Soooooooo, Jake's been down the old dog park again with 'favoured' pooch, Atticus. Apparently he had a script which is...blah blah blah...interesting career wise...blah blah blah...long wait for
Seriously, you wanna throw this puggle fan a bone here?
Blimey Jake looks agressive in his ball throwing in the first pic...kinda sexy tho!
Also loving the casual shirt-shorts combo!
I just love the ones where Atticus has rolled over to be scratched. He looks like a big puppy. What a happy dog! Of course, if Jake were touching my belly, I'd be happy, too.
I think Boo is gone to boarding school. He's still too young to be left alone in the house when Jake is out biking and stuff, and he doesn't listen to Atticus - the little brat, so he has to be watched like a miscreant.
Atticus on the other hand is way mature, he doesn't jump on the furniture and have accidents on the carpet, he's good. And he leaves his Papa's shoes alone. What a great dog!
OK. There's definitely: SOMETHING GOING ON. I have never seen Jake looking so agressive, unleashing all that power. Not just his arm, but his whole body!!! OMG. The only one who could possible deal with Jake when he's in that kind of mood is Atticus! No more taunting and teasing. Jake's had it with "cuddley." Tough!Jake! He requires a strong,tough, understanding companion who knows how to dish it out as well as take it...but who can switch to tender in a nano-second! They romp and they wrestle, but just the right moment, Atticus collapses in a provocative heap, knowing Jake will find it irresistable. I'm writing the screenplay!
^^^ROFLMAO!!! Nice satire. Thanks, I needed that.
Seriously, this really is very sweet. After all the running around, making a movie, doing promotion for another, traveling to present awards, etc. Jake is finally home and just spending some quality time with Atticus. I've determined from other pics of the two of them, that Jake seems very patient and takes a lot of time to train and work with Atticus. He's not just an "accesory!" Watching them doing this strenuous workout, I can only imagine how gritty and sweaty Jake will be....
I am with BPB. . .as a puggle fan, I am very worried about Boo. . .I've even read articles lately that talk about "Jake's dog, Atticus". . . as if he has only one dog! Please, if anyone out there knows where Boo is, let us know.
Jake's a right Dr Dolittle, look at how the animals of the world love him.
Anon 8:50 here. Look. I think, for all our sakes. For some real peace of mind. For World Peace. I think someone should call California. Call Jake's managment people or his PR people or whoever they are and ASK. This has gone on long enough. We cannot continue to lose sleep and fill our lives with stress for one puggle.Did the puggle get snappish and difficult? Was the puggle too much trouble around Baby Ramona? Was the puggle untrainable and spoiled rotten, Jake? WAS IT? WELL, JAKE? Finally, we. just. need. to. know...we MUST know. TELL US!!!
Anon 8:50 again(!)You know, if we were to really find could be the major scoop of the century!!!!
My deepest fear is probably that Jake got bored one weekend & braised or roasted Boo. Like, I picture Jake & Chris sitting around the apartment, looking through some interesting recipes in some book or another. Or checking out recipes on the Internet, on Jake's Mac. And suddenly, as these things will to two rather bored young guys, it seems like a good idea, because Boo's about the right size. (You know, sort of the size of a suckling pig.)
This vision of mine fills me with such fear & dread. Maybe we all need to start a postcard campaign. Send a postcard to Jake, c/o CAA. "Where's Boo?" or "Where did Boo go?"
(I still suspect that Boo's a barker & chews things up & pees vindictively & pointedly.)
(I still suspect that Boo's a barker & chews things up & pees vindictively & pointedly.)
Would your parents throw you out or sell you if you did such things?
I think a full court, major campaign is in order. Boo's picture needs to be posted on every single milk carton world-wide. Maybe Boo's been kidnapped and held for ransom and his safety depends on Jake's silence.
Someone needs asking to Jake where is democracy cause Atticus has taken care much more than poor Boo!
I want Boo for me and he´ll be a company for my puppy Luna.
P.S. Jake ´ll can visit us anytime!
'Where's Boo?' postcards - I LOVE IT. We might as well throw another international protest on the JW agenda.
Someone ring The Times!
Dear Atticus,
I am sure you believe you master is the best thing in the universe. All dogs believe that about their owners. But in your case, ehm, it's true. So this puts an enormous amount of responsibility on you, my friend. You must make sure he is happy, calm and relaxed at all times. You must ensure no one bothers him. You must keep away other dogs (but what did you do to Boo?). Finally, you must ensure he allocates the appropriate amount of time necessary to maintain his dazzling career. Rolling scrits up into his back pocket so that he can play with you instead is kind of unacceptable, don't you think? Work should come first, right? Please get that script out of your master's pocket and gently slap him with it, OK? Thanks!
I read somewhere on the internet, maybe another fan site, that puggles are not very good with kids and can be very in snapping and biting with absolutely no while we moan and weep that Boo isn't around, maybe Boo brought it on himself.
Maybe Boo had to go to rehab....
Boo going to rehab?
Genius! I wish I'd thought of that.
"Please get that script out of your master's pocket and gently slap him with it, OK? Thanks!"
What she said!
Jake's had it with "cuddley." Tough!Jake! He requires a strong,tough, understanding companion who knows how to dish it out as well as take it
Damn! He needs ME, then!
kayde hahaha!
Postcard to Jake, from all of Jake Watch:
"What have you done with Boo?
You didn't use him some fancy 'Tuscan puppy' recipe, did you?
Is Boo in rehab?"
Ok, where the hell is Boo??? Is he being punished? Has he been sent away? Or did Jake return him to that puppy shop in Brooklyn where he got him???
The very thought of Boo being part of some Tuscan puppy stew is disgusting. Jake would NEVER roast Boo. The very thought is abhorrent. Ugh !!!!!!
I think maybe Boo may well be in rehab. He was out of control! going around showing his bits at the dog park. Being argumentative. Always wanting attention and being an exhibitionist. Running into the bushes every five minutes to sniff controlled substances. Biting and snapping and peeing on the floor and in the car. Once Boo even insisted Jake drive without a seat belt so he could cuddle Boo in his lap. Things just got too dangerous.
OT: There is an unauthorized female with Jake over at IHJ (new pictures in the eye candy section). The caption says unknown blonde and they were having breakfast which would explain his really grungy look. And no it's neither Reese or his blondie PA!
More OT: Sorry: Two of my favorite actresse: Maggie and Natalie!,,20037273_3,00.html
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