...but there is
too much Jake and just too little time! Plus, these pictures aren't interesting
at all but it's been so long since we had pap pics they just had to be posted. Had to! And what pains me is that we all know with one hand the Big G giveth and then soon, with the other, he shall taketh away.
Pics from
I know exactly where that is!!! I was there over Thanksgiving. It's not far from Pastis and those stores are unbelievable!!! They are so expensive they boggle the mind!! At least mine was boggled. I mean, I was in one store looking at a teensy sweater that was retailing for $6,800!! My car didn't cost that much...used! These look like they were taken before TRL, bcz Jake seems to be wearing he same thing as when he left TRL. I'm glad he's been in NYC essentially under he radar for several days going to plays, hanging out and relaxing. Wonder where he went after taping Conan. He sure didn't hang around. Jake is being both accessible and elusive. Such a tease!!!!!!!!
I love those clothes on him, especially the sweater. He looks really good in dark blue. *sigh*
Blue IS his color!
I remember that place, too, Anon...although I was to itimidated to go inside and even look at the clothing. Yikes.
There is so much Jake, it's a bit dizzying. Boy are we all going to slump into depression after this week is over after so much Jake-ness...
I don't even want to think about the withdrawal symptoms this Jake overdose is going to cause once it's over... :(
Is that third pic some sort of back away from my man situation? There seems to be some sort of communication going on there.
I don't even want to think about the withdrawal symptoms this Jake overdose is going to cause once it's over... :(
I know *Guh*
I'm sure IHJ has these (haven't had a chance to look yet), but JustJared has some hilarious screen captures of Jake's modern dance interpretive moves!
I think the tall blonde is connected with Zodiac and the shorter brunette is Jake's PA or his publicist. I'd have to agree that this does look like a before TRL shot. If they were going to Pastis, for brunch/lunch ahead of time it makes sense.
I'm not feelin' the long hair. I guess it's for the movie he's working on, but I just don't like it. Too goopy and too long in back, too poofy and it actually makes him look shorter and heavier and he isn't. I think it also bothers me bcz it makes him look younger, especially without so much scruff. It reminds me of when my mother used to wear her hair like a "helmet." I usually like Jake's hair longer, but this is going too far!! He's still gorgeous and I love him, but that's how I feel.
I for one LOVE his hair like this! I think it's super super hot! :)
I do too; he has beautiful hair and should show it off! I've never seen a bad hairstyle on him, even none at all looks good. He's one of the best looking men on the planet. Kinda makes me wonder what he'd look like with really long hair circa 1960s - a revival of HAIR anyone? :-)
i think, when jake g. is walking right next to you you don't walk with your arms crossed! that is just not appropriate when god is right next to you.
I am LOVING his hair, too. Absolutely gorgeous...I could use a slight bit more Gyllenstubble (though not the full Gyllenwolf!)
I love his stubble too - I say go for Gyllenwulf! :-)
Anon 8:12: "one of the best looking men on the planet" ???
I'm speechless.
Fri 3/2
7:00 AM "The Early Show" (CBS)
description: Gardening; actor Jake Gyllenhaal.
duration: 120 min
Sat 3/3
7:00 AM "Today" (NBC)
description: Actor Jake Gyllenhaal; what to wear with jeans; mood foods.
duration: 120 min
Mon 3/12
7:30 PM "The Day After Tomorrow" (FX Channel)
description: A climatologist (Dennis Quaid) tries to locate his son (Jake Gyllenhaal) after global warming leads to worldwide natural disasters.
rating: TV-14
duration: 150 min
Sat 3/3
11:30 PM Saturday Night Live (Repeat) (NBC)
description: Host Jake Gyllenhaal; the Shins perform.
rating: TV-14
duration: 91 min
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