'Sup, Jake Watch? It's your muse here, Jake Gyllenhaal, just dropping by to say congrats on a job well done. One year of all me, all the time. That has got to be the best year
ever. I think your fearless leaders might have another post later on, but nothing too exciting because they had a really good idea for something
awesome but it didn't happen. But I'm not going to tell you what that
awesome thing might be in case it works out someday down the road for them. I like to be mysterious like that.
So, I know you guys are wondering, and since it's your anniversary and all, I guess I should just come out and say it. I mean, if not to you guys, then to who, right? I know there's been a lot of debate and controversy over this, but I'm here to set the record straight. I know every one of you has spent sleepless nights pondering the pros and cons and it's time I just come clean about the whole thing. I'm the only one who can put this matter to rest and my one word answer is...
ANKLE! All the effing way.

Peace out, fools and good job on Year 1. I will be back!
You guys ROCK!!! LOVE all the Jake sock/feet shots! Just made my day...
Have a great day, dudes, and....
Happy Anniversary!:)
Happy Anniversary Jakewatch and all who sail in her- especially our captains Britpop and PG! It's been a fantastic cruise with some wonderful sights on the way (not to mention one of two storms)all of them Jake of course! My own favourite being the Martha's Vinyard stripey towel pic.
*sigh* Happy Days!
Wow! One whole year!!!! Congrats. I LOVE it when Jake stops in to chat!!! I actually get goose bumps...then I turn my heater on and I'm ok.
Joyce, "MV stripey towel picture" - 'SIGH' indeed..!! Happy Anniversary to Jake Watch and a big thanks for all the laughs and of course all the work you guys put into it!
Happy Anniversary Jakewatch! I too, love when Jake or "J-gee" pops in to leave us a message!
thanks for everything!
wow, has it been a year? JW, thanks for feeding my obsession and making me laugh this past year. and jake, dude, even though u may not always show it, we know deep down u love JW, so right back atcha ;). and your sock habits, they never fail to knock my socks off =)
I miss those hairy legs.
Happy Anniversaty Jakewatch!!!
Thanks for all the laughs, and sock watch was what got me hooked in the 1st place!
Ooooh! A sexy post consisting entirely of sexy Jake ankles! (What?! I was supposed to be looking at the socks?)
Happy Anniversary, JW!! I've loved every minute of it!
(OT, but WHY WHY WHY won't Blogger recognize me anymore? Now it's telling me I am entering an incorrect password. Pffft. Veeveevee out.)
Happy Anniversary, JakeWatch! For bringing irony & camaraderie into what would otherwise be my more-than-slightly pathetic unrequited admiration for a movie star who's waaaaay beyond my reach.
i tried to find out which was the first post i ever read on JW back then but couldn't put the pieces together so far. i guess my personal JW anniversary is no sooner than some time in june. maybe i'll have another look in the archive section tomorrow to track down "my first JW post ever read".
for now, i'd like to congratulate everyone involved in JW - may it be those running it and being so creative, or the readers (aka agents) who are very dedicated to their subject or any gyllenhaal family member that ever took notice of us so far. do the gyllenhaals (jake) really know JW?
happy birthday, JakeWatch. it is such a pleasure to come here several times a day! may it continue for several years! i woulnd't mind being an agent in my 30s as well, and they won't come before 2014!
Oh Jake, ankle porn....phewee!!
Happy Birthday Jake Watch!
How nice of Jake to pop by again and share the special day with us. And as a special gift a whole load of Nike with Jake's feet in them. Quite possibly, there's only one thing in the world that I love more than Nike* and that's Jake in Nike**. Thanks man!
*I'm thinking I may need help...
** For that I want no help...
Thanks everyone! And for the cake kaydee!
Jake sure has a lot of sneakers. BPB I see you are a sock Freak. I like them too, but I also think Jake has nice feet. I'm a feet Freak. More Jake feet and ankle socks.
Belissimi piedi! Questo Jake é veramente bello.
Ragazze, felice compleanno!
Happy Anniversary! and Many Thanks!
Keeping track of the G-Man can be quite time consuming, I'm sure. But the rewards are immesurable.
Who knew that Jake's ankles were soooo attractive? thanks for the heads-up.
(What isn't there to like about this person?)... Hmm, I guess nothing, nil, nada.
Happy Anniversary Jake Watch!! You guys have the best and most fun site on the web.
Thanks for the laughs. I enjoy reading about Jake in a different light. Thanks you guys!!!
He wears Nike socks...:)
OMG! That's so freaking hot!!
I can't believe I got off from pics of his socks/ankles!!! :D
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