How hard is it to play someone who actually exists?
It’s easy now. It’s different with every story, and it’s different with how every director approaches it. I’ve considered characters that I’ve played that aren’t necessarily real people to be people that are still living out there, or have lived, who have struggled with the same things. I think Jack Twist [from Brokeback Mountain] is just as much of a real person as Tony Swofford [from Jarhead]. I approached both in the same way. They’re aspects of every person, everybody’s personality. Particularly with something like Jack Twist, I went and I met with a lot of different cowboys and rode horses and learned how to pack mules and do all those things, and that became a big part of that character for me.
How did you get Graysmith right?
We met many times and he’s been to the set. He was just on set my last day of work. I actually videotaped him and that was a choice of mine. I think it just depends on the story. With Robert Graysmith it’s a different style, because [director] David Fincher is very much into the reality of what happened. He’s filming the murders exactly inch by inch, literally how it happened and where the bodies were, and how they moved, and all those things, so it’s based in a real reality, things that really happened, things they really said, so for me it’s very important to get idiosyncrasies of Robert Graysmith.
How intense is David Fincher?
He’s extraordinary in his own separate, very different way. It’s a totally different universe. I’ve never seen a movie that looks like it. The technical things he is doing are like all new, never been done before. I think that it’s also a different move for him because it’s performance driven too, which is not to say that the other one’s haven’t been but there’s lots of dialogue and all this stuff that he’s dealing with and it’s definitely a different universe.
You’ve done so many serious movies now, you have to do a light romantic comedy next.
I don’t HAVE to do it but if you WANT me to. [Laughs] I would love to. I’m doing this movie about a serial killer and it’s a long movie and it’s a 100-day shoot and I think I need a little humour in my life after this.
A lot of your fans can’t see these R-rated movies, you know.
I’m not trying to pander or not pander to a certain audience. I think that’s pretty clear and I don’t think I make choices thinking like I have some sort of audience. But of course I’ve had a lot of young girls come up to me and they’re so cute and so sweet and I’m so flattered. It happens a lot with them and it’s pretty cool that the same day you’ll go to a street fair and a guy who has no pants on, like his butt cheeks are coming out of his leather pants, and he says he likes my movie too. So it’s a pretty interesting existence.
How do you feel about being a sex symbol?
I don’t know what I am [JW edit: Your a sex symbol Jake, give it up). I really just pick these things. I’m lucky enough to get them. I’ve been the new It guy for a long time.
Do you have time to stop and smell the roses, or are you going nonstop?
I think about doing a play I did on the West End in London and at that time it was the best experience I’ve ever had as an actor and from that spawned a relationship with John Madden who saw me in a play and then the relationship with Sam Mendes who saw me in that play and decided to have me read for Jarhead because of that. It’s just like thinking about all the connections, and meeting David Fincher at the premiere of The Good Girl and having the time that I had on that movie. All those things are always in my mind and it’s so f*cking incredible.
Does coming from a showbiz family make you more competitive?
The standards are pretty low in my family. [Laughs] My family is really easy, just like every family. It’s all easy. We all get along, everything is fantastic and the standards are really high and my parents have always made movies that I think are good. Like my mom’s mantra is that it’s always about the story and I feel really proud of the movies that I’ve done.
Do they give you advice about your choices?
They did, they used to, but they still influence me because of the past but I now have to go and do what my instincts tell me. I still come to them. Like if I was having a problem or difficulty with a scene or I didn’t feel like it was working, I’d call Maggie all the time and say, “I’m feeling this way and I don’t understand.” And she’d say, “It sounds perfect.”
Were you ever tempted to do something different away from acting?
Like being a chef?That’s a temptation and has always been but I started so young that I didn’t realize I was just as passionate about that.
What’s the best thing you can cook?
I think if I were to tell you my best dish it would prove I was a real amateur. There’s people who are not really good cooks but I’m going to be really confident when I say, “Oh, my Milanese is amazing.”
Where do you see yourself in 30 years?
Can I see myself in 30 years? Yeah, God, I hope so. I think age is something that’s earned and I don’t know how I see myself, but I hopefully see myself still here and doing something interesting, whatever it is.
what does it say about me that I understood every word of that interview?
Gyllenbaffle copyrighted.
what does it say about me that I understood every word of that interview?
Heh. Me too. LOL!
I love to read his interviews, I love the way he talks! It brings a huge smile to my face and makes me all giddy. :)
Muffin, I knowww!!! You gotta love him. How could you not!!!! What's reassuring is that we sometimes get the real-time, live interviews on talk shows and stuff where he sounds very charming and sweet and coherent, mostly. I don't know why Jake has so much trouble accepting the fact he is a sex symbol, It Guy, Uber-Hottie. How can he not appreciate the fact that there are a kazillion people out here that would like to rip off his clothes and lick him like an ice cream cone! Of course, if he really realized that, he'd also realize how important and how busy and how dedicated his JW agents are. Protecting THE SEX is what we live for. Nobody gets to lick him...but us!
I think we need to compile a booklet of "The Quotable Jake Gyllenhaal" complete with appropriate pictures and no narrative or foolishly superfluous explanations.
I agree - a book of Jake quotes would be a great idea - especially as I have to go away and think about some of the things he says for a good half hour before I can unknot them.
But that's one of the wonders of Jake! He's never dull, always entertaining and not a little enigmatic, and utterly adorable and loveable.
I always smile and feel happy when I read Gyllenbaffle. He knows what he means!
I desperately want to rearrange his sentences into something resembling proper English. I adore him, but nothing tops my love of good grammar.
I love the Gyllenbaffle!
I think we need to compile a booklet of "The Quotable Jake Gyllenhaal" complete with appropriate pictures and no narrative or foolishly superfluous explanations.
It shall be done with Pritsitck and safety scissors.
^That was me by the way. Doh.
A very random question looking at the pic posted; dosen't Jake look like he had his ear pierced at some point?
Chill on line? Where do these websites come from?
Aw he's so cute! I've seen him interviewed and know he talks with his hands so can just imagine it!
Loving this Gyllenbaffle term too!!
Gyllenbaffle, Paparazzi Bingo... what else do we have copyrighted? LOL!!
"but I hopefully see myself still here and doing something interesting, whatever it is."
Me too, i hope to still see him here doing something interesting! YES!
Thanks number 6 i really enjoyed that! :D
Cina, how could you forget his new title His Tastiness?
Gyllenbaffle is great - until today it was "Jake-Speech" for me....
And Jake, could you please explain what kind of "street fairs" do you visit?? Today we had our street fair called "carnival" but unfortunately I didn´t manage to see any guys with their "butt cheeks are coming out of their leather pants"....
Gyllenbaffle indeed.
For a smart man he sure gets tired sometimes.
I'd like to row that stream of consciousness of his.
This interview isn't bad at all. He's definately gone around the mullberry bush in some interviews but this one is pretty strait forward.
Hey, here's a thought! Just where are these street fairs that he's going to where men walk around in leather chaps with their asses hanging out? Oh Jakey you sly minx you!
I understood every word too.
God he is so adorable. I could just eat him with a fork and a spoon, and lick up
Since this interview was taken either during or a little after filming of Zodiac, the street fair reference I took at the time was probably during filming of Zodiac in San Francisco. The ass hanging out of leather chaps scenerio is a common sight in SF during certain "fairs".
12:23 here: I just checked the site for this interview, it still has the Zodiac release date as January 19th, 2007. That would explain his appearence on SNL on 1/13:His appearence was originally planned to coincide with the opening of Zodiac, when it was pushed back yet again, he couldn't change it due to him filming Rendition in Morocco.
I'm not impressed by this publication. Particularly not by the introduction to the Q&A. Our Brits does a much better & funnier cut-and-paste interview than this.
OT: There is a large "Zodiac" billboard posted near Times Square in Manhattan. Yesterday, I was crossing the street & looked up at the right moment & saw it. Then I looked to my right & there was a shopfront with a glass case full of Oscars. (It's a traveling display of the little golden guys.) Hope that's an omen for the movie.
There's an oooooold quote in this interview about "young cute and sweet, etc." and "guys with their butt cheeks hanging out". The media's gotten so incredibly patchy these days, so underfunded in this environment of profit-uber-alles that they have to pad interview with people THIS interesting with old quotes. Thass fucked.
I would certainly hope there's an OScar in Jake's future for Zodiac. He certainly earned it!!!LOL!!! But the ugly reality of studio politics may intervene. After all. Fincher is really busy working on Brad Pitt's Bejamin Button film in N'Orleans...or what's left of N'Orleans. Anymore news on who else is presenting at the Oscars???
Pretty sure Jake won't be, but still...he will be in town for his talk show appearancesMonday, Tuesday and Wednesday???? What are the dates? I'll probably miss them bcz I will watch the wrong station at the wrong time.
Sat 2/24
8:00 PM TV Guide Close Up: Jake Gyllenhaal 99 TVGC
description: Jake Gyllenhaal.
duration: 60 min
I don't HAVE to do anything, I'm Jake Gyllenhaal. Oh Jake, getting flirty with the interviewer?
^^^Don't hold back Nice Anonymous, say what you really think!
I know!! Why don't you post the next entry to this fantastic blog?
My favourite quote:
"so it’s based in a real reality"
Cina, how could you forget his new title His Tastiness?
Of course, but is it copyrighted? That's the question. ;)
Anon 3:39, I don't think so. Number Six is handling the mission of keeping the blog updated with extreme competence ... though I still remember fondly ProphecyGirl & her anthropological excursions through LA. Also, I really miss that old gin harpy, Brits, particularly with her exuberant spelling & all the British slang that I picked up from her posts. And where's Anneka?
No doubt Jake and the gentleman with his butt cheeks hanging out met at a flea market in either West Hollywood or the West Village. I am sure that Jake is not naive enough to think the gentleman was only interested in his movies, but most likely Jake's butt as seen in both BBM and Jarhead. Gentlemen in those locations who wear leather with their butts hanging out tend to think that way.
I frequent the West Village and have not seen this phenomenon. I think perhaps it is the East Village you're thinking of. There are a great many people who could best be described as part of Jake's "unique fan base" who live all over Manhattan. But there are people in Lower Manhattan of every persuasion who are more creative, more eccentric. And the East Village, IMVHO, has THE most creative, eccentric lot of all.
The EV, to me, is eccentric in a trendy kind of way. Admittedly, less so than "new" celebrity inhabited WV. But, you could try some of the old watering holes still around like Ty's, the Moster, or the Hangar if you'd like to see the occassional male butt hanging out of leather pants. And, of course, there is the festive Grand Daddy of them all - Halloweenie and its associated parade. But, as Jake indicates, block parties and flea markets, in either the WV, or more likely Chelsea (along 8th Avenue), can bring the best out of "some" men. Not too familiar with such occurences in the EV, since it is off my radar pretty much. But, I'll take your word for it.
anon 7:38, the "real reality" quote was actually posted a little while ago as part of a "quote of the day" entry. it was nice to see the rest of the article and all its gyllenbaffle goodness of course.
and to appreciative anon, i think nice anon's initial comment is being misinterpreted a bit. nice was referring to the inferior intro by the original source (the bit that begins, Nowadays the zodiac is just something that late night 900 ads talk about, and not criticizing number six. i agree that number six is doing a bang up job in the absence of PG and BPB, though i must also echo nice anon’s sentiments when i say that i REALLY REALLY miss our original girls.
Smurfette, thank you very much for clarifying my remarks. You are right. Yes, when I was stating that I wasn't impressed by "this publication," I was speaking of Chill Online ("The Official Magazine of the Beer Store"), the original source for this article which Number Six so helpfully linked to. I am not impressed by their journalists & how they begin their intro. ProphecyGirl or Brits or Number Six would have begun the article saying what Jake looked like during the interview, what he was wearing, what he smelled like, where they met him, what he ate & drank ... or if it was at a junket, they'd talk about the crowd, like our recent BAFTA ladies ... or if it was done via e-mail, they'd say that, outright ... or what he sounded like on the phone, breathing in their ears, if it was a phone interview. Only the Jake-obsessed understand how important that stuff is. Details. I want details. Real Gyllenhaalics understand this. Chill Online ("The Official Magazine of The Beer Store") gave me only Jake's words. Jake is ... well, so much more than words. All future interviews should be conducted in the presence of a licensed JakeWatch agent.
Totally OT...but not: There is a teensy rumor floating around the blogosphere that Reese and George Clooney...(YES) have been dining out together, discussing a project together, and will be presenting together at the Oscars....and that perhaps the sparks of love...or at least liking...have been kindled. If I were Reese, I would totally aim for a month at the villa on Lake Como in May or June...It's gorgeous...oh, and George is cool, too.
Nice Anon I owe you an apology.... I misunderstood your comments, although I read them three times. I have to admit my blood was a bit hot when I commented the first time, and I truly could not comprehend why you were seemingly criticizing our two Leaders. Now that you and Agent Smurfette have explained, I am very chagrined to have attacked you but I cannot delete my anon comment. Hence this public apology. Sorry Agent Nice, and of course it goes without saying that I miss Brits and PG deeply. Although I must admit Number Six is growing into his shoes quite nicely! :)
Appreciative Anonymous, it's all right. I do see what caused the confusion.
Though I am now waiting for a representative from Chill Online ("The Official Magazine of the Beer Store") to come by & state emphatically that ChillOnline adheres to the highest possible standards of online journalism, and that Jake thinks they are completely righteous, and even offered to cook Milanese for the interviewer, so there.
Anneka posted just last Sunday and really guys? Who do you think Number Six is?
Agent anon 6:14, a good Agent never reveals classified information!!! Duh!! I know who Agent Number Six is, all ya gotta do is read the posts, it's all there!! (In code of course :p)
I picture Number Six as some extremely glamourous, very mysterious, very slender, ephemeral creature, all dressed very expensively in black, a gorgeous snap brim black hat (with a satin band) shadowing her face. Hair must be tucked up or it's very short. Anyway, all I can see of Number 6, standing in shadows and disappearing like smoke as she does, is her red lacquered nails and matching lipstick. She's kinda scarey, but cool. Oh. And she's not really tall, but not short. She's mysterious. Like a secret agent.The kind of girl who'd make Daniel Craig tremble...the kind of girl who'd be able to handle an emergency. But she would be discreet...and willing to share.
Also, Appreciative Anonymous (and all) ... it pisses me off on some level that something like Chill Online ("The Official Magazine of the Beer Store") can get an interview with Jake, but Prophecy Girl & Brits & Number Six & even the wonderful Allie of IHeartJake have to stand behind ropes & deal with people's elbows & their feet getting stepped on & scream themselves hoarse & just hope for a quick glimpse. A wonderful experience, as the BAFTA ladies have recounted ... but still ... why does Chill Online rate over IHeartJake & JakeWatch & other Jake-fixated fan sites?
I think it's been made obvious before that Jake's reps have little regard for the power of his fansites. It wouldn't kill them to occassionally acknowledge, even in a small way, the effort that goes in to places like IHJ and JW.
He's so silly. His best thing that he cooks is scrambled eggs with spaghetti. Basil and parmesan.
What do they mean, "How hard is it to play someone who actually exists?" Haven't seen any of his movies, I guess? Um, hello.....JARHEAD.
That aside....he's just too cute for words! I lurve when he talks, LOL!
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