And not the other way round.

"Oh, you live at B19? No...I was just, erm, waiting for my friend. He said he'd be back soon...yeah, he just went out for er...celery. What's his name? Um, Roland. Yeah, Roland Povonaski. Roland from Poland we call him. Hahahaha! Where does he live? Not here? Oh, it must be C19! My you like celery? No? (Pause) Have you seen my new film
This picture did come accompanied with an article from
AM New York.
Actor Jake Gyllenhaal inhabits his character, a real-life journalist who's on the trail of a serial killer, in 'Zodiac'. Read more...
Ah my old nemisis Number Six. You forgot the most important part of the article. That's ok, I will help you:
"In his short but impressive career, the 26-year-old actor, who is taller (6 feet) and better-looking than he appears onscreen, has earned raves..."
*snort* *chuckle* LMAO!! This was so hilarious. He really looks like he's caught with his hand in the cookie jar in that picture! Brilliant captioning!! :)
Roland from Poland... Agent KayDee perhaps? ;)
Rolan from Poland???!!!! From where in Poland exactly???
I'm from POLAND *faint*....;-)
No, seriously I AM from Poland and just ahppy the nape was mention in nearly one sentence with the name Jake :D
Roland from Poland... Agent KayDee perhaps? ;)
what?! jake came to meet me and i was just out buying celery!
PG, that's even more bad luck that you had! :D
How weird is that pic!!! Still hot but. ha! That interview was really good too.. i think the journos are loving him at the moment, he must be so easy to write about!
Oh man, I think that picture was taken in my building. Not really, but that's exactly what the hallways in my building look like. Jake came to get celery from Roland and I wasn't here? Daaaaamn it.
"...yeah, he just went out for er...celery. What's his name?...Roland from Poland we call him."
Number Six (whoever you are) crack me up!
A lot of recent interviews in "major" outlets have had predictable, superficial, promotional junk Then we get little gems like this interview where Jake is focussed and serious and no one's trying too hard to be glib or facile or witty. VG interview. I adore the stalking picture. Good to know exactly what he will look like, the expression he'll have when I finally make that sudden turn of head and realize he's watching my every move.(sigh.)
OK, I'm from Poland too and this is f***ing hilaroius. By the way, we eat a lot of celery in Poland. How did you know that:)?
I really like this interview with Jake. I think it appeared in NY Newsday as well. Roland from Poland, LOLL!!!
this is the perfect post =). jake’s stalking us, yes! wait, is that the door to a jw branch?!
i just have to marvel at this man--how is it that even jake's stalker face is so darn likeable? only jake can pull off dark roles like donnie darko and holden worther and yet remain completely non-creepy. on the other end of the spectrum, you have actors like eric bana saying in interviews that “I have a problem where when I think I’m looking friendly, I look like I want to kill someone.”
haha, so true, i actually find that quality in actors like liev schrieber, christian bale and peter sarsgaard as well... i mean, these are some of my all-time favorite actors, and i love that these guys are so good at giving the sexy creepy vibe, but i also love more that jake is so good in my mind that he could never be smarmy. even if I were to imagine him as a villain, he would be the conflicted kind that would have really redeemable qualities despite being bad. does that make sense? sigh, too bad he’s not doing two-face in batman, that would’ve been cool to see.
That is the best yet. Too too funny. Where do you guys come up with this?
Jake how creative.
Great job!!!
this is funny as hell! I wish he would stalk me!
Speaking of stalking....we seeem to have JW agents all over the world, so you'd think that somehow, there'd be someone who could get themselves to Marrakesh, or Tangiers, or Casablanca or wherever in hell Jake is! Someone who has a camera. When I get really depresse I tend to sleep a lot. Will someone plz wake me in May? Or whenever the Jakelessness passes.
Speaking of stalking....we seeem to have JW agents all over the world, so you'd think that somehow, there'd be someone who could get themselves to Marrakesh, or Tangiers, or Casablanca or wherever in hell Jake is!
Hmm...time to give my Algerian relatives a call. I mean we could always just head west for a (well deserved) stalk...I mean holiday.
Mr G I don’t think you’ll be catching any serial killers striking that pose!
I wanna cookie!
ooooo so that is what it's like to be stalked. I wish Jake would have done it sooner. You want to follow me around and harrass me?
OKAY :D I'll be only too glad to have you as my shadow JAKE. I loved the article too!
And what a lovely thought that is -Jake waiting at the bottom of the stairwell for a clandestine meeting! ;-) Seriously tho, loved the article.
Roland! Buddy! You made it back.
Bloke - OK, keep your scarf on!! We know how much you hate the cold so I've delayed Zodiac's European release date till the end of May. So it'll be lovely and warm when you go to the premier.
JG - You mean Britpopbaby and Number Six might actually get to wear the bikinis I sent them?
Bloke - Uh huh
JG gazes into middle distance for slightly too long...
please ignore last comment. wrong thread. Well I am new ...
I understand from reliable sources that since the Zodiac European premiere has been moved to mid-mMay, ALL Jake fans will be wearing bikinis to the red carpet. None of that snooty, bundled up, BAFTA attire for them!
LOL, I just saw this pic earlier today and so liked it and your comment makes it so funny. Jake, come on and stalk me, it would be so cool :D
Jake is stalking us! I knew it.
Is B19 like where JW headquarters are? or like a satellite office?
Whatever did happen to that poor poochie that threw us all into panic?
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