Thursday, December 28, 2006


An early morning fire Wednesday at Manka's Inverness Lodge, apparently triggered when a tree crashed into the back of the structure, destroyed the main building and its world-famous restaurant where Prince Charles dined last year.

Academy Award-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal and his sister, actress Maggie Gyllenhaal, who vacationed there frequently, were among the dozen or so guests forced to flee into the wind and rain at about 3 a.m. No injuries were reported, but several dozen employees may be out of work.

"From my perspective, it looks like a total loss of the main lodge and the restaurant," said Marin County Fire Department Battalion Chief Mike Giannini.
None of the actors were available for comment. But Daniel DeLong, a co-chef/owner with his partner, Margaret Grad}, said they were helpful and concerned about the historic lodge.
"Jake was helping me pull things out of the fire," DeLong said.


You got yourself caught in a fire? Are you kidding me! And then you went back in to pull out old crap! We can buy new old crap, Jake! Did those Smokey the Elephant infomercials teach you nothing? What am I supposed to do? My nerves, Jake! Do you never consider my nerves!

Great, now I have to go and get Prophecy Girl from the research facility in Greenland so we can assess the damage. I'm going to need an eyebrow singe report ASAP.

Photo Marin IJ/Robert Tong.

UPDATE: Poppa Gyllenhaal says "the family's great", that it was "quite an adventure", but that they're all "totally fine".


Anonymous said...

OMG Brits you're kidding me!!

Bloody hell - thank God they're all right.

And Jake's in the UK for the New Year??

A very shocked Kate

Anonymous said...

Glad they are all alright. And let's not dwell on what MIGHT have happened...

Anonymous said...

^^Got muddled by the Inverness and Prince Charles ref - not in the UK at all. Silly me.

Maybe next year Jake?

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back BPB. See what happens when you go away. Jake just can't be trusted to take good care of himself. He forgot all of his Smoky the Bear training.
Lesson #2. CALL FIRE DEPT.

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd remind every one out there in case this happens again.

veeveevee said...

Saw this last night and was very stressed!

But you DID mention that you wouldn't be back unless "something really exciting happens."

Jake is nothing, if not accomodating! :-)

cina said...

Oh Jake is such a drama queen isn't he... ;)

All jokes aside, thank god nobody was hurt in the fire, and god bless Jake for helping out. My concern is that if Maggie was there, little Ramona is likely to have been there too. Sweet Jesus, it gives me the creeps to think about what could have happened! But thankfully it didn't. *sighs from relief*

Anonymous said...

My Google alert had a reference to more info from some craigslist thing saying Naomi was also there, so it sounds as if it was a family holiday outing. Apparently the restaurant is a "foodie's heaven" as are a number of places out that way. So glad everyone got out safely!!! Whew! Jake, sweetie,
TDAT was a movie. Stay out of the path of killer storms and falling trees...and most importantly,never run towards away from fire. OK? Salvaging deer antlers from a burning lodge is not what I want to remember you for.

Becky Heineke said...

HE WAS IN A FIRE?!? That's pretty much all I can come up with to say on the matter.

Anonymous said...

I hope his new cashmere socks didn't burn up!

Anonymous said...

Well Jake, as much as I love your heroics, this world could not do without from now on..don't go into burning buildings okay?
agent H

Nothing Really Matters said...

I’m sure there was minimum singeing

britpopbaby said...

I guess he went back in to save the antique moose head but like I said, material objects can be replaced; your eyebrows cannot - especially not in time for award season.

cina said...

Now that the first shock has subsided, I'm just dying to see pictures of a sweaty, sooty, smudgy Jake.



Wet For Went said...

smurfeyshmoo, a Fire Dept Calendar...OMG...

Anonymous said...

my first thought after i saw your previous post was that there is going to happen something exciting

that's what happens when the agents take a break and stop having an eye on him. LOL

Now that the first shock has subsided, I'm just dying to see pictures of a sweaty, sooty, smudgy Jake.

*thud* indeed, Cina

and Brits, are we gonna see your pics in a hessian dress or whatever it was? with birch twigs?

veeveevee said...

^^yep, in Marin County outside of SF.

Now that we know everyone is safe, I agree with you Cina, I'd love to see a sweaty, sooty, heroic, smudgy Jake. Maybe he can be a fireman in his next movie after Rendition?

Let me rephrase that...maybe he can be a fireman obsessed with cleanliness, who must lather and scrub himself clean at the tiniest hint of a fire? Oh yeah, and who lives at the beach and plays a lot of shirtless sand volleyball.

Anonymous said...

OK, Jake. Your a young man in your prime and I know how reckless and wild you can be. I really, really hate to say this, but I have to. No more cycling, surfing, airplane rides, driving your own car, sleeping in rustic lodges, being anywhere there's bad weather,and that means staying out of high winds, rain, sleet, snow, ice and...probably sun (bcz of the UV rays). I think you should probably stay way from kitchens, too. There are sharp knives in kitchens and gas stove burners and boiling water and hot grease. And you probably need to not be in restaurants, because you could get food poisoning and be sick. In fact, I think you need to not be in California bcz of earthquakes. And you need to not be in boats, or even by the sea, because of tidal waves and sharks. Argh! New York's no good either. There are man-eating rodents in New York who are bigger than Boo. I think you should stay at my house where you'll be safe.

Anonymous said...

Wow, glad everyone is okay. Yikes! Although it was a very risky thing to do, it was very brave of Jake to try and help out. He just can't do it again, lol.

Also, Frances McDormand and Ethan Cohen were there too.

Anonymous said...

^^^^ Joel Coen. Ethan is his brother. Would be a big OOPS if Frances was caught at Manka's with Ethan eh?

Anonymous said...

a sweaty, sooty, heroic, smudgy Jake. Maybe he can be a fireman in his next movie after Rendition?

of yeaaaaahhhh. i so like the thought of jake as a big dtrong hero *drool* like that or even better, like that

i bet jake'd look much much better. and then after a heroic action with with his huge hose *shudder* he would be all sooty grimy and sweaty *sigh* and would have to take a long shower, and then he would be driiping wet and naked. *whimper*

Anonymous said...

Are they sure it was a tree that fell through the roof??? Could it have been a plane engine???

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry 8:09 PM, had the wrong Coen brother and I misspelled the his last name before....oy, lol. ;) Love the Coens and Frances McD.

Anonymous said...

So glad to read that Jake's safe after the building was evacuated. (So glad for any news at all of Jake, really -- I didn't think we'd hear anything about him for a couple weeks or so.) Isn't it so very like him to try to lend a helping hand? Sigh. I try not think about him, since it's hopeless -- but then he goes & does something like this, and I'm back to admiring him again.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me the fire did not damage a hair on that beautiful man...

Anonymous said...

Oh good gravy I think I just about had a stroke from imagining Jake Gyllenhaal in his boxers all smooty and lifting puppies out from underneath burning boards.

oh good gravy it's contagious. tommorow morning world will be full of half crazy ppl going around with a loony grin imagining half naked sooty sweaty adorable wet heroic jake. LOL

Anonymous said...

perhaps he was in boxers and The Shirt That Deserves To Be Spelled With Capital Letters... sigh

Anonymous said...

and in socks ;P

veeveevee said...

^^ But, of course, socks! ;-)

Sam said...

OH MY GOD. I have just pulled my hand from my mouth just to type. i checked my google alerts and there was like fifty billion. I cant beleive this!!! thank GOD they r ok...i hope ramona wasnt with them!

Sam said...

ok now im slghtly more calm, and ive read all the google alerts. Its JUST occured (thanks to your comments guys) to me thatat that time he was probly in his PJ's... Oh my. And it also probably means they lost all their clothes and belongings (which really sucks) But wouldnt u like to be the lucky neighbour who brought him in for a nice cup of tea and some clothes...

No but really this is horrible. And i agree when i read brits last post about somethig 'exciting' happening i actually had a funny feeling in my tummy. funny how things work hey. Im really just glad everyone is ok

*dreams about jake in boxers saving the world'

They should make this into a movie. imagine how HOT tha would be! Argh!

Anonymous said...

Another report said:

"Yesterday's news that fire had destroyed Manka's Inverness Lodge
must have come as a particular shock to members of the Gyllenhaal clan, who stayed there during the Christmas weekend. Their party included brother Jake, sister Maggie, her fiance, Peter Sarsgaard,
baby daughter Ramona and grandparents."

Yeah, I guess it did. So they weren't all still there? Just Jake and Maggie? Without Ramona and Peter? Need an Inspector on this one. . . .

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't Ramona be where Maggie is? She's nursing.

Anonymous said...

dottieb said:
Their party included brother Jake, sister Maggie, her fiance, Peter Sarsgaard,
baby daughter Ramona and grandparents."

Yeah, I guess it did. So they weren't all still there? Just Jake and Maggie? Without Ramona and Peter? Need an Inspector on this one. . . .

I read that as all of them being there.

Anonymous said...

"They weren't dressed to come out,"

ooh missus, jake having to run out of bed in the middle of the night, pleeease someone must have it on video

~runs off to search on

Anonymous said...

"They weren't dressed to come out,"

ooh missus, jake having to run out of bed in the middle of the night, pleeease someone must have it on video

~runs off to search on

Anonymous said...

why did that post twice? eh? eh?

Weirdland said...

ooh missus, jake having to run out of bed in the middle of the night, pleeease someone must have it on video

It was posted twice, cause you were prolly very anxious in search for the video, haha, now seriously, what the heck?? Usually words JAKE and FIRE are bound like tooth and nail, but what kind of weird christmas are they? Jake always in danger scenarios, and us watchers always afraid to lose our boy, damn!

Anonymous said...

Thank G-d that that everyone is safe, how scary for them.

Anonymous said...

Well, Defamer has an update with a Maggie, Peter, Ramona, Naomi (who apparently, from a post at DC, lost her jewelry in the fire..which sucks) sighting after the fire. They all seemed fine, but no Jake. :(

We know many of you are concerned about the legitimately scary turn of events that saw a tree fall on, then start a fire in, Manka's Inverness Lodge in Marin County (pictured), forcing the early morning evacuation of its guests--among them Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal and Frances McDormand and Joel Coen. Well, thanks to a Defamer operative in the vicinity, we can now report that Maggie and family have emerged unscathed, with sandwich-eating appetites intact:

Maggie Gyllenhaal, Pater Sarsgaard, their cute baby and Maggie's mom (I'm guessing) were all eating sandwiches at the Cowgirl Creamery in Point Reyes Station around 2pm this afternoon. They looked like Marin Country natives in fleeces and hiking boots. Must have been recovering from the Manka's fire (damn shame; I spent my honeymoon there and the food was amazing). No Jake in sight. Maggie was complaining about how cold it was and Peter was taking pictures of the baby.
We're in the dark about Jake's whereabouts--he could well still have been at the fire site, doing his menschly duty by helping Manka's chef and co-owner Daniel DeLong sift through the charred rubble. Alternately, he might be running for his life in his boxer shorts down a dirt road from a throng of female and Jake-friendly Bay Area vacationers and locals, waving autograph books in hand and screaming about how much extra bed space they have at their place.

Also, here is Defamer's first report:

Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal, along with Frances McDormand and husband Joel Coen, were slumbering at a Marin County inn when a tree crashed into it early yesterday morning, igniting a fire and sending its guests--both celebrity and non--fleeing for their lives. Reports the Marin Independent Journal:

An early morning fire Wednesday at Manka's Inverness Lodge, apparently triggered when a tree crashed into the back of the structure, destroyed the main building and its world-famous restaurant where Prince Charles dined last year.
Academy Award-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal and his sister, actress Maggie Gyllenhaal, who vacationed there frequently, were among the dozen or so guests forced to flee into the wind and rain at about 3 a.m. No injuries were reported, but several dozen employees may be out of work.

"From my perspective, it looks like a total loss of the main lodge and the restaurant," said Marin County Fire Department Battalion Chief Mike Giannini.

None of the actors were available for comment. But Daniel DeLong, a co-chef/owner with his partner, Margaret Grad, said they were helpful and concerned about the historic lodge.
"Jake was helping me pull things out of the fire," DeLong said. [...]

DeLong said they were coming off a great Christmas where he cooked grits for not only the Gyllenhaals, but actress Frances McDormand and her husband Joel Cohen, a filmmaker whose credits include "Fargo," "The Big Lebowski" and "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

It's a sad turn of events for the inn owners, who may be able to rebuild, but who have now suffered irreparable damage to the "secret A-list celebrity hideaway" status they have enjoyed for years. Still, we were hardly surprised to hear Señor Dreammuffin, aka Jake, selflessly put himself in harm's way to help out his hosts, even if it might have been mildly guilt-induced after Fire Department Battalion Chief Giannini trotted up to the lodge-owners holding up a scorched cashmere sock in one hand and the charcoal remnants of a wooden garden chime in another, saying, "Here's your problem right here, see."

Also, from People.

Jake Gyllenhaal battled hurricanes and tidal waves in The Day After Tomorrow, but on Wednesday he faced a real-life natural disaster: A fire at the California hotel where he was vacationing with his family.

Gyllenhaal, 26, and his actress sister Maggie, 29, were among the guests forced to flee Manka's Inverness Lodge in the San Francisco Bay area when the two-story wooden inn caught fire around 2:30 a.m. Wednesday, the Marin Independent Journal reports.

"Jake was helping me pull things out of the fire," Daniel DeLong, a chef and co-owner of the historic lodge where the actors had often vacationed, told the Journal.

The blaze apparently started after a tree crashed into the back of the building near a water heater. "It was during a very high windstorm and a tree came down. The cause of the actual fire has not been determined at this point, but it totally destroyed the lodge," Kaaren Gann, a spokeswoman for the Iverness Fire Dept, told PEOPLE.

Eight people were believed to have been upstairs in the lodge when the fire broke out, while others were staying in cabins scattered throughout the property, Gann said. Only the lodge burned down, and no one was injured.

The inn and its restaurant were known as a place where A-listers could unwind in a relaxed environment: Prince Charles dined there last year, and DeLong told the Journal that over Christmas he'd cooked grits for the Gyllenhaals as well as actress Frances McDormand and her husband, filmmaker Joel Cohen.

"We just do what we do," he said.

Anonymous said...

We're in the dark about Jake's whereabouts--he could well still have been at the fire site, doing his menschly duty by helping Manka's chef and co-owner Daniel DeLong sift through the charred rubble. Alternately, he might be running for his life in his boxer shorts down a dirt road from a throng of female

and which is more likely, eh?

Anonymous said...

Re:the comment that JW is closed unless smth excititng hapens

the only time i said thtat i'm leaving for a week and please don't contact me unless smth happens:

-my flat got flooded from a broken pipe
-my alarm was ringing 2 nights in a row until it died and the neighbours were ready to skin me alive
-my cat pulled smth in her paw

so from then on i never say such things. it brings bad luck

cina said...

Oh dear, even Swedish newspapers have reports on the fire! LOL

"Gyllenhaal siblings fled fire" it says.

it's in swedish, but still..

Anonymous said...

Skådespelarsyskonen bodde i den lyxiga stugbyn Manka's Inverness, vars huvudbyggnad fattade eld när ett fallande träd skadade en varmvattenberedare.

so many soo looong words in swedish LOL

cina said...

Hahaha, you're absolutely right! I dare you to pronounce them... ;)

Anonymous said...

Bloody hell - take your eye of him for 5 minutes and he turns into firefighter!Jake.

In all seriousness, how frightening must that have been, thank goodness it seems no one was hurt.

britpopbaby said...

Main post updated with quote from Poppa via Cantara.

cina said...

Good to hear they're all fine! Nice of Cantara to let you know. I take it she e-mailed you?

Anonymous said...

The responses to this are just hilarious - thanks for making me laugh, guys... Happy New Year to everybody!
Marin County is north of San Fran, I believe, and was the home of one David Fincher for a while.

CelebrityFox girl - Hi there, you look familiar... ;oD

Anonymous said...

Funny. I've read about Jake and Maggie and Peter and Ramona and Moma in the past 24 hours, but no mention of SG being there. Guess he's not as recognizeable?

britpopbaby said...

The whole family were there.

Anonymous said...

LMAO 7:39pm

Now I've recovered from the shock and heart-rate is beating normally, I reckon that Jake was going out for a late night snack in his boxers trying to sneak into the kitchens when he was discovered by a female member of staff who screamed and spontaneously combusted which lead to the blaze ......

On a serious note - good wishes and a little prayer of thanks go out to the staff and firemen who were the real heros. As a community, they will rebuild the Manka's Inverness Lodge :-)

Anonymous said...

I still think they need to check that debris for a damned plane engine! Especially since the local residents have actually SEEN a giant grey rabbit cavorting in the woods. And I sincerely hope someone will tell Defamer that if they are conjuring up images of a frantic Jake trying to outrun his pursuers in his underwear, I would hope he's wearing boxer briefs not boxers per se.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! WOW!!! I seclude myself from the world for THREE FREAKING DAYS on a stupid family vacation and THIS happens!!!

OMGGGG. If Maggie or Jake or Ramona or Poppa got hurt...God.

But that is SOOO hot that Jake went all Oh-My-Hero. He was definetely the PERFECT role for Swoff. Jake: That is really incredibly sexy that you were helping out the firefighters, but next time, just make sure it's someone ELSE's ass on the line, k?? I like yours too much to have it on the line.

Anonymous said...

"Alternately, he might be running for his life in his boxer shorts down a dirt road from a throng of female and Jake-friendly Bay Area vacationers and locals, waving autograph books in hand and screaming about how much extra bed space they have at their place."

LOL. Defamer is very, very wise indeed.
Maybe Jake should have been in World Trade Center with Maggie...hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

girls, never more take a freaking break, ok?

It´s necessary to keep eyes on him because, it was proved, Jake is very very HOT...


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy everyone is safe especially our hero Jake.

Two things I have a problem with; 1- Jake why would you go back into a burning building to help others?
2- Jake why would you go on holiday vacation with Maggie?

Jake I swear...I'll be yours one day!

Anonymous said...

Ok ok I know why you help others because that's the kind of person you are. You're one of the very last good guys.

And yes, I know you weren't there alone with your sister, but I'm jealous I wasn't there with you. I am also very concerned about you.

ATD said...

Main post updated with quote from Poppa via Cantara.

Good to hear but I do hope that this quote has been authorised, couldn’t be doing with all that fuss again. Once bitten, twice shy.

Anonymous said...

I wish the G-man would tone down his boy-scout impulses.

His welfare is way more important to his family, friends, and fans than salvaging a few nic-nacs!

What a sweet guy!


Anonymous said...

Jake is just an angel.