(As I'm sure everyone is aware, there has been a bit of an overload of Jake activity going on lately. Quite frankly, there was far too much for Jake Watch to keep up with, so we may have to spend some time catching up and answering the tough questions, like the one I just posed.)
Uh oh - I think they've seen the Jake Watch tracking device we planted in the door!
Damn dog.
Truthfully, this may have been taken at THE VERY MOMENT Jake dropped his Blackberry.I'm so proud of the fact that I know more minutae about Jake than I do about my own family. Who cares if I haven't cooked or done laundry in five days! Who cares I missed mum and dad's anniversary or my brother's 30th birthday. I forgot! Sue me! But if there's anything at all you want to know about Jake? I'm your girl.
Has Jake turned into an old man???
Dude i hate new blogger! I have to log in every single time! Before i could just type and post!
1. i love his hair
2. i hate the colour of his suit
3. is that a dustbin, the silver cilinder?
5. watch it Jake! the guy is trying to cop a feel! Run!!!
Looks like he stepped into something!
kaydee, i LOVE the color of the suit! okay, maybe on anyone else, i would hate it, but jake owns it, and it looks great on him!
anon 4:33-- i'm definitely with you there. i'm starting to freak myself out that i might actually know what he's doing in this pic as well. i think IHJ had a thread from some girl who saw him that day, and was told by some pap or guard that jake had just dropped and possibly broken his phone. sigh, maybe i should really start to make better use of my time =P
LOL! Yeah, apparently it broke into pieces. Poor Jake must have freaked out, knowing how attached he is to that phone... ;)
(I just want to apologise in advance for this...)
That's Heath behind him in the car. Replay of the BBM tent scene...kink-ay.
Oh my god! Jake on his 70th birthday?
Jake: Excellent.
Guard: What the?
Jake: That's my impression of Mr Burns!
Guard: Err, of course. Very funny.
Jake: Were you Mr Smithers just then?
Guard: Um, sure! Whatever you want!
Jake: (chuckles) Excellent.
Jake's phone smashes into pieces and the next minute he's all smiles - now that's a good attitude (or a man - sorry Sex God - with a lot of phones)
So what's going on with the shoes, Jake?
again, im not sure about the brown shoes with blue suit. Then again black would look funny too. I duno i think it just looks wierd
NRM im with you, i hate the way u have to log in everytime!
And JW, dont worry about catching up with Jake stuff, any Jake stuff is good stuff, no matter how old it is!
He thought he saw a toad, and his
gag reflex kicked in!
"I told you, no gum ."
He's being sick!.......and he needs a pat on the back. Maybe??
The bodyguard is helping a very wobbly Jake (the dude in the blue suit and brown shoes) out of the car. Britney is still inside.
Jake: Oh GAWD!
Bodyguard: What's wrong Mr. Gyllenhaal?
Jake: oh nothing, rough night. Seems I was trying to get away from some women who wanted to rub my head. They don't even notice that it's been a long time since I shaved my head and my hair has grown back. I had to climb a fence to get away from them.
Bodyguard: Here is the plan, when you come out of this interview I'll put my head between you and those women and while they are rubbing my head you can duck back into this limo.
Jake: where were you a few years ago!
Oh my God, I didn't realize he destroyed his phone! I kinda feel like an ass now for making fun of him. Except not really. The made-up explanations are cracking me up. :)
"The bodyguard is helping a very wobbly Jake...out of the car. Britney is still inside. "
God forbid!
Actually,those shoes are a very hot, very current fashion statement. They aren't "brown."
They aren't even Oxblood. These are a particular shaded, blackish/brownish/reddish type of shoe. The leather had to be tanned and cured just right. They prolly cost $900 bucks.I mean The Precious was wearing dove grey Armani and all sorts of other goodies. He was a total fashion statement and GQ sponsored the film society screening. So if he DID get some horse poop on those shoes, he was most upset, I'd venture.
Maybe his Blackberry fell in horse poop!
hahaha, yeah this apparently was the moment he dropped his phone. i'm the "some girl" you speak of who was there. there were these 2 people there waiting for him to come out when i got there and i asked them if they were waiting for him. the woman says, "he's in there right now..." and the guy says, "yeah, he's probably trying to put his phone back together. when he got out of the car, he dropped it and it broke into pieces!" LOL, so yes. that's the explanation, I think? Idk, if i dropped my phone, I wouldn't be LAUGHING or SMILING, lol. Don't know for sure cause I didnt SEE it, only heard about it.
Also, the silver cylinder isn't a dustbin.. theyre just these cylinders there for decoration, I think. There's a whole row of them in front of the hotel. Perfect for me to put my books on while waiting for Jake before/after class that week! haha.
I think they put those cylinders there for cars and for crowd control or security or some stupid thing. They aren't just decorative.They hinder. Which is the point, I guess.I would think dropping your phone could be a major problem, if you have phone numbers stored in it and other stuff.
ya, but good ol' Jake, he was laughin' and all good-natured about it, if you look at the pictures over at our indefatigable source of all that is Jake, the one-and-only IHeartJake. Those girls are amazing!!! Where would we be without them??
He is totally not giving it all to paps right away, oh and I love this one:
ncwoman said...
"The bodyguard is helping a very wobbly Jake...out of the car. Britney is still inside. "
God forbid!
I think Jake just had one too many herbal-protein-enriched-omega9000 smoothies.
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