PG and me, myself and I would like to conduct the biggest Jake fan survey EVER. Why? We frickin' love making pie charts and bar graphs! So we're going to start here and also going hopefully lobby DC Forum, IHJ, WFT and everywhere else to make this happen - can you feel the unity? Can we say 'comphrehensive'? I'm not saying anything is going anywhere but who knows? Maybe we'll put it in Jake's Christmas card and he can go, 'Wow, someone in Guam digs me'. Ya down?
So, either post your answers in the comments below or email them to or and wait for the magic to happen! After three, everyone say 'Demographic!'
Copy and paste, baby.
Section 1: Personal Details
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:
Favourite Film:
Favourite Character:
Favourite Cause:
Greatest Achievement:
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:
2nd Preference:
Service Type:
Par example using britpopbaby's most intimate details:
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: UK. (Just need a country here).
Age: 23. (If you don't want to give your actual age you may use a band i.e 45-50).
Sex: Yes please! Ha, got ya, okay, female.
Profession: Public Servant. Again, be as precise or as vague as you want but some indication would be interesting.
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2002
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko (ONE only, sorry!)
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko (again, ONE only please!)
Favourite Cause: Rock The Vote (ONE only - choose from: Rock The Vote/College Summit/ ACLU/ NION/ Future Forests/ Livestrong - from more info about Jake's causes visit here.)
Greatest Achievement: Bafta Win. (please try and keep this answer short)
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch (the Jake-related site you visit most often/prefer)
2nd Preference: IHeartJake (ditto)
Frequency: Daily+ (catergories for this question are: daily/weekly/rarely. Daily+ means more than once a day. This can be in relation to how often you surf the internet in regards to Jake, not how many times you visit a certain site.)
Service Type: Broadband (broadband/dialup)
Some guidelines:
1. If you're going to answer the questionaire please complete ALL of it.
2. Keep answers as short as possible.
3. Either answer in the comments section or email. Don't do both!
4. Be precise where you can.
5. Please be 100% sure of you're answers and refrain from amending them or you'll confuse me otherwise, it's easily done. If you desperately want to change something get me or PG to delete your orginal answers so you can start again.
6. If you come across this posted anywhere else there is no need to do it again, just do it in one place.
7. If you have any desperate questions or queries regarding this questionaire, like 'Is it all part of some huge conspiracy?' then PLEASE email me about it, don't clog up the comments section, because this time it'll get deleted to make room for people's answers.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: North Carolina, US
Age: 45-55
Sex: Female
Profession: Administrative
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: October '06
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Future Forests
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Germany
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Profession: Lawyer´s assistant
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan cince: February ´04
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Rock the vote
Greatest Achievement: Oscar nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: Dave Cullen
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
London, Uk
Fan since nov 2005
Film: Donnie Darko
Charcter: Swoff
Cause: None,(Uk worthy?)
Achievement: Bafta win
every now and again
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: England
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Profession: Student - environmental sciences
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: October '05
Favourite film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite character: Jack Twist
Favourite cause: Rock The Vote
Greatest achievement: Bafta win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: I Heart Jake
2nd preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily+
Service type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Israel
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Profession: student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: NION
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: IheartJake
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: MD, US
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Profession: Went Watcher (OK so it's more like data entry extraoirdinaire)
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: Dec 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Definitely the BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: HAHA, you're not getting me with that one. It's a tie: Jake Watch AND Waiting for Toothy
2nd Preference: Those are the only 2 I visit
Frequency: If not Daily, definitely Weekly.
Service Type: Broadband
ection 1: Personal Details
Age:45 - 55
Profession:Office Worker
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:Feb 06
Favourite Film:Brokeback
Favourite Character:Jack Twist
Favourite Cause:Livestrong
Greatest Achievement:BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:JakeWatch
2nd Preference:IHeartJake
Service Type:Broadband
Make that 2nd website preference Dave Cullen.
Section 1: Personal Details
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:mars 06
Favourite Film:Jarhead
Favourite Character:Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause:Rock The Vote
Greatest Achievement:Oscar nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I heart Jake
Service Type:broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: US, NJ
Age: 45-55.
Sex: Twice a week! Oh, Female
Profession: Administrative
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2003
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko Favourite Character: Donnie Darko Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Bafta Win.
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IHeartJake
Frequency: Service Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Midwest U.S.
Age: 45 - 50
Sex: Female
Profession: PR/Marketing
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: late Fall, 05.
Favorite Film: Jarhead
Favorite Character: Swoff
Favorite Cause: Rock The Vote
Greatest Achievment: (keeping his temper around paps!) BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website Preference: JakeWatch
Second Preference: DC Forum
Frequency:(Wasn't that a movie?) Daily
Service: Broadband
HAHA, you're not getting me with that one. It's a tie: Jake Watch AND Waiting for Toothy
How did I know you'd be the first one to mess up my beautiful pie charts!!
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Minnesota, US
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Profession: Consultant
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2004
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jimmy Livingston
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: His performance in Brokeback
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: Daily++
Service Type: Broadband
heddaparsons - you're last two questions got messed up! What were they?
P.S. Woohoo! I love pie charts!
Oops! That's what I get for trying to be cute regarding the sex question!:
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: US, NJ
Age: 45-55.
Sex: Twice a week! Oh, Female
Profession: Administrative
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2003
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko Favourite Character: Donnie Darko Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Bafta Win.
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IHeartJake
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Spain.
Age: 32.
Sex: female.
Profession: Administrative assistant.
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2002
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Bafta
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Weird
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband: broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Sweden
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: Feb 06
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: Being a godfather
Greatest Achievement:BAFTA win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference:
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: New England, US
Age: 40-50
Sex: Female
Profession: Legal Asst./Paralegal
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: January 1 '06 - the day I saw Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause(s): Future Forests/Rock the Vote/ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination/BAFTA/HRC Equality Award
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Waiting for Toothy
2nd Preference: Jake Watch/I Heart Jake
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Dial-Up
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Utah, usa
Sex: with jake yes...female
Profession:Homemaker and I sell Lia Sophia Jewlery
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: I saw Jarhead
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain, amazing film
Favourite Character: I actually loved him in Proof..Hal was his name
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement:
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: Daily +
Service Type: DSL
BPB, how long will this survey be up? When will we know the results? Will there be a ceremony? Who will open "the envelope?" Will there be a special award category for the country with the most responders? Will Robert Downey Jr. be there to be a presenter? Will Jake's 'rents and his friends be there? Can we have a special table 23? What should I wear? We could have a virtual ceremony and all light candles at the proper time. I think Adam Levine and Maroon 5 should be the musical talent. Are they available? Maybe you would want to make a special private presentation to Jake personally in Malibu. Better weather.
Dammit I left out Greatest Acheievment...The Oscar Nomination
How did I know you'd be the first one to mess up my beautiful pie charts!!
LMAO. Brits, you know me well...
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: nyc
Age: 24
Sex: f
Profession: fashion/entertainment
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: '02
Favourite Film: jarhead
Favourite Character: jimmy livingston
Favourite Cause: future forests
Greatest Achievement: 2005 (jarhead & brokeback)
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: jakewatch
2nd Preference:
Frequency: daily
Service Type: broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: UK
Age: 40-50
Sex: f
Profession: investment banker
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: January 11, 2006
Favourite Film: BBM
Favourite Character: Pilot (Highway)
Favourite Cause: None
Greatest Achievement: Being born
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: WFT
2nd Preference: DC
Frequency: daily
Service Type: broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Sweden
Age: 34
Sex: Female
Profession: Medical secretary
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2002
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Holden Worther
Favourite Cause: NION
Greatest Achievement: Oscar nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
Dear GOD I hate having to choose!! *sigh* I have several favourite characters and films, but what the heck. This will have to do...
Choosing IS hard! I almost didn't complete the survey bcz I had to choose. But then I did.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Europe
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Profession: art / photography
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2004
Favourite Film: Proof
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Future forest
Greatest Achievement: quality of filmography
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: WFT
2nd Preference: JW / IHJ
Frequency: daily
Service Type: broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Profession:eternal student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:early 2006
Favourite Film:bbm
Favourite Character:jack twist
Favourite Cause:rock the vote
Greatest Achievement:bbm
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:jakewatch
2nd Preference:-
Service Type:braodband
haha, it's nice to know everybody's ages and locations
Jake big in Belgium?
I don't think so. As far as I know i'm his only belgian fan.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:2002
Favourite Film:Donnie Darko
Favourite Character:Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause:?
Greatest Achievement:Keeping us busy
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:Waiting for Toothy
2nd Preference:Jake Watch
Service Type:Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: PA, US
Age: 35
Sex: Female
Profession: Advertising
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2004
Favourite Film: Jarhead
Favourite Character: Swoff
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: Jake Weird
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Belgium
Age: 54
Sex: female
Profession: part-time volunteer at elementary school/housewife
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: October 2005
Favourite Film: Moonlight Mile
Favourite Character: Joe Nast
Favourite Cause: NION
Greatest Achievement: being the person he is.
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: Jake Weird
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband.
Dear GOD I hate having to choose!! *sigh* I have several favourite characters and films, but what the heck. This will have to do...
yeah that's tough, but i love voting, so that's the bright side ;) besides, for me it's easy - brokeback mountain brokeback mountain and forever brokeback mountain. not hard to choose then..
but perhaps i'm his only fan in poland. wouldn't that
be exciting ?
Section 1: Personal Details
Profession:Ofice Assistant
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:March 06
Favourite Film:Jarhead
Favourite Character:Swoff
Favourite Cause:Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement:Oscar Nom
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:JakeWatch
2nd Preference:IHeartJake
Service Type:Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Missouri, US
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Profession: Student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: February 2006
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Location: USA
Age: 40's
Sex: F
Profession: Animal Advocacy
Fan since: 1999
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Livestrong
Greatest Achievement: Yet to come
Website preference: IHJ (sorry!)
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Vienna, Austria
Age: 25
Sex: female
Profession: public administration
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: March 2006
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Rock The Vote
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: almost daily
Service Type: broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Germany
Age: 40-45
Sex: female
Profession: Referee at a fair company
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: September 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Livestrong
Greatest Achievement: Being himself
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: JW/ IHJ
2nd Preference: Fans Supreme -Robbie Williams
Frequency: daily+
Service Type: DSL
1: Personal Details
Location: Connecticut, US
Age: 40-50
Sex: F
Profession: Higher Ed
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: Dec. 28, 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Future Forests, ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Effecting discussion and change by his choice of roles
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: WFT
2nd Preference: JW
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:February 06
Favorite Film:Brokeback Mountain
Favorite Character:Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Livestrong
Greatest Achievement:BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:JakeWatch
2nd Preference:Jake Weird
Service Type:Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: California, USA
Age: 35+
Sex: Female
Profession: Software Engineer
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: Feb 2006
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: JakeWatch
2nd Preference: IHeartJake
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: UK
Age: 17
Sex: F
Profession: Student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: July 2005
Favourite Film: Proof
Favourite Character: Holden
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Doing a handstand in the middle of the Arctic.
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: WFT
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: every three hours
Service Type: Broadband baby.
roco said .....
Section 1:Personal details
Location: Pa., USA
Age: over 50
Sex: Male
Profession: Retail Security
Section 2: Jake details
Fan since: 1999
Fav Film: Brokeback Mountain
Fav Character: Jack Twist
Fav Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Being Jake
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
Second pref: DC
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Profession: Accountant
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Future Forests
Greatest Achievement: Bafta/ WHRC Equality Awardin
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Waiting For Toothy
2nd Preference: Jake Watch / I Heart Jake
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
"Greatest Achievement: Bafta/ WHRC Equality Awardin"
Greatest Achievement: Bafta/ WHRC Equality Award
lol... :)
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Sweden
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Profession: Chemical Engineering
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: BBM
Favourite Character: Joe Nast
Favourite Cause: Rock The Vote
Greatest Achievement: Bafta
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IheartJake
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Virginia, US
Age: 28
Sex: female
Profession: librarian
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 01/2006
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Oscar nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: JakeWatch
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: few times a week
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:2002
Favorite Film:Donnie Darko
Favorite Character:Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: Livestrong
Greatest Achievement:Oscar nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:JakeWatch
2nd Preference:Jake Weird
Service Type:Dial up
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Warren, Michigan, US
Age: 31
Sex: Female
Profession: Accounts Payable/Website Design
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: early 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: JakeWatch
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Boca Raton, FL, US
Age: 41
Sex: Female
Profession: Software Systems Analyst
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2001ish (Donnie Darko)
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA Best Leading Male Performance award
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: BetterMost
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Sweden
Age: 27
Sex: female
Profession: student (political science).
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: Dec 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: Future Forests
Greatest Achievement: the BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jakewatch
2nd Preference: iheartjake
Frequency: weekly
Service Type: broadband
Personal Details
Location: US
Age: 40-45
Sex: Female
Profession: Human Resources
Jake Details:
Fan since Jan 06
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Staying sane!
Internet details:
Website Preference: DC
2nd: Jakewatch
Frequency Daily
Service type: Broadband
Jan 05
Film: Brokeback Mountain
Character: Donnie Darko
Rock the vote
Choosing good roles (often with political intend = TDAT)
jakewatch / jakeweird
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: VA, USA
Age: 64
Sex: Not lately. Oh, Female!
Profession: Retired Federal service
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2006
Favourite Film: BBM
Favourite Character: Homer Hickam
Favourite Cause:ACLU
Greatest Achievement:Top billing above Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon in Midnight Mile
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:JW
2nd Preference:IHJ
Service Type:Dial-up
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: iceland, oh yeah
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Profession: student of comperative literature
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: since i first saw donnie darko
Favourite Film: donnie darko
Favourite Character: sworff
Favourite Cause: rock the vote
Greatest Achievement: bafa win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: when i possibly can
Service Type: Broadband
ps i really like you girls keep up the good work ;)
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Profession: Self-employed
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: Feb 06
Favourite Film: Jarhead
Favourite Character: Anthony Swofford
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IMDb
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: United States
Age: 50
Sex: Female
Profession: Researcher
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2001
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Livestrong
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: DSL
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: United States
Age: 48
Sex: Female
Profession: Retail
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: December, 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Future Forests
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomiation
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: JakeWatch
2nd Preference: IHeartJake
Frequency: weekly
Service Type: Dial-up
Par example using britpopbaby's most intimate details:
c'mon where are all the boys?
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Canada
Age: 34
Sex: F
Profession: Research/Education
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: UCLA
Greatest Achievement: Bafta/HRC/being himself
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Waiting for Toothy
2nd Preference: Dave Cullen
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
1:19 here - would like to add animal welfare to favourite cause question. Thanks.
I'm so happy we are getting such a great response with the survey! Is he not the most beautiful thing, both inside and out, that we have ever seen? *sigh*
Section 1: Personal Details
Age:Most likely the oldest at 62.
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:2005
Favourite Film:BBM
Favourite Character:
Jimmy Livingston
Favourite Cause:Future Forests
Greatest Achievement:BAFTA win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:JW
2nd Preference:IHJ
Service Type:Broadband
I am also a fan of Laurence Olivier, Jimmy Stewart, James Dean, and Montgomery Clift. They are all dead so I had to find a new alive screen idol, and I found Jake. He is in good company.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: New York, New York
Age: 20-something
Sex: Female
Profession: Attorney / Bitch-Goddess
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2001
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Birth
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: Iheartjake
Frequency: Weekly.
Service Type: DSL
He is definitely in good company, mpom. I believe he will be just as memorable. :-)
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Illinois, US
Age: 28
Sex: F
Profession: Student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 03/2006
(however I did admire his biceps in the Vanity Fair spread, 2004-ish)
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nom
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: every other day-ish
Service Type: DSL
Section 1: Personal Details
Profession:video editor/art director
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:2006
Favourite Film:donnie darko
Favourite Character:donnie darko
Favourite Cause:future forests
Greatest Achievement:bafta win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:jake watch
2nd Preference:IHeartJake
Service Type:broadband
I'm so impressed with what an international assortment we all are! LOL! JakeWatch Internationale!
I LOVE the internet. It make me feel cozy!
Section 1: Personal Details
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:Feb 2006
Favourite Film:BrokeBack Mountain
Favourite Character:Jack Twist
Favourite Cause:Kids, Youth, Poor, Elderly
Greatest Achievement:Competitive Dragonboating
Section 3: Internet Details
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency : Everyday
Service Type:Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Olympia, Washington, USA
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Profession: High School Student/Future Zoologist
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: The summer of 2006
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jimmy
Favourite Cause: Future Forests (and then Rock the Vote)
Jake's Greatest Achievement: Making huge impressions and being apart of great messages throughout all his movies!
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:
2nd Preference: Jake's IMDB
Frequency: Almost daily.
Service Type: Broadband?
P.S. I use to live in Guam when I was seven!! XD
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: US
Age: 45-55
Sex: Female
Profession: Administrative
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: January '05
Favorite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favorite Character: Joe Nast
Favorite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nom
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: IHJ
2nd preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Romania
Age: 24
Sex: female
Profession: engineer
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: Sept 2006
Favourite Film: Brokeback mountain
Favourite Character: Swoff
Favourite Cause: College Summit
Greatest Achievement: Oscar nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: iheartjake
Frequency: Dialy+
Service Type:broadband
n 1: Personal Details
Location: Australia
Age: 21
Sex: female
Profession: Hairdresser
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2002
Favourite Film: Jarhead
Favourite Character: Swoff
Favourite Cause: Livestrong
Greatest Achievement: Oscar nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I heart jake
Frequency: daily +
Service Type: Broadband
Oh Em us aussies must stick together!!! there obviously isnt many of us!
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Austria
Age: 33
Sex: female
Profession: University Administrative Employee
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2006
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Future Forests
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: IHeartJake
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: daily
Service Type: ? (I have the internet in my office) ;)
I just have to say that reading all these replies has made me realize how much I love the name "Jack Twist". It's just the coolest name! Annie Proulx is a genius for coming up with that name.
I have to say it again.
Jack Twist. YEAH! :-)
"Jack Twist". It's just the coolest name! Annie Proulx is a genius for coming up with that name.
Cina, I thought that same thing about both names "Jack Twist and Ennis Del Marr". Both unusual and both unforgettable. I would love to know how she chose them.
In the survey I had to pick just one favorite character. I chose Jimmy Livingston. I am not sure if this is correct because I love all of Jake's characters. My favorite changes from one to another all the time. This is also true of my favorite Jake movie. I just saw City Slickers, he was so cute in this movie.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Italy
Age: 36
Sex: Female
Profession: Managment Assistant / Aged Classics Student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: January ´06
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Rock the vote
Greatest Achievement: Oscar nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
Cina, I thought that same thing about both names "Jack Twist and Ennis Del Marr". Both unusual and both unforgettable. I would love to know how she chose them.
@mpom: I know (Jack) Twist comes from the way rodeo cowboys use their legs to stay on the bull, and "Ennis del Mar" means "island in the sea" ("del Mar" is spanish I think, "ennis" I don't remember - greek perhaps??), and that is very suitable for the character of Ennis I think.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: China
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:Feb.2006
Favourite Film:Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character:Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause:Livestrong
Greatest Achievement:Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:IHJ
2nd Preference:Jake Watch
Service Type:Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: CHINA
Age: 24
Sex: male
Profession: electronic
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: February '06
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: swoff
Favourite Cause: Livestrong
Greatest Achievement: quality of filmography
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: BAIDU
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Ennis is Irish for island: "inis".
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Taiwan
Age: 40
Sex: female
Profession: publication
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: BBM release
Favourite Film: BBM
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Rock The Vote
Greatest Achievement: being able to stay down and low while he's so big and hot
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: what do you think? *blink blink* Jake Watch of course!
2nd Preference: IHeartJake
Frequency: daily+
Service Type: broadband
Oops - screwed mine up last night - I said Jake's greatest achievement was winning the "Best Leading Male Performance" BAFTA award. He'd probably be like, yeah, that *is* a great achievement, especially considering I wasn't even nominated for that one.
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA Best Supporting Male Performance award.
That's what I get for trying to be so specific. :\
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Profession: Student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2004
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: College Summit
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: None
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Profession: Student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2004
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: College Summit
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: None
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Location: Kentucky
Profession: Director of Sales
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2004
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nom
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Dave Cullen
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Ennis is Irish for island: "inis".
@dc/wft poster - thank you! I remember now that you said it. :)
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Sweden
Age: 35
Sex: Female
Profession: Logistics
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: March 2006
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Rock the vote
Greatest Achievement: Acting in BBM
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: DC Forums
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Don't mention it, Cina. I feel informative today. Did you know Florence Nightingale invented pie charts?!
If I'm not too late to select a cause, I'll go for NION.
I noticed people from China responding to this thread and I was curious to know whether it is mainland China.If it is, I wonder if there is some risk involved. Nevertheless, I am very moved by the number and variety of pple who support JW and most important, Jake!
Wicked here-
Section 1: Personal Details
Location:Washington, DC
Age:40 in 8 days :)
Profession:Forensic Social Worker
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:2001
Favourite Film:Brokeback
Favourite Character:Jack Twist
Favourite Cause:None, sorry I don't like Jake's causes, I support my own
Greatest Achievement:Performance in Brokeback
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:WFT
2nd Preference:IHJ
Frequency:More than daily
Service Type:Broadband, thank god
anon 2:03 PM said:
I noticed people from China responding to this thread and I was curious to know whether it is mainland China.If it is, I wonder if there is some risk involved.
I'm from Taiwan, not exactly China, but I lived there for some time and do have plenty of friends across the strait and know one or two things about them.. so I don't quite understand the question.. why risk? and what risk? Are you assuming there's some kind of censorship from the government or... else?
Anon 2:03 here. I recalled on a fansite I sometimes post to, that one respondent was from mainland China and relative to a film being discussed indicated that there was censorship and sometimes the internet posed a risk. I am not very familiar with all this so I just posed the question.
Well, so my professon is called "Legal Assistant" in English after all. And I was searching for the right translation in my dictionary like a crazy woman ready for the loony bin. The things you learn being a Jake fan. :)
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: UK
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Profession: Retail
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: Jan 06
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: Rock the vote
Greatest Achievement: Bafta win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: JW
2nd Preference: MySpace
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broardband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Iceland
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Profession: Administrative
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: October Sky
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Harold Dobbs
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Oscar nod
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: 4 - 6 times a week
Service Type: DSL
Hi, Anon 2:03,
Oh yeah there's censorship in China alright, but I think it's mostly on more sensitive issues, especially politics related. With Jake, I think their government at this point still feels safe as he seems pretty harmless, not like the likes of Tibet sympathizers such as Richard Gere. I remember several not too small scale coverages of Jake and his films on some of their magazines and newspapers, not to mention internet. So, yeah, I understand how mysterious China must have been to the western world. But on a large scale, they're just like the rest of the world, I mean, how can anyone resist charms like Jake's?
We're the world you know.. US or China or Tanzania. Really the world.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Finland
Age: 42
Sex: female
Profession: higher education
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: Sept '05
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Pilot
Favourite Cause: Future Forests
Greatest Achievement: getting on ice in Iqaluit, Nunavut
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: JW
2nd Preference: Wranglers
Frequency: daily
Service Type: dialup
OT: R.I.P. Max Clooney! Poor beast was only 19.
Section 1: Personal Details
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:2003
Favourite Film:Donnie Darko
Favourite Character:Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause:ACLU
Greatest Achievement:BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:JakeGyllenhaalrealm
2nd Preference:Jake Watch
Service Type:broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: UK
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Profession: Author and Publisher
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2004
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Living STRONG
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA win and OSCAR nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: JW
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: daily+
Service Type: Broadband
I feel unfaithful to Donnie darko now because he was the first Jake character that I loved, and I love TDAT's Wet Sam too. But has to be our Jack Twist...
Does the heart good to see us all here like this!
wow that is great! love the idea of a quiz like that. and every time i learnt that smn is male i made a huge gulp
i bet there are more of you over there! don't be shy to admit you love jake. everybody in their right mind do
OT: From 12/2/06: Jake meets Magic Johnson (AAAP?):
He likes his sports heroes I guess?
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Manchester UK
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Profession: Sales & Marketing
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2000
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: Live Journal
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: ADSL
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Germany
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Profession: Quality Engineer
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: April '06
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Future Forests
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website Preference: Dave Cullen Forum
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Thanks for the link to the pics, 7:28PM. Here is a more direct link to them. :)
And my info:
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: US
Age: 30-40
Sex: Female
Profession: Administrative
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: September '06
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination/BAFTA win.
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: London, UK
Age: 34
Sex: Female
Profession: HR
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2002
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Because I'm a brit - the BAFTA win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch (of course!)
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: daily
Service Type: broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Berlin, Germany
Age: 36
Sex: Female
Profession: Florist
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: Donnie Darko
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: MTv Movie Awards - Best Kiss
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: IHJ
2nd Preference: Elijah Meets Jake (my german fansite)
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
anon 7:40 Sure why not? As a Lakers fan, I also like Magic and would love to meet him one day.
Sorry the last link didn't work. Here is the link to the Jake/Magic Johnson pics.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Massachusetts
Age: 99
Sex: F
Profession: Legal
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 16 December, 2005
Favourite Film: BBM
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Livestrong
Greatest Achievement: Being able to look positively luminescent in nearly every single scene in BBM under the keen and loving eye of Director of Cinematography, Rodrigo Prieto.
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: DC
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: Hourly
Service Type: T1 and DSL
Jake looks so yummy in those pics from December 2!! I just wish they were a little bigger... Resizing them only made them blurry. :(
Also, howcome they haven't showed up at IHJ yet??
Jake looks so yummy in those pics from December 2!!
growing hair on his lovely face again :(. i bet he only does it to hide his beautiful dimples from me. naughty jake
Location: US
Age: 44
Sex: Female
Profession: Editor
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: September '05
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Performance in Jarhead
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: IHJ
2nd Preference: DC
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
growing hair on his lovely face again :(. i bet he only does it to hide his beautiful dimples from me. naughty jake
I must say that I really like him with facial hair. The only word I can come up with to describe him is just what I said - yummy!! He gets this cuddly, warm and fuzzy look when he's bearded. I mean, just LOOK at this picture!
*squeeee!!!* I go completely BANANAS from looking at it!
(And no, I'm not 14 as you can see further up in this thread.. lol!)
a nice pic of clean shaven jake that makes kaydee go bananas
btw, when i was looking for a pic of a smoking hot gyllenhaal without facial hair, i found that. beautiful and without a hairy face. perhaps i'm going to change the object of my obsession... :P
And here's a pic of classy, award-winning Jake that makes ME go bananas:
Of course, I love him with facial hair as well.
and i like that one. either he's looking at a chocolate cake or i was passing by...
That is a cute one - there are no pictures of him that I don't like, come to think of it! ;-)
ditto anon 10:42
Anon 9:32
Hat's off to you if so. At 62 I thought I was rather old to be a fan here. My goal is to see Jake at the top like Olivier. Hope I live that long.
9:36: Yeah, it's odd that IHJ doesn't have these up yet. Either Stephanie/Twilight is busy or maybe IHJ can't post Ramey pics. I know they can't post Wireimage and Filmagic pics.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: US
Age: 41
Sex: Female
Profession: Financial Analyst
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Poise under stress while simultaneously promoting BBM/filming Zodiac
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: JakeWatch
2nd Preference: IHJM
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Dialup
Oy, my bad, I just realized I have to amend my list, lol. I have been a fan since September 2005, not 2006.
IHJ has always posted Ramey pics in the past, and I'm sure they'll get these too. Steph probably just has the day off. ;-)
I met Magic once a long time ago at some benefit thingy and I am 5' tall and he seemed very enormously tall. He was friendly, down to earth, unpretentious. Very good natured and kind to people. Hope they can post larger pictures on IHJ, when they post them. Love the color of the shirt Jake's wearing.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Kansas, U.S.
Age: 45-55
Sex: Female
Profession: Creative Consultant
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Swoff
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: JakeWatch
2nd Preference: LJ - Wranglers
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
> Oh Em us aussies must stick together!!! there obviously isnt many of us!
It's nice to see another Aussie here, I wonder if the large European contingent is due to the Jake Watch style, or indicative of Jake fans in general...
What do you think, Britpop?
About posting from China (welcome, btw!), I wouldn't worry at all about government interference. The references to homosexuality here are not the focus, and mostly tongue-in-cheek.
Section 1: Personal Details
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:October '06
Favourite Film:Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character:Jack Twist
Favourite Cause:
Greatest Achievement:
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:
2nd Preference:
Service Type:
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Mexico
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Profession: Economist
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2002
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Future Forest
Greatest Achievement: The Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference:I heart Jake
Frequency: almost daily
Service Type: broadband
Mpom, loved Jimmy Livingston and Bubble Boy! I think Jake was absolutely outstanding as Jimmy, it gave so much to that character. The movie was badly misunderstood.
Maybe I am a bit deranged but I see a Borat-like vein of sarcasm in it.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Romania,Europe
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Profession: studying foreign languages and cultures
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: March 2006
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Future Forests
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: almost Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Em "It's nice to see another Aussie here, I wonder if the large European contingent is due to the Jake Watch style, or indicative of Jake fans in general..."
You know i rekon its got alot to do with the fact that Jake isnt on the front of every single gossip mag, that seems to be all aussies are interested in! haha No but really, i dont know what it is, i love the Jake watch style :) i think its great.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Italy
Age: 36
Sex: Female
Profession: Administrative
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: gen. 2006
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Nasty
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: DC
2nd Preference: JW
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Dialup
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: NC
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:Summer 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause:Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement:Oscar Nom
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:iheartjake
2nd Preference:jake watch
Service Type:broadband
section 1
Location: Norway
Age: 24
Sex: not enough....ok.. male
profession: student
section 2
fan since: 2003 (when i saw donnie darko)
favourite film: donnie darko
favourite character. jack twist
favourite cause: rock the vote
greatest achievement: bafta
section 3
website preference: jake watch
2nd preference: i heart jake
frequency: daily
service type. broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Sweden
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Profession: Film Studies Degree
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: February 2006
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I Heart Jake
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
loved Jimmy Livingston and Bubble Boy! I think Jake was absolutely outstanding as Jimmy, it gave so much to that character. The movie was badly misunderstood.
Maybe I am a bit deranged but I see a Borat-like vein of sarcasm in it.
I have read about Borat and da Ali G series but because I do not get HBO I have not seen it. Bubble Boy is so good and I see so much in it, I can't understand why others don't get it. I can tell, Jake gets it. His personal style with comedy and sarcasm is extraordinary. And I can never leave out his beautiful face. Is it possible that this man has it all? Seems so doesn't it?
Interesting article on filming in Morocco which includes "Rendition" and it's filming there.
"It's as safe a place as any," producer Steve Golin says. "It's a kingdom, and there's really really strong security there, and you feel safe."
Golin produced "Babel," about 60% of which was shot in Morocco, and is in production on "Rendition," a thriller about an extracted Muslim national starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon.
"Rendition" didn't go to Dubai because that Saudi peninsula country doesn't have the look of a typical Middle East country -- instead, it has an aura of blazing white, oil-rich modernity -- and Egypt was considered but eventually was thought of as "too dicey."
"Everybody is concerned about safety" when it comes to filming internationally, Golin says.
"Rendition" will be looking to shoot at a large prison and a university and is working out the logistics for a scene involving a bombing at a roundabout traffic circle.
^^Wow, how exciting! I just cannot wait to see this movie.
I think the Jake we see in Rendition will be unlike anything we've seen before!
Was watching some men doing crunches yesterday in the Gym Where Weightlifters Must Not Grunt Out Loud. And the effort & concentration was visible on each of their faces. Which makes me think that perhaps I should change Jake's "greatest achievement" from "Academy Award nomination" to "maintains extremely well-articulated abdominal muscles."
@Get Real - thanks for that article! Wow, I think I'm almost looking forward more to this movie than Zodiac! It sounds so great.
And yes anon 3:42, I agree that Rendition-Jake will probably be something we haven't seen before. HOW EXCITING!!
I should change Jake's "greatest achievement" from "Academy Award nomination" to "maintains extremely well-articulated abdominal muscles."
lol, NICE ANON! isn't that true...
and he also knows how to show them off to us fans
mpom and amerita...
I just love Jimmy Livingston, too. Jake has such an ability to become his characters, and yet what I love about this early turn is that we can see traces of the man to come...the sideways smile, a peek of The Tongue here and there...the ability he has to look directly into another person's soul...the crinkly eyes...the sadness in the bubble when Chloe leaves..the way he gets the silliness of the goes on and on.
I see hints of Jimmy in every role he has played since.
veeveevee, I agree.
I just love Jimmy Livingston, too. Jake has such an ability to become his characters, and yet what I love about this early turn is that we can see traces of the man to come...
He makes this same face in BBM when Loreen says "What ya waitin for the maten call" that I see in City Slickers, and he was just a little boy. I could go on and on but you know...
His talent is natural, not learned. He was born with it. Along with incredible good looks.
Mpom, I never seen Borat on HBO but I did see Borat the movie. It's the kind of sarcasm, parody some people get and laugh for hours other don't and walk out of the movie theater totally offended, for reasons similar to those that prompted people to say Bubble Boy was disrespectful of people who really have to leave in a bubble because of their disability ... which just mean they absolutely did NOT get the point. I could go on for days outlining the parallels between Borat and Bubble Boy because it really struck me, but I'll stop now. I just love Bubble Boy and the more I think about it the more it seems to me that it was the most difficult character Jake has played. If you watch the making of bubble boy and the commitment Jake has in wearing and adapting to that bubble suite ... it's a jem. And yes he looks awfully cute in it, in spite of that crazy hairstyle.
i've just had an incredible mental image that i just have to share with the impatient world:
in my mind's eye i saw BPB cracking her whip and daying "my name is baby. britpopbaby."
now i know i'm deranged...
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Washington, DC, USA
Profession:Contracts Manager
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2004-2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Environment
Greatest Achievement:Professional -BAFTA win/Oscar Nomination / Personal - Cool, Confident, Smart, Funny, Family-loving, Seems like a good friend, who doesn't seem to be falling in with Hollywood trash.
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Tied: Jake Watch / Jake Weird / I Heart Jake
2nd Preference:
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband and Dial-up
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Maryland (USA)
Profession: Middle School Student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: October Sky /Bubble Boy
Favourite Character: Homer Hickam/ Jimmy Livingtson
Favourite Cause: Being a godfather
Greatest Achievement: People's Sexiest Men
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference:
Frequency: Weekly
Service Type: Dial-up
I've got to say that all of the causes that Jake is involved in are very important - FutureForests, Rock the Vote, NION, ACLU, LiveStrong, AnimalAdvocacy - I wish I could choose them all. Besides being one of the most physcially beautiful men I have ever seen, he's one of the most beautiful inside as well.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location:The Netherlands
Profession:Make-up artist
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:2005
Favourite Film:Jarhead
Favourite Character:Donnie Darko
Favourite Cause:Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement:Keeping Robert Downey Jr. on track
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:Jakewatch
2nd Preference:IHJ
Service Type:Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Finland
Age: 26
Sex: female
Profession: PR
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Rock the vote
Greatest Achievement: Bafta win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: I heart Jake
Frequency: daily
Service Type: broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: New Jersey
Profession:speech therapist
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: Jarhead
Favourite Character: Swoff
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: oscar nom
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: jakewatch
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: daily
Service Type: broadband
I think my favorite answers thus far for Greatest Achievement are, in order, "Birth" and "Yet to come." Couldn't agree more.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Florida, US
Age: Fortysomething
Sex: Female
Profession: Software Analyzing Goddess
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: May 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: See above. After that, His BAFTA win. Screw the Oscars, anyway.
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: BetterMost
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
L San Antonio US
A 59
P Teacher
F Since Feb 06
F Jack F Twist
Cause I love him
A Acad Award Nom
1 Jakewatch
2 Dave Cullen
2X Daily
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Finland
Age: 34
Sex: Female
Profession: Translator
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: BBM
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA 2006
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: DC Forum
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily, several times
Service Type: Broadband - Bed and Breakfast
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Section 1: Personal Details
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:April 2006
Favourite Film:Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character:Jack Twist
Favourite Cause:ACLU
Greatest Achievement:Bafta/ Being the inspiration for JakeWatch
Section 3: Internet Details
2nd Preference:jakewatch
Service Type:Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Profession: College student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: Sometime in 2002
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Holden in The Good Girl
Favourite Cause: Livestrong
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nod
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: Weekly
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Texas, US
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Profession: Student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 12/05
Favourite Film: Jarhead
Favourite Character: Swoff
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Oscar nod
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IHJ
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: US
Age: 44
Sex: Female
Profession: Training/eLearning Consultant
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2004
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jake Twist
Favourite Cause: Rock The Vote
Greatest Achievement: Bafta Win
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IHeartJake
Frequency: Daily+
Service Type: Broadband
It's nice to see another Aussie here, I wonder if the large European contingent is due to the Jake Watch style, or indicative of Jake fans in general...
What do you think, Britpop?
As much as I'd love to claim that Jake Watch has such universial appeal, I think Jake helps us out a lot on that front. I think it's got more to do with the rise of the internet than anything though - anyone, anywhere can find out anything they want.
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: California
Profession: Computer analyst
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: December, 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: ACLU
Greatest Achievement: Yet to come I am sure but BAFTA so far
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: DC
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: daily
Service Type: Broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Midwest, US
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Profession: Professor/Medical Researcher
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: April '06
Favourite Film: Jarhead
Favourite Character: Swoff
Favourite Cause: Rock the vote
Greatest Achievement: Oscar nod
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: IHJ
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily, if not traveling for work
Service Type: DSL - Seniors Travel
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Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Brazil
Age: 26
Sex: female
Profession: student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2005
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Livestrong
Greatest Achievement: Bafta
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Watch
2nd Preference: IheartJake
Frequency: Once a week
Service Type: broadband
Section 1: Personal Details
Location:New York
Profession:Student (part time babysitter)
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since:May
Favourite Film:Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character:Jack Nasty
Favourite Cause:Livestrong
Greatest Achievement:Teen People's #2 Sexiest Man Alive (Should have been #1!)
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference:Jake Watch
2nd Preference:You Tube
Service Type:Wireless Connection - free places
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Section 1: Personal Details
Location: London, UK.
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Profession: Student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: August, 2005.
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jack Twist
Favourite Cause: Caring in general
Greatest Achievement: BAFTA win.
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: Jake Weird
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Jake Weird (once every 2 days), Jake Watch (once a week)
Service Type: Broadband
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Section 1: Personal Details
Location: Brazil
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Profession: Student
Section 2: Jake Details
Fan since: 2006
Favourite Film: Brokeback Mountain
Favourite Character: Jarhead
Favourite Cause: Rock the Vote
Greatest Achievement: Oscar Nomination
Section 3: Internet Details
Website preference: IHJ
2nd Preference: Jake Watch
Frequency: Daily
Service Type: Broadband
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