Jake was on Jon Stewart which was great and then he was at the NY Zodiac Premiere, also great. But karma hates us which is not great.
Just Jared has the whole freakin' thing again
Number Six just got the 'There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer' tagline. More to come later.
Dear Zodiac Agents, sorry to hear about your challenging mission. :-( Who is behind all these obstacles?? Just remember: all your fellow Jake Watch Agents are behind you and we support you 100-to-the-nineteenth-power%. Be strong! Later.
Feel you have something to say to Jake, Mark? Now that you have him beside you I mean...?
No? >:(
agents, i have a serious problem with www.justjared.com - i get that damn errorsafe/drivecleaner message when i visit the site. not each time, though, it happens randomly and is very annoying.
jared could not really help me solve this problem and i can't imagine i am the only one whose computer is in trouble. any reports from your side on this?
any help's appreciated. thanks.
Thank you so much for that link..!
I've had that. Whatever you do dont let it mess with your computer. If you think there is a problem download ccleaner http://www.ccleaner.com/download/
It's free and really works.
It's that damn Karma again...
Penny lane, thanks a lot for that link tip. however, errorsafe/drivecleaner has not messed w my pc yet. so far my hard drive is free of any virus, i am certain.
i'd just like this message popping up when i visit justjared to stop... i wanna enjoy surfing justjared again without being so cautious whether errorsafe is trying to interfere. lol.
ah, and of course, i do have a firewall and virus detector enabled. i use anit vir guard.
so, any further suggestions here?
^^^, hugsuzie i mean, of course...! and peny lane, i guess you were thanking me for www.justjared.com? - you're welcome!
The video won't play for me either, it says there's something wrong with Jared's server.
I like the shirt Jakey's wearing!
I really loved the Jon Stewert appearence but it was too short for me!
The Cinema Society does these screenings from time to time. It's prestigeous, but not comparable to a premiere at all, so do not feel frustrated. Not only does Jake look hot as hell, he is a class act. I went to IHJ and looked at the pics and while he seemed cordial and professional, there weren't a lot of "warm fuzzies" flowing between him and Mark Ruffalo. I hope Mark was feeling self-conscious last night.
Whatever he felt or he might have said privately to anyone, sniping at Jake publically was totally unprofessional. I used to like him. Now I think he's an ass. And what's up with Patricia Clarkson? Here she is with Jake's arm around her and she can't take her eyes off of Tim Robbins!
Jake taped his CBS morning segment yesterday that will air on Friday. Do you think he did that so he could go to the L.A. screening or is he just going back to Morrocco?
He's supposed to be on Today Show on NBC on saturday morning, but perhaps he's taping that too, who knows? *shrugs*
Oh, and since your link wasn't working, HERE'S one that does. ;)
I agree with heddaparsons - I LOVED Jake's appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart but it was much too short. Those two have great comedic chemistry together. Wish we could have more-more-more of the two of them. (Not that I'm greedy or anything) :)
Are you trying to watch The Daily Show clip on JustJared? Or is there another clip you are trying to watch?
You should be able to see it here:
"Whatever he felt or he might have said privately to anyone, sniping at Jake publicly was totally unprofessional. I used to like him. Now I think he's an ass."
Agreed, anon 1:39. Hmmmmm...wonder what the 2 of them talked about at the Zodiac screening?
If anyone cares, The Daily Show from last night will repeat about three times today!! I think it will air for the last time at
8:00 PM EST. I loved the sparring they did!!!
Okay so my Jake obsession has reached new heights and I have to share it with my fellow Jake Watchers. Last night I had Tornado Watches in my area and the storm woke me up at 4:00 A.M. I went to my bathroom because its the only shelter I have but first I grabbed my laptop from the living room.
But instead of watching the news on television like a normal person, I decided to watch clips of Jake on SNL to calm me down. Oh Jake, you're always there for me.
I'm totally normal.
Could anyone tell me what Mark Ruffalo said about Jake? I hadn't heard anything.
This is one example of what Mark said about Jake:
Q: Was that your experience with Fincher as well? Jake talked to the New York Times about how difficult the process was for him, and Fincher is known for being very exacting. Was your experience similar to his?
Ruffalo: I can only respect an artist like Fincher. I can only respect somebody who puts that kind of demands on himself and the people around him. I can only respect a man who doesn’t think good enough is good enough. So I didn’t see it the way some people saw it – to me that’s ‘Waah waah waah.’ I mean, to me, we get paid a lot of money and there are people who work a lot frickin’ harder – most everyone on the set. If you had to do a few extra takes… To hear that makes me cringe. Please god, don’t think we’re all like this.
Here's a link:
While he did say "Jake was unprofessional, Jake whined, Jake was unprepared..." he may as well have bcz his inferences were so pointed and so strong. Jake, of course never criticizes colleagues and his comments about Fincher were mild compared to others I've read. I don't like that Mark Ruffalo attacked (yes) a fellow actor, much less Jake, in public, in print. I thought it was low.
Oops! Anon 5:30 here. I meant "While he did NOT say Jake was, etc."
Ugh. Seeing that smarmy smile on Ruffalo's face in that pic makes me want to smack him.
Thanks Cina.
That comment is...ouch. I always liked Ruffalo too.
I read what Jake said about working with David Fincher and, of course I'm a little biased, but I certainly wouldn't call it whining. I think he was just commenting on how challenging the experience for him personally.
BOBBIE: I am ROTFLMAO at the fact that you were crouched in the bathroom for a tornado warning and had to have your laptop so you could have Jake with you for comfort!!! PLZ. Don't feel silly. P.S. Somebody famous once said, "Normal is overrated."
A I go over the list of what's left, we get repeats of the Daily show today. We get the CBS TAPING tomorrow. Zodiac opens tomorrow so I'll probably see it a few times over the next week or two. There's supposed to be something NBC, which is probably a tape, on Saturday morning. Saturday night there's SNL repeat. Then Jake evaporates. Poof. I know. We'll always have YouTube or IHJ. But Jake, the person, will disappear. I'm depressing myself. Sorry!
Can someone tell me what time Jake's SNL ep repeat is airing? I looked at the SNL site and it says Drew Barrymore is hosting this week at the normal time.
There is going to be a feature/interview with Jake on E! tonight, for you guys in the States. 7 PM Eastern time.
thanks Cina! i thought it was last night, but I will watch. Wonder who will do it, Ryan or Guiliana.I'm sure it will be brilliant, insightful, smart and funny! NOT!
For all you Ruffalo smackers, you'd better get over it pretty quick because I think he appears ALOT in Zodiac. I'm not trying to downplay what he said about Jake; in fact, I think he said too much. But, let's just move on to Zodiac and enjoy it, okay?
Okay I know this was discussed already. But this much JG is too much. I can't keep up with his numerous interviews, let alone the post here. Props to everyone on this site that has been able to keep up with the whirlwind of Gyllenhaal that has been this week. On that note, you'll have to excuse me because I need a drink.
"For all you Ruffalo smackers, you'd better get over it pretty quick because I think he appears ALOT in Zodiac. I'm not trying to downplay what he said about Jake; in fact, I think he said too much. But, let's just move on to Zodiac and enjoy it, okay?"
Oh I intend to enjoy Zodiac, and look beyond Mark Ruffalo's comments about Jake and get into the spirit and feel of the movie.
However, what he said still makes me mad as hell at him and makes me want to smack him. But in the spirit of "moving on to enjoy Zodiac", I'm done venting.
OT: They are discussing this red head chick on IHJ. After thinking she was Ilsa Fischer, they found out her name is Beth Altschull, she works for GQ as Dir. of Special proj. They look a bit too cozy!
Scroll down:
Whooo! "a bit cozy." Looks like Jake likes something to hang on to! LOL! Confirms what I've heard about him being a very friendly, very affectionate guy...he is also an incorigible flirt. I can just see him giving her "the look" and whispering, "Let's get out of here!" She works for GQ! Bet she helps him dress!!!! I mean advises.
Jake, Ruffalo, and Fincher...the whole thing is taking on a life of it's own.
Reporters love to quote back something, out of context, if they think there's some sort of conflict angle to exploit....So all of the above are responding to someone elses remarks third hand.
It's become exaggerated all the way around. Enjoy a good scary movie!...It's only "a" movie and not the "only" movie so ... So life will go on, take this nonsense in stride. ; )
I wouldn't believe that this media junk would seriously come between Jake and Ruffalo. I think they both could say they have said things in interviews that came out wrong, or wish they hadn't said to begin with.
^agreed. i'm sure jake's the type to deal with these misunderstandings privately and would rather not hash things out in front of the media, so we should just drop it as well.
in other news, look, agents, seems there's a caption contest made for witty JW’ers!http://www.chortler.com/32722harrysmith.shtml
also, a lil pap vid here http://www.tmz.com/2007/03/01/all-signs-point-to-jake/
I get the feeling Jake is gonna be the "new" Clooney...now that the old Clooney is...well...old. I mean, he's still handsome and charming, but he isn't Cary Grant! Jake on the other hand will be totally gorgeous well into his 60's! I hope Jake makes at least a half dozen glorious baby boys to follow in his wake.
It has just occured to me. I imagine the life of agents runs in cycles where there are slow periods once the principal is in a secure location, i. e. on a movie set or with his Mum. (She ought to be an honorary agent, bcz no way would she let Diane Sawyer get too close to The Sex.) I digress. Good agents use the slow tmies wisely. Jake, I believe, has given us wa wealth of information about himself, albeit unintentioanlly.
The low gag reflex, the aversion to orange poop, the uncontrolable fear of poisonous toads and scorpions, but mostly roads. Being psychosomatic and insisting on immunizations he didn't need...even to the point of SELF medicating....the guy is a bundle of neuroses. All of which lend themselves to amazing scenarios the agents should be up to speed about. I know there are many more. So many I forget. In the coming weeks we need to study the video clips for every morsel of inadvertent truth.
IHJ has the video of Jake on the E! channel. Talking about Zodiac and his niece, really cute!
I SAW that on TV!!! E! and ET. Was E! the one where they asked him if he was still as ripped as he was in Jarhead and he said, "I don't know. Let's go back in that room and you tell me!" Or something like that. And he had "the look."
Anon 10:59: You are on the ball and focused on your agently duties while the rest of us have fallen under the spell of the Subject. Very good! Do you have some sort of built-in immunity to The Sex?
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