Monday, March 19, 2007


Bet you never saw that before.


Sam said...

yes.. WTF!! What.. Tha... Fuck

How random was that!

Anonymous said...

in other jake - the movie star related news there is a weird and for my taste a little to desperate conversation about jake's current rank in movie history here:

i think some people see far too much in jake that he is not. why not give him time to work on more films before discussing what he's worth?

to me he's worth a lot already.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, wtf basically sums that one up...Daniel Radcliffe too? Hahahaha that made my 2:30 am late-night. ;)

Anonymous said...

Also, sisn't Jake say Willow was his favorite movie in an interview lol I remember him saying like "Follow your heart Willow!" or something like that in a little-gnome voice haha.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, it's late and I'm tired...

KayDee said...

lol. jake and daniel were very funny

cina said...

"But WAS he?!" That's random yes. LOL! He sure looked hella good though, that's for sure!

And Stephanie, yes Jake says someting bout Willow being his fav movie in his GQ interview. Don't know how serious that was though... LOL

salailama said...

what's on the video? sorry, youtube is not allowed @ my work...

cina said...

OMG I keep watching Jake's little appearance over and over again... DAYEM he looks smokin'!!! I have a feeling it's from around the time he was doing PR for TDAT in the UK. Friggin' super hot!! *dies*

cina said...

Smurfette, it's from some TV show where the guy who played Willow is asked if Val Kilmer was an "absolute nob" and the guy who played Willow keeps saying how, NO he wasn't. And then Jake pops up saying "But was he??". And then Daniel Radcliff pops up too, asking the same question. That's basically it.

But like I said - Jake looks f*cking amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Is this a serious TV show??? Why didn't we at JW think of such a thing. I think it is time we consider expanding our media empire with the long range goal of total control! (That rhymes!) We have the internet. We have movies (TDATND) we neeeed TV.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...GQ, that's where I read it, I couldn't remember where it was from, yeah I'm not really sure if he was joking about it or not...I just remember laughing when I read that haha.

salailama said...

thanks for the recap, cina, how funny!

and once more for the stupid american (me), what's a "knob"?

cina said...

Oh, so it's "knob"? Anyway, I looked it up, and it's A. The penis or B. An obnoxious person.

Anonymous said...

In either case, it suits Val Kilmer.

britpopbaby said...

We have movies (TDATND) we neeeed TV.

God, you're right! We need 'The Jake Gyllenhaal Quiz'. I can see it lasting many, many seasons.

Dumbo said...

I'm sorry, but that was just a little creepy to me. Sort of felt like watching "The Ring." Jake popping up on the screen in a subliminal message type of deal is, well different . . .

Anonymous said...

And the poor guy who was forced to say to the camera: Val Kilmer is not a knob? I can just imagine how those words sound taken out of context... LOL

Anonymous said...

Damnit, he's NOT a nob!!!

Well I don't know if he is actually.....I mean, who the hell IS he anyway??

Haha I loved that.

Anonymous said...

I'm suddenly feeling VERY old if there are actually people around who don't know who Val Kilmer is.
There was a time...back in the day...BPB, if we do go into Television, I think we need to go in on a very grand scale. I think we need an entire network that's all Jake all the time. Every single bit of programming. Perhaps I'm simply starved for The Precious. I miss him SO much....(sob!) BTW: Have your people contacted Gavin Hood's people about the shower clause???

Anonymous said...

Jarhead The F*** Short Version.

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't know who Val Kilmer is? He was even Batman at one time for the love of God...The Doors? Top Secret? Ringing any bells here?

cina said...

^^ OH GOD!! I LOVE HIM AS JIM MORRISON! He was absolutely amazing! And sexy if you ask me. Liked him as Batman, laughed my ass off at Top Secret, loved him in Heat, and Ice Man in TOP GUN for crying out loud!!

salailama said...

i know who val kilmer is! i remember when he ruined batman for me haha. and then i realized he wasn't so bad afterall when clooney ruined it way more. but seriously, i don’t think he seems like a “knob”— he was hilarious in his entourage guest spot, proving he was willing to make fun of himself. and i listened to the dvd commentary with robert downey jr for kiss kiss bang bang, and he seems like a funny, self-deprecating type of guy. of course, maybe he just has to be funnier and more humble now that his career is so bleh…

KayDee said...

Cina, did you actually use the word sexy to describe someone else than The One? Agent, I hope you realise that it's not something we approve of here at JW. :P

Anonymous said...

A knob, huh? Nice Anonymous thinks this blog serves as a valuable educational source by teaching her more British slang from this blog than she'd ordinarily ever pick up, even on a special trip to Myer's of Keswick or Tea & Sympathy.

Anonymous said...

OHMYGOD! Simon Pegg!! I am seriously in love with Simon Pegg at the moment (the guy on Mr Willows team for any of you who don't know him), in fact I barely noticed Jake...oops

Anonymous said...

I just want to take a step back and say One Thing: I think BPB effin' ROCKS!!! As much time as I spend doing "research" on YouTube, and forraging all over the internet for signs of Jakeness, I would never in this lifetime, EVER have found this rare, obscure artifact!!! BPB, you are...AMAZING!
I'm crying as I type this. (Why are there no paps in Morocco??? Why? If I was a pap that's exactly where I'd be!)

welliwont said...

I just want to take a step back and say One Thing: I think BPB effin' ROCKS!!!

I couldn't agree more!! + PG too, of course!! I too spend hours 'n hours searching for Jakenews and I never found this strange clip! But I have to admit, I don't get it.

I have been thinking though, maybe Jake is relieved that there are no paps over there in Morocco, maybe he is enjoying the peace and quiet. I hope so anyways.

Anonymous said...

Val Kilmer of course was a knob for the way he treated his wife, the gorgeous Joanne Whalley. She did the right thing and divorced him.

Claire, a Shaun of the Dead fan?

cina said...

Sorry to disappoint you kaydee, but there really are other men I find sexy too. Just not AS sexy as The Sex. And mind you - it was way back when he did Jim Morrison in The Doors I found him sexy....

britpopbaby said...

Well, actually, it was through my Simon Pegg love that I found this. I was just like, 'Fuck! Must Jake bloody Gyllenhaal follow me everywhere?' when he popped up. It was like he was jealous I was looking at other men on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:29 - yes, I love Shaun but I love anything that Simon and Nick Frost are in, can't beat Spaced which was comedy gold.

BPB - Its hard isn't it? Having feelings for someone other than Jake, but I feel me and simon are just at the fling stage, he is married after all ;-)

Sam said...

BPB, that is more of a WTF moment in BPBhistory, rather Gyllenhistory. That is freaky man!

*but lovin it!*

Anonymous said...

Beats me how in the Hell we got onto Simon Pegg... I just got back from watching Hot Fuzz. It is recommended to everyone who loved Shaun of the Dead. It's way better.

"But WAS he?" Bwahahaha! You have to feel for Warwick Davies, what a champ!

Anonymous said...

Actually, Cina isn't the only one who finds someone else sexy from time to time.I have a whole list of ment I find sexy. Even Colin Farrell was once on that list (!)
But the thing is There's Jake. And then there's everyone else. Bcz, truly, there isn't anyone as hot as Jake. Jake is, to quote someone....amaaazing!

heddaparsons said...

Random is right! Never heard of the show, but it looks like it was di=one a few years ago. Funny stuff and Jake is cute as usual but I'm afraid I can't look at Radcliff anymore w/o thinking of him nude!

cina said...

EXACTLY, anon 12.43! ;)

cina said...

Oh and come to think of it, I think agent kaydee himself is rather the gusher over a certain Mr Heath Ledger over in the JW forum... But that's a totally different thing, huh? ;)

britpopbaby said...

Hot Fuzz was pretty damn hilarious. Claire, my Pegg love started back in 1999 with Spaced. I was very upset when he went and got married behind my back. He invited Gwyneth Paltrow but not me? It's taken a while to forgive him.

KayDee said...

Oh and come to think of it, I think agent kaydee himself is rather the gusher over a certain Mr Heath Ledger over in the JW forum... But that's a totally different thing, huh? ;)

Dammit. and i thought nobody noticed... :P

And i totally understand, Cina. I do find other ppl more sexy than jake. mostly bcz they are in RL, which is always a huge plus, but also i think That given the choice between salma hayek and jake i would choose salma.

or heath

anyway, i was just kidding. :D

Anonymous said...

is jake back in morocco? per imdb - says rendition is now in post production but then again, it says that he's in talks to do shazam...

cina said...

I do find other ppl more sexy than jake.

Kaydee!? You find other people MORE sexy than Jake?? Now that is something I don't!
There's no way I'd choose anyone else over him, given the chance. But to each their own...
And I know you were kidding before, don't worry. ;)

Nothing Really Matters said...

WTF is such a good question!

Anonymous said...

Skip to the end....

sorry, Pegg lovers joke ;-)