides it. (meaning she eventually pays.)Otherwise it used to be a friend who doesn't get paid, but helps out in exchange for the trip. Chloe's done Cannes several times as well as other festivals and she is very sturdy stock. That I know to be true. Don't know about Mark. Tall blonde with red shirt in some pics and short bruneete in black and white (mystery woman Jake was hugging) were the same two he was assigned when in NYC for Z promo. They are WB people who work with Jake and Z. Jake is their primary. Airport blonde was in Cannes...visible on boat. The one person absent is his long time personal...(there's a pretty familiar picture of them at poolside in chaise lounges with Atticus lying in Jake's lap while they talk.) But she was at BAFTA, so they probably let someone else have a turn.
Who gives a shit where he's at and if he's on the wrong side of the road (at least he will be able to see who hits him). What is sad is that his BFF's Lance and Mac have abandoned him for (sob) women! Poor Jake, so alone! From WOG (Worlds oldest Gyllenhaalic)
So when you say airport blonde, you mean Valerie, Jake's assistant who picked him up that time and who he has been seen with a bunch of times recently in LA.
3:33 PM, I see no problem with Jake having some assistants with him at Cannes. As you said, he was doing most of the promo work for the movie, interviews, etc. If that's who he chose to bring to Cannes, fine. I also don;'t see the necessity of mentioning every detail of who works with him, his assistants names or things like that.
I checked the yacht photos and there are 5 blondes on that yacht with Jake and one of them is Chloe, the others do not look like "valerie" at all unless she aged over night. One is older, taller, one is older and heavy and one has reddish-blonde hair. The only one left is the one standing behind him with the glasses on her head and that's not her unless she aged as well, "Valerie" is young. To call that chick a Reese look a like is a joke or any other of those blondes is ridiculous. I checked the "valerie" picking up Jake picture and was struck how young she looked, has to be younger than Jake. That said, he seems to have a "type" when it comes to assistants. Also, I doubt that blogger confused any of those women with Reese at that resturaunt because none of them look like her period and that's what this all about. Sheesh. Real question is: There has been no pap pics of either since last week: Thursday for Jake and Tuesday for Reese so far, just saying.
Valerie is one of Jake's assistants and she was with him, among others, in Cannes. 3:33 is correct. From afar, especially when her hair is out and she's wearing shades, she does resemble Reese. Similar frame and look
The real question is why are you so invested in that Reese/Jake sighting in Paris which may or may not be true? At this point, it's getting tedious.
Yes it is getting tedious but I would like to point out if that is her than in the harsh light of day, she looks nothing like Reese period.
As far as that sighting is concerned, it seemed pretty random to be made up IMO. And the "sighting" was in a resturaunt it wasn't from a far so I would think they got a good look before they decided it was her, she has a very distinct face, heart-shaped face and of course the chin, two things his PA doesn't have, small frame and blonde hair aside. Now can we put this to rest. Who cares how many blonde PA's he took to Cannes or why he and and Reese are MIA these pase few days, no paparazzi.It's none of our business and they want it that way IMO.
Brit and PG: This post was brilliant!! It had me going.
Okay, seriously, the conversation about Jake and the assistants he had a Cannes has run its course, imo. They were from the studio and/or Jake's own people/CAA. So what?
The sightings I hope to see pictures from or hear about are Jake with Maggie, Heath, Ramona and Matilda.
(Yawn.) This is SO predictable. Once a thread has truly run it's course and there's nothing worthwhile left to be said, the bickering starts. It could be over a blade of grass or whether or not Jake scratches his...a..rms. Fact is, after the glut of pictures at Cannes, and the interviews, etc. we are Jakeless. We have be Jakeless since let's say May 19th, since we had fresh pictures to pour over for a couple of days. But now, we are into our third or fourth day and things always get really sensitive by then. We need a new focus. Anneka!!!! I think it's time you reviewed...Proof. I want you to really stick it to Gwynnie. PLZ????? I think a little cruelty is in order. I'm feeling agressive.
You are right Shower Lady, and to be precise we have been without Jake pictures since the 18th, that was Friday! I think people are bored and decided to obsess over how many PA's Jake took with him to Cannes.
The unfamiliar biking gear should have clued me in, this was fun Brit and PG!
It's kinda complicated when you're not Dutch to find but here's what you do: Go to the page and you'll find a timetable for tv-shows. Scroll down to 23.40 and click on 2007. Then click on "bekijk" (watch).
Then go to "andere afleveringen" (other episodes) en go to the 2007-05-17 episode. Enjoy Gyllenhaalics!
I think I'm having a huge Cannes hangover...and I wasn't even there!!!!Just finished surfing thru pics from today and yesterday's Cannes doings...the entire Ocean's 13 crew all staying at the Eden Roc with their families...what a mob!!!! And they're sunbathing and swimming and hanging out on the same balcony our Precious was only a few days ago...Think about it. Jake was in and out of there so fast as to make your head spin. I understand leaving after your movie's screened. But he had a few days leading up where he could have hung out and got some sun. Guess he had better things to do.
1:51 AM, hopefully he did have a day or two of pap free enjoying before the press of Zodiac. The festival didn't start until the day before Zodiac's premiere. Since his hotel is away from the major goings on maybe he did enjoy some fun in the sun. Seems most of the celebs are in and out of Cannes pretty quickly. The Ocean's cast being the big exception. Both Jake and Leo DiCaprio were at the same swanky hotel as George, Brad, et al, but Leo was gone as quick as Jake. The Ocean's group took over everything it seems, lol.
I really hope to see a pic or two of Jake with Maggie and Peter and/or Heath in London.
IHJ & DCForum have the cutest pictures of Jake and David Fincher! I think David has a huge mancrush on Jake. (I'm not inferring anything else here!) I think he really appreciates not only all the good work Jake did on the film, but also Jake's willingness to work so hard to promote it.
I saw the pics on IHJ and I was so happy to see that whatever problems they had on the set they seem to have resolved them, same thing with Mark. I remember some of the comments back in March when the film came out. Not only am I a big fan of Jake's but of Fincher and Mark as well. They shold all be proud of Zodiac
Hmm. That doesn't look like California to me.
So I would say it's not California.
Was this taken in Austin during Jake's recent trip there? Did a local blogger take this pic?
I've got it! It all adds up! JW "hiatus"/ Jake in France/ Britpopbaby found a cheap flight to Cannes, staked out the bushes early Friday morning, and voila! This is the end result of her efforts! She can wear her stalking badge proudly!
Where was taken this pic? Top secret?
I´m curious. Maybe in France.
britpop has been a bit too active here of late to have been lurking roadside in France. If that is France. Whatever happened to Tatiana, anyway? Where's our inside scoop?
My two guesses: 1- France, the Tour Du France route
2- New Jersey, don't ask me why I think it's NJ
Anoymous, I think you might be right. It could very well be taken by the JW web masters.
I think this picture was taken in California. Prolly back in late March or early April after Jake returned home from Morocco. I think it was taken by one of our very own agents hiding in a bush...or under a rock. Or it was taken in November/ California. Too hilly to be NYC or Jersey.
here's my stab at it: wild guess: Taken during La Tour de France, last summer?
i have no idea, but i really want to know. When do we find out?!
the weird thing is, he's not riding his usual bike, wearing his usual helmet, or even wearing his usual shorts. something is definitely amiss.
he's riding on the oposite side of the road... anyone else notice that? so it makes me think that he's not riding in the states... he's prolly in France.
France has right-traffic just like the US and so does all of Europe (as far as I know). Except for the UK... ;)
In one of the recent newspaper(? can't quite remember...) interviews for the UK Zodiac release Jake said he might swing by London on his way back from Cannes to see Maggie who's filming the next Batman film there. It also mentioned that he was looking for a play to perform in but he wanted to take the risk of a new play, not just a revival.
Anyone else read this interview?
This Boston Herald article?
Bloody hell, he is on the left hand side, err, presence of Fir trees and mountains makes me hazzard a guess at Scotland
11:45, I think this might be the article you're looking for:
(Daily Mirror interview)
Taken in the UK. I assume he left France after the Zodiac screening so it was probably taken on Friday? He mentioned in an interview already posted that he was stopping by to visit Maggie. The question is which JW agent took it?? Britpopbaby where are you??
PS:PG, is this new banner just a place holder for the new banner? As quteas this one is, I already miss Jake and the stuffed alligator!
I agree with Chris..that Jake is not riding his usual bicycle nor is he wearing his usual garb...but the gloves actually look like they might be the livestrong brand. I can only guess that this photo was taken somewhere other than SoCal...he looks matter where it was taken.
Agent Katie took the photo with a Vivitar from the bushes where she was lurking, er discreetly waiting, for Jake to pass by on his rented cycle with his rented helmet on a road just outside of Kensington Park.
Or else Colonel Mustard did it in the Parlour with Miss Scarlet - I mean with the rope.
It isn't a current picture bcz of the lack of leaves on some of the trees. Also, based on what he's wearing, it is chilly out. I also think it was taken in the USA either just before or just after Morocco.As to WHO took it....gotta be a JW agent on location!Perhaps while Jake was filming TDATND!!!!!
PG, you are such a tease! I love these mind games...
Chris above is definitely on to something...his gear does not match. Also, your cool detachment about this exclusivity is very suspicious...Hmmm.
The only things I can come up with is that this is in high altitude, it’s cold and it’s early in the morning. That’s all.
Any chance we get any more hints? *puppy eyes*
The non-Livestrong gear indictates to me that it wasn't taken in the US and he decided he wanted to ride so he bought the gear from some local bike gear store, probably rented thr bike too.
I agree that it may be the UK, if recent then it was taken after he left Cannes and stopped by in the UK to visit his sister, or maybe back in February wehn he was ther for the Baftas.
Oooo! What sort of clue do you want?
Also, your cool detachment about this exclusivity is very suspicious...Hmmm.
Oh. It's exclusive. :D All good guesses but no one is really thinking outside the box yet. I know, I'm evil. All will be revealed soon enough.
PS:PG, is this new banner just a place holder for the new banner? As quteas this one is, I already miss Jake and the stuffed alligator!
Actually, it's a very old banner, and no it's not the final design. I can't believe you would prefer the alligator to my brilliantly conceived Jake-as-a-football-player head transplant! ;) Ah, one of my best...but not to worry, we'll be changing it soon enough.
Oh, Brits and PG you guys are such teases. ;p
Hmm, this is hard. At first I agree that it could be the UK, but it also looks like it may be Austin, TX or possibly LA. But my first guess is the UK?
Sorreee. The bike helmet has been worn before. I also think the bike has yellow Livestrong trimming. It's hilly. Fir trees. Bare branches. Maybe in December, in Marin County where he went with his family when they were in that fire???
He's riding on the left side of the road unless this picture is in reverse or something screwy. UK/Scotland?Ireland???
It doesn't look like anywhere in the UK. Not a photoshop job is it?
If not NY, TX, CA or the UK, maybe Martha's Vinyard?
100% non-Photoshopped.
I thought somewhere in L.A. at first, Runyan Canyon, Mullhuland (sp?), Hollywood Hills, or maybe upstae NY or maybe TX but it looks like he is riding on the left side of the road.
I'm completely lost. Tell tell tell!! :)
ok can you at least confirm which side of the atlantic at least?
your side or brit's side?
*puppy eyes*
All good guesses but no one is really thinking outside the box yet. tell!!!!
If the images hasn't been flipped, and Jake is riding on the correct side of the road, then Jake must be be riding on one of Commonwealth countries (UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc. except Canada), Japan and a few countries. Would Jake ride on the wrong side of the road?
Would Jake ride on the wrong side of the road?
Why not - better then ending up in a ditch LOL
something to do with our inside like to the family aka cantara?
Hmm well there's a wintery looking tree in the background and he's wearing long sleeved spandex so i'm thinking it's from a few months ago... wow all my guesses have been said. france? uk? gah i dont know.
and as for the people who said jersey, that was ACTUALLY the first thing that popped into my head because there are PLENTY of roads that look like that (i live there). god, if jake was in jersey i think id have a heart attack. haha
another guess here, San Francisco
perhaps a picture chris or another one of his friends took of him in texas? or massachusettes?
I'm think someone from radio one!
Or maybe katie!
Oh PG and Brits are having so much fun right now... haha!
Jake was channeling his inner Daniel Craig-as-James Bond in Cannes and so he arrived by boat, impeccably attired in a black suit, and in sunglasses. Expensive PRADA sunglasses. I am leaning towards California, specifically Marin County outside San Francisco and I think it was in November/December. I could also be LA in late March early April. It's cold outside. He's dressed warm. And yes, he sometimes drives on the wrong side of the road. Now I want to say it might have also been in the Alps when he went there with Lance and did the cycling to the top of that mountain or whatever. But I'm sure that was late summer and the trees in the picture are bare.
Or it could be New Jersey. Why TF not! I am just convinced it was cold weather. That much I will not speculate about. Otherwise he would be in shorts and that lovely pinkish top he likes to unzip to show off his chest hair...all need of a shower!
here is my new guess: taken in the States, last winter. He would have to be crazy to drive on the other side of that road no matter what.
OT: is there any chance that the PTB can cycle through all the JW banners one by one in the near future? There was one I really liked but damned if I can describe it to you.... Hmmmm?
Cina, I'm surprised you're not in on the secret. PG and Brits please don't make us wait too long, it's driving me crazy not knowing.
I like to elaborate on my San Francisco answer, Manka's Inverness Lodge in the San Francisco
Please give us a clue or two...give us something :)
Oh PG and Brits are having so much fun right now... haha!
Yes they are sweetie!
Cina, I'm surprised you're not in on the secret.
Really? God's honest truth - I have NO idea what this is!
As for Who took it and HOW you got it...well. That's the easy part.
A Pap took it and JW agents immediately jumped the pap, beat him to a bloody pulp and confiscated his camera. The reason there have been no charges filed and no publicity is sleeps with the least I'd like to believe that.
Look this has been a pleasant distraction. Really. But tho I hate to say this out loud. I'm really afraid we are entering a period of Jakelessness. (Sob!)
I would think he would be wearing something a bit warmer cycling in SF/Marin County in Nov./Dec. It was freaking cold then, I think it was even colder than the East! Doesn't explain the cycling on the wrong side of the rode!
I am with ones who think it was the at the Manka Lodge last christmas with family and friend and Jake became a "hero".....
"I'm really afraid we are entering a period of Jakelessness"
Don´t want to start a discussion here but a blogger in Paris claims a Jake and Reese sighting yesterday...
Well if that Jake/Reese sighting is correct, then he was still in Paris as of yesterday which means if this picture was taken in the UK, it isn't recent. I think it was taken a few months ago, maybe in SF but around March or so.
PG: Said that they were all good guesses including the California guess, need to think out of the box. CA?MV/TX/NJ/NY/UK? Are we hot or cold???
Think outside the box, eh? Ok... how's this, Jake has innocently come across Jake Watch HQ... being a curious cat...he entered the building to have a look 'round(what the hell was he thinking!?!)
This is him madly peddling away from the craziness?? That must be it right? :)
PG: Said that they were all good guesses including the California guess, need to think out of the box. CA?MV/TX/NJ/NY/UK? Are we hot or cold???
Oh, this is great, you guys! KEEP GUESSING! I'll give you this: it was taken in the United States. I wonder how long we can drag this out before you all revolt. Mwhahaha!!!
Maybe Jake was in Paris with blonde PA, but not Reese. There are pictures of Reese in LA...with her kids on 5/19. This person is "mistaken."(Lying. Fantasizing.)
But I really think Jake went straight to London to see Maggie. And I think we'll see pictures of him there in a day or two. Now if we actually see pictures of Jake in Paris and Reese has fallen off the radar totally, I will rethink all of this. Or not.How far is Paris from Cannes???Four hour trainride?
Paris is probably relatively free of paparazzi right now with Leo, Kid Rock, Tommy Lee and Pam Anderson, not to mention Jessica "What's She Doing Here!" Simpson, and Jude Law hanging out and partying. And Brad, Angelina, Clooney, and the Ocean's 13 crowd due in. If I were a pap I'd be in Cannes and if I were a celeb, I'd be anywhere but Cannes and feeling very free!
oh man, i made a special trip home to use the internet, sure that the answer would have been given! *sulks* I love games tho, as much as i want to know.. this is fun. Being that its in america, i have no idea, and no guesses up my sleave. I've only been there once and i was 12. We did visit Death Valley, its not death valley! I can rule that out ;)
Agent Coffeecat here. I think the real clue is not where Jake is but HOW JakeWatch obtained an exclusive photo.
In the entire history of JW, has there ever been an exclusive photo of Jake on the JW site?! I've only been with JW a short while so I don't know the answer.
yep, there were some exclusive pics before.....
That picture was clearly taken in the Hollywood Hills.
It looks like Arrowhead or Bigbear in the San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California to me.
Park City, Utah – Sundance Film Festival
How about San Diego, like around Mt. Palomar?
I know!!! I know!!!
It was taken during that Arctic Wisdom trip, when he went to the Arctic, with all the snow and ice and stuff. And they cleared out the roads just so Jake could go biking.
Paris is probably relatively free of paparazzi right now...
Maybe. But LA airports are not.
Actually the pics of Reese with her kids where from the same set of last Sunday.
I agree with Agent CoffeeCat - it's not where this photo was taken but how it came to be in the possession of PG and Brits... And I think I've worked it out. We all know that the 'Hiatus' was really a trip down to Cannes to swan around mixing with A list 'close personal friends'. So there they were in some brasserie testing the ample array of pastis on offer when who should they bump into but the Lord Gyllenhaal himself. Jake is understandably overawed by their presence partly because they are the public face of the very shy him but mainly because their breath and large areas of their clothing reek of aniseed. So he uses his favourite old cliché and invites them back to his hotel to look at his cycling shots. (P.G. at this point heard 'cycling SHORTS' but Brits knew what was in store for them). Two hours in to a marathon photo gazing of Jake on a bike even the crème de la crème of agents begin to falter 'Look, no hands in this one' ... As the effects of the pastis began to wear off our leaders found themselves inexplicably drawn to sleep. 30 mins later they wake up and Jake is nowhere to be seen (he's in the shower) and stuck to Prophecy Girl's cheek with drool is a photo of Jake on a bike. Despite her best efforts Brits fails to prize the snap shot off cleanly and an indelible image of the behelmeted Jake is left on P.G's cheek. They beat a hasty retreat Becky using her long flowing hair to hide the anomaly on her face. Brits understandably is fully aware of what needs to be done here and slams poor Becky's face into the nearest scanner. And hey presto! Jakewatch history is made.
P.S. I think he's on some kind of outdoor vellodrome isn't he? It's not a U.K. road
^^^ By cracky, I thinks she's got it!
The US, Ok. Hollywood Hills around January? Around MV??
*Ignores all comments and evidence to the contrary and sticks with original theory that he's cycling in Scotland and a picture of Jake in a kilt will soon become public*
Jake is understandably overawed by their presence partly because they are the public face of the very shy him but mainly because their breath and large areas of their clothing reek of aniseed. So he uses his favourite old cliché and invites them back to his hotel to look at his cycling shots.
The last time brit reeked of 'aniseed' in Jake's presence I believe it led to a rather endearing interview so I'm inclined to support this theory...except...They beat a hasty retreat Becky using her long flowing hair to hide the anomaly on her face....
Are you sure that', 'spittle' stuck to PG's face? I fear we may be looking at another type of bodily fluid altogether.
Ahaha, hugsuzie, I love it!!
OK, let's try something different...
Do we even know it's Jake???
PG never mentions it's a Jake picture, only that it's an exclusive one...So my guess is that we are looking at an exclusive pic of PG's boyfriend, who of course was chosen by PG solely because of his very close resemblance to The Original G.
Ok, how many points do I get for thinking outside the box ;-)
nice try pink mist but you cannot mistake those fine calves with anyone else's. they are definetly jake's!
ok another "snatch" a clue as to how it was, well, snatched?
I still like the theory of beating a paprazzi to a bloody pulp confiscating his camera and stealing the picture. Oh. And I think Jake was out cycling near PG's house in November. All these Reese rumors were simply to throw us off the fact Jake was "visiting" PG.
Gotta give Warners and Fincher, et al a lot of credit.Going to Cannes in the early opening days to generate some excitement for Z by having Jake there. Brad and Angie arrived last night and sucked all the available oxygen out of the south of France. I think A Mighty Heart is in competition with Z.
HA! Fabulous! hugsuzie definitely gets the creativity prize and kokodee's slight alteration gets the making-me-spew-my-water prize. :D
Any more guesses, then? One of you had a better guess than the rest of you... Heh heh.
OMG! PG.Look, if you need a safe house bcz of the pap beating, you can totally come here. With warmer weather, we were thinking of letting the chickens and the goats and the hogs stay out in the front yard now anyway, so there's plenty of room!
Quick! We have to vote for Jake...Yahoo is having a vote thing to pick the new & Wonders of the World. Awwww!
That's "7" Wonders of the World.
Better guess PG or the correct guess? Has anyone been right on target or just close??
Am I getting closer, maybe La Jolla?!
Looks like the SRI building...
I still say Marin County near that lodge that burned down. LAst Nevember/December. Maggie Gyllenhaal took the picture, but couldn't sell it. She was asking too much. Jake riding a bike is passe' now...unless he does it naked.
You could be right...especially since now the baby is eating them out of house and home and they need the money to keep up with her
But I still say it looks like the Scripps Research Institute building, in La Jolla.
Better guess PG or the correct guess? Has anyone been right on target or just close??
Someone hit the nail on the head.
I'm not at all surprised someone hit the nail on the head, not only can we get violently absorbed in our agently duties, but...we are totally diligent about Jake's wanderings. If you ask me where I was last September, I might not be able to remember...but I damned well know where Jake was!!!!
OK, I've got it; I stayed up all night and it came to me in a hallucination! (try it, it works!)
The reason this picture is only on Jake Watch and nowhere else is bcz it is a product of PG's fertile brain. She photoshopped it and it was taken off of her comp hard drive. Yesterday.
Last question: how we were able to snatch it:
That part is a trick question; it was never snatched in the first place. It was born.
Soooo, did I get it?? :-)
^^^ Nope. I said earlier it wasn't Photoshopped! :D
ooops!!! ;-p
I think Maggie threw this picture in the trash when she couldn't sell it and some resourceful JW agent went rooting around in the trash and found it. Either that or... Ramona is an undercover JW agent and pilfered it from Momsy.
Okay. PG said someone hit the nail on the head.
Let's think about this. We know it's the US.
What do we have?
We have a vote for northern California / Manka's.
We have a vote for New Jersey.
We have a vote for La Jolla, CA.
We have a vote for the Vineyard.
We see no leaves on trees other than the evergreens. Which might eliminate Marin County and La Jolla.
But I guess the bigger question is when this pic was taken and how it ended up here.
I give.
OK, I think this is driving everyone nuts at this point... :D
I'll give you a few minutes to put up any last minute guesses/guesses at to which guess was correct. And then I'll spill all the secrets. ;)
Also a vote for:
1. Mt. Palomar, SD
2. Salt Lake City Utah
3. Hollywood Hills
4. Runyan Canyon
PG said think out of the box, 1, 3 and 4 are all in CA, is she saying don't think the obvious because he lives there? I swear that looks like Jersey!
Central Park during the week when he was in NYC promoting Zodiac!!!!!
Reese took the picture!!! LMAO!!!!
I am an evil, evil person. I never said the correct guess was for getting the correct location.
The gold star goes to...Pink Mist! You spelled it out for everyone and they shot you down! "PG never mentions it's a Jake picture, only that it's an exclusive one..." EXACTLY. My wording in the original post was very deliberate. I know, I know. We didn't play fair.
Hard as it may be to believe the man in the picture is not Jake Gyllenhaal. Amazingly enough, this is a picture from the 2001 Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy brochure. I got the picture from a friend who works at the PPC and unless Jake was secretly biking around Pittsburgh on his days off from Donnie Darko, it ain't him. The resemblance is freaky, though. Even when you zoom in, the guy's a dead ringer.
That was really mean of us, wasn't it? Sorry! We couldn't resist. And damn, it was fun reading your guesses! Mega points for audience participation and to everyone who had a story about us in Cannes, uh, yeah. We wish! :)
So you all probably want to kill us now and we accept that. Pink Mist, you can now officially laugh at everyone who didn't take you seriously (even though you might include yourself in that category) and we promise that if we ever again get an exclusive picture of Jake, we won't make you go through the guessing game. :D
Oh how funny is that!
Haha! I kind of had a feeling that could be "the better guess"! Way to go Pink Mist!
But damn, that sure looks like Jake though, I have to say!!
Damn it! I was just coming in with a late volley for Uzbakistan.
Brilliant, PG and BPB! You had us, hook, line and sinker.
I love this one:
Anonymous 12:16 said...
"nice try pink mist but you cannot mistake those fine calves with anyone else's. they are definetly jake's!"
Congrats, Pink Mist! The guy does look like Jake, though. It's eerie.
Bravo!! You really had us going there, I was going to post that it was upstate NY!! But seriously, he does look like Jake.
People see what they want to see.
I have a lot of avid cyclists in my neighborhood, including competitive cycling clubs. And I cannot tell you how many times I got a shiver of excitement bcz some ass was wearing Jake's colors, or had a shape similar (not the same!) as Jake. Or Jake's coloring. And don't get me started about the Livestrong stuff. When I saw my 82 yr. old uncle's yellow wristband I choked on my food!I've almost had a couple of car accidents. And I think I've been reported to the police for staring...I mean there's active staring and passive staring...ya know?
This guy has bigger thighs. Jake's thighs are slimmer and more muscular and toned. His thighs are stronger...Jake's thighs...much stronger...more powerful...yeah.
OT: The resturaunt where that blogger supposedly saw Jake and Reese over the weekend:
Very secluded, no paps around. And no pictures of Reese since 5/15 and none of Jake since the screening in Cannes on 5/17. Hmmm....
Well, I'm genuinely surprised that my answer was so wrong.
Well done Pink Mist. Let me buy you a drink over on the forum...:)
Ha! Your really got us PG and Brits! It really does look like Jake, LOL!
Hahaha we've been punked!!!
He's Jake's doppelgänger with sideburns!
Are there any reports from the Batman set? Is Maggie in London ???
I feel funny about being punk'd! There isn't anyone who ever lived who looks like Jake. Jake is absolute perfection. Truly. How could I look at some random picture of some rqndom cyclist and just assume it's Jake??? HOW? I'm crushed. I'm really depressed. This whole experience makes me very sad and uncomfortable. As if I was tested and found wanting.
Christina...hand me the axe!
Anonymous said...
"I feel funny about being punk'd! There isn't anyone who ever lived who looks like Jake. Jake is absolute perfection. Truly. How could I look at some random picture of some random cyclist and just assume it's Jake??? HOW? I'm crushed. I'm really depressed. This whole experience makes me very sad and uncomfortable. As if I was tested and found wanting."
Me too, Anonymous, me too! -coffeecat
Anon 9:45 here. Long ago, my four and a half yr. old daughter & I used to play silly games. She had a wonderful sense of humor, was a truly brilliant child, had a sense of mischief and laughed easily. Except one day. We were playing and I "outsmarted" her. She looked at me with those huge saucer eyes filling with tears, her chin quivered, her mouth trembled, and when I scooped her up in my arms, she buried her head in my neck and said, "I don't like you to fool me!" and she wept. Today...(sob)..eighteen years later, I finally know how she feels!
Hmmm..... said...
OT: The resturaunt where that blogger supposedly saw Jake and Reese over the weekend:
Very secluded, no paps around. And no pictures of Reese since 5/15 and none of Jake since the screening in Cannes on 5/17. Hmmm....
9:06 PM BST
Ohhh sweetie, you didn't research that link, did you. That particular restaurant is in South Africa. Oopsy.
Look. Whoever he's dating. All I DO know is that Jake has had a little bit of a swagger to his step for the past few months and he is sending off a very, very sexy someone who is getting LOTS of sex on a regular basis. I mean. Is he hot or what!And he looks really happy and devilish. So what or who ever he's doing, it certainly agrees with him.Bcz he looks genuinely, deeply pleased with life.And it ain't just Ramona, honey.
I agree with the showerlady..... Jake is giving off a very happy, very sexy vibe lately.
And unlike last summer, the beard is nowhere in sight. He is almost always clean shaven (or slight stubble) these days.... makes me think he is being considerate of someone's delicate skin.
Good to know there is one in S. Africa too! Looks like a cheese/wine/lunch place.
BTW, where are Jacob and Laura Jean these past few days? The paparazzi is usually stalking them 24/7. If he is in the UK he has managed to escape them so far or he may be still in France.
Laura Jean, indeed!!!! LMAO! Somewhere out there, a guy called Jake and his cute little sumthin', Laura Jean, are snuggling while the streets of Paris...or London...are very, very slowly beginning to yawn and stretch and come alive. Or not. One thing I noticed. It seemed like Jake had all his assistants with him. I think it's so cool that they came to Cannes with him. What a sweet boss.
I've noticed something about Jake over the last year. He doesn't like to be alone. Almost like he needs someone with him. He likes to see familiar faces around him no matter where he is. So it wouldn't surprise me to find out he is in London. Or that he's back in LA.
I've been over at IHJ looking at all the Cannes pictures and I decided. Studying Mark Ruffalo...he should do Shakespeare...he'd make a great Iago...
CLEVER CLEVER you guys!!! This totally drove me crazy. I knew it wasn't Southern California because looking at the at the vegetation and the trees if it was California, it's Northern California. Some of those trees look like they've lost their leaves and the 2 evergreens near the front are the kind that grow in cooler climates like the East Coast, but Pittsburgh not a city I would have chosen.
We all know that wasn't his bike, but that didn't make a difference to me because he could have borrowed one from a friend.
My goodness the resemblance to Jake sure is freaky. Unbelievable I wonder what he looks like without the helmet.
Congrats Pink Mist!!!
Now Britpopbaby and Prophecy Girl please please post some real Jake photos for us won'tcha to make up for this sneaky little evil game you guys played on all of us.
I loved it, but it drove me nuts :)
All I DO know is that Jake has had a little bit of a swagger to his step for the past few months and he is sending off a very, very sexy vibe...
He does that last 7-8 years.
^^^ But for the last couple of months it has been even more evident. I don't know he seems more happier and relaxed.
Oh BPB and PG, you're really evil!
I can't stop laughing though :D
Even if I believed that even this
was for real..
I suppose that I'm easy to deceive ;D
*sigh * Late for the party again (damn you Time Zones!) and missing my own award, this Agent needs a lot of training still...anyway, thank you all!
Like everybody else, I was positive I was looking at Jake but what puzzled me was PG’s casual attitude about getting this exclusivity. I thought that in such a case there would be fireworks and champagne, not ruthless teasing of Agents :D
Ahhh, that was deliciously evil, PG and great fun!! Keep those coming, they do wonders for everybody’s creativity!
Congrats Pink Mist, and damn you guys had us all going! (congrats on the number of replies- nothing like a game attracks the crowds!)
Now is it silly to say that for about 1 second the thought of it not being jake crossed my mind, i even tried to maximise the pic to see.. but funnily enough it didnt get bigger. grr I always do that dammit. Here i am looking at the trees and trying to see a sign on the building so i can do some detective work when truly the answer was in the person in question himself. Damn. But good work pink mist!
p.s Whats this guys name and what does he do?
4:46: All actor's take assistant's with them for important stuff like Cannes and such, Jake is no different and he had quite the entourage with him in Paris. The tall older blonde and the brunette that have been with him since the beginning of the year for Bafta/Zodiac/Rendition, plus a few others. It has nothing to do with being a good boss, just standard practice. I'm sure CAA has seen to all his needs.
PS: Missing is the Reese look a like I see so if that blogger sighting is correct there is no way they coulld have mixed that tall older PA with Ms.Witherspoon.
PSS: That was a good one PG/Brit! And congratulations Pink Mist!
Sorry, but I worked in this field in another lifetime and it certainly does involve having a good boss. Bcz Warners paid for everything they dictate how many people can go and allocate multiple slots to various ppl acording to rank.The producers, obviously, Fincher, & Jake. WB assigns their own staff, for medai and travel arrangements, and the VIPs allocate their slots to whomever they want or need. Jake could have taken close friends, family members or whomever. He chose to take more than one assistant.It's a perk.Watch the Devil Wears Prada and you'll get the general idea.
OK. Can we plz play another game??? It's been five days and he's disappeared...I am having SERIOUS withdrawal symptoms. I need a distraction...a real Jake picture would be nice...
2:13PM: Yes we all know about perks. I'm sure that Chloe and Mark brought along more than one assistant as well, it wasn't just Jake that was afforded this. Jake usually has more than one assistant anyway, remember during the awards season last year? I think I counted at least 3 women: The Reese look a like and 2 bruntettes, not the current one. And I think an older blonde that was his PR person, so make that 4. Cannes is a big deal and it's his 1st time there. I'm surprised he didn't have 12 assistants!
I wonder if he is in London at the moment or he said that to throw people off. I thought it was odd that he would announce to the world where he was going. His sister is working and I find it odd that he would say that and get the UK paps ready to pounce. I assume the Batman set is closed though.
I think the possibility of Jake going to London to stop in on his sister is not to throw people off, but bcz he probably really means to do it. And frankly, 1600 paps could be in London right now, but the media attention is focussed on Cannes. All the print, internet and electronic media is looking at not only Brad and Angelina who tend to suck all the air out of the room, but also the convergence of Matt Damon and George Clooney and the rest of the pack for Ocean's 13. The stuff that's getting through is Britney and Lindsay, bcz they appeal to a different demographic. Paps can shoot all they want, but they aren't gonna get paid as much right now...unless they get a major scoop...Publicists are working hard to get other coverage.
p.s Whats this guys name and what does he do?
You mean the man in the picture? Nobody knows! The picture file was labeled "biker," which doesn't give us much to go on. He was probably just some random person they happened to get a shot of (I say this because at the age of 4, my whole family wound up in the Tennessee Visitor's Guide unbeknownst to anyone until long after they were printed).
Anon 2:13 here.
"I'm sure that Chloe and Mark brought along more than one assistant as well, it wasn't just Jake that was afforded this."
Uh, no. Actually. There's a budget, there's logistics, there's egos. And while we think of the actors as the most important, visible people, they aren't except for the one or two designated as extremely this case it is obviously Jake who has been selling this picture and doing all the heavy lifting with some modest assists from Mark and Robert and even less from Chloe. Fincher was tied up with another WB project, the Brad Pitt produced Benjamin Button. So it was all on Jake as lead person. Things are not equal. This is a Fincher/Jake project. They, along with "the suits" best treatment.Mark & Chloe would have to pay for additional staff on their own. And then there are the accomodations allocated as well. WB books a certain number of rooms for a certain period of time. Chloe usually travels with one assistant if the tab is picked up by a studio or her agent provides it. (meaning she eventually pays.)Otherwise it used to be a friend who doesn't get paid, but helps out in exchange for the trip. Chloe's done Cannes several times as well as other festivals and she is very sturdy stock. That I know to be true. Don't know about Mark.
Tall blonde with red shirt in some pics and short bruneete in black and white (mystery woman Jake was hugging) were the same two he was assigned when in NYC for Z promo. They are WB people who work with Jake and Z. Jake is their primary.
Airport blonde was in Cannes...visible on boat. The one person absent is his long time personal...(there's a pretty familiar picture of them at poolside in chaise lounges with Atticus lying in Jake's lap while they talk.) But she was at BAFTA, so they probably let someone else have a turn.
Who gives a shit where he's at and if he's on the wrong side of the road (at least he will be able to see who hits him). What is sad is that his BFF's Lance and Mac have abandoned him for (sob) women! Poor Jake, so alone!
From WOG (Worlds oldest Gyllenhaalic)
3:33, thank you for that detailed explanation.
So when you say airport blonde, you mean Valerie, Jake's assistant who picked him up that time and who he has been seen with a bunch of times recently in LA.
She's the one who looks like Reese, right?
3:33 PM, I see no problem with Jake having some assistants with him at Cannes. As you said, he was doing most of the promo work for the movie, interviews, etc. If that's who he chose to bring to Cannes, fine. I also don;'t see the necessity of mentioning every detail of who works with him, his assistants names or things like that.
I checked the yacht photos and there are 5 blondes on that yacht with Jake and one of them is Chloe, the others do not look like "valerie" at all unless she aged over night. One is older, taller, one is older and heavy and one has reddish-blonde hair. The only one left is the one standing behind him with the glasses on her head and that's not her unless she aged as well, "Valerie" is young. To call that chick a Reese look a like is a joke or any other of those blondes is ridiculous. I checked the "valerie" picking up Jake picture and was struck how young she looked, has to be younger than Jake. That said, he seems to have a "type" when it comes to assistants. Also, I doubt that blogger confused any of those women with Reese at that resturaunt because none of them look like her period and that's what this all about. Sheesh. Real question is: There has been no pap pics of either since last week: Thursday for Jake and Tuesday for Reese so far, just saying.
Valerie is one of Jake's assistants and she was with him, among others, in Cannes. 3:33 is correct. From afar, especially when her hair is out and she's wearing shades, she does resemble Reese. Similar frame and look
The real question is why are you so invested in that Reese/Jake sighting in Paris which may or may not be true? At this point, it's getting tedious.
Yes it is getting tedious but I would like to point out if that is her than in the harsh light of day, she looks nothing like Reese period.
As far as that sighting is concerned, it seemed pretty random to be made up IMO. And the "sighting" was in a resturaunt it wasn't from a far so I would think they got a good look before they decided it was her, she has a very distinct face, heart-shaped face and of course the chin, two things his PA doesn't have, small frame and blonde hair aside. Now can we put this to rest. Who cares how many blonde PA's he took to Cannes or why he and and Reese are MIA these pase few days, no paparazzi.It's none of our business and they want it that way IMO.
Brit and PG: This post was brilliant!! It had me going.
Wow, you gals got it all wrong.
His Zodiac PA wasn't with him in Cannes. His agent, manager and two PR women were, however.
Okay, seriously, the conversation about Jake and the assistants he had a Cannes has run its course, imo. They were from the studio and/or Jake's own people/CAA. So what?
The sightings I hope to see pictures from or hear about are Jake with Maggie, Heath, Ramona and Matilda.
(Yawn.) This is SO predictable. Once a thread has truly run it's course and there's nothing worthwhile left to be said, the bickering starts. It could be over a blade of grass or whether or not Jake scratches his...a..rms. Fact is, after the glut of pictures at Cannes, and the interviews, etc. we are Jakeless. We have be Jakeless since let's say May 19th, since we had fresh pictures to pour over for a couple of days. But now, we are into our third or fourth day and things always get really sensitive by then. We need a new focus. Anneka!!!! I think it's time you reviewed...Proof. I want you to really stick it to Gwynnie. PLZ????? I think a little cruelty is in order. I'm feeling agressive.
You are right Shower Lady, and to be precise we have been without Jake pictures since the 18th, that was Friday! I think people are bored and decided to obsess over how many PA's Jake took with him to Cannes.
The unfamiliar biking gear should have clued me in, this was fun Brit and PG!
Here's a nice Jake@Cannes interview:
It's kinda complicated when you're not Dutch to find but here's what you do:
Go to the page and you'll find a timetable for tv-shows.
Scroll down to 23.40 and click on 2007.
Then click on "bekijk" (watch).
Then go to "andere afleveringen" (other episodes) en go to the 2007-05-17 episode. Enjoy Gyllenhaalics!
I think I'm having a huge Cannes hangover...and I wasn't even there!!!!Just finished surfing thru pics from today and yesterday's Cannes doings...the entire Ocean's 13 crew all staying at the Eden Roc with their families...what a mob!!!! And they're sunbathing and swimming and hanging out on the same balcony our Precious was only a few days ago...Think about it. Jake was in and out of there so fast as to make your head spin. I understand leaving after your movie's screened. But he had a few days leading up where he could have hung out and got some sun. Guess he had better things to do.
1:51 AM, hopefully he did have a day or two of pap free enjoying before the press of Zodiac. The festival didn't start until the day before Zodiac's premiere. Since his hotel is away from the major goings on maybe he did enjoy some fun in the sun. Seems most of the celebs are in and out of Cannes pretty quickly. The Ocean's cast being the big exception. Both Jake and Leo DiCaprio were at the same swanky hotel as George, Brad, et al, but Leo was gone as quick as Jake. The Ocean's group took over everything it seems, lol.
I really hope to see a pic or two of Jake with Maggie and Peter and/or Heath in London.
Nice .... except it is Near Cape Town, So Africa.
Yeah, quit it. If it ain't britpopbaby or PG with Jake then I don't see why it even warrants comment.
Here is the link to La Fromagarie in Paris where that blogger saw Jake and Reese:
IHJ & DCForum have the cutest pictures of Jake and David Fincher! I think David has a huge mancrush on Jake. (I'm not inferring anything else here!) I think he really appreciates not only all the good work Jake did on the film, but also Jake's willingness to work so hard to promote it.
I saw the pics on IHJ and I was so happy to see that whatever problems they had on the set they seem to have resolved them, same thing with Mark. I remember some of the comments back in March when the film came out. Not only am I a big fan of Jake's but of Fincher and Mark as well. They shold all be proud of Zodiac
I'm a Mark Ruffalo fan as well, but I think he's quirky. And I think he's more than a little envious of Jake...but he likes Jake.
10:31, just let it go. Now your link just does not work.
Here is the complete link to La Fromagerie
in Paris:
Again, boy they really want to keep this on a Q-T!! thi 1.html
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