UPDATE: FYI! About a billion and seven more pictures from this set have shown up on IHJ, all blissfully lacking Perez's artistic doodles.
ANOTHER UPDATE! Due to an 'anonymous' tip-off in the comments the BooGate mystery deepens! Was Boo spotted with Z-list celebrites at some showbiz dog shindig, these sorts of people like to attend? Or is there more than one puggle in LA! I can't take this much longer!!!!
A BALL THROWER????? Jake, baby! There are so many things you could be spending money on. Come here, sweet thing! I've got some wonderful suggestions.
Fuck the ball thrower! Where is Boo?
Is it just me, or does it look like Atticus is enjoying the, um, attention? LOL!
Atticus looks like a beautiful, well-cared for and happy dog. Look at that big doggie smile! :)
As posted on the other thread
Theory as to where Boo is, I do wonder if he's not a wee bit high maintenance and demands a bit more attention then the laid back Atticus, who's more willing to go with the flow, and perhaps Boo is now in residence with Mama and Papa Gyllenhaal where he gets more 24/7 attention and isn't so prone to eating Jake's furniture or his precious trainer collection.
I love Atticus, he looks such a laid back dude, plus his uncontrolable floppy rabbit ears
Boo darling come to Pussy!
oh i love jake's hair like this, perfect length. I love how he loves atticus so much, he's always with him, they are best buddies, oh i'm just feeling the love all round
OMG! The Boo-mystery is solved: He has a new owner! Boo was spotted at the Nuts for Mutts event in Woodland Hills CA the other day with what appears to be a new owner!
Check out 'Pink is the new blog'
....WTF? I refuse to go there to look, but may I just ask...how in the hell do we know from a picture that it's the same puggle??? Did he have a big "I used to be a Gyllenhaal!" shaved into his side??
Some days I really do want to drop out of the human race. *shaking head*
Jake, now really, come on ... how many hours a day do you spend working out? And you can't find the energy to throw a ball for your loving dog? Darling, what else are those beautifully toned arms for? (Other than tightly enfolding some fortunate lover.) Are they simply ornamental?
steph at IHJ has the full set of pictures. Jake and Dad and what appears to be Dad's new dogs.
The rest of that set are now on 'I heart Jake' (with Papa Gyllenhaal there) - and can I just say, Jake, you really are, The Dog Whisperer
Great shots of Jake, Pappa G., Atticus and other doggies. They all are adorable! :)
I do wonder what happened to Boo thought? :/
Btw, on DC someone posted this fantastic picture of Jake and Ricky Gervais!!! greeting each other at the BAFTAS. Love the original The Office. And if you haven't seen Ricky and Stephen watching the BBM SNIT then you are missing comedy gold. It is also here.
^^^^ Sorry I do no go to DC anymore, to much innuendo and gossip and trying to analyze every tiny thing Jake does. It used to be quite funny on occasions but now its just the same thing over and over, Jake/Austin, Jake/Chris, I actually stoped going there when someone called RW a cow.
11:13, here is a direct link to the picture without going to DC
I agree with Cherita! I would hope Boo isn't out there with his new love, flaunting his status, going to high brow social events, hanging with the uber-glitterati, making Jake feel bad.One minute Boo is in all the magazines and the internet with Jake. Even has his own MySpace...as a Gyllenhaal...then there he is cheating in public with someone else and it's all over the gossip blogs! Poor Jake.
I love Atticus, he looks such a laid back dude, plus his uncontrolable floppy rabbit ears
LOL! I know, how could you not love him?!
But yeah, Boo, sweetie. Where are ya?
I think Robert Downey Jr. and Atticus have similar personalities. I think that's why Jake is so fond of them both.
after a tough Monday at work, there's nothing quite like seeing Jake, Poppa G and a whole lotta dogs just chillin' in the park to restore my faith in humanity. : )
Guuyysss. The ball thrower isn't cuz like...he's too lazy to throw. I've got one, they're fab. Cuz look how many dogs there are there! The ball gets all muddy, and then COATED in dog spit and foamy stuff. His hands are PRECIOUS and...well...with some of the things he uses it for, I wouldn't want him getting them filthy! ;) ALSO, the ball goes SOO much farther with the thrower. Seriously. I have no idea why, but it does!
Apologies if this has been posted already; I'm joining the party late this evening.
Is it my imagination or does his face seem awfully close to the monitor? Maybe he isn't wearing his contacts? I find it cute that he apparently would rather put his nose to a computer screen than be seen in his glasses :')
I wonder what Jake was thinking when he saw this "ball thrower" in the pet shop:
"Hmm, no more dog spit/dribble on my hands anymore..."
Atticus really is a beautiful dog. I think he's the favourite.
Reminds me of the part in TDATND when Jake was making small talk with Kitty:
--Back with JAKE, the awkwardness is palpable in the air.
JAKE: So, I hear you’re in television?
KITTY: No. I don’t really know. I’m very nervous and probably shouldn’t be talking to you.
JAKE: Probably not.
Awkward silence.
JAKE: I’m not wearing any socks.
JAKE: No. They all got stolen, except for a few ankle socks that got dropped on the floor. But I don’t have their mates so they’re worthless.
KITTY: Son of a bitch.
JAKE: I know. Did you know I have a dog?
Scene extracted from The Day After Tomorrow Never Dies courtsey of Jake Watch
I saw the full set of pics on IHJ, love how they ID'd Jake's dad as a friend, LOL!!! Still no Boo, I hope everything is OK.
All those dogs surely they cannot all be Gyllenhaals??? I notice Stephen stays well behind Jake as Jake sort of manages the pack. Some of those dogs could get real fierce with a person. These are not cuddley puppies! They are not to be trifled with.I think Jake is being very brave. No one even notices that aspect. Jake-as-a- fearless-tamer-of-wild-things!!!
anon 3:11, I agree, they seem to be random dogs trying to get close to the G. Just like the rest of us...Can you blame them?
I can't find it at the moment, but there was a lovely picture of Jake, with Kirsten, lounging on the grass in a park, with some completely random greyhound dog sitting on him (although who amongst us wouldn't do the same if spotting a lounging Jakey G)
Joking aside, I think animals can sense things about people. For example, most dogs can sense things about tiny babies and aren't inclined to hurt or be agressive with them. I mean you still have to be very watchful.I think these dogs sense Jake's benevolent spirit. He is just so damned loveable! Do you think he's developing a cult following?
Maybe more like a mass movement? LOL!
I simply cannot accept the fact that the puggle in that picture recently posted on the front page might be Boo. If it IS Boo, he's changed!!! As cute as a cute puggle can be, there's something missing.There was an aura surrounding him when he was with Jake. Now that Boo is Jakeless, he seems...very ordinary.
Awww I just love dogs, I want one, you think Jake would let me dogsit Atticus when he goes away? That would mean me moving to LA and then befriending Jake which I would of course do in a non-stalkerish manner and then maybe having the key to his home so I could go and check on Atti, in fact, I might as well just move in whilst he's away, but to help him out, just stay there when he comes home too as doggie would be so used to me being around that it wouldn't be fair to just leave him. I haven't thought about this in detail over the past few days, honest.
I have you beat, Claire. Not only have I determined that I will become Jake's live-in petsitter, but due to this newfound supervision and extra help, Jake will feel free to adopt Scout, a Jack Russel terrier, and Jem, a black and white shorthair cat. Sorry, but Jem's gotta be a cat. (I thought about maybe a rescue greyhound, but they're just too big to fit the character.)
there are also rumours that he was kidnapped by a bunch of crazed gyllenhaalics or an evil gyllenhater
but i kinda suspect that he escaped on his own
Boo is there in sprit.
Hail To the Boo!
@ Kaydee:
Jake WAS asking me where his car went...haha.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh about such things as a puggle making off with Jake's car. Boo is underage!!
@ Kaydee:
Jake WAS asking me if I'd seen his car...haha.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh about such things as a puggle making off with Jake's car. Boo is underage!!
Boo was there - he's just dyed his hair black!
Haha! We love you Jake!!!
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