I have no idea what happened here as I was...er, back-catalouging The Blatant Stalking Files. I guess they shot the breeze, played some Justin Timberlake, screamed a lot, played some Gwen Stefani, hugged and went home.
NOTE: JW won't be doing a live recap of Conan tonight because Number Six has to get up too early in the morning to stay up that late. I predict lots more witty posts in your future to make up for this...
You mean they got to hug him and listen to Justin Timberlake? Oh man!
Damn, he's GORGEOUS on TRL!! Utterly, utterly GORGEOUS!
This agent is dead. CPR, anyone? Jake? You used to be a lifeguard! SAVE ME!! LOL
Nat: Agent down! Agent down! Quickly Jake get over here!
J: What's happening?
N: We need to save her life! (Beginning chest compressions)
J: Ooh, I can totally help! I used to be a lifeguard.
N: Great... um what are you doing?
J: You want me to pee on her leg, right?
N: What?! NO!!
J: Do you want me to do chest compressions?
N: No, I need you breathe into her mouth... what are you doing now?
J: Taking a breath mint.
N: That's sweet!
J: I know it's sweet, do you want one?
Nat shakes her head and finally gets Jake to breathe into Cina's mouth. Cina comes around.
C: Thought I died and went to heaven.
J: I was just about to say to Nat to call heaven I think an angel's missing.
N: Aw, isn't he sweet!
J: (to Cina) Do you want a breath mint? They're really sweet!
And that is how you save a life, JakeG style!
^^ LOL!! Excellent. :D
Hey, I could DEFINITELY need some CPR too! I don't know if it would help though, because I'm so totally dead..
What is Jake doing to me?!
Jake was great on TRL! That's definitely his milieu. I love how he just makes up an answer when he's asked a question!
Oh, and he looked SO good! You know, Jake is much better looking - and much more likeable - than any of the characters he plays.
One fan asked a good question, what movie did he like with a character he'd like to have played. He said "Half Nelson." (That was a serious answer.) Gotta add it to my Netflix queue.
MTV had some live Jake moments in the preceding show. I caught a couple. Cute!
"Half Nelson" was a really good movie! What a good response from Jake....*sigh*
i LOVED half nelson and ryan gosling in it, and was so excited when maggie said she did too... and now jake! eek! dunno why, but that makes me happy.
Anon 12:08 - that was hysterical!
The only problem being...that would kill an agent all over again!
(Right, Cina?)
Oh, Cina, you lucky girl! Mouth to mouth from Jake! And he's flirting with you! Ooops, there goes Cina again!!
I just watched a video clip of Jake's entire TRL performance on Just Jared. He was all giggly when the girls were going "awwww.." They adore him. And he likes it! LOL!!!!
Jake is a pure delight!He worked really well with their host, too. The guy was nervous and totally crushin' on Jakey!
Squeeeee! I can't wait until Cnan...then I have to set the alarm to get up early so I can watch him again. Somehow, we have to hoard these video clips so we can ration them out during the lonnnnng spell of Jakelessness. We'll need lots of screen caps too.
Sat 3/10
10:00 AM Bubble Boy 65 COMEDY CENTRAL
description: A teen (Jake Gyllenhaal) in a special suit embarks on a cross-country trip to stop the girl (Marley Shelton) he loves from getting married.
rating: TV-PG
duration: 120 min
^ For anyone that has yet to see this comedy. Doing what I can to shrink those numbers!
Wed 2/28
7:00 AM "Good Morning America" ABC
description: Actor Jake Gyllenhaal; Mat Kearney performs; Internet video of the week.
Sat 3/10
2:36 AM Entertainers 8 WTNH
(this is a local station you would need to check your listings if as to if the carry this program "Entertainers")
description: Actress Sandra Bullock; actor Samuel L. Jackson; actor Billy Bob Thornton; actress Carmen Electra; actor Jake Gyllenhaal; actress Eva Mendez.
duration: 54 min
Jake was adorable on TRL!!
In the sequel, Jake inadvertently loses his chewing gum during the mouth-to-mouth on Cina, and it gets stuck in her windpipe. . . .
You could tell those giggly girls (and Luis, who calls in and nearly faints!) weren't JW agents because they were so totally not cool.
However, I would be totally so not cool if Jake sat next to me, I would drop dead. And if he performed mouth-to-mouth on me (oh god!) I would totally die again.
Jake... holding the microphone... in. his.lap.
totally dies. (again)
12:08 AM here, for fear I may have inadvertently killed off poor Cina let's clarify on something...
Breath Mint - think Tic Tac! Not chewing gum.
What flavour? Your choice! :)
Will wait for Conan recap. Now I know why I rarely watch Conan. First, he comes on too late. Second, he not only not that funny, he's obnoxious and he gets on my nerves. The exception to all this is that Jake is delightful when he's on Conan. Totally.
Jake on Conan:
I'm not quite alert enough to be witty, all I can say is that Jake was ADORABLE on Conan! Lots of giggling and hand gesturing.
Jake was in modern dance in high school; he accidentally kicked a poisonous toad while in Morocco and feared he would be affected somehow someway; Jake watched the Oscars.
If I had known Number 6 was not going to do a recap, I would have been ready to step up to the plate. Not all of us are employed, you know.
more Jake on Conan:
he's changed Ramona's diaper exactly ONCE..... and once was enough for him ( he has a low gag reflex)..... says he won't do that again until he has his own kid. Pretty cute!
In the sequel, Jake inadvertently loses his chewing gum during the mouth-to-mouth on Cina, and it gets stuck in her windpipe. . . .
....but he manages to save me and nurtures me back to life in his house in LA where we end up living happily ever after. ;p
And anon 12:08 - LMAO!! I LOVED THAT SCENARIO! Jake calling me an angel..? Oh be still my heart...! You see why we end up happily ever after, right? LOL
I loved him describing how he almost changed Ramona's diaper!!!
Gag reflex!!! Fear of toads and scorpions! Jake sounds like he's high maintenance! LOL!! His suit tonight was a light grey. He left before Lance came on. Wonder what's up with that. Sure liked the way he sat back in that chair. Couldn't keep my eyes off his....legs. Did it look like he got a teensy trim? His hair looked a tiny bit shorter on the sides. I hate this longer look. Too long and gooped up. I like him
au naturel!
Oh God, I loved his gag-reflex on Conan. Do I need help or what? LOL
Oh. And the anecdote about high school modern dance. "There were all these girls...and they needed a guy..." Jake, under all that politesse, all that affability,all that sweetness, are you a bit of a hound?
even celebrities, even extremely smoking hot celebrities should iron their shirts. or if they forget, they shouldn't let the paps make photos
Iron his shirt?!?! Are you kidding?? That's the new style!
That gray suit on Conan is absolutely beautiful. Jake looked wonderful in it. Beautiful shirt too. How classy. But sitting in that chair, in those fitting pants, showing those tight muscles ... could not help but thinking how he looks ... under that suit ... sigh! He is sooo sexy.
There is nothing up with leaving before Lance came up, I doubt they choose when to enter or exit the stage. Besides, Jake cheered when Conan said next would be Lance.
right now at the library, i cannot watch the trl and conan videos :-(( i am dying to get home and click the "play" button, of course.
i can tell you right now, i am soooo excited, how jake's further career will go. what project will he sign on next? i'm over the moon in expectations like that.
and didnt he once say he might write a book? i would buy/order it the day it was published. he'd make an excellent writer, i know he's got this capability and just needs to release it.
he is such a thoughtful, witty man, interested in politics and philosphy, arts and the human race that he's totally my taste.
one last thing in this gushing comment: has he been asked the dragging question on trl or conan whether he's currently single or dating?
that's it for now. more when jake week is over. i might write and overall essay by the weekend giving my personal summary of the jake week. :-))
And the word for today is... TOTALLY!
and didnt he once say he might write a book? i would buy/order it the day it was published. he'd make an excellent writer, i know he's got this capability and just needs to release it.
OMG, some 300 pages of Gyllenbaffle! Definitely Pulitzer prize material.... ;p
I left work a bit early and saw Jake ariving for TRL, but it was from across the street and he did wave at us! Security/cops were being a bitch and I really didn't feel like pushing through the crowds which included autograph hounds which i despise. I did see some lucky girls managing to get close to him though! I also realized a saw Ally from IHJ, i recognized her after I saw the pics from his appearence on TRL on Getty and Wireimages! I also read on IHJ that she spoke to him, I was so happy for her! She works so hard on that site.
Anyway Conan was a bust as well since I learned that he entered the studio underground. I tell ya, i'm not up for this stuff anymore! Too old and my back is killing me just from standing around for that little time. GMA was pointless, too early and TDS, it tapes at 5:30, maybe but I think that i will probably leave the stalking to the young folks this time around!!
PS: I loved his appearence on TRL, he seemed relaxed and was having so much fun! Not a fan of Conan, but Jake made it worth it! He is so naturally funny that I have a hard time believeing that he has done only one comedy!
ugh, i can't believe i fell asleep and missed jake on conan! now i probably have to wait a couple days before i have time to download the epi :(.
can you believe it, i woke up when it finished! so i caught the mostly boring lance interview-- where he came off a bit arrogant, unfortunately. apparently, conan intro'd him as "one of" the greatest cyclists in history rather than "the" greatest, and lance thought it appropriate to correct him! he even used jake to bring home his point, by mentioning that jake was mad when he heard conan describe lance like that during the monologue when jake was backstage. i mean, really? get off yourself. his foundation is amazing, but as a person? bleh.
anyway, i caught gma this morning to make up for my conan miss last night-- and it was brief but great. jake was funny and a little giggly, but as is typical, a bit more calm/focused/to the point in morning interviews (usu. female hosts) than in the late night circuit. diane was seriously gushing over jake's snl dreamgirls performance. so cute! funniest part: jake joking about gwyneth's sideswept hairdo, and how it was beautiful (agreed) but had the effect of making him tilt his head in response. then diane did it too! haha, so funny.
Jake wore a navy, pin-striped suit with a light-blue/white shirt and no tie. (Brown shoes??) The Jake Tongue made an appearance at least twice. Again, giggly and adorable. I gotta get out my thesaurus and find more words to describe Our Jake in addition to: gorgeous, smokin' hot, cute, adorable, beautiful, etc.
I am feeling high - not from poisonous toad skin, but from all of Jake's appearances. And they aren't over yet! PLUS the movie comes out... - yes - The Day After Tomorrow!!
p.s. Jake has such a good gag reflex that I don't think we need to worry about him inhaling a tic tac, breath mint or gum.
"J: You want me to pee on her leg, right?
N: What?! NO!!
J: Do you want me to do chest compressions?
N: No, I need you breathe into her mouth... what are you doing now?"
No chest compressions!? Ahem, excuse me but I'm all for Jake's hands and lovely long fingers all over my chest! Jake is so talented he can compress AND breathe into someone's mouth (hopefully mine) at the same time.
interesting analysis of this weekend's box office predictions here: http://www.comingsoon.net/
sad, but they're prolly right about that silly wild hogs movie taking #1, esp if the recent past is an indication of mainstream tastes (norbit? ghost rider? ugh!).
american agents, let's make the skeptics eat their words, rally around jake, and give zodiac a damn good opening weekend!
Number Six has to get up too early in the morning to stay up that late
Number 6 is human then?...
and i would too like to have a cpr performed by jake... perhaps during the zodiac premiere we could make a group thud right in front of him, hmmmm? he is such a gentleman, he surely will want to help, no?
From all reports, I think we have to assign a serious Back Away From My Man number to Diane Sawyer.
I'd put her under surveillance anytime Jake is in NYC. On Conan, did anyone else notice the way Jake was sort of rubbng his thighs?
Did anyone think to ask Ally from IHJ what Jake smelled like??? I mean, finally someone was close enuf to find out!!!!!!!!!!
celebrity nation has some pictures of Jake with more people that aren't us...walking around the meatpacking district with some tall blonde - tell me she's an agent?
(You have to scroll down to get to the Out and About picture post. You'll scroll past an idiotic blurb about how Mark Wahlberg turned down BBM because he read the script and it "creeped him out." Jerk.)
veevee, the woman in the first picture, on jake's left, the brunette, is definitely one of his pr persons. i don't know the blonde though (how could i anyway... lol). but she's frankly too old for him and they don't look to be romantically involved at all. but still, blonde, back away!!! ;-) tell ya!
The blond woman to his left is probably an assistant or PR-person or something. But the brunette on his right in the first picture... Isn't that Greta Caruso??
Sorry, I mixed up left and right. The brunette on OUR right (Jake's left) it is...
no, i'd say the brunette, aside from being around the same age, and having a similar sunny demeanor, doesn't seem to be greta caruso, who has a rounder face. is she even with them?
the stylish blonde woman does seem an older industry rep-type...
On a closer look I don't think she's even with them, no. Your right smurfette, it's probably not her.
Whoever they are...back away from our man! :-)
The brunette in the picture is the same one that was with Jake at the Bafta's, I think she is PA, so yeah she is with them. Some of the girls over at IHJ said that Jake left TRL and two bruneetes got in the Limo with him, don't know who the second brunette was but I assume that one of them was this brunette.
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